Seattle resident realizes what a liberal dung hole downtown is

well, Seattle is not going to have their Rudy Giuliani to repair the broken windows.

The question would be...

would he care at all if HE did not live downtown among the low life bums who are making HIS life less enjoyable.

We had the same thing here.... the ex mayor, his wife and new babies moved into the upper height. NOW they want the bums and druggies moved off the streets of the height.... becasue momma ex mayor did not like the environment as she walked down the streets with her babies....

If we were to make all of the liberal politicians live among them i bet they would want them all moved out of sight and away from where .....they live and enjoy their
Well, if Detroit is any indication, liberals will find out quite soon. You can't expect to know how your subjects live if you always spend your time cooped up in your castle.
They could fix it, if they would sweep the bums off the street and keep them away.
Don't count on it though, liberals will simply sic the ACLU on anyone who tries to create non-panhandling zones, or ban the homeless.

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