Sean Hannity is done with his one time hero Ted Cruz

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At one time I would have been happy with either Cruz or Trump.
Now with the Cruz shenanigans in the delegate votes I'm starting to get pissed.

So I guess learning the rules and using them to your advantage is now considered shenanigans?

So tell me admiral....
Why have I not seen this kind of shit in the thirty years I've paid attention to politics?
Are you saying Trump doesnt have advisers who are familiar with the election process? Because I truly find that hard to believe,and with this happening repeatedly dont you think Trumps advisers would have been more careful in future delegate count rules?
I call bullshit and the fix is in.

You are entitled to your opinion, but no, I don't think Trump has advisors that are familiar with political process. His show is driven by his media appeal and his money. Cruz has toasted his ass in many states simply because he has a better campaign. Trump is all about Donald.

You live in a fantasy world if you think Trump doesnt have advisers who know the political process.

It appears to be amateur hour if they are supposed to know what they are doing. If they know what they are doing, how is it Cruz beat them in several states by playing the game by the rules?
How is he stealing delegates? I think you have been listening to The Donald's lie machine.

He is engaging in fraud, presenting his own people as Trump supporters and getting them voted in as Trump delegates.

He is also engaging in blatant rules violations and law breaking
At one time I would have been happy with either Cruz or Trump.
Now with the Cruz shenanigans in the delegate votes I'm starting to get pissed.

So I guess learning the rules and using them to your advantage is now considered shenanigans?

So tell me admiral....
Why have I not seen this kind of shit in the thirty years I've paid attention to politics?
Are you saying Trump doesnt have advisers who are familiar with the election process? Because I truly find that hard to believe,and with this happening repeatedly dont you think Trumps advisers would have been more careful in future delegate count rules?
I call bullshit and the fix is in.

You are entitled to your opinion, but no, I don't think Trump has advisors that are familiar with political process. His show is driven by his media appeal and his money. Cruz has toasted his ass in many states simply because he has a better campaign. Trump is all about Donald.

You live in a fantasy world if you think Trump doesnt have advisers who know the political process.

It appears to be amateur hour if they are supposed to know what they are doing. If they know what they are doing, how is it Cruz beat them in several states by playing the game by the rules?

There you go living in that fantasy world.
So tell me admiral...are there unicorns?
I think hannity simply knows cruz will be an electoral disaster.
And he knows that this delegate stealing is basically dirty pool, underhanded conniving bullshit that 80% of the American public despises and is a going to destroy the GOP brand.

Which is great; I'm loving it. I am so sick of the GOP being the Democrats lap dog Bendover party.

We need a real opposition party. We need Trump to run as an independent and give us an alternative to Republican losers.

OK. Why are you playing on both sides? You liked my post where I basically said Cruz was following the rules and Trump is a whining baby, but you just called it conniving underhanded bullshit.

What you just did is conniving, underhanded bullshit, just so you can define your terms.
So I guess learning the rules and using them to your advantage is now considered shenanigans?

So tell me admiral....
Why have I not seen this kind of shit in the thirty years I've paid attention to politics?
Are you saying Trump doesnt have advisers who are familiar with the election process? Because I truly find that hard to believe,and with this happening repeatedly dont you think Trumps advisers would have been more careful in future delegate count rules?
I call bullshit and the fix is in.

You are entitled to your opinion, but no, I don't think Trump has advisors that are familiar with political process. His show is driven by his media appeal and his money. Cruz has toasted his ass in many states simply because he has a better campaign. Trump is all about Donald.

You live in a fantasy world if you think Trump doesnt have advisers who know the political process.

It appears to be amateur hour if they are supposed to know what they are doing. If they know what they are doing, how is it Cruz beat them in several states by playing the game by the rules?

There you go living in that fantasy world.
So tell me admiral...are there unicorns?

You are entitled to your opinions but not your own reality. Prove what I said was wrong! Did Cruz not wax Trumps ass by following the rules?

Yes, yes he did.

What color is the sky in your fantasy world where following the rules is considered "shit"?
I like where Hannity's values stand....not with the witch inmate Clinton...

but with Mr Trump.
At one time I would have been happy with either Cruz or Trump.
Now with the Cruz shenanigans in the delegate votes I'm starting to get pissed.

So I guess learning the rules and using them to your advantage is now considered shenanigans?

So tell me admiral....
Why have I not seen this kind of shit in the thirty years I've paid attention to politics?
Are you saying Trump doesnt have advisers who are familiar with the election process? Because I truly find that hard to believe,and with this happening repeatedly dont you think Trumps advisers would have been more careful in future delegate count rules?
I call bullshit and the fix is in.

You are entitled to your opinion, but no, I don't think Trump has advisors that are familiar with political process. His show is driven by his media appeal and his money. Cruz has toasted his ass in many states simply because he has a better campaign. Trump is all about Donald.

Manafort's resume is stellar. Now he has Wiley as well.

They know the political process and they also know that the process is designed by the insiders to keep the power for the insiders.

Now to Cruz having a better campaign. Are you serious? Trump's winning. And he's winning without out spending a great fortune yet. They're upping the ante in California though. A huge blitz is coming.

Sort of like a political 300.
Watching and eating popcorn is where you belong.
I'm happy to see you know your place.

Probably eating more bonbons than popcorn, but they donthave a bonbon eating emoticon, lol
You are entitled to your opinion, but no, I don't think Trump has advisors that are familiar with political process. His show is driven by his media appeal and his money. Cruz has toasted his ass in many states simply because he has a better campaign. Trump is all about Donald.

Trump has been a bit naive in that he seemed to thinkthat winning the popular vote or the caucus was all that was needed, and once he won a state he made the catastrophic mistake of pulling all his people out and going to the next state. He did not realize that he had to keep his people in the game even after winning to make sure that his delegates were actually his own people.

This is a factoid that undermines my confidence that he can learn new topics without blundering into a hrad lesson via the School of Hard Knocks on Your Noggin.

You dont have that luxury as POTUS. Still he is better than all of them except Sanders.

That's why he's brought Manafort on board and seriously just shook up his team.
How is he stealing delegates? I think you have been listening to The Donald's lie machine.

He is engaging in fraud, presenting his own people as Trump supporters and getting them voted in as Trump delegates.

He is also engaging in blatant rules violations and law breaking

Bullshit! Back that up and show anything of the sort is or has happened.

Everyone should know that accusing people of a crime when none was committed is a crime in and of itself. Did you not know that?
You are entitled to your opinion, but no, I don't think Trump has advisors that are familiar with political process. His show is driven by his media appeal and his money. Cruz has toasted his ass in many states simply because he has a better campaign. Trump is all about Donald.

Trump has been a bit naive in that he seemed to thinkthat winning the popular vote or the caucus was all that was needed, and once he won a state he made the catastrophic mistake of pulling all his people out and going to the next state. He did not realize that he had to keep his people in the game even after winning to make sure that his delegates were actually his own people.

This is a factoid that undermines my confidence that he can learn new topics without blundering into a hrad lesson via the School of Hard Knocks on Your Noggin.

You dont have that luxury as POTUS. Still he is better than all of them except Sanders.

That's why he's brought Manafort on board and seriously just shook up his team.

The most recent report is that all of the old timers now didn't appreciate being demoted after getting Trump to where he is now.
So tell me admiral....
Why have I not seen this kind of shit in the thirty years I've paid attention to politics?
Are you saying Trump doesnt have advisers who are familiar with the election process? Because I truly find that hard to believe,and with this happening repeatedly dont you think Trumps advisers would have been more careful in future delegate count rules?
I call bullshit and the fix is in.

You are entitled to your opinion, but no, I don't think Trump has advisors that are familiar with political process. His show is driven by his media appeal and his money. Cruz has toasted his ass in many states simply because he has a better campaign. Trump is all about Donald.

You live in a fantasy world if you think Trump doesnt have advisers who know the political process.

It appears to be amateur hour if they are supposed to know what they are doing. If they know what they are doing, how is it Cruz beat them in several states by playing the game by the rules?

There you go living in that fantasy world.
So tell me admiral...are there unicorns?

You are entitled to your opinions but not your own reality. Prove what I said was wrong! Did Cruz not wax Trumps ass by following the rules?

Yes, yes he did.

What color is the sky in your fantasy world where following the rules is considered "shit"?

So tell me admiral ..
Have you ever seen these so called rules applied?
I dont know how old you are but in the thirty years I've paid attention I never have.
The last time an outsider ran for the GOP nomination that had a chance of winning was Perot......and he dropped out for shall we say mysterious reasons.
Yet they didnt apply these so called rules to shut him down.
Kinda makes ya wonder when these so called rules were least for a thinking man.
At one time I would have been happy with either Cruz or Trump.
Now with the Cruz shenanigans in the delegate votes I'm starting to get pissed.

So I guess learning the rules and using them to your advantage is now considered shenanigans?

So tell me admiral....
Why have I not seen this kind of shit in the thirty years I've paid attention to politics?
Are you saying Trump doesnt have advisers who are familiar with the election process? Because I truly find that hard to believe,and with this happening repeatedly dont you think Trumps advisers would have been more careful in future delegate count rules?
I call bullshit and the fix is in.

You are entitled to your opinion, but no, I don't think Trump has advisors that are familiar with political process. His show is driven by his media appeal and his money. Cruz has toasted his ass in many states simply because he has a better campaign. Trump is all about Donald.

Manafort's resume is stellar. Now he has Wiley as well.

They know the political process and they also know that the process is designed by the insiders to keep the power for the insiders.

Now to Cruz having a better campaign. Are you serious? Trump's winning. And he's winning without out spending a great fortune yet. They're upping the ante in California though. A huge blitz is coming.

Sort of like a political 300.

How long has Manafort been on the job? 3 weeks? He really helped Trump in all of those races during that time, didn't he? Wait! Never mind! Trump was losing his ass during that time.
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