SEALs slam Obama for taking credit for bin Laden

what exactly is it you 'thought so'? You ask a question and expect an answer before you even finish posting, then when 'thought so' when it doesn't come ? Are you high?

You simply don't diss ANY president while on active duty. Once you're discharged, it's open season.

Funny, while Bush was president the media featured only soldiers and officers that were critical of Bush.

You people live in a cartoon world.

Oh.......WE live in a cartoon.

You must have a short memory.
what exactly is it you 'thought so'? You ask a question and expect an answer before you even finish posting, then when 'thought so' when it doesn't come ? Are you high?

You simply don't diss ANY president while on active duty. Once you're discharged, it's open season.

Funny, while Bush was president the media featured only soldiers and officers that were critical of Bush.

the same rules should have applied to them as well. perhaps the Republican leader ship was a little less sensitive to criticism.

Bush refused to expose the lies of his critics. It was one of the major beefs Repug congressional members had with him.

Turns out Nancy Pelosi was lying about being briefed on enhanced interrogation technics before they were used and while they were being used.

Last night and this morning Jose Rodriquez said he personally briefed her.
Sniper we must have been posting this at the same time. Your posts is 8:39 and mine is 8:38.

That's because you all get the talking points sent to you at the same time, from yack central.

Actually, dumb dumb, I was watching TV, but had my computer page open to Drudge when it suddenly refreshed and there was the flashing icon for breaking news, so I clicked on it, and there was the headline about this.

If we had followed the GOP policy Bin laden would still be alive.In 2008 Romney said he would not go into Pakistan to kill Bin laden.


Osama bin Laden would not have killed if it were not for the initial information we got from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed after he was waterboarded.

Obama does not capture the terrorists... he kills them. Guess thats a good thing :dunno:

ROTFL Khalid Sheikh Mohammed had nothign to do with finding Bin Laden. Next time you decide to amke shit up at least put some effort into making it not totally bogus

According to one of the CIA officers, who just wrote a book, claims that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed gave them information about the courier, but not because he gave them information. To the contrary, he told them he never heard of the guy, and then communicated to the rest of al Qaeda in the prison to shut up about the man. Waterboarding had nothing to do with this.
SEALs slam Obama for using them as 'ammunition' in bid to take credit for bin Laden killing during election campaign

Serving and former US Navy SEALs have slammed President Barack Obama for taking the credit for killing Osama bin Laden and accused him of using Special Forces operators as ‘ammunition’ for his re-election campaign.

The SEALs spoke out to MailOnline after the Obama campaign released an ad entitled ‘One Chance’.

In it President Bill Clinton is featured saying that Mr Obama took ‘the harder and the more honourable path’ in ordering that bin Laden be killed. The words ‘Which path would Mitt Romney have taken?’ are then displayed.

Besides the ad, the White House is marking the first anniversary of the SEAL Team Six raid that killed bin Laden inside his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan with a series of briefings and an NBC interview in the Situation Room designed to highlight the ‘gutsy call’ made by the President.

Video at same link.

SEALs slam Obama for using them as 'ammunition' in bid to take credit for bin Laden killing during election campaign | Mail Online

All I can say is BRAVO! :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:Bravo!

IF the mission had failed, who would have gotten the blame: Obama or SEALS...?


My guess is, he would have blamed Bush!

If we had followed the GOP policy would still be alve.In 200 Romney said he would not go into Pakistan to kill Bin laden.

That's a load of bull!

Romney: "Of course" I would have attacked bin Laden - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
Are you really so stupid that you think the year 2012 came before the year 2008. In 2008 Romney and all republicans said they would not go into Pakistan to kill Bin laden they even bashed Obama for disagreeing with them

I see so Bush and the GOP failing in Afghanistan is now a good thing

ANALYSIS: Bush's Lackluster Hunt For Bin Laden | ThinkProgress
^In 2002 Bush gave up looking for Osama Bin Laden.

Barney Frank On Cantor Crediting Bush For Killing Bin Laden: 'That's Just Sad' | ThinkProgress
^Bin Laden’s death puts credence to Obama’s stragedy of dealing with Afghanistan/Pakistan and not putting all attention and resources into Iraq.
^By 2006 the trail for Osama Bin laden was nonexistent and we had no clue where he was.
^In 2002 the Bush administration refused to send reinforcements to help in the Tora Bora caves, despite the fact that there were reinforcements and aid just sitting idle.
^Torture procedures failed to provide any useful information.

If Obama had, had his way, OBL would have never been found, because he wanted to stop water boarding during the Bush admin.
Lets see in 6 years Bush lost all trace of Bin Laden while in 3 years Obama killed the man
Sorry, what you are saying is nothing more than a liberal talking point, and a false one at that.
Try again.
I do realize that reality is a liberal talking point.
Come back when you aren't a retard

Your evidence is a liberal opinion piece and something Bwaney Fwank said??????

'nuff said

teapeespamaroid applauds traitorous behavior. How unsurprising.

I doubt any SEALS did such a thing as they tend to be professional and loyal to the USA.
BREAKING! SEALs slam Obama for using them in bid to take credit for OBL killing

Breaking! Conservative patriots still whining about Obama getting OBL!

I think we see who's whining. And I also see the hypocrites.

Liberals had a fit any time Bush even mentioned 9/11. "He's using 9/11 again!:mad:"

But now it's okay for Obama to use OBL?

Hypocrisy thy name is liberal!



Osama bin Laden would not have killed if it were not for the initial information we got from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed after he was waterboarded.

Obama does not capture the terrorists... he kills them. Guess thats a good thing :dunno:

ROTFL Khalid Sheikh Mohammed had nothign to do with finding Bin Laden. Next time you decide to amke shit up at least put some effort into making it not totally bogus

According to one of the CIA officers, who just wrote a book, claims that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed gave them information about the courier, but not because he gave them information. To the contrary, he told them he never heard of the guy, and then communicated to the rest of al Qaeda in the prison to shut up about the man. Waterboarding had nothing to do with this.

Well, if we had used a drone to kill KSM we never would have even known that.

Some people think any form of inducement of any kind, any manner of making these folks uncomfortable is out of bounds.

Yet they cheer when we put holes in them or turn them into a grease-spot.
McCain wouldn't have gone after Bin Laden without telling the Pakistanis first.

Obama, on the other hand, strikes countries that didn't attack us, AFTER campaigning in 2008 promising to end military actions against countries...that didnt' attack us. Hmmm.

I'd settle for Obama just coming out and saying "After 4 years, I realized how many issues I was wrong about, and couldn't have been right until knowing all I know now." I'd respect that.

I dislike Obama and his policies and actions as much as the next guy... but you SURE you want to go there???

Ah, I see that you saw what I saw. :lol::lol::lol:
Obama, on the other hand, strikes countries that didn't attack us, AFTER campaigning in 2008 promising to end military actions against countries...that didnt' attack us. Hmmm.

I'd settle for Obama just coming out and saying "After 4 years, I realized how many issues I was wrong about, and couldn't have been right until knowing all I know now." I'd respect that.

I dislike Obama and his policies and actions as much as the next guy... but you SURE you want to go there???

Ah, I see that you saw what I saw. :lol::lol::lol:

Well this is NYC after the Bin Laden killing.

[ame=]Time Square party for Osama Bin Laden death - New York 10 - YouTube[/ame]

This is a right wing hero doing the talking points.

[ame=]Obama Didn't Kill Osama Bin Laden! Donald Trump Interview pt.2 - YouTube[/ame]
Donald Trump owns part of NBC and MSNBC. He's a liberal and always was a liberal. Anything he says is on him, not onthe GOP.

Own? Well no. He has no say in the programming. Unlike the Saudis and FOX.

And he was a serious contender for the Presidency on the GOP ticket..not to long ago.

So yeah..he speaks for the right. Birtherism and all.
[ame=]Mitt Romney - I Like Firing People - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Donald Trump - 'Your Fired' remix - YouTube[/ame]

Birds of a feather..
Donald Trump owns part of NBC and MSNBC. He's a liberal and always was a liberal. Anything he says is on him, not onthe GOP.

Own? Well no. He has no say in the programming. Unlike the Saudis and FOX.

And he was a serious contender for the Presidency on the GOP ticket..not to long ago.

So yeah..he speaks for the right. Birtherism and all.

He speaks for himself. He's a RINO.

He's part owner of Obama's favorite newsstation.

I wouldn't be surprised if Obama asked him to raise a stink over his BC.
Donald Trump owns part of NBC and MSNBC. He's a liberal and always was a liberal. Anything he says is on him, not onthe GOP.

Own? Well no. He has no say in the programming. Unlike the Saudis and FOX.

And he was a serious contender for the Presidency on the GOP ticket..not to long ago.

So yeah..he speaks for the right. Birtherism and all.

He speaks for himself. He's a RINO.

He's part owner of Obama's favorite newsstation.

I wouldn't be surprised if Obama asked him to raise a stink over his BC.

Link he's an owner..or has any influence with the way they this..

Conservative Activists Rebel Against Fox News: Saudi Ownership Is 'Really Dangerous For America' | ThinkProgress

Last weekend, at the right-wing Constitutional Coalition’s annual conference in St. Louis, Joseph Farah, publisher of the far right WorldNetDaily, blasted Fox News for its relationship with Alwaleed. Farah noted correctly that Alwaleed had boasted in the past about forcing Fox News to change its content relating to its coverage of riots in Paris, and warned that such foreign ownership of American media is “really dangerous.” ThinkProgress was at the speech and observed attendees of the conference murmuring and shaking their heads in disapproval:

FARAH: There’s a flaw, a real compromise in Fox that you need to understand. And if you care about national security, you especially need to be attentive to it. And that is that Fox News parent company is News Corp has a significant ownership by a Saudi prince that many of you will be familiar with because right after 9/11 this prince very famously offered Rudolph Giuliani a big multi-million dollar check to rebuild and Giuliani told him to stick the check where the sun don’t shine because this guy was basically blaming America for what happened on 9/11. Well this guy owns a very significant percentage of the News Corp and has let the world know that he can get things taken off Fox News when he finds them objectionable and has in the past. And I really believe this is really dangerous for America.

And the Bishop met with Trump:

[ame=]FIRST ON FOX: Donald Trump's Meeting With Mitt Romney - YouTube[/ame]

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