Seattle City Council Member Wants To Legalize Crime


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Electing the insane is becoming normal in the Democrat Party:

Only Democrat voters would support election fraud......because THIS is usually the result when you do.
What are some misdemeanors that will become legal? Littering? Jaywalking? Playing loud music? Leaving poop in the councilwoman's office everywhere except leaving the toilet clean?
"In October, Herbold, chairperson of the Seattle City Council's Public Safety Committee, introduced legislation to "excuse and dismiss" almost all misdemeanor crimes committed in Seattle by "persons with symptoms of addiction or mental disorder." At the time, Herbold was criticized for trying to sneak the legislation in as part of the budget cycle rather than through the normal legislative process and with no public discussion about the proposal.

Herbold now wants to add legal defense to the Seattle municipal code, which would provide an affirmative defense for someone who committed a crime because they needed " meet a basic need to survive." Herbold said she wants a jury to hear a defendant's explanations for the crime and for the jurors to decide if the crime was committed to " a basic need.""
Ms. Herbold's idea could really be effective at reducing Seattle's crime rate. Eliminate this items from the statistics, and Seattle will be, technically speaking, one of the Safest Cities on the Planet.
What are some misdemeanors that will become legal? Littering? Jaywalking? Playing loud music? Leaving poop in the councilwoman's office everywhere except leaving the toilet clean?

Hit and runs, dropping bricks from overpasses on cars, flamethrowers attacks on homeless people, drunk driving if you are illegally in the country, pretending to be attacked by racist white Trump supporters if you are black and politically connected...
What are some misdemeanors that will become legal? Littering? Jaywalking? Playing loud music? Leaving poop in the councilwoman's office everywhere except leaving the toilet clean?
Apparently you have to be an mentally-ill....and homeless to be excused for all of your criminal behavior.
So what if you are a drunk living on the street......YOU NEED STUFF......SO YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO STEAL STUFF TO SURVIVE!!!
All right conservatives here’s your softball.
What’s wrong with Post-Modern theory (get your Jordan Peterson notes ready!)? It assigns blameless victimhood to everyone. It tells folks that they have no responsibility or accountability for their lives because of their race, their gender, their socio-economic status, etc.. This ideology believes the real driving forces behind the arc of peoples lives are identities they were born with and have no ability transcend. While people are certainly oppressed and some of us are born with advantages that others are not, when you tell people that their problems are beyond their power to change, you are also telling them they are worthless and incapable of the self-actualization necessary to have a true sense of worth or empowerment.
There has been no oppression more damaging to oppressed peoples in the US over the last 55 years than liberals trying to create equality of outcome by handing out achievements/funding like participation trophies. I truly wish that LBJs war on poverty worked. It didn’t and has made things consistently worse for the very people it was designed to help.
This well-meaning and ignorant piece of legislation is a perfect illustration of that same strategy. If he could, William F Buckley would rise from the dead and smack the taste right out of this crazy woman’s mouth.
Not bad take for a tree-hugging
Electing the insane is becoming normal in the Democrat Party:

Only Democrat voters would support election fraud......because THIS is usually the result when you do.
/—-/ Try that in her front yard and she’d call the cops and have you tossed in jail with no bail.
She's encouraging criminal behavior.....but she doesn't want to be a victim. She wants the people of Seattle to bare the brunt of her deplorable laws.
So, the city will allow you to steal, live on another's property, assault another person, infringe on others rights without so much as an objection. Then the add the "I wanted it.", defense and what could go wrong? The honest law abiding citizens will see the bulk of the crime, the rest of Seattle won't care and the city council will be hoping all honest and upright citizens get robbed and assaulted, and praise them for their civic duty.
You don’t care about insane. You worship the orange sociopath.
Nutty bigot muddy
Says the crazy person herself.

Why not just legalize all crimes if street people commit them? Think how the crime statistics would drop.

Of course that would be unequal treatment under the law and the new solution to Seattle's crime problem would be instantly wiped out by the courts. But hey, nothing is perfect.

Put your wizard hat back on Lisa Herbold and try again. Who puts these morons in office?
What are some misdemeanors that will become legal? Littering? Jaywalking? Playing loud music? Leaving poop in the councilwoman's office everywhere except leaving the toilet clean?
Apparently you have to be an mentally-ill....and homeless to be excused for all of your criminal behavior.
So what if you are a drunk living on the street......YOU NEED STUFF......SO YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO STEAL STUFF TO SURVIVE!!!

I, hereby, DECLARE myself ---an impoverished addict with mental health issues!!!!?
ihm not rosie
You don’t care about insane. You worship the orange sociopath.
Nutty bigot muddy
Says the crazy person herself.

Why not just legalize all crimes if street people commit them? Think how the crime statistics would drop.

Of course that would be unequal treatment under the law and the new solution to Seattle's crime problem would be instantly wiped out by the courts. But hey, nothing is perfect.

Put your wizard hat back on Lisa Herbold and try again. Who puts these morons in office?
I think making the Seattle City Council homeless would help the situation.
Apparently you have to be an mentally-ill....and homeless to be excused for all of your criminal behavior.
It didn't say that you have to be an addict or mentally ill. Just display one of the symptoms of those conditions. For example; Insomnia is one of the symptoms of cocaine addiction. So if you didn't get enough sleep last night, for whatever reason, you can go on a crime spree.

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