Seattle minimum wage hike brings lawsuits

Question, I pay 14k a month rent for my business. so about 170k a year I get to not pay taxes on.... When you take this deduction away where do I make up for the 50 or so thousand in new taxes I have to pay? I mean, that with payroll going from 14k a month to prolly around 22k a month for me will kinda end my business by the first pay period.

That's not even looking at other deductions like bills....

This is way stay at home crackheads like yourself should never be anywhere near power. You wana eliminate all deductions except on employee's yet you want to force the min wage so high that any savings on your allowed deduction were lost tens of thousands of dollars ago.

There is no option by failure for my business under your plan, I mean NO option. So when all my employee's are out of a job I'll have them mail you the thank you cards for creating a wage level that yields them no income.

you pay $14,000.00 a month rent?....

For a business, that is not that much.

For a 28,000 sq ft building.
Franchise Group To Sue Over Seattle's $15-An-Hour Minimum Wage - Forbes

If the law stands it will be interesting to see the net results in a year or so after implementation.

Unemployment will increase . Small businesses will move outside city limits.


First part right. Second part, I doubt it. I'm guessing most of the mom & pops will just close up shop. Either way all those jobs will be gone. Just like when here in KC, they passed a no smoking law in bars. Almost ALL OF THE SMALL bars went belly up because they didn't have the finances to fight the city for grandfather status as most of the big boys did.

Just more proof of the COMPLETE IDIOCY of the liberal/progressive agenda.
That's your uneducated opinion.

Which explains why every single business owner, who knows more about how a business works than you ever will, agrees with me, both on the fact your plan won't work, and that you are an idiot.

I'll take their word, over your completely discredited word, any day.

What's absurd is that wages haven't kept up with costs.

Only to an outsider who has never run a business before in his entire life.

Again, uneducated opinion. Wouldn't there be a massive increase in state wage tax as well as sales tax? States would need less monies returned by the Fed. The Fed would see a massive increase in wage taxes.

That's circular argument stupidity.

The Federal Government would end up subsidizing the vast majority of the wages according to your own system.

So the government is paying my employer.... to pay my wage.... so I can pay the taxes.

Think about that moron.... The government is going to pay my employer $50,000 in subsidies, so that I pay 35% tax bracket, which is $17K a year.

The increase in tax revenue from higher personal income taxes, would be more than offset by the increase in spending on subsidized incomes.

You keep trying to shuffle round the dollars like this is a ponzi scheme.

At the end of the day, that higher wage has to be paid by someone.
Either the business owner, which as every business owner has said, would result in them being out of business, or the government, which would bankrupt the government.

If you increased taxes on personal income high enough to cover the cost of the wage subsidy..... well crap stupid.... you just defeated the whole purpose of increasing the wages.

Let's just make the minimum wage $100K a year, and subsidize $80K of it, and increase taxes to $80K a year. Everyone can have a six-figure income, and still be impoverished.

Welcome to mind numbing Lib-tard land, where mindless stupidity can be pushed as intelligent thought.

If you would have dug your head out of your ass you could see that all that I've done is provided workers with the same subsidies provided to business. In addition, monies that would have been provided back to the states are given to workers of the state. ie; the actual numbers don't change, whom gets paid does.
Not a surprise. I said this would happen because of the way its set up...everyone needs to go at the same need for a tiered set up.

I don't think mom & pop shops are prepared for a massive impact in their overhead like this.

I can see MANY small businesses going under. Seriously, forcing someone to pay teenagers 15 per hour to scoop ice cream or flip burgers is nuts.

If this is an across the board minimum wage for everyone at $15 per hour, then I think they will have problems with it. This will force many mom and pop type businesses to pay people under the table. Even Australia has a tiered minimum wage that increases by age. While I do support a substantial increase in the minimum wage, I also believe we can take it too far to the point that it does become detrimental rather than helpful.
Franchise Group To Sue Over Seattle's $15-An-Hour Minimum Wage - Forbes

If the law stands it will be interesting to see the net results in a year or so after implementation.

Wow. People are so selfish over there, aren't they? Just pay the workers more and shut up about it.

Ok, so what happens when because you can't compete, you go out of business, and all the employees end up laid off anyway?

Have you ever run a business before?

99% of small businesses make a hell of a lot more than they claim they do.
Wow. People are so selfish over there, aren't they? Just pay the workers more and shut up about it.

Ok, so what happens when because you can't compete, you go out of business, and all the employees end up laid off anyway?

Have you ever run a business before?

99% of small businesses make a hell of a lot more than they claim they do.


And you're basing this on what knowledge, precisely?

Get a business up and running from scratch, then get back to us. Holy crap.

Ok, so what happens when because you can't compete, you go out of business, and all the employees end up laid off anyway?

Have you ever run a business before?

99% of small businesses make a hell of a lot more than they claim they do.


And you're basing this on what knowledge, precisely?

Get a business up and running from scratch, then get back to us. Holy crap.


I was shocked that they let the drive thru lacky see the books. Or that she would understand what she was looking at even if they did.:lol:
I'm probably being naive, but I don't understand why they would pass a law they know won't hold up in court?

1. To make it look like they are "doing something"
2. The hope (or knowledge in some locations) that they can get a friendly judge
3. Making laws is easier than repealing them.
Wow. People are so selfish over there, aren't they? Just pay the workers more and shut up about it.

Ok, so what happens when because you can't compete, you go out of business, and all the employees end up laid off anyway?

Have you ever run a business before?

99% of small businesses make a hell of a lot more than they claim they do.

And who the fuck are you to demand that they make less?
Raising the minimum wage reduces jobs


Minimum Wage?
WSJ: A lot of businesses in the service industry are concerned about a federal minimum-wage increase. How are you budgeting for that possibility?

MS. BACHELDER: If it increases, we'll work on how to serve customers better with less. Productivity will have to be a part of how we compete going forward.

WSJ: Does that mean more automation?

MS. BACHELDER: Absolutely. When their returns are under pressure, innovative entrepreneurs will find creative ways to meet customers' needs with minimum detriment to quality and customer service. You're already seeing it with tablets and kiosks for self-ordering and payment.
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Wow. People are so selfish over there, aren't they? Just pay the workers more and shut up about it.

Ok, so what happens when because you can't compete, you go out of business, and all the employees end up laid off anyway?

Have you ever run a business before?

99% of small businesses make a hell of a lot more than they claim they do.

How the hell would you know? You're not even from America.
Wow. People are so selfish over there, aren't they? Just pay the workers more and shut up about it.

Ok, so what happens when because you can't compete, you go out of business, and all the employees end up laid off anyway?

Have you ever run a business before?

99% of small businesses make a hell of a lot more than they claim they do.

99% of parasites make a hell of a lot more than they claim they do.

They like to sell boomerangs and Kangaroo meat on the side.

Raising the minimum wage reduces jobs


Popeyes CEO Refocuses on Franchisees - WSJ

Minimum Wage?
WSJ: A lot of businesses in the service industry are concerned about a federal minimum-wage increase. How are you budgeting for that possibility?

MS. BACHELDER: If it increases, we'll work on how to serve customers better with less. Productivity will have to be a part of how we compete going forward.

WSJ: Does that mean more automation?

MS. BACHELDER: Absolutely. When their returns are under pressure, innovative entrepreneurs will find creative ways to meet customers' needs with minimum detriment to quality and customer service. You're already seeing it with tablets and kiosks for self-ordering and payment.

You now know the definition of fluff.
Not a surprise. I said this would happen because of the way its set up...everyone needs to go at the same need for a tiered set up.
This is the very definition of tyranny.

How? Economic justice is tyranny?

Where is the justice in slamming businesses operating on very thin profit margins with an absurdly high minimum wage.
You do realize this is not going to fly.
Seattle residents and elected officials are going to be wondering what happened to all the retail and restaurants that were once in the city.
This is the very definition of tyranny.

How? Economic justice is tyranny?

Where is the justice in slamming businesses operating on very thin profit margins with an absurdly high minimum wage.
You do realize this is not going to fly.
Seattle residents and elected officials are going to be wondering what happened to all the retail and restaurants that were once in the city.

If a business operates on a thin profit margin it's because they made it that way from funneling off profit. Net profit, corporate paychecks, corporate credit cards, paying house payments, etc.
Republicans are against unions and the minimum wage.

Republicans hate the working man.
Not a surprise. I said this would happen because of the way its set up...everyone needs to go at the same need for a tiered set up.
This is the very definition of tyranny.

How? Economic justice is tyranny?

Yeah, anything called "economic justice" is more than likely to be the opposite of justice. You don't need to put qualifiers in front of the word "justice." Whenever someone does it's because they are trying to promote an injustice.
“The Republicans believe in the minimum wage — the more the minimum, the better.” - Harry Truman

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