Seattle minimum wage hike brings lawsuits

They are going at this the wrong way, States and by extension the cities within them are prohibited by the Constitution from impairing the obligations of contracts, that would include employment contracts. These communist enclaves need to be taught they are not exempt from the Constitution.

Nothing to do with communism, but you already know that.

Is that really all you got. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
They are going at this the wrong way, States and by extension the cities within them are prohibited by the Constitution from impairing the obligations of contracts, that would include employment contracts. These communist enclaves need to be taught they are not exempt from the Constitution.

I don't think so.... What provision of the constitution are you referring to?

See Article 1, Section 10, first paragraph.
They are going at this the wrong way, States and by extension the cities within them are prohibited by the Constitution from impairing the obligations of contracts, that would include employment contracts. These communist enclaves need to be taught they are not exempt from the Constitution.

I don't think so.... What provision of the constitution are you referring to?

See Article 1, Section 10, first paragraph.

If that was the intended purpose of that clause, the framers should have been more explicit.

My understanding is that this only applies to direct contracts. I have no contract whatsoever with my company. Either one of us, me or them, can walk away without even so much as a notification. (other than they'd have to get their security card back from me).

Specifically debt contracts is what I thought that was about. Like Obama forcing banks to delay, and doing mortgage modifications, that was a direct unconstitutional act.

I'm not sure if employment fits under that though. Do you have any other support for such a claim?
I don't think so.... What provision of the constitution are you referring to?

See Article 1, Section 10, first paragraph.

If that was the intended purpose of that clause, the framers should have been more explicit.

My understanding is that this only applies to direct contracts. I have no contract whatsoever with my company. Either one of us, me or them, can walk away without even so much as a notification. (other than they'd have to get their security card back from me).

Specifically debt contracts is what I thought that was about. Like Obama forcing banks to delay, and doing mortgage modifications, that was a direct unconstitutional act.

I'm not sure if employment fits under that though. Do you have any other support for such a claim?

You have to remember that the framers expected the Constitution to be read literally and not interpreted in broad terms. The fact that you don't have a written contract doesn't mean a verbal contract is absent. Terms and conditions were established when you were hired and most likely modified over time concerning pay and responsibilities. The Constitution says contracts, it makes no distinction between verbal and written.
Franchise Group To Sue Over Seattle's $15-An-Hour Minimum Wage - Forbes

If the law stands it will be interesting to see the net results in a year or so after implementation.

Hey Grandpa, I remember a year or so ago, when I was bringing up issues about local conservative govts slashing road and police funds, you specifically said something like "What the fuck does local issues have to do with national politics" and got all huffy and puffy and GET-OFF-MY-LAWNish with me about how local issues don't mean shit other than to people who live there.

Hmmm. Now you bring up a local city min wage issue?

Well, ditto hahahaha!
I don't think mom & pop shops are prepared for a massive impact in their overhead like this.

I can see MANY small businesses going under. Seriously, forcing someone to pay teenagers 15 per hour to scoop ice cream or flip burgers is nuts.

well dont forget Gramps according to some here you are supposed to raise a family doing the beginners jobs and some apparently will make it a career.....

No, fail.

You are not 'supposed' to do anything. You are think of a socialist system, where everyone has to do what the government tells them to, or else they starve, or are shuffled off to gulags, to be forced to work.

No. This is Capitalism. This is where, *YOU* own *YOUR* capital. Your labor, is your own property.

You can do whatever you wish with your labor.

If you want to waste away earning minimum wage for the rest of your life, that's your choice.

If you want to go learn a skill, or get a degree, and earn a Median income, that's your choice.

If you want to buy a pickup truck, and put a sign on the back "We stash your trash", and start a business 1-800-GOT-JUNK, and become a multimillionaire.... that's your choice.

If you want teach yourself HTML and make web sites for businesses, that's your choice.

If you want to whittle duck callers on the back porch of your house, and turn it into a multi-million dollar company with a TV show on A&E, that's your choice.

If you want to wash floors, with a mop and bucket, and run your own business making $100,000 a year, that's your choice.

If you want to work your way up at McDonald's, starting off as a fry cook, and end up owning your own McDonald's Franchise, that's your choice.

You are not "supposed" to do anything. But if you CHOOSE.... to stay a minimum wage fry cook, or whooper flopper..... that is *YOUR CHOICE* and no one else is blame for it, but you. Period.

Every single one of those examples above, plus thousands more, are real. Real people, with little or no money, working their way up to whatever they want to be. Choice. That's the Capitalist system. It's not our job to make your lazy butt successful. That's up to you. No one else.

hey Andrew.....i think if you check i was not against what you are stick your lazy butt shit .....
Franchise Group To Sue Over Seattle's $15-An-Hour Minimum Wage - Forbes

If the law stands it will be interesting to see the net results in a year or so after implementation.

Wow. People are so selfish over there, aren't they? Just pay the workers more and shut up about it.

when those workers get laid off after the company has to cut back....will you still be talking like this?...wait till the higher wage earners say they want more....
Franchise Group To Sue Over Seattle's $15-An-Hour Minimum Wage - Forbes

If the law stands it will be interesting to see the net results in a year or so after implementation.

Wow. People are so selfish over there, aren't they? Just pay the workers more and shut up about it.

when those workers get laid off after the company has to cut back....will you still be talking like this?...wait till the higher wage earners say they want more....

Then Chris Matthews and Rachael Maddow can come all over each other as they talk about extending unemployment benefits to all those who get laid off.

The Daily Show will have 1 year of material off this alone.
Franchise Group To Sue Over Seattle's $15-An-Hour Minimum Wage - Forbes

If the law stands it will be interesting to see the net results in a year or so after implementation.

Unemployment will increase . Small businesses will move outside city limits.


Has that ever happened?
Below, using BLS data, is what's happening in 2014:

Raising the Minimum Wage Does not ‘Kill Jobs’ – Preliminary Evidence from 2014

Written by Jeffrey Gianattasio and Nicole Woo Friday, 28 March 2014


Today, the BLS released new data on state level employment patterns, now including the month of February. Building on the analysis done by Goldman Sachs, we can integrate the February data and get a better picture of how the states that raised the minimum wage fared relative to those states that did not.

The chart below summarizes the results. The average increase in employment in the thirteen states where the minimum wage rose was 0.28 percent. (This was calculated as the percent growth in average state employment in January and February relative to average employment in November and December). Over the same period, in the states where the minimum wage remained unchanged, employment was essentially zero (up by just 0.002 percent).

Not only do we fail to find any evidence that minimum wage increases hurt state employment, we actually find the opposite. This exercise is far from definitive, but there is no obvious sign that a higher minimum wage is a ‘job killer.’


If you have evidence beyond your feeeeelings - show it.
Franchise Group To Sue Over Seattle's $15-An-Hour Minimum Wage - Forbes

If the law stands it will be interesting to see the net results in a year or so after implementation.

Wow. People are so selfish over there, aren't they? Just pay the workers more and shut up about it.

Ok, so what happens when because you can't compete, you go out of business, and all the employees end up laid off anyway?

Have you ever run a business before?
One really, really dumb aspect of the new Seattle minimum wage law is that it fails to distinguish between businesses that provide healthcare benefits and those that don't. I heard an interesting piece on NPR about the Seattle law where they interviewed liberal business owners who were strongly complaining that the new law fails to factor healthcare benefits into the wage formula.

Many of those business owners said they may be forced to drop their healthcare coverage to compete with businesses that don't provide it.

Nice move, liberals. Once again, liberal do-goodism crashes when it meats the real world.
Franchise Group To Sue Over Seattle's $15-An-Hour Minimum Wage - Forbes

If the law stands it will be interesting to see the net results in a year or so after implementation.

Unemployment will increase . Small businesses will move outside city limits.


Has that ever happened?
Below, using BLS data, is what's happening in 2014:

Raising the Minimum Wage Does not ‘Kill Jobs’ – Preliminary Evidence from 2014

Written by Jeffrey Gianattasio and Nicole Woo Friday, 28 March 2014


Today, the BLS released new data on state level employment patterns, now including the month of February. Building on the analysis done by Goldman Sachs, we can integrate the February data and get a better picture of how the states that raised the minimum wage fared relative to those states that did not.

The chart below summarizes the results. The average increase in employment in the thirteen states where the minimum wage rose was 0.28 percent. (This was calculated as the percent growth in average state employment in January and February relative to average employment in November and December). Over the same period, in the states where the minimum wage remained unchanged, employment was essentially zero (up by just 0.002 percent).

Not only do we fail to find any evidence that minimum wage increases hurt state employment, we actually find the opposite. This exercise is far from definitive, but there is no obvious sign that a higher minimum wage is a ‘job killer.’


If you have evidence beyond your feeeeelings - show it.

raising it the usual buck aint going to kill jobs....we are talking 7-8 bucks here....there is a difference....
Franchise Group To Sue Over Seattle's $15-An-Hour Minimum Wage - Forbes

If the law stands it will be interesting to see the net results in a year or so after implementation.

Unemployment will increase . Small businesses will move outside city limits.


Has that ever happened?

Of course it has.

The Crippling Nature of Minimum-Wage Laws

The advocates of the minimum wage and its periodic boosting reply that all this is scare talk and that minimum wage rates do not and never have caused any unemployment. The proper riposte is to raise them one better; all right, if the minimum wage is such a wonderful anti-poverty measure, and can have no unemployment-raising effects, why are you such pikers? Why you are helping the working poor by such piddling amounts? Why stop at $4.55 an hour? Why not $10 an hour? $100? $1,000?

It is obvious that the minimum wage advocates do not pursue their own logic, because if they push it to such heights, virtually the entire labor force will be disemployed. In short, you can have as much unemployment as you want, simply by pushing the legally minimum wage high enough."

Franchise Group To Sue Over Seattle's $15-An-Hour Minimum Wage - Forbes

If the law stands it will be interesting to see the net results in a year or so after implementation.

Unemployment will increase . Small businesses will move outside city limits.


Has that ever happened?
Below, using BLS data, is what's happening in 2014:

Raising the Minimum Wage Does not ‘Kill Jobs’ – Preliminary Evidence from 2014

Written by Jeffrey Gianattasio and Nicole Woo Friday, 28 March 2014


Today, the BLS released new data on state level employment patterns, now including the month of February. Building on the analysis done by Goldman Sachs, we can integrate the February data and get a better picture of how the states that raised the minimum wage fared relative to those states that did not.

The chart below summarizes the results. The average increase in employment in the thirteen states where the minimum wage rose was 0.28 percent. (This was calculated as the percent growth in average state employment in January and February relative to average employment in November and December). Over the same period, in the states where the minimum wage remained unchanged, employment was essentially zero (up by just 0.002 percent).

Not only do we fail to find any evidence that minimum wage increases hurt state employment, we actually find the opposite. This exercise is far from definitive, but there is no obvious sign that a higher minimum wage is a ‘job killer.’


If you have evidence beyond your feeeeelings - show it.

There is no historical comparison when the wage increase is this large. Doubling your expenses overnight is suicide for small businesses
How? Economic justice is tyranny?

Forcing small business into bankruptcy, thus laying off all the employees who now earn ZERO instead of a steady wage, is what you call "economic justice"?

If you could please, keep your 'economic justice' away from me. I like being employed. Thanks.
All you got is more republican propaganda which has proven false over and over.
Franchise Group To Sue Over Seattle's $15-An-Hour Minimum Wage - Forbes

If the law stands it will be interesting to see the net results in a year or so after implementation.

Unemployment will increase . Small businesses will move outside city limits.


Wrong as usual republican propaganda spreader.

If I am wrong , if increasing the minimum wage will not cause unemployment and businesses to flee, then why not increase the minimum wage to $1000.00 an hour?


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