Seattle minimum wage has killed 700 jobs so far...

When the space needle restaurant closes, I'm sure Leftists will just keep up their mantra that it's because of greedy business owners and not their stupid policies.

Leftists are NEVER wrong.
When the space needle restaurant closes, I'm sure Leftists will just keep up their mantra that it's because of greedy business owners and not their stupid policies.

Leftists are NEVER wrong.

Restaurants with a great ambiance and great food will always make money.

Yes, it's the smaller restaurants that struggle for a sustainable share of the market that will be pushed out of business by your insane Leftist policies.

That's SO much better.
So democrats point the finger of blame at the company and tech for the reason for layoffs. Must be great to be a democrat and NEVER be wrong.

As opposed to the conservatards who always blame the workers for making too much money.

The only peeps whining about anyone "making too much money" are you loony leftards but it's the rich that toast your noodles.
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When the space needle restaurant closes, I'm sure Leftists will just keep up their mantra that it's because of greedy business owners and not their stupid policies.

Leftists are NEVER wrong.

Restaurants with a great ambiance and great food will always make money.

Yes, it's the smaller restaurants that struggle for a sustainable share of the market that will be pushed out of business by your insane Leftist policies.

That's SO much better.

Yes or No...
You are stating for the record that the struggling owner of a pizza shop should NOT be living in a mansion and should not have 3 80K SUVs in his driveway and a built in swimming pool in his backyard.
So democrats point the finger of blame at the company and tech for the reason for layoffs. Must be great to be a democrat and NEVER be wrong.

As opposed to the conservatards who always blame the workers for making too much money.

What do you think is going to happen if an employer is required to pay a worker $15/hour, when that worker is only able to produce $10/hour worth of service? Wrong-wingers think that they can ignore basic economic reality. An employer isn't going to keep a worker that costs more to employ than the value of that employee's service.

So, you wind up with someone on unemployment and welfare, but at least wrong-wingers can pat themselves on the back and rejoice that he's no longer being exploited by a greedy employer.
When the space needle restaurant closes, I'm sure Leftists will just keep up their mantra that it's because of greedy business owners and not their stupid policies.

Leftists are NEVER wrong.

Restaurants with a great ambiance and great food will always make money.

Yes, it's the smaller restaurants that struggle for a sustainable share of the market that will be pushed out of business by your insane Leftist policies.

That's SO much better.

Yes or No...
You are stating for the record that the struggling owner of a pizza shop should NOT be living in a mansion and should not have 3 80K SUVs in his driveway and a built in swimming pool in his backyard.

You're basing this on what, exactly?
This law is wiping out the little guy. The big guy can go tech.
Its STILL job loss no matter if the place goes tech or under.
If anything that law has played into large companies interest.

It gives them a payroll cut and will increase the profit margin for the big guy. The little guy goes under leaving you with fewer choices.
You can argue economics all you want but job LOSS will far out do ANY gain that is phony anyway.
When the space needle restaurant closes, I'm sure Leftists will just keep up their mantra that it's because of greedy business owners and not their stupid policies.

Leftists are NEVER wrong.

Restaurants with a great ambiance and great food will always make money.

Yes, it's the smaller restaurants that struggle for a sustainable share of the market that will be pushed out of business by your insane Leftist policies.

That's SO much better.

Yes or No...
You are stating for the record that the struggling owner of a pizza shop should NOT be living in a mansion and should not have 3 80K SUVs in his driveway and a built in swimming pool in his backyard.

You're basing this on what, exactly?

I explained what I'm basing this on.
I do Commercial/Residential Inspections.
I meet TONS of people and I discuss life with them, including what they do for a living.
EVERY business owner says he's the hardest working person on earth and they all live like Bill Gates.
Some live WAY above their income and some simply make tons of money and regard their employees as their slaves.
Maybe it's a New York thing.
This law is wiping out the little guy. The big guy can go tech.
Its STILL job loss no matter if the place goes tech or under.
If anything that law has played into large companies interest.

It gives them a payroll cut and will increase the profit margin for the big guy. The little guy goes under leaving you with fewer choices.
You can argue economics all you want but job LOSS will far out do ANY gain that is phony anyway.

My Super Stop & Shop went tech and it sucks.
I am stunned by a system that needs at least one clerk per 3 cash registers to complete a transaction.
This is the problem I have with you neo nuts.....times are changing and you nuts just can't adjust to it.

Some things will not change with time.

A business cannot stay in business indefinitely unless it takes in more money than it spends. A business that spends more money than it takes in will eventually fail, and this failure will put its employees out of work. You on the far-wrong think you can enact policies that deny basic unalterable economic realities, and when these policies have the predictable disastrous results, the only solutions you propose are more of the same crap that caused the problems in the first place.

Modern American liberalism truly is madness.
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This law is wiping out the little guy. The big guy can go tech.
Its STILL job loss no matter if the place goes tech or under.
If anything that law has played into large companies interest.

It gives them a payroll cut and will increase the profit margin for the big guy. The little guy goes under leaving you with fewer choices.
You can argue economics all you want but job LOSS will far out do ANY gain that is phony anyway.

My Super Stop & Shop went tech and it sucks.
I am stunned by a system that needs at least one clerk per 3 cash registers to complete a transaction.
Unfortunately such "progress" is sustained by willing accomplices, shoppers who use these terminals. My wife and I refuse to and insist a live human being check us out every time. It gets worse from here. iRobot is not just a fictional movie, it's the direction we're headed where the garbage guy, the Fedex deliverer, the truck driver all get replaced by robots. Working is a basic human right and we're allowing machines to supplant human labor and nothing is being done to protect the right of the worker not to be replaced by a machine.
When the space needle restaurant closes, I'm sure Leftists will just keep up their mantra that it's because of greedy business owners and not their stupid policies.

Leftists are NEVER wrong.

Restaurants with a great ambiance and great food will always make money.

Yes, it's the smaller restaurants that struggle for a sustainable share of the market that will be pushed out of business by your insane Leftist policies.

That's SO much better.

Yes or No...
You are stating for the record that the struggling owner of a pizza shop should NOT be living in a mansion and should not have 3 80K SUVs in his driveway and a built in swimming pool in his backyard.

I state for the record it's none of your damn business how much a business owner makes, nor is it your prerogative to set his salary. He's the one that took a risk. Most small businesses start off with a lot of sweat equity, the proprietor putting in long hours to get it off the ground. When it finally pays off, that's when you Leftists come along with your hands open to get your "cut" that you didn't work for.

And for the record, you have no damn clue what the individual financial situation is for each individual. You have no idea who's paying cash and who's mortgaged and leased to the hilt. You're an idiot making uninformed guesses guided by your Leftist bent to suspect all business owners.
Read this, please.

Fact Check: Is $15 minimum wage really killing Seattle jobs?

Decades. You've been doing the same fucknut thing for decades.

Your source's argument - that 1 month's data is too small a sample to be definitive - has merit, as does his conclusion:

"Does any of this mean there will be no consequences to the minimum wage hike? Absolutely not. As much as the pro-labor activists want to believe there will be no consequences, they're as ideologically driven as The Daily Caller and have their heads just as deep in the sand."

That is correct. And?
When the space needle restaurant closes, I'm sure Leftists will just keep up their mantra that it's because of greedy business owners and not their stupid policies.

Leftists are NEVER wrong.

Restaurants with a great ambiance and great food will always make money.

Yes, it's the smaller restaurants that struggle for a sustainable share of the market that will be pushed out of business by your insane Leftist policies.

That's SO much better.

Yes or No...
You are stating for the record that the struggling owner of a pizza shop should NOT be living in a mansion and should not have 3 80K SUVs in his driveway and a built in swimming pool in his backyard.

I state for the record it's none of your damn business how much a business owner makes, nor is it your prerogative to set his salary. He's the one that took a risk. Most small businesses start off with a lot of sweat equity, the proprietor putting in long hours to get it off the ground. When it finally pays off, that's when you Leftists come along with your hands open to get your "cut" that you didn't work for.

And for the record, you have no damn clue what the individual financial situation is for each individual. You have no idea who's paying cash and who's mortgaged and leased to the hilt. You're an idiot making uninformed guesses guided by your Leftist bent to suspect all business owners.

Once you state that a certain hourly wage will destroy a business you open yourself to proving such a statement.
This specific posting of yours goes off on a different track than the OP.
You are not a Libtard, now prove you are not a Conservatard.

Yes or No...
You are stating for the record that the struggling owner of a pizza shop should NOT be living in a mansion and should not have 3 80K SUVs in his driveway and a built in swimming pool in his backyard.
Let me tell you something, when I was a little girl, I use to go to White Castle and buy these little square hamburgers for 15cents. Today, that same [tigerred59]in burger is 1.15cents. Same everything, same same one would think, with a price increase that drastic, they'd be out of business....but no, WC starts all their employees out with 8-9 an hour, good benefits and their burgers are good. A good business can sustain change... a bad one can not.....if your product is good and people want it, they'll pay the increase changes, if it sucks, syronada!!

You do know about inflation, right—the process by which, as the value of a currency declines, it takes more units of that currency to buy the same product?

Assuming that the real price of a White Castle burger has stayed fairly constant, relative to inflation, what your anecdote tells us is that in the time since you were a little girl, the value of a dollar has declined to slightly less than 1/8, now,of what is was worth, then.

What do you think would happen if such an increase were to suddenly happen, now, if the price of a White Castle burger, as measured in dollars, were to suddenly increase to $8.82, while the incomes of prospective customers, as measured in those same dollars, remained the same? Do you think White Castle would continue to sell the same number of burgers?
Let me tell you something, when I was a little girl, I use to go to White Castle and buy these little square hamburgers for 15cents. Today, that same [tigerred59]in burger is 1.15cents. Same everything, same same one would think, with a price increase that drastic, they'd be out of business....but no, WC starts all their employees out with 8-9 an hour, good benefits and their burgers are good. A good business can sustain change... a bad one can not.....if your product is good and people want it, they'll pay the increase changes, if it sucks, syronada!!

You do know about inflation, right—the process by which, as the value of a currency declines, it takes more units of that currency to buy the same product?

Assuming that the real price of a White Castle burger has stayed fairly constant, relative to inflation, what your anecdote tells us is that in the time since you were a little girl, the value of a dollar has declined to slightly less than 1/8, now,of what is was worth, then.

What do you think would happen if such an increase were to suddenly happen, now, if the price of a White Castle burger, as measured in dollars, were to suddenly increase to $8.82, while the incomes of prospective customers, as measured in those same dollars, remained the same? Do you think White Castle would continue to sell the same number of burgers?

Any person who does not take the increase of Local Taxes, Utilities and Insurance into account for Business Expenses needs an education.
The cost of operating a business will almost always increase on a Annual Basis.

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