Seattle Bans Potentially Offensive Words Like 'Citizen' and 'Brown Bag'

The opposition (in general terms) to undue government interference is NOT the same thing as saying that conservatives oppose the idea of Congress legislating LAWS.

Geez. You libs are dull witted.

SOME laws are perfectly appropriate. OTHER laws are not.

Oh of course. Conservatives don't hate government, they hate the other guy's government. Conservatives don't hate government spending, they hate the other guy's government spending.

Some laws are appropriate? lol, so I guess laws that would dictate that a certain language, or a certain use of language,

in official government business, such as English only, or such as restrictions on the use of words deemed inappropriate or offensive by the appropriate governmental authority,

those kind of laws???


Damn but you are dull witted.

Conservatives applaud what the Founders and Framers accomplished.

They did not craft a government that is incapable of passing laws, you moron.

That is not that what we sought then nor is it what we want now.

The objective was to LIMIT the government, you imbecile. Compel it to work within channels. Limit its authority and limit what it could even address.

I sure as hell DO oppose the liberal's present day notion of government. Why wouldn't I?

You idiot's have the goal of undoing what the Framers created.

IF, within the narrow constraints of what the Constitution permits the Federal Government to address our Congress happens to pass a law making English the official language of the United States, I wonder what conflict that would have with anything I have addressed here?

Since you are pitiably ignorant, let me clue you in on something. It is ALREADY the case that to pass our Nationality test, and achieve citizenship, an immigrant alien is required to know English.

ZOMG! This must cause you to lie awake at night!


You are simultaneously arguing for the right to restrict language in official government business,

while at the same time you're arguing that Seattle has no right to restrict or regulate language in official government business.

You're babbling incoherently IOW.
The opposition (in general terms) to undue government interference is NOT the same thing as saying that conservatives oppose the idea of Congress legislating LAWS.

Geez. You libs are dull witted.

SOME laws are perfectly appropriate. OTHER laws are not.

Oh of course. Conservatives don't hate government, they hate the other guy's government. Conservatives don't hate government spending, they hate the other guy's government spending.

Some laws are appropriate? lol, so I guess laws that would dictate that a certain language, or a certain use of language,

in official government business, such as English only, or such as restrictions on the use of words deemed inappropriate or offensive by the appropriate governmental authority,

those kind of laws???


Damn but you are dull witted.

Conservatives applaud what the Founders and Framers accomplished.

They did not craft a government that is incapable of passing laws, you moron.

That is not that what we sought then nor is it what we want now.

The objective was to LIMIT the government, you imbecile. Compel it to work within channels. Limit its authority and limit what it could even address.

I sure as hell DO oppose the liberal's present day notion of government. Why wouldn't I?

You idiot's have the goal of undoing what the Framers created.

IF, within the narrow constraints of what the Constitution permits the Federal Government to address our Congress happens to pass a law making English the official language of the United States, I wonder what conflict that would have with anything I have addressed here?

Since you are pitiably ignorant, let me clue you in on something. It is ALREADY the case that to pass our Nationality test, and achieve citizenship, an immigrant alien is required to know English.

ZOMG! This must cause you to lie awake at night!


What business of yours is it to dictate to the People of Seattle how they run their local government?

By what authority do you wish to impose your edicts? The Constitution??
Oh of course. Conservatives don't hate government, they hate the other guy's government. Conservatives don't hate government spending, they hate the other guy's government spending.

Some laws are appropriate? lol, so I guess laws that would dictate that a certain language, or a certain use of language,

in official government business, such as English only, or such as restrictions on the use of words deemed inappropriate or offensive by the appropriate governmental authority,

those kind of laws???


Damn but you are dull witted.

Conservatives applaud what the Founders and Framers accomplished.

They did not craft a government that is incapable of passing laws, you moron.

That is not that what we sought then nor is it what we want now.

The objective was to LIMIT the government, you imbecile. Compel it to work within channels. Limit its authority and limit what it could even address.

I sure as hell DO oppose the liberal's present day notion of government. Why wouldn't I?

You idiot's have the goal of undoing what the Framers created.

IF, within the narrow constraints of what the Constitution permits the Federal Government to address our Congress happens to pass a law making English the official language of the United States, I wonder what conflict that would have with anything I have addressed here?

Since you are pitiably ignorant, let me clue you in on something. It is ALREADY the case that to pass our Nationality test, and achieve citizenship, an immigrant alien is required to know English.

ZOMG! This must cause you to lie awake at night!


You are simultaneously arguing for the right to restrict language in official government business,

while at the same time you're arguing that Seattle has no right to restrict or regulate language in official government business.

You're babbling incoherently IOW.

Considering the source there's a shorter word for that:
If. You. Have. No. Right. To. Not. Feel. Offended... THEN Not Feeling Offended. Is. Not. An. Option.

What is your first language? I'll translate.
I see you've decided to go with threatening to hold your breath until you turn blue.

You have no right to not feel offended = you have the right to feel offended.

-- which leaves "feeling offended" as the only option left. :banghead:

You have no other option because you have no "right" to feel anything else. That's what not having a right to feel anything other than offended MEANS.

Jesus Christ on a bicycle, how dense do you have to be to not-get this?

And I'm compelled to reiterate, you authoritarian wackos who believe you can legislate what people feel -- are insane.
:lmao: Epic meltdown. The usual prog response when proven wrong. Man, you guys are an emotional bunch.

Nobody's attempting to legislate what people feel. Don't be stupid, unless, as I suspect, you simply can't help it.
I see you've decided to go with threatening to hold your breath until you turn blue.

You have no right to not feel offended = you have the right to feel offended.

-- which leaves "feeling offended" as the only option left. :banghead:

You have no other option because you have no "right" to feel anything else. That's what not having a right to feel anything other than offended MEANS.

Jesus Christ on a bicycle, how dense do you have to be to not-get this?

And I'm compelled to reiterate, you authoritarian wackos who believe you can legislate what people feel -- are insane.
:lmao: Epic meltdown. The usual prog response when proven wrong. Man, you guys are an emotional bunch.

Nobody's attempting to legislate what people feel. Don't be stupid, unless, as I suspect, you simply can't help it.
Note he says 'authoritarian whackos'...whom is it that is trying to stifle thought and speech through PC means? It isn't Conservatives.

It is the left...his side.

Methinks he is upset that WE are pointing to the hypocrisy and their double standards and that they get caught all the time. Just like petulant children. (Maybe he will hold his breath until he turns blue unless we change our stance and principles)?

One can hope. ;)
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-- which leaves "feeling offended" as the only option left. :banghead:

You have no other option because you have no "right" to feel anything else. That's what not having a right to feel anything other than offended MEANS.

Jesus Christ on a bicycle, how dense do you have to be to not-get this?

And I'm compelled to reiterate, you authoritarian wackos who believe you can legislate what people feel -- are insane.
:lmao: Epic meltdown. The usual prog response when proven wrong. Man, you guys are an emotional bunch.

Nobody's attempting to legislate what people feel. Don't be stupid, unless, as I suspect, you simply can't help it.
Note he says 'authoritarian whackos'...whom is it that is trying to stifle thought and speech through PC means? It isn't Conservatives.

It is the left...his side.

Methinks he is upset that WE are pointing to the hypocrisy and their double standards and that they get caught all the time. Just like petulant children. (Maybe he will hold his breath until he turns blue unless we change our stance and principles)?

One can hope. ;)

First off, I have never spelled wacko(s) with an H. Not that spelling matters, but it does demonstrate your astute powers of observation (<< sarc).

Second, and we did this elsewhere before, "PC" is not a political dynamic. It's a social one. Sorry if that doesn't feed your angels-n-demons comic book fantasy.
Two other words banned by the Seattle city council are "Percy" and "Harvin."
Seattle Bans Potentially Offensive Words Like 'Citizen' and 'Brown Bag'

And yes, the thread title is intentionally misleading and a lie: no words are being &#8216;banned.&#8217;

Ummm...It's the title of the story quoted in the OP. :nono:

That's the point -- the headline is manipulatively misleading. Somebody before linked four different headlines that all say "Seattle bans" or "Seattle threatens to ban" or "Seattle thinks about maybe considering threatening to ban" but as pointed out back here, not one of the stories, including the OP article here, has any such "ban" in the story. They don't even use the word. Not once.

It's really a thread about misleading headlines and reading comprehension.
:lmao: Epic meltdown. The usual prog response when proven wrong. Man, you guys are an emotional bunch.

Nobody's attempting to legislate what people feel. Don't be stupid, unless, as I suspect, you simply can't help it.
Note he says 'authoritarian whackos'...whom is it that is trying to stifle thought and speech through PC means? It isn't Conservatives.

It is the left...his side.

Methinks he is upset that WE are pointing to the hypocrisy and their double standards and that they get caught all the time. Just like petulant children. (Maybe he will hold his breath until he turns blue unless we change our stance and principles)?

One can hope. ;)

First off, I have never spelled wacko(s) with an H. Not that spelling matters, but it does demonstrate your astute powers of observation (<< sarc).

Second, and we did this elsewhere before, "PC" is not a political dynamic. It's a social one. Sorry if that doesn't feed your angels-n-demons comic book fantasy.

It’s also a contrivance of the right, a myth created by conservatives in their failed attempt to portray liberals as somehow ‘intolerant.'
Seattle Bans Potentially Offensive Words Like 'Citizen' and 'Brown Bag'

And yes, the thread title is intentionally misleading and a lie: no words are being ‘banned.’

Ummm...It's the title of the story quoted in the OP. :nono:

So the thread is based on a story that isn't true.

I think some of us have been trying to get that through your thick skulls for several days now.

Still waiting for the PC Police to create a website we can all visit regularly to update the words we're not "allowed" to utter without "offending" someone, being called a "racist" and/or having our jobs and/or careers threatened. We could all visit it first thing in the morning before we all start our politically correct day.

Wouldn't that be the "fair" thing to do?

The lolberals on this thread are funny. While they hang on the fact that the Seattle Politically Correct memo is not an actual "ban" on anything --

they blithely ignore (and hope everyone else will too) that

the concern by the politically correct lolberal officials in Seattle is still focused on the possible implications of a term like "brown bag."

ZOMG! "You said 'BROWN BAG!' Lock this motherfucker up!"

Fucking lolberals ARE funny.

Still waiting for the PC Police to create a website we can all visit regularly to update the words we're not "allowed" to utter without "offending" someone, being called a "racist" and/or having our jobs and/or careers threatened. We could all visit it first thing in the morning before we all start our politically correct day.

Wouldn't that be the "fair" thing to do?


I object to the use of the word &#8216;fair.&#8217; I find that offensive as this implies that I am somehow at a disadvantage because something is not &#8216;fair.&#8217; How dare you. I DEMAND that you cease to use that word from now on.

While we are at this, the word &#8216;it&#8217; must also cease to be used at once. This word is HIGHLY offensive to The Knights Who Say NI! and I DEMAND that this word is never spoken of again.
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There will always be someone offended by something......

A woman from Immokalee, Fla., allegedly threw an 8-inch-long kitchen knife at her boyfriend after he farted in her face.

Deborah Ann Burns, 37, told Collier County detectives that an argument ensued Tuesday night, while the two were watching TV, Naples Daily News reported.

Burns says that her boyfriend purposely passed gas while walking by her on his way to the kitchen.

When officers responded to a report of a possible stabbing, they found Burns' boyfriend in front of his house, with cuts on his abdomen and left arm, according to a Collier County Sheriff's Office arrest report sent to The Huffington Post.

The victim told authorities that his stomach wound came when Burns and he were arguing in the kitchen over money. He said she threw the knife at him, left the house, but came back, and struck him in the arm with a stick.

According to the report, the victim makes no mention of the alleged flatulence, but "continually stated if [Burns] returned he would kick her ass."

When detectives interviewed Burns, she allegedly asserted that her boyfriend became agitated and began yelling only after she confronted him about his fart.
It's funny how often the less truth there is in a story, the more tenaciously the rightwing inmates around here hang onto it.
It's funny how often the less truth there is in a story, the more tenaciously the rightwing inmates around here hang onto it.

The story is truthful. The inaccuracy is the claim that it was a "ban." It wasn't a "ban."

But it REMAINS a typical example of the mindless void of politically correct dogmatism preached by so many absurd modern American "liberals."

Liberal "thinking:" Oh NOOOOOO!! That evil human said, "brown bag!" Crucify him!

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