Seattle Democrats Cancel Columbus Day. Replace It With "indigenous People's Day"

The early American colonists came here and killed an enormous amount of people and destroyed entire cultures. The least anyone can do is have a holiday commemorating the original peoples of this country. If that offends you, you are probably a bigot.

And Columbus was a horrible person. He was a slave trader and a despot, hated by colonists. He also sold young indigenous girls (aged 9-10) into sexual slavery. As a result of his brutal slavery, which often involved punishments like cutting off the hands of workers who were not productive enough, there was a mass suicide of 100 people. If attack dogs to hunt escaping natives did not have enough food, Columbus had Arawak babies killed to feed them.

In fact, Columbus was the first slave trader in the Americas. As the native slaves died off, they were replaced with black slaves. Columbus' son became the first African slave trader in 1505.

We might as well have Stalin day, Bin Laden day, and Kim Jong etc. day.
If that offends you, you are probably a bigot..

This is now the third straight comment in 3 different threads where you've trotted out the bigot card and you claim that you're not a leftist. Give it a rest. Only liberals are so monomaniacal about accusing people of bigotry. Own your leftism now that you've outed yourself.

Why are you linking to a hate site? Also, the fact that the author's favorite books are Zinn's crackpot "A People's History of the United States" and Loewen's "Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong" should have been a warning to you that you were dealing with a hatemonger who contorts history to further the hate burning in his heart. Kind of like you, I guess.
In fact, Columbus was the first slave trader in the Americas. As the native slaves died off, they were replaced with black slaves. Columbus' son became the first African slave trader in 1505..

The first African slave traders were Africans. The first slave traders in the western hemisphere were the natives themselves. Lay off the bong for a couple of years.
Shoots has a HS Equivalency and half the IQ of Eric Holder.

The board notes you never addressed the issue and instead made a personal attack. Thanks for admitting i'm right.

Once again a far righty can't take what he dishes out. Wuss. :lol:

The answers refuting your position and your belief in white supremacy have been compentently rebuked time and again in this thread, so you don't get "just once more", please.
The early American colonists came here and killed an enormous amount of people and destroyed entire cultures. The least anyone can do is have a holiday commemorating the original peoples of this country. If that offends you, you are probably a bigot.

And Columbus was a horrible person. He was a slave trader and a despot, hated by colonists. He also sold young indigenous girls (aged 9-10) into sexual slavery. As a result of his brutal slavery, which often involved punishments like cutting off the hands of workers who were not productive enough, there was a mass suicide of 100 people. If attack dogs to hunt escaping natives did not have enough food, Columbus had Arawak babies killed to feed them.

In fact, Columbus was the first slave trader in the Americas. As the native slaves died off, they were replaced with black slaves. Columbus' son became the first African slave trader in 1505.

We might as well have Stalin day, Bin Laden day, and Kim Jong etc. day.

It's fine to have a holiday commemorating the natives, but let's not dissolve the holiday as it is now that commemorates Italian-Americans.
The early American colonists came here and killed an enormous amount of people and destroyed entire cultures. The least anyone can do is have a holiday commemorating the original peoples of this country. If that offends you, you are probably a bigot.

And Columbus was a horrible person. He was a slave trader and a despot, hated by colonists. He also sold young indigenous girls (aged 9-10) into sexual slavery. As a result of his brutal slavery, which often involved punishments like cutting off the hands of workers who were not productive enough, there was a mass suicide of 100 people. If attack dogs to hunt escaping natives did not have enough food, Columbus had Arawak babies killed to feed them.

In fact, Columbus was the first slave trader in the Americas. As the native slaves died off, they were replaced with black slaves. Columbus' son became the first African slave trader in 1505.

We might as well have Stalin day, Bin Laden day, and Kim Jong etc. day.

It's fine to have a holiday commemorating the natives, but let's not dissolve the holiday as it is now that commemorates Italian-Americans.

That's a good idea. Leave Columbus Day as it is and make a new holiday to honor Native Americans. That would probably have wide-spread support.
The history and genocide and dispersal of the Huron.

If combined with populations of the Neutrals, Tionontati, and Wenro, the Huron in 1535 probably numbered somewhere between 30,000 and 45,000. French estimates of the four core tribes of the Huron Confederacy in 1615 varied from 20,000 to 30,000 and 16 to 25 villages. After European contact, the Huron population loss was dramatic. By 1640 epidemic and war had reduced them to less than 10,000. After their dispersal in 1649 by the Iroquois, only 300 Huron were able to relocate safely at Lorette near Quebec. Another 1,000, mixed with Tionontati and Neutrals, escaped to the western Great Lakes to become the Wyandot. The number of Huron adopted into the Iroquois League is uncertain but must have been considerable. In 1736 the population at Lorette had remained near its original 300, while the Wyandot, relocated to the west end of Lake Erie, had increased to near 1,500.


These villages varied in size, but the larger ones were usually fortified and had populations well over 1,000. Fortification and large size probably resulted from the region's constant warfare, but the densely populated villages and large communal bark-covered longhouses (sometimes 200' long) made the Huron vulnerable to European epidemics. In most ways, the Huron lifestyle closely resembled that of the Iroquois. Beginning around 1100, the Iroquian people in this region began large-scale agriculture. A dramatic increase in population followed which, unfortunately, was accompanied by a similar increase in organized warfare.


Huron justice could be harsh. Convicted murderers were often tied to their victim's corpse and allowed to starve. In later times offenders were shot by firing squad.


Unfortunately for the French and their hopes for the fur trade, the St. Lawrence west of Quebec was a war zone and had been this way for at least 50 years before their arrival. It was a disputed area claimed by the Iroquois, Huron, Algonkin, and Montagnais. After listening to the complaints of his trading partners against the Iroquois, Champlain decided in July, 1609 to accompany a mixed Algonkin, Montagnais, and Huron war party against the Mohawk.


After wars with the Susquehannock (1615) and the Mahican (1624-28), they emerged as the dominant Dutch trade partner. Unfortunately, the Iroquois homeland did not not have many beaver, and in attempting to supply the Dutch, the Iroquois quickly used up what little they had. Dutch attempts to bypass them and gain access to the St. Lawrence trade through the Mahican had only intensified the dilemma and had led to the Mohawk war with the Mahican in 1624. However, their victory over the Mahican had merely eliminated a rival and did not provide them with access to more fur. The Huron homeland had a lot of beaver in the beginning, but it also became exhausted from trade with the French. However, the Huron easily overcame this through trade with tribes to the north and west. Surrounded by enemies, the Iroquois had no such opportunity, and threatened with the loss of their trade position with the Dutch, they desperately needed the Huron to supply them with fur, or at least allow them to hunt outside their homeland. The Huron would not allow either of these things. Their fur went directly to the French, and the Huron were powerful enough to keep Iroquois hunters confined to their own lands.


During those three long years, the Iroquois, because of their uninterrupted trade with the Dutch, gained an arms advantage over the Huron and Algonkin. Beginning in 1629, a new round of warfare for fur and territory began which evolved into the Beaver Wars (1630-1700)


At the time, Ohio was empty one lived there, and because of this, it was especially attractive, not only for its rich farmland, but hunting since there had been virtually no human habitation for the previous 50 years. The Iroquois claimed it by right of their conquest of the Erie,Shawnee, Kickapoo, and several tribes whose names have been lost because they disappeared during the Beaver Wars before European contact.

... and more, just on the Huron and the politics of their region.


The silly claims that Europeans wiped out the natives is nonsense. The type of genocides like those of the Plains tribes began with none other than Abraham Lincoln and the sending of Pope and Federal troops into Minnesota during the Civil War and the attempt to genocide the Sioux tribe there. Lincoln's policies were carried on by the likes of Pope, Sheridan, and the other Union butchers, in support of Lincoln's and the Republican Party's best friend Grenville Dodge and his Federally subsidized railroad system, one of the main reasons Lincoln started his illegal civil war in the first place.

A detailed study of tribes and politics of the Mississippi Valley can found inIndians, Settlers, & Slaves in a Frontier Exchange Economy: The Lower Mississippi Valley Before 1783 - Daniel H. Usner, Jr. References in diaries and the history of the period document instances where slaves who escaped from or were captured from the French and Spanish settlements would beg English traders to buy them from the Indians and return them to their former masters cited in this book. Just a sample of real native american history, which doesn't remotely resemble the hippie fantasies concocted in the 1960's and later re 'the noble savage' myth.
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In fact, Columbus was the first slave trader in the Americas. As the native slaves died off, they were replaced with black slaves. Columbus' son became the first African slave trader in 1505..

The first African slave traders were Africans. The first slave traders in the western hemisphere were the natives themselves. Lay off the bong for a couple of years.
Sorry retard. The first African slave traders were Arabs. Get your facts together and stop using meth.

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