Seattle Defeats The NRA

It's a Pigovian tax, a.k.a. "sin tax". Booze, cigarettes, and now guns.
...gun shop owners told council members those numbers were inflated. They said the law would cost them customers and sales and could force them to move out of the city.

The gun owners said this tax might make them leave the city. And this hurts the feelings of the :dunno:

"...and don't let the door hit you in the ass."

It is perfect...outside of the denial of the Civil Rights.......liberals left in a city filled with the monsters they created.........they deserve everything they get.......
How many of those crimes are done by legally obtained guns?
All of the mass shootings we have been talking about this year were. How's that for starters?

And now in Seattle the mass shooters will pay the tax and then shoot people......what exactly was solved? And then the criminals won't pay taxes on stolen bullets......
How many of those crimes are done by legally obtained guns?
All of the mass shootings we have been talking about this year were. How's that for starters?

And now in Seattle the mass shooters will pay the tax and then shoot people......what exactly was solved? And then the criminals won't pay taxes on stolen bullets......
I don't think you understand how a Pigovian tax works.

A guy with a gun shoots somebody. The outcome is the expenditure of a lot of money on medical bills, funerals, police, flowers, welfare for orphans, etc. Those costs are not paid by the shooter. The bulk of it is paid for by the public.

With a Pigovian tax, the gun buyers are helping to pay for the externalities which are a direct result of those gun sales.

So that is exactly what was solved.

Not completely, since the tax doesn't even come close to paying the full freight of Seattle's externalities.
It's a Pigovian tax, a.k.a. "sin tax". Booze, cigarettes, and now guns. is a democrat Poll Tax....a tax meant to infringe on the rights of citizens....
It's a textbook Pigovian tax. abiding people who own guns stop violent crime and save lives...according to bill clinton and supported by research funded by barak obama.....Americans use guns 1.5 million times a year to stop violent criminal attack and save lives........

That is billions saved, not only with the original victims surviving the encounter unharmed, but by taking into custody criminals who would havd created even more victims.....

There is a net loss as more people are now made into victims, instead of survivors....
How many of those crimes are done by legally obtained guns?
All of the mass shootings we have been talking about this year were. How's that for starters?

And now in Seattle the mass shooters will pay the tax and then shoot people......what exactly was solved? And then the criminals won't pay taxes on stolen bullets......
I don't think you understand how a Pigovian tax works.

A guy with a gun shoots somebody. The outcome is the expenditure of a lot of money on medical bills, funerals, etc. Those costs are not paid by the shooter. The bulk of it is paid for by the public.

With a Pigovian tax, the gun buyers is helping to pay for the externalities of medical bills and funerals.

So that is exactly what was solved.

Not completely, since the tax doesn't even come close to paying the full freight of Seattle's externalities.
Why should the legal gun buyer pay the bills incurred by the illegal criminal? Why not tax sneakers, since the criminal is obviously wearong some? Why not tax cars, since criminals commonly use them?
The only thing "pigovian" is you, pig.
How many of those crimes are done by legally obtained guns?
All of the mass shootings we have been talking about this year were. How's that for starters?

And now in Seattle the mass shooters will pay the tax and then shoot people......what exactly was solved? And then the criminals won't pay taxes on stolen bullets......
I don't think you understand how a Pigovian tax works.

A guy with a gun shoots somebody. The outcome is the expenditure of a lot of money on medical bills, funerals, etc. Those costs are not paid by the shooter. The bulk of it is paid for by the public.

With a Pigovian tax, the gun buyers is helping to pay for the externalities of medical bills and funerals.

So that is exactly what was solved.

Not completely, since the tax doesn't even come close to paying the full freight of Seattle's externalities.

No, you don't understand......the normal, law abiding gun owner does not use his gun or his bullets to shoot anyone. A criminal steals his gun, and bullets and uses it to shoot another criminal......the only one who the law abiding gun owner who committed no crime, caused no harm and injured and/or killed no one........

So the criminal...who did not make his money legally, gets an illegal gun, and illegal bullets they cannot legally own or carry....and you charge the very people who didn't cause the damage...

That is called mental illness...that line of reasoning is mentally ill thinking...
How many of those crimes are done by legally obtained guns?
All of the mass shootings we have been talking about this year were. How's that for starters?

And now in Seattle the mass shooters will pay the tax and then shoot people......what exactly was solved? And then the criminals won't pay taxes on stolen bullets......
I don't think you understand how a Pigovian tax works.

A guy with a gun shoots somebody. The outcome is the expenditure of a lot of money on medical bills, funerals, police, flowers, welfare for orphans, etc. Those costs are not paid by the shooter. The bulk of it is paid for by the public.

With a Pigovian tax, the gun buyers are helping to pay for the externalities which are a direct result of those gun sales.

So that is exactly what was solved.

Not completely, since the tax doesn't even come close to paying the full freight of Seattle's externalities.

You spelled it wrong by the way.
How many of those crimes are done by legally obtained guns?
All of the mass shootings we have been talking about this year were. How's that for starters?

And now in Seattle the mass shooters will pay the tax and then shoot people......what exactly was solved? And then the criminals won't pay taxes on stolen bullets......
I don't think you understand how a Pigovian tax works.

A guy with a gun shoots somebody. The outcome is the expenditure of a lot of money on medical bills, funerals, etc. Those costs are not paid by the shooter. The bulk of it is paid for by the public.

With a Pigovian tax, the gun buyers is helping to pay for the externalities of medical bills and funerals.

So that is exactly what was solved.

Not completely, since the tax doesn't even come close to paying the full freight of Seattle's externalities.

No, you don't understand......the normal, law abiding gun owner does not use his gun or his bullets to shoot anyone.
And not every smoker gets lung cancer. Nonetheless, the odds of a smoker getting cancer and becoming a huge burden to the taxpayer is much greater than the odds of a non-smoker. So all smokers have to pay an extra tax as their share of their increased risk to society.

Just so with gun buyers now. Every gun owner is a greater risk than a non gun owner and so they must pay their share of their increased risk.
How many of those crimes are done by legally obtained guns?
All of the mass shootings we have been talking about this year were. How's that for starters?

And now in Seattle the mass shooters will pay the tax and then shoot people......what exactly was solved? And then the criminals won't pay taxes on stolen bullets......
I don't think you understand how a Pigovian tax works.

A guy with a gun shoots somebody. The outcome is the expenditure of a lot of money on medical bills, funerals, police, flowers, welfare for orphans, etc. Those costs are not paid by the shooter. The bulk of it is paid for by the public.

With a Pigovian tax, the gun buyers are helping to pay for the externalities which are a direct result of those gun sales.

So that is exactly what was solved.

Not completely, since the tax doesn't even come close to paying the full freight of Seattle's externalities.

You spelled it wrong by the way.
Nope. There is an alternate spelling, but both are correct.
And then the criminals won't pay taxes on stolen bullets......
Stolen bullets? How many bullets are stolen in Seattle?

When they steal guns they don't leave the bullets.....and they use money obtained illegally to pay for the straw purchase of either way, the criminal is not paying your tax....and is in fact costing you even more...... the law abiding gun owners leave the city...and the criminals still get their guns....only the really rich, and the really poor will live in the city.....and criminals of are shrinking your tax base...not increasing your tax revenue...twit.
It's a consumption tax. Consumption taxes are better than taxes on production.
And then the criminals won't pay taxes on stolen bullets......
Stolen bullets? How many bullets are stolen in Seattle?

When they steal guns they don't leave the bullets.....and they use money obtained illegally to pay for the straw purchase of either way, the criminal is not paying your tax....and is in fact costing you even more......

You are working from the premise that every shooting is done with a stolen gun. This is a false premise and so your argument collapses.

As I just pointed out, every mass shooting we have talked about this year, plus the mass shootings of previous years, were all done with legally obtained firearms.
How many of those crimes are done by legally obtained guns?
All of the mass shootings we have been talking about this year were. How's that for starters?

And now in Seattle the mass shooters will pay the tax and then shoot people......what exactly was solved? And then the criminals won't pay taxes on stolen bullets......
I don't think you understand how a Pigovian tax works.

A guy with a gun shoots somebody. The outcome is the expenditure of a lot of money on medical bills, funerals, etc. Those costs are not paid by the shooter. The bulk of it is paid for by the public.

With a Pigovian tax, the gun buyers is helping to pay for the externalities of medical bills and funerals.

So that is exactly what was solved.

Not completely, since the tax doesn't even come close to paying the full freight of Seattle's externalities.

No, you don't understand......the normal, law abiding gun owner does not use his gun or his bullets to shoot anyone.
And not every smoker gets lung cancer. Nonetheless, the odds of a smoker getting cancer and becoming a huge burden to the taxpayer is much greater than the odds of a non-smoker. So all smokers have to pay an extra tax as their share of their increased risk to society.

Just so with gun buyers now. Every gun owner is a greater risk than a non gun owner and so they must pay their share of their increased risk.
No that is a wrong analogy.
Smokers already pay heavy taxes in any case.
But no one intends to get lung cancer. Criminals intend to shoot their victims.
It's a consumption tax. Consumption taxes are better than taxes on production. is a Poll Tax...a tax meant to infringe on the Right of a citizen to prevent them from exercising that right.

And it will reduce revenue as normal people flee from seattle...just like Chicago...

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