Sean Hannity Flips On Immigration Reform, Now Supports Pathway To Citizenship

Sean Hannity Flips On Immigration Reform, Now Supports Pathway To Citizenship

One day after the GOP suffered a crushing presidential defeat that spotlighted the party's unpopularity with Latino voters, Fox News star Sean Hannity announced that his position on undocumented immigrants had "evolved" and that he now supports a pathway to citizenship.


He got the memo. I cant wait to hear Rush and Beck saying the same damn thing. Wait for it. Its like clockwork. First they say dems are all about class warfare, then the memo came out that we are all about handouts, now the memo is out to win Latino votes. They are FUCKING SHEEPLE.
Sean Hannity Flips On Immigration Reform, Now Supports Pathway To Citizenship

One day after the GOP suffered a crushing presidential defeat that spotlighted the party's unpopularity with Latino voters, Fox News star Sean Hannity announced that his position on undocumented immigrants had "evolved" and that he now supports a pathway to citizenship.


He got the memo. I cant wait to hear Rush and Beck saying the same damn thing. Wait for it. Its like clockwork. First they say dems are all about class warfare, then the memo came out that we are all about handouts, now the memo is out to win Latino votes. They are FUCKING SHEEPLE.

and in the other pasture you see the other sheep.....
If Hannity is trying to encourage cooperation on immigration reform, then good for him. I really don't care if it's an obvious ploy for votes or not. If liberals want to ridicule him for it, it just shows that they're no less divisive than they accuse conservatives of being. I'm tired of this crippling division and would welcome a bit more "unity" in the United States, and I don't care much where it comes from.
If Hannity is trying to encourage cooperation on immigration reform, then good for him. I really don't care if it's an obvious ploy for votes or not. If liberals want to ridicule him for it, it just shows that they're no less divisive than they accuse conservatives of being. I'm tired of this crippling division and would welcome a bit more "unity" in the United States, and I don't care much where it comes from.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
The issue is settled. End of story.

The issue now is merely the mechanics of how the reform will be enacted.
The issue is settled. End of story.

The issue now is merely the mechanics of how the reform will be enacted.

I agree that it's pretty much inevitable that this point. What's so sad is that it took a bitter defeat to force the GOP to possibly drop partisan posturing in favor of a cooperative and potentially positive exchange in the Senate.
The question is whether Soros is still financing the entire Media Matters army which is dedicated to nit-pick only conservative speech. Why does Hannity fascinate and anger the left so much? Dan Rather should be in federal prison for trying to influence a presidential election with forged documents but the left wing still chips in about 20 grand to hear the fool speak.
Step off, whitehall, for a poor and unsuccessful diversion.

To listen to Hannitty is to increase one's insanity.
Step off, whitehall, for a poor and unsuccessful diversion.

To listen to Hannitty is to increase one's insanity.

Hardly a diversion but a serious look into the mind of the radical hate filled leftie. Personally I couldn't care less if tingle Matthews changed his viewpoint on anything but lefties seem to be fixated on Hannity for reasons that are not healthy.
I liked Sean until he went insane over Abu Graib. Only Beck, of all people, called the government out on it the next day after it was reported. I have no use for an antiAmerican-value guy like Sean.
The vote is turning into a "popularity contest". Who likes who (or what group of people is hated the least). It is extremely sad to watch this great nation that used Christian/Judeo values with the the freedom to choose how they would be governed turn into a cliquish (so high school), divided country. Where "individual" rights were the main focus, it is now, how do we "elevate" what we get over those other cliques. Instead of discussing the Bill of Rights for every person, there is now people trying to eliminate some of those rights based on sex, color of skin, religion, sexual preference, even political party. Those that believe if they vote with the popular "clique" (to "fit in"), ignore history; as soon as their "clique" gains power over others, they will be eliminated, because they ARE different.

Illegals are doing the same thing. They are being "led" to demand more for themselves at the expense of citizens. Once they gain more power, "citizens" will be "punished" (revenge) for all the imagined wrong doings of the past. Since illegals have already proven they have no respect for the law, why would anyone think they would become "good citizens" if granted "pardon"?
logical4u is acting as if the elections at one time were never a popularity contest.

Hint: elections are about the popularity of a candidate and the issues.

Hint: Romney turned out to be the more unpopular candidate.

I am thrilled that Romney is willingly and voluntarily repeating his 47% comments, doing it on purpose to his own discredit by an unaware citizenry, so he can be a cheap punching bag for the Jindall et al crowd so they can distance themselves from losing GOP points as early as possible.
Republican's will change their platform but will the tea party come along with them or break off?

Indeed this is actually the significant issue.

As the Dem-Lite party seeks to be less conservative, what might replace it?

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