Seattle man starts using women's locker room

Of course. It's not a matter of deciding to protect the rights of either transgender or the girls, but not both. It's a matter of protecting both. I fully support LGBT rights, but this law should be rescinded until it is fixed.

You treat this as a non-zero sum game, but in each instance there is a good chance that there are people on both sides who will be uncomfortable, either with the man using the women's locker room, or the man (who thinks he is a woman) being denied access and being told to use the men's locker room.

My question is, why does his discomfort outweigh the women's/girl's discomfort?

I don't think it has to be either/or . If no solution is forthcoming, the children have to be protected at all costs, but I;m not sure we are at that point yet.

It has to be one or the other, someone is gonna have either their feelings hurt, or going to feel uncomfortable in the situation.

That's the way it stands now, but I'm not ready to say something better can be done. No, I don't know what that something better is, but there are a lot of smart people around, and I'm willing to see what they might have to say.

The only solution that lets guys with their twig and berries still on use the ladies room is to somehow make the women no longer uncomfortable with that situation. Short of "re-education" or brainwashing, good luck with that.

The solution is you use the locker room your parts dictate, or places start adding ????? locker rooms that anyone can use as a 3rd option.

Yeah, and those third rooms will go largely unused. We are bending over backwards to placate 1% of the general population, if that. With all the legitimate needs we should be addressing, let's just waste funds on shit like this.
I applaud this man for proving how absurd liberalism has become. Also, there is no requirement that he prove himself to be transgender. There is no way to prove it because the liberals have made it clear that a man can call himself a woman even without a sex change operation.

I think men in Washington should organize and enter women's rooms all over the state until the stupid liberal voters of Washington get the point.

This issue alone could turn Washington into a red state.

And lesbians? Don't they find others of the same sex, sexually attractive?

My good God this is funnier than hell
You treat this as a non-zero sum game, but in each instance there is a good chance that there are people on both sides who will be uncomfortable, either with the man using the women's locker room, or the man (who thinks he is a woman) being denied access and being told to use the men's locker room.

My question is, why does his discomfort outweigh the women's/girl's discomfort?

I don't think it has to be either/or . If no solution is forthcoming, the children have to be protected at all costs, but I;m not sure we are at that point yet.

It has to be one or the other, someone is gonna have either their feelings hurt, or going to feel uncomfortable in the situation.

That's the way it stands now, but I'm not ready to say something better can be done. No, I don't know what that something better is, but there are a lot of smart people around, and I'm willing to see what they might have to say.

The only solution that lets guys with their twig and berries still on use the ladies room is to somehow make the women no longer uncomfortable with that situation. Short of "re-education" or brainwashing, good luck with that.

The solution is you use the locker room your parts dictate, or places start adding ????? locker rooms that anyone can use as a 3rd option.

Yeah, and those third rooms will go largely unused. We are bending over backwards to placate 1% of the general population, if that. With all the legitimate needs we should be addressing, let's just waste funds on shit like this.

That is an overall issue with our current "leaders", bullshit like this is easy to deal with for them, real issues like budget and the impending pension implosion are much harder, and thus must be ignored.
And again we find the liberal orthodoxy running afoul of basic biology. An adult man should not be in a room with naked females (especially underage) who have not asked him to be there, no matter how much he insists he feels like a woman that day.

The article even states the staff felt like it wasn't a transgender issue...there is no reason for this to happen with young children involved

The problem is that the whole premise of all this is "who are you to judge what person "X" thinks they are when it comes to gender/race/sex/species/age/whatever. What's the next step, registering all trans-sexuals so we know who is legit and who is not?
Do you have an underage daughter who takes swimming lessons?
That's all that needs to be asked and the issue comes to a fucking screeching halt!
I don't think it has to be either/or . If no solution is forthcoming, the children have to be protected at all costs, but I;m not sure we are at that point yet.

It has to be one or the other, someone is gonna have either their feelings hurt, or going to feel uncomfortable in the situation.

That's the way it stands now, but I'm not ready to say something better can be done. No, I don't know what that something better is, but there are a lot of smart people around, and I'm willing to see what they might have to say.

The only solution that lets guys with their twig and berries still on use the ladies room is to somehow make the women no longer uncomfortable with that situation. Short of "re-education" or brainwashing, good luck with that.

The solution is you use the locker room your parts dictate, or places start adding ????? locker rooms that anyone can use as a 3rd option.

Yeah, and those third rooms will go largely unused. We are bending over backwards to placate 1% of the general population, if that. With all the legitimate needs we should be addressing, let's just waste funds on shit like this.

That is an overall issue with our current "leaders", bullshit like this is easy to deal with for them, real issues like budget and the impending pension implosion are much harder, and thus must be ignored.
I wonder if fucking Obama would mind if a male entered the swimming pool change room where his daughters were changing?
Every fucking LIB in Washington State who voted for this insanity could be made to take THEIR underage daughters into swimming pool change rooms and let any male who claims he thinks he's a woman watch the little girls change.
I bet THAT would put an end to the perversity.
It has to be one or the other, someone is gonna have either their feelings hurt, or going to feel uncomfortable in the situation.

That's the way it stands now, but I'm not ready to say something better can be done. No, I don't know what that something better is, but there are a lot of smart people around, and I'm willing to see what they might have to say.

The only solution that lets guys with their twig and berries still on use the ladies room is to somehow make the women no longer uncomfortable with that situation. Short of "re-education" or brainwashing, good luck with that.

The solution is you use the locker room your parts dictate, or places start adding ????? locker rooms that anyone can use as a 3rd option.

Yeah, and those third rooms will go largely unused. We are bending over backwards to placate 1% of the general population, if that. With all the legitimate needs we should be addressing, let's just waste funds on shit like this.

That is an overall issue with our current "leaders", bullshit like this is easy to deal with for them, real issues like budget and the impending pension implosion are much harder, and thus must be ignored.
I wonder if fucking Obama would mind if a male entered the swimming pool change room where his daughters were changing?
Every fucking LIB in Washington State who voted for this insanity could be made to take THEIR underage daughters into swimming pool change rooms and let any male who claims he thinks he's a woman watch the little girls change.
I bet THAT would put an end to the perversity.
you meant Washington DC right?
That's the way it stands now, but I'm not ready to say something better can be done. No, I don't know what that something better is, but there are a lot of smart people around, and I'm willing to see what they might have to say.

The only solution that lets guys with their twig and berries still on use the ladies room is to somehow make the women no longer uncomfortable with that situation. Short of "re-education" or brainwashing, good luck with that.

The solution is you use the locker room your parts dictate, or places start adding ????? locker rooms that anyone can use as a 3rd option.

Yeah, and those third rooms will go largely unused. We are bending over backwards to placate 1% of the general population, if that. With all the legitimate needs we should be addressing, let's just waste funds on shit like this.

That is an overall issue with our current "leaders", bullshit like this is easy to deal with for them, real issues like budget and the impending pension implosion are much harder, and thus must be ignored.
I wonder if fucking Obama would mind if a male entered the swimming pool change room where his daughters were changing?
Every fucking LIB in Washington State who voted for this insanity could be made to take THEIR underage daughters into swimming pool change rooms and let any male who claims he thinks he's a woman watch the little girls change.
I bet THAT would put an end to the perversity.
you meant Washington DC right?
No...... I mean if the 'BONOBO's stopped in Washington State on their way to another 600K family vacation in Hawaii on the tax payer's dime and BONOBO's daughters wanted to have a swim in a local pool. But wait a minute!
If BONOBO's Tranny wife went into the girl's change room things could become a little confused I guess.
"Hello Mommy? Yes I'm in the changing room with the other girls getting ready for our swimming class. Mommy. Why are there two old men getting undressing in here?"
What kills me the most about this whole issue is that some idiot has nothing better to do than to pursue this kind of legislation. And most likely taxpayers are paying the idiot. With all the problems this country faces, I can't say I've heard any one recently decrying the lack of grown men watching 15 year old girls getting changed. The idiot should find something constructive to do.

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