Seattle Bans Potentially Offensive Words Like 'Citizen' and 'Brown Bag'

LOL...were i to be pissed off, i think it would be more about a self righteous, moralistic, bible thumping publication would resorting to lying about my city to promote their right wing agenda. sin't that against some commandment or something.

some people were offended by the terms and a memo was sent out to inform others to be sensitive to that. it is no big deal.

i will see your ten "citizens" and raise you five "bible thumpers", two "holy rollers" and one "jesus h. christ".

There is a point here. No matter if you think this is a big deal or not it highlights the absolute insanity that exists in this nation now. The memo asks the workers to be sensitive to the word citizen? What the fuck. That is NOT how we should be acting, worried that any word falling from our mouths might be construed to ‘offend’ someone. You would thing that you would have to live your entire life worried about who might be offended. Simple truth, if either of those words are offensive then you should just go pound sand because you are to easily offended. Rather than send a memo out, whatever brought this up should have been laughed at. It is pathetic to see this kind of bullshit happening.

I do not go around screaming offensive words but I damn sure will not refrain from using normal, everyday and well established words because some puissant might be offended by them. What bothers me about things like this are not the acts themselves. That is and was never the problem. What bothers me is the underlying mentality of the nation that such events are even allowed to occur. Where was the common sense that should have sent this idea packing long before it got put in a memo? What insanity gripped the person that was willing to actually hit the send button?

i think it was just a memo but here is a little story.

i was born overseas but of an american parents and a dual citisen. i remember coming to america when i was six or seven and my dad holding me on the railing of the ship and showing me the statue of liberty all shining at night and him saying "this is your home. you are finally home" and i was so happy.

then, about a month later in catholic school, the nun says as part of the lesson says "anybody who was born in america can grow up to be president of the united states" and that sounded pretty cool because man, what a nice country...until some kid asked what about me and my little heart broke. it really did. i was sad for weeks. i even cried. i was the only one who couldn't be president of the united states.

i'm just saying it is a memo in a city with an unusualloy diverse culture and the memo basically expressed that we need to be sensitive of each others backgrounds. we have a lot of immigrants who are not citisens yet.

it was just a reminder.

and here is the story from seattle again, if you missed it, from another source...
There's more to Seattle 'brown bag' racial controversy than meets the eye - U.S. News

Nice story, and I'm sorry but millions of Americans can't be President. Life is full of disappointments, I have things I can and can not do.

The city is allowed to do what it does, however, we are allowed to think they are stupid and controlling for doing it. You can't legislate behavior and Seattle is trying.
Oh for Gods sake. Suck it up people, and stop turning an every day item into something racist!
Violation of the First Amendment is an everyday occurrence?

The city needs to be bitch slapped.
again they didnt ban anything. They are making suggestions for what people should use.
This is what Frank Lutz ( sp) does for a living and why the GOP is so good at playing the word game.

You people are full of fucking shit, first
Oh for Gods sake. Suck it up people, and stop turning an every day item into something racist!
Violation of the First Amendment is an everyday occurrence?

The city needs to be bitch slapped.

And where is it, this "violation of the First Amendment"?

The city is allowed to do what it does, however, we are allowed to think they are stupid and controlling for doing it. You can't legislate behavior and Seattle is trying.

And where is it, this "legislation"?

Is this the Fantasy Forum? Do you guys have any clue what "facts" are?
Oh for Gods sake. Suck it up people, and stop turning an every day item into something racist!

Noomi, why is American politics so important to you?

Can't you mind your business? Are Americans getting involved in your countries politics?

What do you even do with your life? Is it that boring? Too bad they took away all your guns. At least you'd have some recreation down there.

I agree with your sentiment of course, but still...

you might ask what nuclear powered super carrier is in brisbane before you criticise her for her involvement in our politics. i welcome noom's interest in our politics. she certainly embraces the ideals of our constitution more than many of those who call themselves americans.

as for banned words in seattle, i live in western washington and seattle is a very diverse city and very open as well. perhaps, rather than accepting some biased and histrionic news source, it might be wise to check out the story from an objective and mainstream source.

the words are not banned. seattle though has always encouraged her people tp be sensitive to the feelings of others in such a culturally diverse community and there is nothing wrong with that. it is more education than dictate.

Political correctness gone too far? ?Brown bag,? ?citizens? a... |

Have you noticed though how the rightwing nuts here at USMB merrily, blithely carry on about this as if it actually happened?

Get used to the fact that the rightwing inmates around here are living in an alternate universe of their own invention,

lest you be confused by some of the seemingly impossible nonsense that they post.
Oh for Gods sake. Suck it up people, and stop turning an every day item into something racist!
Violation of the First Amendment is an everyday occurrence?

The city needs to be bitch slapped.

And where is it, this "violation of the First Amendment"?

The city is allowed to do what it does, however, we are allowed to think they are stupid and controlling for doing it. You can't legislate behavior and Seattle is trying.

And where is it, this "legislation"?

Is this the Fantasy Forum? Do you guys have any clue what "facts" are?

Darkwind is right out of the same can of stupid that gave us the likes of Katzndogz, the Rabbi, the T, and on and on.

There was no ban. There is no violation of free speech.
Oh for Gods sake. Suck it up people, and stop turning an every day item into something racist!
Violation of the First Amendment is an everyday occurrence?

The city needs to be bitch slapped.

And where is it, this "violation of the First Amendment"?

The city is allowed to do what it does, however, we are allowed to think they are stupid and controlling for doing it. You can't legislate behavior and Seattle is trying.

And where is it, this "legislation"?

Is this the Fantasy Forum? Do you guys have any clue what "facts" are?
It's a Directive from on high...Comply or LOSE YOUR JOB.

The city's Office of Civil Rights instructed city workers in a recent internal memo to refrain from using er terms "citizen" and "brown bag" because some may find the words offensive, according to reports from KOMO.
Scare tactics. I'd tell those assholes to pound sand. I speak the way I want to employee or not.
*I* as a voter, citizen, and sometimes brownbagger tell these Statist creeps to STFU...they answer to citizens, and even thier employees whom are citizens AND voters that will dispatch them with great haste come next election.

See how that works?
Violation of the First Amendment is an everyday occurrence?

The city needs to be bitch slapped.

And where is it, this "violation of the First Amendment"?

And where is it, this "legislation"?

Is this the Fantasy Forum? Do you guys have any clue what "facts" are?
It's a Directive from on high...Comply or LOSE YOUR JOB.

The city's Office of Civil Rights instructed city workers in a recent internal memo to refrain from using er terms "citizen" and "brown bag" because some may find the words offensive, according to reports from KOMO.
Scare tactics. I'd tell those assholes to pound sand. I speak the way I want to employee or not.

Again, where do you find any indication of even "lose your job"?

You actually believe you can just make shit up and not get called on it? Seriously?
Noomi, why is American politics so important to you?

Can't you mind your business? Are Americans getting involved in your countries politics?

What do you even do with your life? Is it that boring? Too bad they took away all your guns. At least you'd have some recreation down there.

I agree with your sentiment of course, but still...

you might ask what nuclear powered super carrier is in brisbane before you criticise her for her involvement in our politics. i welcome noom's interest in our politics. she certainly embraces the ideals of our constitution more than many of those who call themselves americans.

as for banned words in seattle, i live in western washington and seattle is a very diverse city and very open as well. perhaps, rather than accepting some biased and histrionic news source, it might be wise to check out the story from an objective and mainstream source.

the words are not banned. seattle though has always encouraged her people tp be sensitive to the feelings of others in such a culturally diverse community and there is nothing wrong with that. it is more education than dictate.

Political correctness gone too far? ?Brown bag,? ?citizens? a... |

Have you noticed though how the rightwing nuts here at USMB merrily, blithely carry on about this as if it actually happened?

Get used to the fact that the rightwing inmates around here are living in an alternate universe of their own invention,

lest you be confused by some of the seemingly impossible nonsense that they post.

Oh I've always noticed that syndrome. Proves that something doesn't exist, they ignore it and go on with the fantasy. Prove that something does exist and they go on asking for the proof you just gave 'em. Over and over. It's why we have psychiatrists.

I don't think I'll ever get used to it though.
And where is it, this "violation of the First Amendment"?

And where is it, this "legislation"?

Is this the Fantasy Forum? Do you guys have any clue what "facts" are?
It's a Directive from on high...Comply or LOSE YOUR JOB.

The city's Office of Civil Rights instructed city workers in a recent internal memo to refrain from using er terms "citizen" and "brown bag" because some may find the words offensive, according to reports from KOMO.
Scare tactics. I'd tell those assholes to pound sand. I speak the way I want to employee or not.

Again, where do you find any indication of even "lose your job"?

You actually believe you can just make shit up and not get called on it? Seriously?
WHY don't we WAIT and see when someone is brazen enough to violate it?

IT WAS A DIRECTIVE from Statist creeps bent on dicating PC mulefritters on their workers.

It's that simple.

NO ONE has the right NOT to be offended.

And I make up ZERO when it comes to Liberty, sport.

Put that in yer pipe and smoke on it...inhale deeply.
It's a Directive from on high...Comply or LOSE YOUR JOB.

Scare tactics. I'd tell those assholes to pound sand. I speak the way I want to employee or not.

Again, where do you find any indication of even "lose your job"?

You actually believe you can just make shit up and not get called on it? Seriously?
WHY don't we WAIT and see when someone is brazen enough to violate it?

IT WAS A DIRECTIVE from Statist creeps bent on dicating PC mulefritters on their workers.

It's that simple.

NO ONE has the right NOT to be offended.

And I make up ZERO when it comes to Liberty, sport.

Put that in yer pipe and smoke on it...inhale deeply.

Uh - really? So you/I/we/they are required to be offended?
Are you insane?

WHY don't we WAIT and see when someone is brazen enough to violate it?

Good idea.
Maybe you should have thought of that before you invented this "lose your job" crapola.
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Again, where do you find any indication of even "lose your job"?

You actually believe you can just make shit up and not get called on it? Seriously?
WHY don't we WAIT and see when someone is brazen enough to violate it?

IT WAS A DIRECTIVE from Statist creeps bent on dicating PC mulefritters on their workers.

It's that simple.

NO ONE has the right NOT to be offended.

And I make up ZERO when it comes to Liberty, sport.

Put that in yer pipe and smoke on it...inhale deeply.

Uh - really? So you/I/we/they are required to be offended?
Are you insane?
Go back to post ONE dipshit.

Can u read?
WHY don't we WAIT and see when someone is brazen enough to violate it?

IT WAS A DIRECTIVE from Statist creeps bent on dicating PC mulefritters on their workers.

It's that simple.

NO ONE has the right NOT to be offended.

And I make up ZERO when it comes to Liberty, sport.

Put that in yer pipe and smoke on it...inhale deeply.

Uh - really? So you/I/we/they are required to be offended?
Are you insane?
Go back to post ONE dipshit.

Can u read?


Maybe you're not the one to be asking.
Go back to post ONE dipshit.

Can u read?


Maybe you're not the one to be asking.
It was intentional, and rhetorical...not so smart after all, are you?


This ain't the military, Gummo. You don't get to "dismiss" jack shit.
On the other hand the bullshit premise of this thread was dismissed back on page one. Six dozen posts later some of y'all are still going on as if it's real. Oblivious.

Btw you might wanna look up what "rhetorical" means.

"No one has the right NOT to be offended" -- :lmao:
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Maybe you're not the one to be asking.
It was intentional, and rhetorical...not so smart after all, are you?


This ain't the military, Gummo. You don't get to "dismiss" jack shit.
On the other hand the bullshit premise of this thread was dismissed back on page one. Six dozen posts later some of y'all are still going on as if it's real. Oblivious.

Btw you might wanna look up what "rhetorical" means.

"No one has the right NOT to be offended" -- :lmao:
Actually? *I DO* get to dismiss YOU.

Get it? Excercising my LIBERTY as those employees will come election time.

YOU still don't get it, and it shows.

Carry on smartly dumbass. You wear your ignorance well.
Seattle Bans Potentially Offensive Words Like 'Citizen' and 'Brown Bag'

The city's Office of Civil Rights instructed city workers in a recent internal memo to refrain from using er terms "citizen" and "brown bag" because some may find the words offensive, according to reports from KOMO.

"Luckily, we've got options," Elliott Bronstein of the Office for Civil Rights wrote in the memo obtained by the station. "For 'citizens,' how about 'residents?'"

Bronstein, during an interview with Seattle's KIRO Radio, revealed the phrase "brown bag" had been previously used to judge a person based on their skin color.

"For a lot of particularly African-American community members, the phrase brown bag does bring up associations with the past when a brown bag was actually used, I understand, to determine if people's skin color was light enough to allow admission to an event or to come into a party that was being held in a private home," Bronstein said.

According to the memo, city employees should use the terms "lunch-and-learn" or "sack lunch" instead of "brown bag."

Read more at Seattle Bans Potentially Offensive Words Like 'Citizen' and 'Brown Bag'

Cracker and honky are ok ..... :lol: Seattle must be full of pussy ass girly hand Liberals.

While I see Bronstein's suggestions as some of the most idiotic PC bullshit I've heard about in man a year, may I suggest that you do better research? Perhaps consider seeking other sources to back up your original source?

You see, no one is banning anything:

You read a headline that fits your narrative, you read an article that left out some critical information, and you ran with it, did you go to the CNN school of journalism?
I guess I have to ask because I only see liberals, leftists, "progressives" from other countries commenting in political forums regarding US politics.

Interesting observation.

... And what does that tell you? Come on, you can do this.

Hint: it's something about the perspective of where you sit on the spectrum....

... take your time...


That liberals like to stick their noses into everyone else's business and think they have a god given right to do so. That's all it mean.

OMFG, I gave you the answer and you still got it wrong. That takes talent.
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