Seattle Bans Potentially Offensive Words Like 'Citizen' and 'Brown Bag'

Citizens, citizens, citizens, citizens, citizens, citizens, citizens, citizens, citizens, citizens, there I said it ,boy did I just piss -off bunch of residents.........
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Could Seattle maybe make their staff use words when speaking of themselves. Refer to themselves as "servants of the people."

Also when they impose tax increases or fees, they have to refer to it as a "tax."

When addressing a resident of Seattle, they are to call the "people whom we work for."

These phrases will help Seattle residents regain their self esteem back and allow them to realize who government really works for.
Seattle Bans Potentially Offensive Words Like 'Citizen' and 'Brown Bag'

The city's Office of Civil Rights instructed city workers in a recent internal memo to refrain from using er terms "citizen" and "brown bag" because some may find the words offensive, according to reports from KOMO.

"Luckily, we've got options," Elliott Bronstein of the Office for Civil Rights wrote in the memo obtained by the station. "For 'citizens,' how about 'residents?'"

Bronstein, during an interview with Seattle's KIRO Radio, revealed the phrase "brown bag" had been previously used to judge a person based on their skin color.

"For a lot of particularly African-American community members, the phrase brown bag does bring up associations with the past when a brown bag was actually used, I understand, to determine if people's skin color was light enough to allow admission to an event or to come into a party that was being held in a private home," Bronstein said.

According to the memo, city employees should use the terms "lunch-and-learn" or "sack lunch" instead of "brown bag."

Read more at Seattle Bans Potentially Offensive Words Like 'Citizen' and 'Brown Bag'

Cracker and honky are ok ..... :lol: Seattle must be full of pussy ass girly hand Liberals.
Political correctness run amok.
Could Seattle maybe make their staff use words when speaking of themselves. Refer to themselves as "servants of the people."

Or "Master Overlords"

Also when they impose tax increases or fees, they have to refer to it as a "tax."

Or "What is ours."

When addressing a resident of Seattle, they are to call the "people whom we work for."

Or "minions"

Or "little people"
This is yet another reason to fight against the poison of political correctness. If we don't stop this, we will continue to lose our freedoms as well as our collective sanities. These people have gone so far off the deep end that this latest move doesn't have even one iota of sense to it. Let's get rid of "White House," too. :cuckoo:
I can understand the logic behind banning "brown bag" because of it's racial connections. But "Citizen"? Seriously?
Seattle Bans Potentially Offensive Words Like 'Citizen' and 'Brown Bag'

The city's Office of Civil Rights instructed city workers in a recent internal memo to refrain from using er terms "citizen" and "brown bag" because some may find the words offensive, according to reports from KOMO.

"Luckily, we've got options," Elliott Bronstein of the Office for Civil Rights wrote in the memo obtained by the station. "For 'citizens,' how about 'residents?'"

Bronstein, during an interview with Seattle's KIRO Radio, revealed the phrase "brown bag" had been previously used to judge a person based on their skin color.

"For a lot of particularly African-American community members, the phrase brown bag does bring up associations with the past when a brown bag was actually used, I understand, to determine if people's skin color was light enough to allow admission to an event or to come into a party that was being held in a private home," Bronstein said.

According to the memo, city employees should use the terms "lunch-and-learn" or "sack lunch" instead of "brown bag."

Read more at Seattle Bans Potentially Offensive Words Like 'Citizen' and 'Brown Bag'

Cracker and honky are ok ..... :lol: Seattle must be full of pussy ass girly hand Liberals.

Let's have some fun with Seattle by coming up with reasons their "acceptable" words are offensive and email the city language police that we are offended. Before long we can have the entire English vocabulary banned.

OH NO!!!! Not a black-out of our English vocabulary...... :crybaby:

Oh well, I do "sign." I guess I will just have to do that in private so I am not busted and fined...:eek:
Seattle Bans Potentially Offensive Words Like 'Citizen' and 'Brown Bag'

The city's Office of Civil Rights instructed city workers in a recent internal memo to refrain from using er terms "citizen" and "brown bag" because some may find the words offensive, according to reports from KOMO.

"Luckily, we've got options," Elliott Bronstein of the Office for Civil Rights wrote in the memo obtained by the station. "For 'citizens,' how about 'residents?'"

Bronstein, during an interview with Seattle's KIRO Radio, revealed the phrase "brown bag" had been previously used to judge a person based on their skin color.

"For a lot of particularly African-American community members, the phrase brown bag does bring up associations with the past when a brown bag was actually used, I understand, to determine if people's skin color was light enough to allow admission to an event or to come into a party that was being held in a private home," Bronstein said.

According to the memo, city employees should use the terms "lunch-and-learn" or "sack lunch" instead of "brown bag."

Read more at Seattle Bans Potentially Offensive Words Like 'Citizen' and 'Brown Bag'

Cracker and honky are ok ..... :lol: Seattle must be full of pussy ass girly hand Liberals.

Let's have some fun with Seattle by coming up with reasons their "acceptable" words are offensive and email the city language police that we are offended. Before long we can have the entire English vocabulary banned.

OH NO!!!! Not a black-out of our English vocabulary...... :crybaby:

Oh well, I do "sign." I guess I will just have to do that in private so I am not busted and fined...:eek:

In private didn't work out so well for Paula deen. :(
...removal of all crackers from store shelves in Seattle...

These Nabisco Crackers and others similarly labeled "crackers" are offensive to us white peoples. I also demand the relabeling of all White Bread, all Jewish Rye Bread, Black-eyed peas, Yellow squash, Irish potatoes and other foods that may offend us white peoples.


:lol: Seattle is governed by a bunch of silly assed peoples! :lol:

I betting they are bed wetting liberals...hard put to find more ways to control the peoples.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Anybody that hasn't read Orwell, (95% of libtards haven't) needs to.

Once you get through that, I would HIGHLY recommend Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World"

If you haven't read BOTH of those, you're missing the boat politically and can never hope to understand the dimocrap mind.

At the very least, find a Reader's Digest version and familiarize yourself with them both


Duckspeak is a Newspeak term meaning literally to quack like a duck or to speak without thinking. Duckspeak can be good or "ungood" (bad) depending on who is speaking, and whether what they are saying aligns with the ideals of Big Brother. To speak rubbish and lies may be ungood, but to speak rubbish and lies for the good of The Party may be good. In the appendix to 1984, Orwell explains:

“Ultimately it was hoped to make articulate speech issue from the larynx without involving the higher brain centres at all. This aim was frankly admitted in the Newspeak word duckspeak […]. Like various words in the B vocabulary, duckspeak was ambivalent in meaning. Provided that the opinions which were quacked out were orthodox ones, it implied nothing but praise, and when the Times referred to one of the orators of the Party as a doubleplusgood duckspeaker it was paying a warm and valued compliment.” —Orwell, 1984

An example of duckspeak in action is provided in chapter 9, when an Inner Party speaker is haranguing the crowd about the crimes of Eurasia when a note is passed into his hand; he never stops speaking or changes his inflection, but (according to the changed Party position) he now condemns the crimes of Eastasia, which is Oceania's new enemy.


"Sexcrime" redirects here.

For the Eurythmics song, see Sexcrime (Nineteen Eighty-Four).
For other uses, see sex crime.
Goodsex is any form of sex considered acceptable by the Party; specifically, this refers only to married heterosexual sex for the exclusive purpose of providing new children for the Party. All other forms of sex are considered sexcrime.


Ownlife refers to the tendency to enjoy being solitary or individualistic, which is considered subversive. Winston Smith comments that even to go for a walk by oneself can be regarded as suspicious.


An unperson is someone who has been "vaporized" — not only killed by the state, but erased from existence. Such a person would be written out of existing books, photographs and articles so that no trace of his existence could be found in the historical record. The idea is that such a person would, according to the principles of doublethink, be forgotten completely (for it would be impossible to provide evidence of his existence), even by close friends and family. Mentioning his name, or even speaking of his past existence, is thoughtcrime; the concept that the person may have existed at one time and has disappeared cannot be expressed in Newspeak.


"Un-" is a Newspeak prefix used for negation. It is used as a prefix to make the word negative, since there are no antonyms in Newspeak. For example, warm becomes uncold. It is often decided to keep the word with a more unpleasant nuance to it when diminishing vocabulary. Therefore, cold is preferred to unwarm or unhot, and dark is preferred to unlight.[2] The Party's choice for the less pleasant versions of an antonym may be interpreted as a way of rendering its subjects depressive and pessimistic, as well as to limit and suppress unorthodox thought.

On the other hand, the Party also controls one's ability to think negatively by sometimes allowing only the positive term preceded by "un-." For example, the concept of "bad" can be expressed only with ungood. When placed before a verb, "un-" becomes a negative imperative; for example, unproceed means "do not proceed."
Oh for Gods sake. Suck it up people, and stop turning an every day item into something racist!

Noomi, why is American politics so important to you?

Can't you mind your business? Are Americans getting involved in your countries politics?

What do you even do with your life? Is it that boring? Too bad they took away all your guns. At least you'd have some recreation down there.

I agree with your sentiment of course, but still...
Yo, Pete! This board is open to posters from anywhere in the world despite its being called USMessageBoard . Comments are not limited to US citizens. Noomi has redeeming value in that her comments are just as lucid as the most idiotic liberal from the US posting here and more sensible than most of them.
if we allow these liberal loonies to continue we might as well call ourselves Serfs instead of Citizens...

because that is the underlying intention of this perceived lunacy....
I love seattle. I remember once I had a picnic with bio degradable post racial green friendly receptacles filled with the most delicious rice cakes topped with alfalfa infused free range carrots and a side of humus. Unfortunately, I was ticketed by a non gender specific parks officer name Rainbowballs who noticed that I had accidentally spilled my soy milk onto the ground which of course destroyed the ecosystem of several blades of grass where dwells the majestic Lady Wormbug that is nearly extinct in that particular part of the park.
When I accidentally called the officer "sir" I was then cited for a hate crime and had to join a sensitivity re-education camp where I was shown slides of Tea Party events while being mildly electrocuted with energy efficient electrodes.
I am now a good resident who has been taught that words can hurt people and feelings are more important than individuality and freedom of thought. I will no longer pee in the shower and listen to Rush Limbaugh because I have been taught enlightenment and certain yoga positions involving harmonic unity with the galaxy, mother Earth and Obama.
They still let me smoke crack and fondle strange women though since I have a disease and can not be held responsible for what is essentially Bush's fault.
I think we should change brown bag to plastic bag, oh wait, that might offend people who have had plastic surgery, uhmmm... what about "sack lunch"? Oh wait, that might be considered sexist because women don't have testicles... uhmmmm... what about NON RACIAL GENDER NEUTRAL CONTAINER? Yes! I have solved the worlds problems!

Can’t do that. Seattle has already banned plastic bags!!!!!
I think we should change brown bag to plastic bag, oh wait, that might offend people who have had plastic surgery, uhmmm... what about "sack lunch"? Oh wait, that might be considered sexist because women don't have testicles... uhmmmm... what about NON RACIAL GENDER NEUTRAL CONTAINER? Yes! I have solved the worlds problems!

Can’t do that. Seattle has already banned plastic bags!!!!!

I'm glad! We all know that plastic bags contribute to global warming and racism!

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