Seattle Swaps Columbus Day For Indigenous Peoples' Day

The Cowboys beat the shit out of the indigenous LIBTARDS once again. Tony Romo has to be Italian!
The Seattle Dago's are right. If you want to honor the people who lived here before the Europeans showed up, then do it. But don't delete Columbus Day from the calendar in the process.

But to be completely candid, the so-called, "Native Americans" were mainly primitive, stone age people who contributed essentially nothing to "American" culture except fodder for a number of un-funny jokes. Which doesn't make them any less human or wronged (which they were, in spades), but to pretend that they contributed greatly to American culture is just silly.

Different cultures and countries all celebrate historical events that could be characterized negatively in light of contemporary values. This re-evaluation of history is quite profound IF YOU ARE A 16-YEAR OLD! Adults should know better.

Columbus had the perseverence and courage to lead an expedition that no one before him had ever tried, although many shared his belief that the earth was round, and one could reach India by sailing west. He was no more murderous or evil than anyone else in his position at the time would have been. To claim now that he is responsible for genocide or crimes against humanity is a sophomoric conceit.
While Columbus was wrong about most things, he did help establish knowledge about trade winds, namely the lower-latitude easterlies that blow toward the Caribbean and the higher-latitude westerlies that can blow a ship back to Western Europe. Also, while Columbus wasn't the first European to reach the Western Hemisphere, he was the first European to stay. His voyages directly initiated a permanent presence of Europeans in both North and South America.

News of the success of his first voyage spread like wildfire through Europe, setting the stage for an era of European conquest. One can argue whether the conquest was good or bad for humanity: that is, thespread of Christianity, rise of modernism, exploitation and annihilation of native cultures, and so on. But it is difficult to deny Columbus' direct role in quickly and radically changing the world.

Top 5 Misconceptions About Columbus Christopher Columbus Intrepid Explorers Columbus Day Flat-Earth Myth Who Discovered the Americas
I'm all for celebrating Kwanza, Cinco De Mayo, Columbus Day, Indigenous People Day, Thanksgiving Day and on and on, just not as federally and state paid holidays.

To me they are all the same, if you wish to take off work and recognize the day, so be it, but taxpayers should not fund a day where most people don't even recognize it or care about.

Calling it Columbus Day or Indigenous People Day, matters not for me, it is just another day. No historical value nor any value for that matter.
If Americans knew the truth about Christopher Columbus - he would no longer be honored with a national holiday. Columbus Day should be changed to Indigenous Peoples' Day.
Indian Day (or whatever PC name they are giving it) deliberately targeted Columbus Day to supplant it.

There are plenty of other calendar days they could have chosen to celebrate their savage history, but this was about politics, not history.

That's right, I said savage history. What? You think Indians were somehow more noble than Europeans? You want to talk about what butchers the Europeans were but close your eyes and ears to what butchers the Indians were? Don't be such a fucking rube!

This is how we know this Indian Day is political, and not about truth or history.

Humans do what humans do. They butcher one another. But they also accomplish great things. You want to tear down Columbus, then let's tear your people down, too, and see how it all washes out. Turnabout is fair play.

I'm sick of this shit. We can honor Columbus AND the Indians if we really want to.
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Several Italian-Americans and others objected to the change, saying Indigenous Peoples' Day honors one group while disregarding the Italian heritage of others.

This is the excuse used by every white group to oppose a minority group. BUT THEN they claim that minority groups shouldnt even exist because it divides right Italian Heritage groups?

Several Italian-Americans and others objected to the change, saying Indigenous Peoples' Day honors one group while disregarding the Italian heritage of others.

This is the excuse used by every white group to oppose a minority group. BUT THEN they claim that minority groups shouldnt even exist because it divides right Italian Heritage groups?

You are a rube.
Columbus Day has nothing to do with real history. It was enacted to gain Italian votes for the democrat party back in 1934 when FDR signed it into law. My guess is that democrats might create Cinco De Mayo as a holiday if they could get a couple of Hispanic votes out of it.
Cinco De Mayo is already celebrated in the U.S. but isn't a national holiday yet. I'd welcome another federal holiday if it gives me a paid day off.


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SEATTLE (AP) -- The Seattle City Council is replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples' Day in the city.

The resolution that passed unanimously Monday celebrates the contributions and culture of Native Americans and the indigenous community in Seattle on the second Monday in October, the same day as the federally recognized Columbus Day.

Tribal members and other supporters say the move recognizes the rich history of people who have inhabited the area for centuries.

"This action will allow us to bring into current present day our valuable and rich history, and it's there for future generations to learn," said Fawn Sharp, president of the Quinault Nation, a tribe on the Olympic Peninsula, who is also president of the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians.

"Nobody discovered Seattle, Washington," she said to a round of applause.

Several Italian-Americans and others objected to the change, saying Indigenous Peoples' Day honors one group while disregarding the Italian heritage of others.

Columbus Day is a federal holiday that commemorates the arrival of Christopher Columbus, who was Italian, in the Americas on Oct. 12, 1492.

"We don't argue with the idea of Indigenous Peoples' Day. We do have a big problem of it coming at the expense of what essentially is Italian Heritage Day," said Ralph Fascitelli, an Italian-American who lives in Seattle, speaking outside the meeting.

"This is a big insult to those of us of Italian heritage. We feel disrespected," Fascitelli said. He added, "America wouldn't be America without Christopher Columbus."

Seattle Mayor Ed Murray is expected to sign the resolution, his spokesman Jason Kelly said.

More: Columbus Day In Seattle Replaced With A New Holiday

I applaud you, Seattle. Thank you!

Happy Columbus Day!
The funny thing is probably 90 percent of the people on this board would not have known today was Columbus if it wasn't for this thread.
Several Italian-Americans and others objected to the change, saying Indigenous Peoples' Day honors one group while disregarding the Italian heritage of others.

This is the excuse used by every white group to oppose a minority group. BUT THEN they claim that minority groups shouldnt even exist because it divides right Italian Heritage groups?

You are a rube.

The funny thing is probably 90 percent of the people on this board would not have known today was Columbus if it wasn't for this thread.

That's probably because fast food chains don't recognize it as a holiday.

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