Seattle Public Schools: Prayer in School okay - IF you are muslim?


Senior Member
May 12, 2004
The Seattle Public Schools are forming a committee to examine prayer in school, particularly to "support the needs of our diverse students and families." But the committee is not organizing to examine the full diversity of the student body, only the needs of Muslim students:

Committee will propose guidelines for issue of prayer

The SPS Department of Race and Equity is looking for SEA members to participate in a "Prayer in Schools Committee," the charge of which is to look at how to address this issue District wide and to provide information about our Muslim students that will help teachers and building leaders make decisions that support the needs of our diverse students and families.

More coverage:

Dr. Caprice Hollins tried to tell me that the Seattle School District is being directed by the federal government (emphasis added) to develop a policy that accommodates Muslims - not Christians; not Jews; not Buddhists; just Muslims - who want to pray at school.
suprised? Im not. Liberal city with liberal ideals bending over and kissing ass to the perceived enemy. Muslims in this country arent our enemy per se but to liberals they believe that they are the enemy and want to appease them any way possible.
Though I don't support any prayer in school, if you're going to allow one, you have to allow them ALL!
Kagom said:
Though I don't support any prayer in school, if you're going to allow one, you have to allow them ALL!

nah the chritians will only try to convert you

the muslims will fooking kill ya
A litttle peek into the future of the Seattle public schools:

"I can't quite stuff my prayer rug into this Christian-sized locker. I must quick hire a lawyer to sue the schools for discrimination. Allah be praised, we will get a good result!"

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