Seattle Defeats The NRA


Taxpayers win, sort of...!

The amount of revenue this tax will bring in barely scratches the surface of covering the cost of gun violence in Seattle.

Judge upholds Seattle 'gun violence tax,' dismisses NRA suit
By Associated Press
22 December 2015


Between 2006 and 2010, there were on average 131 firearms deaths a year in King County, according to Public Health-Seattle and King County. An additional 536 people required hospitalization for shooting injuries during that time.

Officials say the direct medical costs of treating 253 gunshot victims at Harborview Medical Center in 2014 totaled more than $17 million. Taxpayers paid more than $12 million of that. City officials estimate the new tax would bring in $300,000 to $500,000 a year, but gun shop owners told council members those numbers were inflated. They said the law would cost them customers and sales and could force them to move out of the city.





good. all you who hate guns move to Seattle. see ya bye

look for who has the sales on can goods.
It's amazing so many spineless, cowardly progressives think that more laws pertaining to gun violence will help, more laws only help criminals/terrorists.
Facts are stubborn things
It's amazing how many people believe "If the gun shops close, the whole city's gonna die!"
It's amazing so many spineless, cowardly progressives think that more laws pertaining to gun violence will help, more laws only help criminals/terrorists.
Facts are stubborn things

and then they will be the FIRST to bitch about the crime rates, especially if it hits them Personally. and to tell you the truth. I wouldn't feel any sympathy for them
This is so stupid. It's the city of Seattle. All they have to do is move out of the city and sell the guns without that tax. How much revenue will that city of morons get if no guns are sold there?

Progressives are that fucking stupid.
And watch gun dealers move out f Seattle to the suburbs, depriving the city of tax revenue.
AMazingly every attempt to "stilck it" to gun owners falls flat.
It wouldn't, because revenue isn't the point, social engineering is. Gun dealers moving out of the city is precisely what they want.

Perhaps, but when businesses walk, so does their tax money and jobs. As the article noted, VA is the home of the NRA who may be considering the same thing.
It is true that liberal schemes usually produce the opposite outcome from which they say they want, especially when it comes to taxes.
It's amazing how many people believe "If the gun shops close, the whole city's gonna die!"
Nobody belives that. Strawman fallacy.
But look at places where gun shops are restricted: NYC, Chicago, DC. And look at places where they arent: Dallas, Atlanta, Miami. Which places have higher rates of violent crime?
And watch gun dealers move out f Seattle to the suburbs, depriving the city of tax revenue.
AMazingly every attempt to "stilck it" to gun owners falls flat.
It wouldn't, because revenue isn't the point, social engineering is. Gun dealers moving out of the city is precisely what they want.

Perhaps, but when businesses walk, so does their tax money and jobs. As the article noted, VA is the home of the NRA who may be considering the same thing.

that's the ONLY way they ever seem to learn. so let them give up all their rights and ways to protect themselves. let their sugar daddy Government take care of them all
It is very hard for the liberal mind to grasp that guns and ammunition don't kill people, its the person using the tool, gun, knife, numb-chucks....

Taxpayers win, sort of...!

The amount of revenue this tax will bring in barely scratches the surface of covering the cost of gun violence in Seattle.

Judge upholds Seattle 'gun violence tax,' dismisses NRA suit
By Associated Press
22 December 2015


Between 2006 and 2010, there were on average 131 firearms deaths a year in King County, according to Public Health-Seattle and King County. An additional 536 people required hospitalization for shooting injuries during that time.

Officials say the direct medical costs of treating 253 gunshot victims at Harborview Medical Center in 2014 totaled more than $17 million. Taxpayers paid more than $12 million of that. City officials estimate the new tax would bring in $300,000 to $500,000 a year, but gun shop owners told council members those numbers were inflated. They said the law would cost them customers and sales and could force them to move out of the city.



And....criminals using illegal guns to commit crimes......those injured and killed are mostly criminals engaged in criminal activity and those doing the shooting are not the law abiding gun owners.....criminals are not paying tax on their bullets when they shoot people....

You are punishing people who committed no crime, injured no person and never broke the law...

Typical liberal thinking..........

Taxpayers win, sort of...!

The amount of revenue this tax will bring in barely scratches the surface of covering the cost of gun violence in Seattle.

Judge upholds Seattle 'gun violence tax,' dismisses NRA suit
By Associated Press
22 December 2015


Between 2006 and 2010, there were on average 131 firearms deaths a year in King County, according to Public Health-Seattle and King County. An additional 536 people required hospitalization for shooting injuries during that time.

Officials say the direct medical costs of treating 253 gunshot victims at Harborview Medical Center in 2014 totaled more than $17 million. Taxpayers paid more than $12 million of that. City officials estimate the new tax would bring in $300,000 to $500,000 a year, but gun shop owners told council members those numbers were inflated. They said the law would cost them customers and sales and could force them to move out of the city.



Democrats in the South have placed a tax on voting to cover the costs of the voting process, and to generate revenue for the local and state governments and added a literacy test to ensure that those who vote understand their government....the tax will add revenue to government coffers.....and the democrats also secretly hope to keep freed blacks from voting.....

The democrats have been using taxes to deny human beings basic civil rights since civil war......old tactic, new target.......

Democrats are vile........they want to keep blacks who are poor from owning guns...that way the black minority who are gang banging criminals, who will not pay the tax, can prey on them...and the blacks will look to the democrats in power to save them....of course they won't...they just need enough blacks to show up on election day to ensure democrats keep their power.....

Taxpayers win, sort of...!

The amount of revenue this tax will bring in barely scratches the surface of covering the cost of gun violence in Seattle.

Judge upholds Seattle 'gun violence tax,' dismisses NRA suit
By Associated Press
22 December 2015


Between 2006 and 2010, there were on average 131 firearms deaths a year in King County, according to Public Health-Seattle and King County. An additional 536 people required hospitalization for shooting injuries during that time.

Officials say the direct medical costs of treating 253 gunshot victims at Harborview Medical Center in 2014 totaled more than $17 million. Taxpayers paid more than $12 million of that. City officials estimate the new tax would bring in $300,000 to $500,000 a year, but gun shop owners told council members those numbers were inflated. They said the law would cost them customers and sales and could force them to move out of the city.



this is nothing more than a modern democrat poll tax..........
And watch gun dealers move out f Seattle to the suburbs, depriving the city of tax revenue.
AMazingly every attempt to "stilck it" to gun owners falls flat.
It wouldn't, because revenue isn't the point, social engineering is. Gun dealers moving out of the city is precisely what they want.
Allegedly they want fewer guns in the city. But that of course is a pipe dream. What they'll get are fewer guns in the hands of law abiding people and more in the hands of criminals.
Because libs are too stupid to recognize the difference.

Sadly, you are wrong. They know the difference, they just don't care. They know they can't stop criminals...but with the right law...they can punish law abiding citizens who are normally out of their reach because they don't use guns to commit crimes...this way, they get to punish the people they really hate...people who own guns....criminals.....just a cost of doing business....
Chicago also has this mind set....they won't let gun stores open in the gun crime will go something......
Good.....let them learn the lesson in blood......Chicago, D.C., Baltimore, all of them pay for their lesson in the blood of innocent minority deaths......

They voted for it...let them suffer..... will encourage other nut jobs to do the same thing in other places...
...gun shop owners told council members those numbers were inflated. They said the law would cost them customers and sales and could force them to move out of the city.

The gun owners said this tax might make them leave the city. And this hurts the feelings of the :dunno:

"...and don't let the door hit you in the ass."

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