Seattle minimum wage has killed 700 jobs so far...

This law is wiping out the little guy. The big guy can go tech.
Its STILL job loss no matter if the place goes tech or under.
If anything that law has played into large companies interest.

It gives them a payroll cut and will increase the profit margin for the big guy. The little guy goes under leaving you with fewer choices.
You can argue economics all you want but job LOSS will far out do ANY gain that is phony anyway.

According to Bernie Sanders, we don't need all these choices anyway. We don't need seventeen different underarm deodorants from which to choose, and I guess we don't need so many restaurant choices either.
I was born and raised in Seattle so I don't need stats or studies to know what's going on. I have family there. Mom & Pops are closing and SOME are moving OUT of the Seattle metro district.

So your other side effect BESIDES the tech replacing workers is ONCE AGAIN you have given reason for companies to LEAVE major cities at a time when their already getting smaller.

The Mom & Pops that go will ONLY increase the size of the ghetto.
And with that the incoming increase of crime. So ALL you really have done is put ANOTHER bullet in an already dying city.

You must be proud liberals.
This law is wiping out the little guy. The big guy can go tech.
Its STILL job loss no matter if the place goes tech or under.
If anything that law has played into large companies interest.

It gives them a payroll cut and will increase the profit margin for the big guy. The little guy goes under leaving you with fewer choices.
You can argue economics all you want but job LOSS will far out do ANY gain that is phony anyway.

According to Bernie Sanders, we don't need all these choices anyway. We don't need seventeen different underarm deodorants from which to choose, and I guess we don't need so many restaurant choices either.

I never could understand that liberal socialist argument, Some yahoo telling 300 million people they don't need 17 different underarm products to choose from...

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

You have 4 or 5 company's making underarm products, employing directory a 1,000 people? They are employing a few thousand people indirectly.. .

So he only wants only a couple of choices and lay off a few thousand people?

Is that what he is saying?

I don't get it....

This is crap. I have 2 families that own 2 sea food restaurant along Alaskan Way in Seattle. So far none no one has lost a single job. I also have about 28 relatives that work for the city. Such as health inspectors, permits, licenses and employment. That's just the city not to mention other relatives that are in the food industry and catering businesses. They know that I'm after this topic ofMW increase. If there's such real news I will be notified.
I don't question your link but I question the cherry picking of your link. Did it mentioned which restaurant that laid off people due to MW increase? None.
I was born and raised in Seattle so I don't need stats or studies to know what's going on. I have family there. Mom & Pops are closing and SOME are moving OUT of the Seattle metro district.

So your other side effect BESIDES the tech replacing workers is ONCE AGAIN you have given reason for companies to LEAVE major cities at a time when their already getting smaller.

The Mom & Pops that go will ONLY increase the size of the ghetto.
And with that the incoming increase of crime. So ALL you really have done is put ANOTHER bullet in an already dying city.

You must be proud liberals.

No bullshit. Tell me which one. Just give me the name and I will be glad to check it out. I've been thru this bullshit with Bear and Saintmichael.
I saw yesterday where the movie houses in California had asked for a waiver from the $9.00 per hour rule. They claimed they would have to close the doors to the movie houses.

Ya been to a movie in CA? They are turning into dinner theaters with full bars. A ticket starts at $20.00 just to get in.
Do you mind to elaborate this place?
I saw yesterday where the movie houses in California had asked for a waiver from the $9.00 per hour rule. They claimed they would have to close the doors to the movie houses.

Ya been to a movie in CA? They are turning into dinner theaters with full bars. A ticket starts at $20.00 just to get in.
In an age where home theater systems are becoming more sophisticated and affordable, they are raising prices on people who would rather not deal with public restrooms, overpriced food, nasty seats, and parking. IMAX? I'd rather have my new 4K 65", overstuffed easy chairs, and nachos and cheese anytime I want.

Then stay home.
I was born and raised in Seattle so I don't need stats or studies to know what's going on. I have family there. Mom & Pops are closing and SOME are moving OUT of the Seattle metro district.

So your other side effect BESIDES the tech replacing workers is ONCE AGAIN you have given reason for companies to LEAVE major cities at a time when their already getting smaller.

The Mom & Pops that go will ONLY increase the size of the ghetto.
And with that the incoming increase of crime. So ALL you really have done is put ANOTHER bullet in an already dying city.

You must be proud liberals.

No bullshit. Tell me which one. Just give me the name and I will be glad to check it out. I've been thru this bullshit with Bear and Saintmichael.

^^^^ agIn ass hole keep my name out of it...

And when did we go over it that I said business were going under?

Its to early to tell jerk off not intill it goes up to $15 an hour

This is crap. I have 2 families that own 2 sea food restaurant along Alaskan Way in Seattle. So far none no one has lost a single job. I also have about 28 relatives that work for the city. Such as health inspectors, permits, licenses and employment. That's just the city not to mention other relatives that are in the food industry and catering businesses. They know that I'm after this topic ofMW increase. If there's such real news I will be notified.
I don't question your link but I question the cherry picking of your link. Did it mentioned which restaurant that laid off people due to MW increase? None.

Dude you are becoming a fuckng joke, like we would believe an anonymous poster like you, who doesn't know how to link to back up his claims. we go again, taking what appears to be economic adjustments and making it a national crisis. Do us a favor, take you ass out here and work for 7.25 and hour and then come back and tell us hows it going for ya, otherwise, shut the fuck up!!

I have a Master's Degree. I don't need to take a job for $7.25 an hour, but there was a time in my life where I made much less than that.

Tell me, genius, is $7.25 an hour better than $0 per hour?

Okay... Give me a name of a restaurant or any establishment that closed because of ME increase.
Give me a restaurant that laid off people because of MW increase.

This is crap. I have 2 families that own 2 sea food restaurant along Alaskan Way in Seattle. So far none no one has lost a single job. I also have about 28 relatives that work for the city. Such as health inspectors, permits, licenses and employment. That's just the city not to mention other relatives that are in the food industry and catering businesses. They know that I'm after this topic ofMW increase. If there's such real news I will be notified.
I don't question your link but I question the cherry picking of your link. Did it mentioned which restaurant that laid off people due to MW increase? None.

Dude you are becoming a fuckng joke, like we would believe an anonymous poster like you, who doesn't know how to link to back up his claims.

Well give me a fucking example of your fucking bullshit. SHOW me dumb ass.
I was born and raised in Seattle so I don't need stats or studies to know what's going on. I have family there. Mom & Pops are closing and SOME are moving OUT of the Seattle metro district.

So your other side effect BESIDES the tech replacing workers is ONCE AGAIN you have given reason for companies to LEAVE major cities at a time when their already getting smaller.

The Mom & Pops that go will ONLY increase the size of the ghetto.
And with that the incoming increase of crime. So ALL you really have done is put ANOTHER bullet in an already dying city.

You must be proud liberals.

No bullshit. Tell me which one. Just give me the name and I will be glad to check it out. I've been thru this bullshit with Bear and Saintmichael.

^^^^ agIn ass hole keep my name out of it...

And when did we go over it that I said business were going under?

Its to early to tell jerk off not intill it goes up to $15 an hour

Well shit.. You are already jerking off by reading this bullshit post. You are part of this thread isn't it? If you don't want to get involved them don't fucking post cause you know went through this before. Then stay out of the way.

This is crap. I have 2 families that own 2 sea food restaurant along Alaskan Way in Seattle. So far none no one has lost a single job. I also have about 28 relatives that work for the city. Such as health inspectors, permits, licenses and employment. That's just the city not to mention other relatives that are in the food industry and catering businesses. They know that I'm after this topic ofMW increase. If there's such real news I will be notified.
I don't question your link but I question the cherry picking of your link. Did it mentioned which restaurant that laid off people due to MW increase? None.

Dude you are becoming a fuckng joke, like we would believe an anonymous poster like you, who doesn't know how to link to back up his claims.

Yeah, what a jerk...actually researching a claim.
I wonder why all the "struggling" small business owners in Nassau County own 2+ million dollar homes and leasing at least 3 80K SUVs?
Either they're living off of credit, in which case they already made a bad Life Decision, or they're doing quite well and they're crying Crocodile Tears.
Really? All small business owners own $2 million dollar homes?

Day-amm! I'm in the wrong line of work.

You are.
I work in Uniondale, East Meadow, Westbury and Levittown; you should see the mansions popping up all over the place.
And yes, I get to talk to a LOT of home owners.

I think you're full of shit.
Why do you think that's bullshit... Mansions are popping out in Palm Spring and other part of Southern California.
No it hasn't.
View attachment 53251

I like to wait until we have better (longer time frame) information, but moments on google got me this and I was not even looking for "negative" information nor did I google 700 jobs lost. I did simply, *Seattle min wage.*

Looks like it's been something of a boon for the restaurant industry outside of Seattle. Atthe same time the industry has been flattened in Seattle, there seems to be a sharp increase ingrowth outside. That makes sense. The demand for restaurant service is likely to remain the same; consumers who would be eating at restaurants in Seattle are now probably going just outside the city limits to restaurants that are not affected by this ill-conceived law. In fact, I'd bet that some restaurants are closing up in Seattle, and being replaced by new restaurants established just outside of Seattle by the owners of the former in-Seattle restaurants.

Okay BB. Can you name a single restaurant that closed because of MW increase? If you can't. Then you don't know what you are talking about.
When the space needle restaurant closes, I'm sure Leftists will just keep up their mantra that it's because of greedy business owners and not their stupid policies.

Leftists are NEVER wrong.
LOL. Most or all that visit SN are tourists. What made you think the restaurant up there will close?
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When the space needle restaurant closes, I'm sure Leftists will just keep up their mantra that it's because of greedy business owners and not their stupid policies.

Leftists are NEVER wrong.

Restaurants with a great ambiance and great food will always make money.

Yes, it's the smaller restaurants that struggle for a sustainable share of the market that will be pushed out of business by your insane Leftist policies.

That's SO much better.

Yes or No...
You are stating for the record that the struggling owner of a pizza shop should NOT be living in a mansion and should not have 3 80K SUVs in his driveway and a built in swimming pool in his backyard.

You're basing this on what, exactly?

Actually where are you people are basing that Seattle lost 700 jobs? From a bogus link with no specific where the lost came from, which restaurant, names. Then I call that bullshit.
Let me tell you something, when I was a little girl, I use to go to White Castle and buy these little square hamburgers for 15cents. Today, that same [tigerred59]in burger is 1.15cents. Same everything, same same one would think, with a price increase that drastic, they'd be out of business....but no, WC starts all their employees out with 8-9 an hour, good benefits and their burgers are good. A good business can sustain change... a bad one can not.....if your product is good and people want it, they'll pay the increase changes, if it sucks, syronada!!

You do know about inflation, right—the process by which, as the value of a currency declines, it takes more units of that currency to buy the same product?

Assuming that the real price of a White Castle burger has stayed fairly constant, relative to inflation, what your anecdote tells us is that in the time since you were a little girl, the value of a dollar has declined to slightly less than 1/8, now,of what is was worth, then.

What do you think would happen if such an increase were to suddenly happen, now, if the price of a White Castle burger, as measured in dollars, were to suddenly increase to $8.82, while the incomes of prospective customers, as measured in those same dollars, remained the same? Do you think White Castle would continue to sell the same number of burgers?

The increase is incremental. Unemployment in Seattle is around 3.3%.
I was born and raised in Seattle so I don't need stats or studies to know what's going on. I have family there. Mom & Pops are closing and SOME are moving OUT of the Seattle metro district.

So your other side effect BESIDES the tech replacing workers is ONCE AGAIN you have given reason for companies to LEAVE major cities at a time when their already getting smaller.

The Mom & Pops that go will ONLY increase the size of the ghetto.
And with that the incoming increase of crime. So ALL you really have done is put ANOTHER bullet in an already dying city.

You must be proud liberals.

You are soooo full of it.....stop, you are making a fool of yourself.

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