Sean Hannity

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Good old boy Sean Hannity, college drop out and universal mouthpiece for the far right wing, is at it again, to wit: Character Assassinations.

Fox News, so to speak, has encouraged (conspired?) with Hannity to go after Mr Mueller, a Vietnam combat vet, a former FBI leader and someone hired to look into the possibility that Trump, his Administration and inner circle committed high crimes and misdemeanors, mislead the public and represent a clear and present danger to our democracy.

Hannity has zero evidence to support his over the top attacks on Mr. Mueller, and once again the new right does what it claims the MSM does, produce fake news, i.e. propaganda.
I feel like I need a shower after watching the guy
Good old boy Sean Hannity, college drop out and universal mouthpiece for the far right wing, is at it again, to wit: Character Assassinations.

Fox News, so to speak, has encouraged (conspired?) with Hannity to go after Mr Mueller, a Vietnam combat vet, a former FBI leader and someone hired to look into the possibility that Trump, his Administration and inner circle committed high crimes and misdemeanors, mislead the public and represent a clear and present danger to our democracy.

Hannity has zero evidence to support his over the top attacks on Mr. Mueller, and once again the new right does what it claims the MSM does, produce fake news, i.e. propaganda.
So he's a liberal now?
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Good old boy Sean Hannity, college drop out and universal mouthpiece for the far right wing, is at it again, to wit: Character Assassinations.

Fox News, so to speak, has encouraged (conspired?) with Hannity to go after Mr Mueller, a Vietnam combat vet, a former FBI leader and someone hired to look into the possibility that Trump, his Administration and inner circle committed high crimes and misdemeanors, mislead the public and represent a clear and present danger to our democracy.

Hannity has zero evidence to support his over the top attacks on Mr. Mueller, and once again the new right does what it claims the MSM does, produce fake news, i.e. propaganda.

So he's a liberal now?

Idiot-gram ^^^ +

+ Please see my signature line for a more comprehensive explanation of why miketx is one of the leaders in posting idiot-grams.
Good old boy Sean Hannity, college drop out and universal mouthpiece for the far right wing, is at it again, to wit: Character Assassinations.

Fox News, so to speak, has encouraged (conspired?) with Hannity to go after Mr Mueller, a Vietnam combat vet, a former FBI leader and someone hired to look into the possibility that Trump, his Administration and inner circle committed high crimes and misdemeanors, mislead the public and represent a clear and present danger to our democracy.

Hannity has zero evidence to support his over the top attacks on Mr. Mueller, and once again the new right does what it claims the MSM does, produce fake news, i.e. propaganda.
I just love how the commies of the left start touting a leftists military prowess, when those liberals start getting shown to be the crooks that they are. John(Songbird) McCain a decorated war hero, no one could complain about when he would screw over America with Feingold, to make the Campaign Finance Reform, that pretty much guaranteed that John would never lose an election again, and infringed upon the 1st amendment. Well, I am a veteran of the Cold War and emailed John a real nice message," Just because you were caught and beaten in the Vietnam War, doesn't give you the right to fuck US for your personal gain". I also am a veteran of the Cold War and don't hide like a coward behind the service to my country when times get tough. You are a disgrace to the uniform and need to just shut the fuck up."
Funny thing about television. It has an off switch. I use it on Maddow constantly.
Hannity has that same feature. Apparently some can't shut him off in their head. That is a personal mental issue.
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That's odd, when I don't want to watch something, I just don't watch it. What am I doing wrong?
Ah, the butthurt is approaching epidemic proportions at warp speed among the lefty losers. Who knew the Hildebeast's all-time choke was gonna be this much fun?

How's that Russia...Russia...Russia thing coming these days? Any new developments to discuss, huh?
Good old boy Sean Hannity, college drop out and universal mouthpiece for the far right wing, is at it again, to wit: Character Assassinations.

Fox News, so to speak, has encouraged (conspired?) with Hannity to go after Mr Mueller, a Vietnam combat vet, a former FBI leader and someone hired to look into the possibility that Trump, his Administration and inner circle committed high crimes and misdemeanors, mislead the public and represent a clear and present danger to our democracy.

Hannity has zero evidence to support his over the top attacks on Mr. Mueller, and once again the new right does what it claims the MSM does, produce fake news, i.e. propaganda.
I just love how the commies of the left start touting a leftists military prowess, when those liberals start getting shown to be the crooks that they are. John(Songbird) McCain a decorated war hero, no one could complain about when he would screw over America with Feingold, to make the Campaign Finance Reform, that pretty much guaranteed that John would never lose an election again, and infringed upon the 1st amendment. Well, I am a veteran of the Cold War and emailed John a real nice message," Just because you were caught and beaten in the Vietnam War, doesn't give you the right to fuck US for your personal gain". I also am a veteran of the Cold War and don't hide like a coward behind the service to my country when times get tough. You are a disgrace to the uniform and need to just shut the fuck up."

Once again a member of the RW Echo Chamber ^^^ goes off topic to attack and assassinate the character of another. It's the theme of the current iteration of neo-fascism, toss everyone under the bus who doesn't march in goosestep with them.
Good old boy Sean Hannity, college drop out and universal mouthpiece for the far right wing, is at it again, to wit: Character Assassinations.

Fox News, so to speak, has encouraged (conspired?) with Hannity to go after Mr Mueller, a Vietnam combat vet, a former FBI leader and someone hired to look into the possibility that Trump, his Administration and inner circle committed high crimes and misdemeanors, mislead the public and represent a clear and present danger to our democracy.

Hannity has zero evidence to support his over the top attacks on Mr. Mueller, and once again the new right does what it claims the MSM does, produce fake news, i.e. propaganda.
I just love how the commies of the left start touting a leftists military prowess, when those liberals start getting shown to be the crooks that they are. John(Songbird) McCain a decorated war hero, no one could complain about when he would screw over America with Feingold, to make the Campaign Finance Reform, that pretty much guaranteed that John would never lose an election again, and infringed upon the 1st amendment. Well, I am a veteran of the Cold War and emailed John a real nice message," Just because you were caught and beaten in the Vietnam War, doesn't give you the right to fuck US for your personal gain". I also am a veteran of the Cold War and don't hide like a coward behind the service to my country when times get tough. You are a disgrace to the uniform and need to just shut the fuck up."

Once again a member of the RW Echo Chamber ^^^ goes off topic to attack and assassinate the character of another. It's the theme of the current iteration of neo-fascism, toss everyone under the bus who doesn't march in goosestep with them.
This topic is about Hannity, not the regressive left.
Good old boy Sean Hannity, college drop out and universal mouthpiece for the far right wing, is at it again, to wit: Character Assassinations.

Fox News, so to speak, has encouraged (conspired?) with Hannity to go after Mr Mueller, a Vietnam combat vet, a former FBI leader and someone hired to look into the possibility that Trump, his Administration and inner circle committed high crimes and misdemeanors, mislead the public and represent a clear and present danger to our democracy.

Hannity has zero evidence to support his over the top attacks on Mr. Mueller, and once again the new right does what it claims the MSM does, produce fake news, i.e. propaganda.
Yes and you have zero evidence that Pres. Trump colluded with Russia. You demoRats are a bunch of whining as swipes!
Good old boy Sean Hannity, college drop out and universal mouthpiece for the far right wing, is at it again, to wit: Character Assassinations.

Fox News, so to speak, has encouraged (conspired?) with Hannity to go after Mr Mueller, a Vietnam combat vet, a former FBI leader and someone hired to look into the possibility that Trump, his Administration and inner circle committed high crimes and misdemeanors, mislead the public and represent a clear and present danger to our democracy.

Hannity has zero evidence to support his over the top attacks on Mr. Mueller, and once again the new right does what it claims the MSM does, produce fake news, i.e. propaganda.

Funny thing about television. It has an off switch. I use it on Maddow constantly.
Hannity has that same feature. Apparently some can't shut him off in their head. That is a personal mental issue.

The "shut off" tool is the basic tool of the willfully ignorant. Which explains why someone would dismisses a Rhodes Scholar with an advanced degree in Political Science out of hand, and equate their learned opinions with that of a college drop out who reads a script.
Good old boy Sean Hannity, college drop out and universal mouthpiece for the far right wing, is at it again, to wit: Character Assassinations.

Fox News, so to speak, has encouraged (conspired?) with Hannity to go after Mr Mueller, a Vietnam combat vet, a former FBI leader and someone hired to look into the possibility that Trump, his Administration and inner circle committed high crimes and misdemeanors, mislead the public and represent a clear and present danger to our democracy.

Hannity has zero evidence to support his over the top attacks on Mr. Mueller, and once again the new right does what it claims the MSM does, produce fake news, i.e. propaganda.

From everything I have learned, and not from Hannity, from credible left of center sources, the CFR media has zero evidence that the Trump administration committed "high crimes and misdemeanors, mislead the public and represent a clear and present danger to our democracy."

Here is the truth, by a progressive and a defender of the first Amendment.

It seems the left is being tricked by the neo-cons into giving up the first Amendment, and they don't give a shit about Trump, he is just their patsy.

You folks should stop playing politics with the structure of our government, our civil liberties and civil rights. This is a must read article by a Harvard prize winning journalist.

Russia-gate Breeds ‘Establishment McCarthyism’
Russia-gate Breeds 'Establishment McCarthyism'

". . . This extraordinary assault on civil liberties is cloaked in fright-filled stories about “Russian propaganda” and wildly exaggerated tales of the Kremlin’s “hordes of Twitter bots,” but its underlying goal is to enforce Washington’s “groupthinks” by creating a permanent system that shuts down or marginalizes dissident opinions and labels contrary information – no matter how reasonable and well-researched – as “disputed” or “rated false” by mainstream “fact-checking” organizations like PolitiFact.

It doesn’t seem to matter that the paragons of this new structure – such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN and, indeed, PolitiFact – have a checkered record of getting facts straight.

For instance, PolitiFact still rates as “true” Hillary Clinton’s false claim that “all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies” agreed that Russia was behind the release of Democratic emails last year. Even the Times and The Associated Press belatedly ran corrections after President Obama’s intelligence chiefs admitted that the assessment came from what Director of National Intelligence James Clapper called “hand-picked” analysts from only three agencies: CIA, FBI and NSA.

And, the larger truth was that these “hand-picked” analysts were sequestered away from other analysts even from their own agencies and produced “stove-piped intelligence,” i.e., analysis that escapes the back-and-forth that should occur inside the intelligence community.

Even then, what these analysts published last Jan. 6 was an “assessment,” which they specifically warned was “not intended to imply that we have proof that shows something to be a fact.” In other words, they didn’t have any conclusive proof of Russian “hacking.”

Yet, the Times and other leading newspaper routinely treat these findings as flat fact or the unassailable “consensus” of the “intelligence community.” Contrary information, including WikiLeaks’ denials of a Russian role in supplying the emails, and contrary judgments from former senior U.S. intelligence officials are ignored.

The Jan. 6 report also tacked on a seven-page addendum smearing the Russian television network, RT, for such offenses as sponsoring a 2012 debate among U.S. third-party presidential candidates who had been excluded from the Republican-Democratic debates. RT also was slammed for reporting on the Occupy Wall Street protests and the environmental dangers from “fracking.”

How the idea of giving Americans access to divergent political opinions and information about valid issues such as income inequality and environmental dangers constitutes threats to American “democracy” is hard to comprehend.

However, rather than address the Jan. 6 report’s admitted uncertainties about Russian “hacking” and the troubling implications of its attacks on RT, the Times and other U.S. mainstream publications treat the report as some kind of holy scripture that can’t be questioned or challenged. . . (con't)"
Good old boy Sean Hannity, college drop out and universal mouthpiece for the far right wing, is at it again, to wit: Character Assassinations.

Fox News, so to speak, has encouraged (conspired?) with Hannity to go after Mr Mueller, a Vietnam combat vet, a former FBI leader and someone hired to look into the possibility that Trump, his Administration and inner circle committed high crimes and misdemeanors, mislead the public and represent a clear and present danger to our democracy.

Hannity has zero evidence to support his over the top attacks on Mr. Mueller, and once again the new right does what it claims the MSM does, produce fake news, i.e. propaganda.
I just love how the commies of the left start touting a leftists military prowess, when those liberals start getting shown to be the crooks that they are. John(Songbird) McCain a decorated war hero, no one could complain about when he would screw over America with Feingold, to make the Campaign Finance Reform, that pretty much guaranteed that John would never lose an election again, and infringed upon the 1st amendment. Well, I am a veteran of the Cold War and emailed John a real nice message," Just because you were caught and beaten in the Vietnam War, doesn't give you the right to fuck US for your personal gain". I also am a veteran of the Cold War and don't hide like a coward behind the service to my country when times get tough. You are a disgrace to the uniform and need to just shut the fuck up."

Once again a member of the RW Echo Chamber ^^^ goes off topic to attack and assassinate the character of another. It's the theme of the current iteration of neo-fascism, toss everyone under the bus who doesn't march in goosestep with them.
attack and assassinate the character of another
Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'...

"...any target can always say, 'Why do you center on me when there are others to blame as well?' When your 'freeze the target,' you disregard these [rational but distracting] arguments.... Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the 'others' come out of the woodwork very soon. They become visible by their support of the target...'
Being that you probably never were in the military, serving your country and fellow man, you never learned that to go to war with your enemies, you use their own tactics or more superior tactics to win that war. Now you are showing how displeased you are, by me using your own rules against you.... Bwaaaahhhhhaaaaaahhhhhaaaaa, I laugh at you , you stupid liberal(redundant statement)..
Good old boy Sean Hannity, college drop out and universal mouthpiece for the far right wing, is at it again, to wit: Character Assassinations.

Fox News, so to speak, has encouraged (conspired?) with Hannity to go after Mr Mueller, a Vietnam combat vet, a former FBI leader and someone hired to look into the possibility that Trump, his Administration and inner circle committed high crimes and misdemeanors, mislead the public and represent a clear and present danger to our democracy.

Hannity has zero evidence to support his over the top attacks on Mr. Mueller, and once again the new right does what it claims the MSM does, produce fake news, i.e. propaganda.


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