Sean Hannity having Gavin Newsom on as a guest.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
First, I absolutely detest Gavin Newsom in every sense of the word, however; I give him credit for going on Sean Hannity's show for a debate. While FAUX News is moving further and further left under the leadership (If you want to call it that) of tweedledumber and tweedledumbest also known as Rupert Murdoch's two imbecile sons, Newsom still went on Hannity's show before the Murdochs move FAUX to the left of CNN.

How did Newsom do? I felt he was given some questions to prepare for the showdown, but when Hannity and Newsom really got into it, Hannity did throw in some off script question and Newsom was rattled. However, I do feel Newsom did a better than expected to even somewhat good during the debate with Hannity. I give Newsom credit for owning up to some, but clearly not all of his mistakes, and he even gave Trump credit for how well they worked together during Covid.

The big thing I noticed is that Newsom is used to intimidating his opposition - even leaning forward and staring them down. He did a great job against the complete and total useless idiot he ran against for governor in the previous election. Newsom mopped the floor with him, but then that guy, I can't even remember his name was perhaps that absolute dumbest person ever to run for governor. Newsom never intimidated Hannity, and as the debate went on and on, you could see Newsom getting frustrated and leaning further back in his chair - the body language was quite telling, and Hannity was intimidating him several times. Is this bad, temporarily yes, but not for the long term. In the next paragraph I will state why.

Newsom is smart, he got grilled pretty good by Hannity, he will learn from it. While I do NOT want to see Newsom use this experience as a way to improve himself and his presentation, he is smart and he will improve from it. In conclusion, as much as I hate to say it, while Newsom has rough edges to smooth out, he did come off as presidential. I would never vote for him, however, he is someone to take seriously if he enters the race for the democrats. If the democrats allow debates, Newsom will destroy Biden in a debate, but I do believe RFK Jr would cause a lot of problems for Newsom. Newsom is just way too far left, as where RFK is not only highly intelligent as well, but far more moderate and appealing.

In a presidential election if Newsom is the nominee, I do not believe Newsom could defeat Donald Trump. If it is DeSantis vs Newsom - I have no idea who would win that one. If it is Newsom vs Asshole Hutchinson or that disgusting fat slob Chris Christie - Newsom might even win Texas and would easily get 400+ electoral votes.

In conclusion, I again state that I detest Newsom, but if he enters the presidential race, the man is a serious contender.
First, I absolutely detest Gavin Newsom in every sense of the word, however; I give him credit for going on Sean Hannity's show for a debate. While FAUX News is moving further and further left under the leadership (If you want to call it that) of tweedledumber and tweedledumbest also known as Rupert Murdoch's two imbecile sons, Newsom still went on Hannity's show before the Murdochs move FAUX to the left of CNN.

How did Newsom do? I felt he was given some questions to prepare for the showdown, but when Hannity and Newsom really got into it, Hannity did throw in some off script question and Newsom was rattled. However, I do feel Newsom did a better than expected to even somewhat good during the debate with Hannity. I give Newsom credit for owning up to some, but clearly not all of his mistakes, and he even gave Trump credit for how well they worked together during Covid.

The big thing I noticed is that Newsom is used to intimidating his opposition - even leaning forward and staring them down. He did a great job against the complete and total useless idiot he ran against for governor in the previous election. Newsom mopped the floor with him, but then that guy, I can't even remember his name was perhaps that absolute dumbest person ever to run for governor. Newsom never intimidated Hannity, and as the debate went on and on, you could see Newsom getting frustrated and leaning further back in his chair - the body language was quite telling, and Hannity was intimidating him several times. Is this bad, temporarily yes, but not for the long term. In the next paragraph I will state why.

Newsom is smart, he got grilled pretty good by Hannity, he will learn from it. While I do NOT want to see Newsom use this experience as a way to improve himself and his presentation, he is smart and he will improve from it. In conclusion, as much as I hate to say it, while Newsom has rough edges to smooth out, he did come off as presidential. I would never vote for him, however, he is someone to take seriously if he enters the race for the democrats. If the democrats allow debates, Newsom will destroy Biden in a debate, but I do believe RFK Jr would cause a lot of problems for Newsom. Newsom is just way too far left, as where RFK is not only highly intelligent as well, but far more moderate and appealing.

In a presidential election if Newsom is the nominee, I do not believe Newsom could defeat Donald Trump. If it is DeSantis vs Newsom - I have no idea who would win that one. If it is Newsom vs Asshole Hutchinson or that disgusting fat slob Chris Christie - Newsom might even win Texas and would easily get 400+ electoral votes.

In conclusion, I again state that I detest Newsom, but if he enters the presidential race, the man is a serious contender.

He would dominate California, Illinois, and New York.
After that -
First, I absolutely detest Gavin Newsom in every sense of the word, however; I give him credit for going on Sean Hannity's show for a debate. While FAUX News is moving further and further left under the leadership (If you want to call it that) of tweedledumber and tweedledumbest also known as Rupert Murdoch's two imbecile sons, Newsom still went on Hannity's show before the Murdochs move FAUX to the left of CNN.

How did Newsom do? I felt he was given some questions to prepare for the showdown, but when Hannity and Newsom really got into it, Hannity did throw in some off script question and Newsom was rattled. However, I do feel Newsom did a better than expected to even somewhat good during the debate with Hannity. I give Newsom credit for owning up to some, but clearly not all of his mistakes, and he even gave Trump credit for how well they worked together during Covid.

The big thing I noticed is that Newsom is used to intimidating his opposition - even leaning forward and staring them down. He did a great job against the complete and total useless idiot he ran against for governor in the previous election. Newsom mopped the floor with him, but then that guy, I can't even remember his name was perhaps that absolute dumbest person ever to run for governor. Newsom never intimidated Hannity, and as the debate went on and on, you could see Newsom getting frustrated and leaning further back in his chair - the body language was quite telling, and Hannity was intimidating him several times. Is this bad, temporarily yes, but not for the long term. In the next paragraph I will state why.

Newsom is smart, he got grilled pretty good by Hannity, he will learn from it. While I do NOT want to see Newsom use this experience as a way to improve himself and his presentation, he is smart and he will improve from it. In conclusion, as much as I hate to say it, while Newsom has rough edges to smooth out, he did come off as presidential. I would never vote for him, however, he is someone to take seriously if he enters the race for the democrats. If the democrats allow debates, Newsom will destroy Biden in a debate, but I do believe RFK Jr would cause a lot of problems for Newsom. Newsom is just way too far left, as where RFK is not only highly intelligent as well, but far more moderate and appealing.

In a presidential election if Newsom is the nominee, I do not believe Newsom could defeat Donald Trump. If it is DeSantis vs Newsom - I have no idea who would win that one. If it is Newsom vs Asshole Hutchinson or that disgusting fat slob Chris Christie - Newsom might even win Texas and would easily get 400+ electoral votes.

In conclusion, I again state that I detest Newsom, but if he enters the presidential race, the man is a serious contender.
I caught some of it, but turned away. Newsom did not impress me, but some of that has to do with how he is governing in California. There is no way I will vote for Newsom to speed the United States toward becoming more California-like.
Newsome reminds me of a fast talking greasy haired used car salesman. He's quick with an answer for everything but he's a total bull shitter.
Hannity is controlled opposition...Gavin Nuisance has no fear of any really probing questions.
After seeing the democrats push Biden across the plate along with Fetterman and electing an actual dead man to office in PA, I'm not sure the candidate really matters anymore

It's all about the DNC election machine, whether you attribute it to voter fraud, or expert propaganda, or other things, it is what it is.

They can elect people who are unable to even speak.

If they want to elect Newsom, he need not even have a pulse.

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