Sean Hannity close friend, Hal Turner could get 10 years in prison

I can't help but wondering if the people who are getting all hinky about Sean Hannity's knowing this guy will now condemn Obama for his long term friendships or followships with Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright, Tony Rezko, and Louis Farrakhan.

deflection North Bergen shock jock Hal Turner insists he never threatened judges

Turner is accused of threatening to assault or murder three Chicago federal appeals court judges with the intent to intimidate or retaliate against them for upholding a municipal gun ban.

The charge is based on a pair of postings Turner made on his radio network blog last June, in which he said the judges “deserved to be killed” and published their photos and courthouse addresses. He could face up to 10 years in prison if convicted.


Now this is where it gets interesting:


Turner, who built an audience of neo-Nazis and white supremacists, testified Wednesday that the FBI recruited him in 2003 to gather intelligence on extremist groups. Code-named Valhalla, he said he was paid more than $100,000 over five years and coached on how to make violent statements that would not violate the law.

Quoting from Turner’s commentaries, Hogan noted the talk-radio host regularly used highly offensive and racist language in attacks on ethnic, religious and racial groups and periodically targeted judges, saying things such as he didn’t believe that killing a judge would be wrong.


Judges testify against shock jock Harold (Hal) Turner's 'death' rant over upholding of handgun ban

Three federal judges from Chicago testified they felt threatened by the rants of a radio shock jock who said they "deserved to die" for upholding a ban on handguns.

Turner's blog also contained the judges' photos, the address of the courthouse and a map showing the building location.


YouTube - Hannity: Exposing Evidence Obama Unpatriotic

The letter at the end is from Hal Turner and shows his great disappointment that Sean Hannity would pretend to not know him.


Hannity fought his dismissal with the help of the Santa Barbara ACLU (I love this sentence)



So far, Sean Hannity has refused to comment on his close friend's trial. Sean knows all about "guild by association" and he is very closely associated with Hal Turner.

your messiah's bestest buddy bombed federal buildings, that didn't strike you as interesting. cwazy libwal.

I can't help but wondering if the people who are getting all hinky about Sean Hannity's knowing this guy will now condemn Obama for his long term friendships or followships with Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright, Tony Rezko, and Louis Farrakhan.

It didn't matter then and certainly doesn't now. Obama is and ALWAYS has been a SUBVERSIVE.

this is pretty lame honestly. if people wanted to group hannity with terrorists and traitors they just have to look at oliver north
When you have "evidence", you don't need "logic".

Besides, what's "logic" to someone on the right? To them, it's a meaningless concept. Like, why would Obama want to destroy America when he has two daughters he wants to grow up in a safe and strong country? Or, how could Bush cut taxes to the tune of 1.8 trillion dollars, run two wars - neither of which he ever included in his budgets, and the right blames skyrocketing deficits on Obama?

You see, the "right" and "logic" is an oxymoron.

Oh really? Well that's new. You can through out logic if you have "evidence". It's good to better understand where you're coming from. However, evidence is pretty much useless if you dont have some way to interpret it. Logic is the how we draw conclusions from evidence.

Obama wants to destroy America because he hates capitalism, freedom, and everything it stands for. He thinks we are a nation guilty of some grevious sins by promoting freedom at home and abroad. So he thinks he can remake our nation in his image. And he wouldnt be too worried about his children growing up safe and strong, because he will conclude that as long as he and his socialist buddies are in power they will be safe no matter what happens. You'd be surprised how hubris effects those in power. At least you would if you had any concept what it is.

Deficits have been skyrocketing for decades. But youve got to be a complete partisan hack to refuse to see that Obama's deficits have skyrocketed even past what our previous Presidents even dreamed of.

Oh and tax cuts dont create deficits. Spending does. So how exactly is Obama going to decrease the deficits when he is spending tons more money? And why do you seem to think you can excuse his bad behavior by pointing to the bad behavior of others? You see, unlike you the rest of us arent partisan hacks. We were speaking out when Bush was spending through the roof too. So please stop trying to pretend that because Bush overspent, that Obama can spend 3 times as much.

Evidence, like a 1.8 trillion dollar tax cut and two wars? Is that evidence?
The article below was written all the back in 2008. So, 1.3 trillion plus 1.8 trillion in tax cuts (more than half going to the top 5% of Americans - see how well THAT worked out) is 3.1 TRILLION. And that's before Obama took office.

The $1 Trillion Bill for Bush's War on Terror - TIME

Sifting through Pentagon data, the CSBA study breaks down the total costs of the war on terrorism as $687 billion for Iraq, $184 billion for Afghanistan and $33 billion for homeland security. By 2018, depending on how many U.S. troops remain in Afghanistan and Iraq, the total cost is projected to likely be between $1.3 trillion and $1.7 trillion. On the safe assumption that the wars are being waged with borrowed money, interest payments raise the cost by an additional $600 billion through 2018.

Shortly before the Iraq war began, White House economic adviser Larry Lindsey earned a rebuke from within the Administration when he said the war could cost as much as $200 billion. "It's not knowable what a war or conflict like that would cost," Defense Secretary Don Rumsfeld said. "You don't know if it's going to last two days or two weeks or two months. It certainly isn't going to last two years."


You know, I always thought you were a little bit of a loon, but looking at what you wrote, that's an insult to "loons" everywhere. You are most definitely a right wing wacko.
Doesn't Hannity condemn people for any acquaintances they have or have had?

well, I should have asked if he did so to those he considers enemies. which is over half of the population of America
I feel the same way, olbermann and hannity are just nasty shmucks

Well hell, if he's a friend of Sean's, I suppose Sean should go to jail as well!

I mean really, who gives a flying fuck? This all you have to worry about?

Oooo... He's sooo bad... Oooo.

Grow the fuck up. There are bigger things to worry about in this country.

You think Hannity is a douche? Guess what, so do I. You know what I do? I pay zero attention to him. It works out pretty well.

How do you feel about Olbermann? I suppose you dig his rap.

He's another douche.

You know what they have in common? They both want to keep the people of this country divided. This way they both get to keep their jobs while the rest of us get screwed. The same holds true for our feckless leaders in Washington. They are feckless by choice. They choose to accomplish nothing, they choose to fix nothing. It's how they keep their jobs, their power, and their money.

Fuck it. I don't know why I bother.
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Anybody following Glenn is walking off a cliff. That was the problem with the followers of Cleon Skousen and the John Burch Society: they react instead of act.

I wonder if Beck will apostasize from his religious faith. An LDS friend told me some time ago that he was counseled by LDS leaders that affiliation with far right or far left kook causes (the JBS was one of them mentioned) was an important step to apostasy. Have any of you LDS ever heard of this?

And this has to do with Hannity because....?
Anybody following Glenn is walking off a cliff. That was the problem with the followers of Cleon Skousen and the John Burch Society: they react instead of act.

I wonder if Beck will apostasize from his religious faith. An LDS friend told me some time ago that he was counseled by LDS leaders that affiliation with far right or far left kook causes (the JBS was one of them mentioned) was an important step to apostasy. Have any of you LDS ever heard of this?
What is wrong with Cleon Skousen ?
I for one am totally shocked that this could happen in the state of New Jersey. The horror of it think any one of our honest citizens would threaten our honest judges.
Is hal turner that bible prophecy guy?

No, Hal Turner is a racist who says he is recovered from "homosexual" experiences who thinks black are dirty diseased animals and lots more along those lines.

I wonder if he was a top or a bottom? Or maybe he just wore a "bib".
The John Birch Society is a far right,[1] Americentric political advocacy group that supports anti-communism, limited government, and what it considers to be personal freedom.[2] It has been also described by various sources as an "ultraconservative",[3] "radical right",[4] and "extremist" institution,[5] and by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a part of the Patriot Movement.

It was founded in 1958 by Robert W. Welch Jr. in Indianapolis, Indiana, and it was named after John Birch—a United States military intelligence officer and Baptist missionary in World War II—who was killed in 1945 by supporters of the Communist Party of China.[6] Birch's parents joined the society as life members.[7] Currently headquartered in Appleton, Wisconsin, the society has local chapters in all 50 states. It owns American Opinion Publishing, which publishes the journal The New American.[8]

John Birch Society - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anybody following Glenn is walking off a cliff. That was the problem with the followers of Cleon Skousen and the John Burch Society: they react instead of act.

I wonder if Beck will apostasize from his religious faith. An LDS friend told me some time ago that he was counseled by LDS leaders that affiliation with far right or far left kook causes (the JBS was one of them mentioned) was an important step to apostasy. Have any of you LDS ever heard of this?
What is wrong with Cleon Skousen ?

Very little right about the guy. He used to claim he was a FBI field agent. He was a clerk. Later he would be a police chief and a BYU professor, talking very wierdly about communism. He was a nutter, and Glenn pushes CS's books.
Anybody following Glenn is walking off a cliff. That was the problem with the followers of Cleon Skousen and the John Burch Society: they react instead of act.

I wonder if Beck will apostasize from his religious faith. An LDS friend told me some time ago that he was counseled by LDS leaders that affiliation with far right or far left kook causes (the JBS was one of them mentioned) was an important step to apostasy. Have any of you LDS ever heard of this?

And this has to do with Hannity because....?

Because they are "close friends". In Hannity's world, you are guilty of every sin every person you ever met committed.
Anybody following Glenn is walking off a cliff. That was the problem with the followers of Cleon Skousen and the John Burch Society: they react instead of act.

I wonder if Beck will apostasize from his religious faith. An LDS friend told me some time ago that he was counseled by LDS leaders that affiliation with far right or far left kook causes (the JBS was one of them mentioned) was an important step to apostasy. Have any of you LDS ever heard of this?

And this has to do with Hannity because....?

Because they are "close friends". In Hannity's world, you are guilty of every sin every person you ever met committed.

there is no god....problem solved......
Anybody following Glenn is walking off a cliff. That was the problem with the followers of Cleon Skousen and the John Burch Society: they react instead of act.

I wonder if Beck will apostasize from his religious faith. An LDS friend told me some time ago that he was counseled by LDS leaders that affiliation with far right or far left kook causes (the JBS was one of them mentioned) was an important step to apostasy. Have any of you LDS ever heard of this?
What is wrong with Cleon Skousen ?

Very little right about the guy. He used to claim he was a FBI field agent. He was a clerk. Later he would be a police chief and a BYU professor, talking very wierdly about communism. He was a nutter, and Glenn pushes CS's books.
Get yourself some help

About the Author:
Skousen authored The Naked Communist and was the source of the publication "1963 Communist Goals" list. He later wrote a follow-up, The Naked Capitalist, based on Carroll Quigley's assertions made in the books Tragedy and Hope and The Anglo-American Establishment, which claimed that top Western merchant bankers, industrialists and related institutions were behind the rise of Communism and Fascism around the world.
In June 1935, immediately after graduating from San Bernardino Valley Jr. College, where he served as Student Body President, Skousen began working for the Agricultural Adjustment Administration. This led into a career with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) the following year, which lasted until 1951.

Skousen attended George Washington University Law School, graduating with an LL.B. in June 1940. He had already passed the Washington, D.C., Bar Exam. In 1972, recognizing the sufficiency of his law school studies more than 30 years earlier, his law degree was upgraded to Juris Doctor (J.D.).

After the American election of 1980, Skousen was appointed to the Council for National Policy, a think tank of influential politicians, scholars and academics that lent support and advice to President Ronald Reagan-s administration. Among the many solutions Skousen proposed included suggested programs to convert the Social Security system to private retirement accounts and a plan to completely wipe out the national debt. Skousen was never a tax protestor but campaigned for several proposals to eliminate the federal income tax, including the famous Liberty Amendment, which among other things, would return federally owned land to the states and preclude the federal government.
Oh, Mr. F likes playing games. Was it Skousen or Skousen's master at JBS that called Eisenhower a willing communist dupe? I bet you know who it was.

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