Seattle minimum wage hike brings lawsuits

Not a surprise. I said this would happen because of the way its set up...everyone needs to go at the same need for a tiered set up.

I don't think mom & pop shops are prepared for a massive impact in their overhead like this.

I can see MANY small businesses going under. Seriously, forcing someone to pay teenagers 15 per hour to scoop ice cream or flip burgers is nuts.

well dont forget Gramps according to some here you are supposed to raise a family doing the beginners jobs and some apparently will make it a career.....

Most of the people working minimum wage are adults, not teenagers.
I don't think mom & pop shops are prepared for a massive impact in their overhead like this.

I can see MANY small businesses going under. Seriously, forcing someone to pay teenagers 15 per hour to scoop ice cream or flip burgers is nuts.

well dont forget Gramps according to some here you are supposed to raise a family doing the beginners jobs and some apparently will make it a career.....

Most of the people working minimum wage are adults, not teenagers.

i dont know Shiela as a mailman i delivered many an UE check to lots of adults....the great majority of them told me that when they got another job it was many dollars above minimum wage....even the ones who took a min. wage job in the interim got much better jobs than min wage when they got another i guess some people look at min wage jobs as beginning jobs or a temporary job until.....while some stay there and die there....must be the attitude....
I don't think so.... What provision of the constitution are you referring to?

See Article 1, Section 10, first paragraph.

If that was the intended purpose of that clause, the framers should have been more explicit.

My understanding is that this only applies to direct contracts. I have no contract whatsoever with my company. Either one of us, me or them, can walk away without even so much as a notification. (other than they'd have to get their security card back from me).

Specifically debt contracts is what I thought that was about. Like Obama forcing banks to delay, and doing mortgage modifications, that was a direct unconstitutional act.

I'm not sure if employment fits under that though. Do you have any other support for such a claim?
No State shall [. . .] pass any [. . .] Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts . . .
Sanity isn't republicans or right wingers strong suit eh. Common sense for that matter either. We want a wage people can pay bills,buy diapers,food etc on not something that WILL force business's to close. Plus we aren't all CEO's we don't get thousands of dollars an hour. :)

AGAIN, If I am wrong , if increasing the minimum wage will not cause unemployment and businesses to flee, then why not increase the minimum wage to $1000.00 an hour?

Franchise Group To Sue Over Seattle's $15-An-Hour Minimum Wage - Forbes

If the law stands it will be interesting to see the net results in a year or so after implementation.

If you want to end the lawsuit, ask the franchise group what their net cost will be on a $15.00/hr minimum wage. They won't want to answer.

Or, you can implement my plan which will lower employment costs to current tax/fee costs and subsidize additional/future additional employees.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-off’s/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 300 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2013 price structure. Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

Question, I pay 14k a month rent for my business. so about 170k a year I get to not pay taxes on.... When you take this deduction away where do I make up for the 50 or so thousand in new taxes I have to pay? I mean, that with payroll going from 14k a month to prolly around 22k a month for me will kinda end my business by the first pay period.

That's not even looking at other deductions like bills....

This is way stay at home crackheads like yourself should never be anywhere near power. You wana eliminate all deductions except on employee's yet you want to force the min wage so high that any savings on your allowed deduction were lost tens of thousands of dollars ago.

There is no option by failure for my business under your plan, I mean NO option. So when all my employee's are out of a job I'll have them mail you the thank you cards for creating a wage level that yields them no income.
Franchise Group To Sue Over Seattle's $15-An-Hour Minimum Wage - Forbes

If the law stands it will be interesting to see the net results in a year or so after implementation.

If you want to end the lawsuit, ask the franchise group what their net cost will be on a $15.00/hr minimum wage. They won't want to answer.

Or, you can implement my plan which will lower employment costs to current tax/fee costs and subsidize additional/future additional employees.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-off’s/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 300 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2013 price structure. Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

Question, I pay 14k a month rent for my business. so about 170k a year I get to not pay taxes on.... When you take this deduction away where do I make up for the 50 or so thousand in new taxes I have to pay? I mean, that with payroll going from 14k a month to prolly around 22k a month for me will kinda end my business by the first pay period.

That's not even looking at other deductions like bills....

This is way stay at home crackheads like yourself should never be anywhere near power. You wana eliminate all deductions except on employee's yet you want to force the min wage so high that any savings on your allowed deduction were lost tens of thousands of dollars ago.

There is no option by failure for my business under your plan, I mean NO option. So when all my employee's are out of a job I'll have them mail you the thank you cards for creating a wage level that yields them no income.

you pay $14,000.00 a month rent?....
Not a surprise. I said this would happen because of the way its set up...everyone needs to go at the same need for a tiered set up.

I don't think mom & pop shops are prepared for a massive impact in their overhead like this.

I can see MANY small businesses going under. Seriously, forcing someone to pay teenagers 15 per hour to scoop ice cream or flip burgers is nuts.

More of a move to allow the big corporations to take over business.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
If you want to end the lawsuit, ask the franchise group what their net cost will be on a $15.00/hr minimum wage. They won't want to answer.

Or, you can implement my plan which will lower employment costs to current tax/fee costs and subsidize additional/future additional employees.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-off’s/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 300 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2013 price structure. Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

Question, I pay 14k a month rent for my business. so about 170k a year I get to not pay taxes on.... When you take this deduction away where do I make up for the 50 or so thousand in new taxes I have to pay? I mean, that with payroll going from 14k a month to prolly around 22k a month for me will kinda end my business by the first pay period.

That's not even looking at other deductions like bills....

This is way stay at home crackheads like yourself should never be anywhere near power. You wana eliminate all deductions except on employee's yet you want to force the min wage so high that any savings on your allowed deduction were lost tens of thousands of dollars ago.

There is no option by failure for my business under your plan, I mean NO option. So when all my employee's are out of a job I'll have them mail you the thank you cards for creating a wage level that yields them no income.

you pay $14,000.00 a month rent?....

For a business, that is not that much.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
I don't think mom & pop shops are prepared for a massive impact in their overhead like this.

I can see MANY small businesses going under. Seriously, forcing someone to pay teenagers 15 per hour to scoop ice cream or flip burgers is nuts.

well dont forget Gramps according to some here you are supposed to raise a family doing the beginners jobs and some apparently will make it a career.....

Most of the people working minimum wage are adults, not teenagers.

Doesn't matter. First, I don't believe your claims. I've seen your link, and it doesn't take into account retirees, or career people.

There are generally 4 types of people working at McDonalds.

First you have young people passing through. That's does not automatically mean "teenagers".

I worked at both Wendy's and McDonald's and far a while Subway.

One of my managers was going to OSU to get an MBA. She was 23 or so. So not a teenager, but certainly not worried about minimum wage either. She was passing through.

Another example was an elderly guy who worked in the back. He was retired. He just wanted something to do, and to be around people. He had no real need of the money. Again, not a teenager, but not worried about the minimum wage either because he was retired.

Third, there was a married chick, who had a degree in Architecture. She was working at McDonald's because she liked the flexibility. Her husband had a good job, and she wanted to spend more time with her family, than working. Again, minimum wage was not a concern for her. If money was the motivation, she had a degree in Architecture, and could have gotten a job earning 3x as much money.

Lastly, there was the store manager, who was in her mid 40s, but of course she was earning quite a bit of money. She was a career chick, and made good money there.

Now the only person earning minimum wage, was the old retired guy. Everyone else, including myself, was earning more, and most significantly more.

So when you say most are not teenagers, who cares? According to McDonald's own stats, 60% are under 25. So what?

If you pay your kid $10 to mow the lawn, when he turns 25, does he demand you pay him $100 to mow your lawn? Does age, magically make you worth more money?

But all of that doesn't matter. None of it does.

There is no example anywhere in this world, where raising the minimum wage doesn't cause a loss of jobs, or an increase in prices. I don't care how many times people claim it doesn't cause job lose, they are all wrong.

First every in depth research I have ever read on it, show that it is true.

Second,..... I WAS THERE! Crap, I there people!! I was at Wendy's when the minimum wage increase hit in the 90s. The FIRST THING they did was lay off 3 people. Three people's jobs, gone instantly. Boom there it is.

I don't know how anyone can argue with that. The second thing they did was raise prices.

Have you people not noticed that since the 2009 minimum wage increase, that the cost of goods in our society has gone up? Am I the only one seeing this?

Did you guys notice what has happened in SeaTac?

SeaTac parking business adds ?living wage surcharge? to bills | Q13 FOX News

It now costs a significant additional fee to have your car parked at SeaTac.


Now you leftists like to start screaming about 'oh that evil company!' as if somehow the company could just magically pay their employees a massive increase in wages, out of a hole dug in the back yard.


The only difference between this company, and the others at SeaTac, is that this one is letting the public know they are paying it, and why.


Because we all know this guy watching TV is obviously worth $15 an hour.

Well who did you think was going to pay for that wage? You are. And *I* am. The people are the ones who are going to pay that. And that's true for every single business on the face of this planet.

The only way to avoid that, is to not use the service. In which case, the lot attendant is unemployed anyway, and doesn't get the new higher minimum wage, OR ANY WAGE.

And even those that do manage to keep their jobs, and enjoy the new higher minimum wage, the benefit is short lived, because as the cost of labor goes up, all the prices go up. The cost of food goes up. The cost of rent goes up. The cost of products goes up.

Now you have this new higher minimum wage, and you are just as poor as you were before, because it doesn't buy hardly anything.
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If you want to end the lawsuit, ask the franchise group what their net cost will be on a $15.00/hr minimum wage. They won't want to answer.

Or, you can implement my plan which will lower employment costs to current tax/fee costs and subsidize additional/future additional employees.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-off’s/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 300 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2013 price structure. Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

Question, I pay 14k a month rent for my business. so about 170k a year I get to not pay taxes on.... When you take this deduction away where do I make up for the 50 or so thousand in new taxes I have to pay? I mean, that with payroll going from 14k a month to prolly around 22k a month for me will kinda end my business by the first pay period.

That's not even looking at other deductions like bills....

This is why stay at home crackheads like yourself should never be anywhere near power. You wanna eliminate all deductions except on employee's yet you want to force the min wage so high that any savings on your allowed deduction were lost tens of thousands of dollars ago.

There is no option by failure for my business under your plan, I mean NO option. So when all my employee's are out of a job I'll have them mail you the thank you cards for creating a wage level that yields them no income.

He's an idiot. This guy has been saying this same moronic plan for at least a year now, and every time time he barfs up his plan on the forum, some actual real life business owner, just like you, shows up and explains they'd be out of business under his plan. I don't know why he doesn't get this.

You can't just "recall" foreign investment. General Motors has spent millions, if not billions building GM dealership in Japan. You can't just load up a dealership on a slow boat back to the US. GM would have to sell them off..... well who the hell wants to buy a GM dealership that GM can no longer support, because idiot boy here wants to 'disallow' any further foreign investments?!?

So of course GM would just lose all their money. Just gone. Massive crash. But Derp-tard here thinks that would be great.

And you can't just 'back down prices'. Name one time in all of human history, in which price controls of any kind anywhere on the planet, has *not* resulted in shortages and outages?


Yeah, just back down those prices like Venezuela. Worked great there! They are only out of minor things like.... rice..... coffee.... (in venezuela no coffee... there's a punch line for you). The sign says "made with socialism".

Yeah, just back down prices. Brilliant. See how well that works. It certainly worked in the 70s.


Let's recreate the past, because we're dumb as hell lib-tards.

Now lets increase the wage to $23.5/hr, and allow a 1-1 tax deduction, while eliminating all deductions and write offs, yet increasing pay roll taxes, but increasing FICA.

Now at some level, people think this makes sense. My taxes go up, but I get to deduct the cost of wages.

All the money I would lose from the higher taxes, I would get back, because I deduct my labor costs from my taxes..... right?

If I was paying $400,000 in taxes, and I got to deduct from my taxes, labor costs, which just went from $200,000, to $400,000, then that would make sense.

I would just pay zero tax. All the increase in cost in wages, would be offset by the reduction in taxes.

The problem is, that's nowhere close to reality.

A McDonald's franchise owner, allowed their investment company to release their fiscal statements.

If you want to dig through it, by all means.

The bottom line is, that the labor costs for an average McDonald's Franchise is $640,000. That's with the minimum wage at $7.25.

The taxes paid for by the business, was $54,000 in payroll taxes, and $27,000 on licenses and taxes on the business.

Now if they are paying $640K with a minimum wage of $7.25, it would easily be way over $1.2 Million in wages, at a minimum wage of $23.5.

Since payroll taxes are a percentage of payroll, they would at least double to $112K, plus he wants to increase FICA even higher, which would payroll taxes would go up to $200K at least.

But notice, they are only paying $27K in taxes and fees on the business. But he can deduct the new $1.4 Million in employee wages from the taxes. Which will save the store........ $27K.

So how do they pay the additional $800,000 in labor costs?

The operating revenue of an average Franchise store is only $153K. How exactly do they pay these insane wages?

Well his claim is, the store's labor costs will be subsidized by the Federal government.

So now, let's think this through......

A store that was paying $27K in taxes to the government, and got zero subsidies, is now going to pay ZERO taxes to the government, and get's subsidized by $1.4 Million dollars a year.

And this is going to happen with every business throughout the country.

I could have sworn I heard liberals saying "Bush cut taxes and increased spending" in a negative connotation. Now we have one promoting that exact thing, to a degree we've never seen.

This guy is just a nut job. A fruit bat, that hasn't flown back to his cave. Every single time he barfs up this idiotic plan of his, I smash it like a bug, but he just flounders around until he forgets how badly he got smacked, and barfs it back up on another thread.
See Article 1, Section 10, first paragraph.

If that was the intended purpose of that clause, the framers should have been more explicit.

My understanding is that this only applies to direct contracts. I have no contract whatsoever with my company. Either one of us, me or them, can walk away without even so much as a notification. (other than they'd have to get their security card back from me).

Specifically debt contracts is what I thought that was about. Like Obama forcing banks to delay, and doing mortgage modifications, that was a direct unconstitutional act.

I'm not sure if employment fits under that though. Do you have any other support for such a claim?

You have to remember that the framers expected the Constitution to be read literally and not interpreted in broad terms. The fact that you don't have a written contract doesn't mean a verbal contract is absent. Terms and conditions were established when you were hired and most likely modified over time concerning pay and responsibilities. The Constitution says contracts, it makes no distinction between verbal and written.

I like it. If only we had a population that cared more for what the constitution says, than what they want....
Franchise Group To Sue Over Seattle's $15-An-Hour Minimum Wage - Forbes

If the law stands it will be interesting to see the net results in a year or so after implementation.

Unemployment will increase . Small businesses will move outside city limits.


Has that ever happened?
Below, using BLS data, is what's happening in 2014:

Raising the Minimum Wage Does not ‘Kill Jobs’ – Preliminary Evidence from 2014

Written by Jeffrey Gianattasio and Nicole Woo Friday, 28 March 2014


Today, the BLS released new data on state level employment patterns, now including the month of February. Building on the analysis done by Goldman Sachs, we can integrate the February data and get a better picture of how the states that raised the minimum wage fared relative to those states that did not.

The chart below summarizes the results. The average increase in employment in the thirteen states where the minimum wage rose was 0.28 percent. (This was calculated as the percent growth in average state employment in January and February relative to average employment in November and December). Over the same period, in the states where the minimum wage remained unchanged, employment was essentially zero (up by just 0.002 percent).

Not only do we fail to find any evidence that minimum wage increases hurt state employment, we actually find the opposite. This exercise is far from definitive, but there is no obvious sign that a higher minimum wage is a ‘job killer.’


If you have evidence beyond your feeeeelings - show it.

This is yet another example of the stupidity of people. These idiot bloggers and researchers.... seriously.

The minimum wage for Ohio, for example, increased from $7.70 to a WHOOPING.... $7.95.

Further, the data, was over an extremely short time span. They compared employment rates from December..... to January. Four.... Weeks..... of data. That's it.

That's all. Adjusting for seasonal shifts in employment (like laying off the extra 'Christmas rush' retail jobs) would be a massively bigger effect than anything the 25¢ minimum wage increase would have.

Which is shown in the data. Thousands of jobs were lost between December and Janurary, but that didn't fit with the leftist push for minimum wage. Shockingly after adjusting for seasonal changes, now magically all the states with minimum wage increase, had higher employment.

Come on.... Good grief people.

Finally, Greece tried this. A lot of you people don't get it. Greece had an automatic inflation adjusted minimum wage. Yeah, in the short run, people didn't see a massive loss of jobs. But in the long run, it ruined their whole economy. Greece had to cut their minimum wage in order to fix their economy.
Franchise Group To Sue Over Seattle's $15-An-Hour Minimum Wage - Forbes

If the law stands it will be interesting to see the net results in a year or so after implementation.

If you want to end the lawsuit, ask the franchise group what their net cost will be on a $15.00/hr minimum wage. They won't want to answer.

Or, you can implement my plan which will lower employment costs to current tax/fee costs and subsidize additional/future additional employees.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-off’s/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 300 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2013 price structure. Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

You keep repeating these lies every other thread. We've covered all this, and explain how full of crap these claims are.

That's your uneducated opinion.

These companies are not paying enough tax now, that giving them a deduction from taxes would cover the absolutely absurd wages you think they should pay.

What's absurd is that wages haven't kept up with costs.

And any attempt to have the government subsidize those wages would bankrupt the entire country in under a year.

Again, uneducated opinion. Wouldn't there be a massive increase in state wage tax as well as sales tax? States would need less monies returned by the Fed. The Fed would see a massive increase in wage taxes.

How many times do we have point out the stupidity of your idiotic plan, before you stop spouting off the stupidity every thread? Not even other leftists buy this moronic crap you spew.

Again, uneducated opinion. How many 'leftists' feel my plan won't work?
They are going at this the wrong way, States and by extension the cities within them are prohibited by the Constitution from impairing the obligations of contracts, that would include employment contracts. These communist enclaves need to be taught they are not exempt from the Constitution.

There is no legal basis of employment contract 'violation' in terms of impairment.
Not a surprise. I said this would happen because of the way its set up...everyone needs to go at the same need for a tiered set up.

I don't think mom & pop shops are prepared for a massive impact in their overhead like this.

I can see MANY small businesses going under. Seriously, forcing someone to pay teenagers 15 per hour to scoop ice cream or flip burgers is nuts.

That's exactly what I said will happen. You're going to see small businesses close their doors. They'll have to hike up prices big time and that will put them at a competitive disadvantage with those outside the city limits.

What's the net cost of $15.00/hr?
They are going at this the wrong way, States and by extension the cities within them are prohibited by the Constitution from impairing the obligations of contracts, that would include employment contracts. These communist enclaves need to be taught they are not exempt from the Constitution.

Nothing to do with communism, but you already know that.

Is that really all you got. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

That's all I need.
That's your uneducated opinion.

Which explains why every single business owner, who knows more about how a business works than you ever will, agrees with me, both on the fact your plan won't work, and that you are an idiot.

I'll take their word, over your completely discredited word, any day.

What's absurd is that wages haven't kept up with costs.

Only to an outsider who has never run a business before in his entire life.

Again, uneducated opinion. Wouldn't there be a massive increase in state wage tax as well as sales tax? States would need less monies returned by the Fed. The Fed would see a massive increase in wage taxes.

That's circular argument stupidity.

The Federal Government would end up subsidizing the vast majority of the wages according to your own system.

So the government is paying my employer.... to pay my wage.... so I can pay the taxes.

Think about that moron.... The government is going to pay my employer $50,000 in subsidies, so that I pay 35% tax bracket, which is $17K a year.

The increase in tax revenue from higher personal income taxes, would be more than offset by the increase in spending on subsidized incomes.

You keep trying to shuffle round the dollars like this is a ponzi scheme.

At the end of the day, that higher wage has to be paid by someone.
Either the business owner, which as every business owner has said, would result in them being out of business, or the government, which would bankrupt the government.

If you increased taxes on personal income high enough to cover the cost of the wage subsidy..... well crap stupid.... you just defeated the whole purpose of increasing the wages.

Let's just make the minimum wage $100K a year, and subsidize $80K of it, and increase taxes to $80K a year. Everyone can have a six-figure income, and still be impoverished.

Welcome to mind numbing Lib-tard land, where mindless stupidity can be pushed as intelligent thought.
Sanity isn't republicans or right wingers strong suit eh. Common sense for that matter either. We want a wage people can pay bills,buy diapers,food etc on not something that WILL force business's to close. Plus we aren't all CEO's we don't get thousands of dollars an hour. :)

AGAIN, If I am wrong , if increasing the minimum wage will not cause unemployment and businesses to flee, then why not increase the minimum wage to $1000.00 an hour?


Franchise Group To Sue Over Seattle's $15-An-Hour Minimum Wage - Forbes

If the law stands it will be interesting to see the net results in a year or so after implementation.

If you want to end the lawsuit, ask the franchise group what their net cost will be on a $15.00/hr minimum wage. They won't want to answer.

Or, you can implement my plan which will lower employment costs to current tax/fee costs and subsidize additional/future additional employees.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-off’s/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 300 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2013 price structure. Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

Question, I pay 14k a month rent for my business. so about 170k a year I get to not pay taxes on.... When you take this deduction away where do I make up for the 50 or so thousand in new taxes I have to pay? I mean, that with payroll going from 14k a month to prolly around 22k a month for me will kinda end my business by the first pay period.

That's not even looking at other deductions like bills....

This is way stay at home crackheads like yourself should never be anywhere near power. You wana eliminate all deductions except on employee's yet you want to force the min wage so high that any savings on your allowed deduction were lost tens of thousands of dollars ago.

There is no option by failure for my business under your plan, I mean NO option. So when all my employee's are out of a job I'll have them mail you the thank you cards for creating a wage level that yields them no income.

What about your $264,000.00 subsidy?

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