CDZ Second Amendment Rights Must be Complete and Uncondional!

Guns are sold for self-defense. Otherwise why would you need to carry one if you're not going hunting or to a shooting range?
I will give you a minute to read your comment and edit it so it makes sense,,
I understood it. Why can't you?
A permit is not required to transport a firearm for hunting, or use at a gun range or for repair.

The only other purpose is as he said, self defense, where transport requires a permit.
Guns are sold for self-defense. Otherwise why would you need to carry one if you're not going hunting or to a shooting range?
I will give you a minute to read your comment and edit it so it makes sense,,
I understood it. Why can't you?
A permit is not required to transport a firearm for hunting, or use at a gun range or for repair.

The only other purpose is as he said, self defense, where transport requires a permit.
I dontt see the word permit in his comment,,
I understood it. Why can't you?
A permit is not required to transport a firearm for hunting, or use at a gun range or for repair.

The only other purpose is as he said, self defense, where transport requires a permit.
I dontt see the word permit in his comment,,
This portion of the thread was about concealed carry permits, and if the 2nd should be expansive enough to prohibit their requirement.
I understood it. Why can't you?
A permit is not required to transport a firearm for hunting, or use at a gun range or for repair.

The only other purpose is as he said, self defense, where transport requires a permit.
I dontt see the word permit in his comment,,
This portion of the thread was about concealed carry permits, and if the 2nd should be expansive enough to prohibit their requirement.
but his comment wasnt,,,
There can be no restrictions on any person's right to buy or sell any guns or any number of guns they choose.
This could present risks to society in America but the risks need to be accepted as necessary for the upholding of the intent of the 2nd. amendment. If any American objects to the sacred rights as stated by the 2nd. amendment then they have the option of purchasing their own weapons with which to defend themselves from harm.

The extreme example: A person released from prison who has murdered with his gun has the right to walk straight across the street from the prison and purchase a gun or guns. The only thing stopping him would be a background check being required to purchase a gun.

On the surface it could seem to be counter-productive to a peaceful society. It might be but there is no legitimate means to stop him unless the 2nd. amendment's unconditional rights are infringed upon.

And so for those who are hesitant to accept the full and complete rights as spelled out by their 2nd. amendment, is there any possible law that could be enacted that could curtail the ex-criminal's rights?

I say there is none! The 2nd. amendment isn't open for compromise for any reason or for any socialist cause.

Are there any other rights that can't be restricted in any way?
  • Free speech/free press - should we be able to say anything about anyone, true or not?
  • Free assembly - any number of people should be able to gather anywhere at anytime, say a parade on main street at rush hour
  • Freedom of Religion - anyone should be able to start a religion and practice anything they want, pedeophilia, beastiality, etc.

The practice of Constitutional rights is unrestricted so long as you do not interfere with the Constitutional rights of others.
Do I have a Constitutional right not to get shot by your gun?

A criminal matter. Laws outline penalties for such behavior.

The misbehavior of one does not cancel the rights of others.
When you say 'any gun' do you mean every gun? Are there any guns that should be excluded? Like military grade weaponry?
Guns are sold for self-defense. Otherwise why would you need to carry one if you're not going hunting or to a shooting range?
I will give you a minute to read your comment and edit it so it makes sense,,
I understood it. Why can't you?
A permit is not required to transport a firearm for hunting, or use at a gun range or for repair.

The only other purpose is as he said, self defense, where transport requires a permit.
I dontt see the word permit in his comment,,
I believe if you go back you'll see you said guns are not explicitly sold for killing people. Hence my "why would you need to carry one" comment.
There can be no restrictions on any person's right to buy or sell any guns or any number of guns they choose.
This could present risks to society in America but the risks need to be accepted as necessary for the upholding of the intent of the 2nd. amendment. If any American objects to the sacred rights as stated by the 2nd. amendment then they have the option of purchasing their own weapons with which to defend themselves from harm.

The extreme example: A person released from prison who has murdered with his gun has the right to walk straight across the street from the prison and purchase a gun or guns. The only thing stopping him would be a background check being required to purchase a gun.

On the surface it could seem to be counter-productive to a peaceful society. It might be but there is no legitimate means to stop him unless the 2nd. amendment's unconditional rights are infringed upon.

And so for those who are hesitant to accept the full and complete rights as spelled out by their 2nd. amendment, is there any possible law that could be enacted that could curtail the ex-criminal's rights?

I say there is none! The 2nd. amendment isn't open for compromise for any reason or for any socialist cause.

Are there any other rights that can't be restricted in any way?
  • Free speech/free press - should we be able to say anything about anyone, true or not?
  • Free assembly - any number of people should be able to gather anywhere at anytime, say a parade on main street at rush hour
  • Freedom of Religion - anyone should be able to start a religion and practice anything they want, pedeophilia, beastiality, etc.

The practice of Constitutional rights is unrestricted so long as you do not interfere with the Constitutional rights of others.
Do I have a Constitutional right not to get shot by your gun?

A criminal matter. Laws outline penalties for such behavior.

The misbehavior of one does not cancel the rights of others.
When you say 'any gun' do you mean every gun? Are there any guns that should be excluded? Like military grade weaponry?
all guns are military grade,, and what the 2nd was specifically for,,
Guns are sold for self-defense. Otherwise why would you need to carry one if you're not going hunting or to a shooting range?
I will give you a minute to read your comment and edit it so it makes sense,,
I understood it. Why can't you?
A permit is not required to transport a firearm for hunting, or use at a gun range or for repair.

The only other purpose is as he said, self defense, where transport requires a permit.
I dontt see the word permit in his comment,,
I believe if you go back you'll see you said guns are not explicitly sold for killing people. Hence my "why would you need to carry one" comment.
maybe you should go back and read it,,, and then respond properly instead of spinning it,,
Guns are sold for self-defense. Otherwise why would you need to carry one if you're not going hunting or to a shooting range?
I will give you a minute to read your comment and edit it so it makes sense,,
I understood it. Why can't you?
A permit is not required to transport a firearm for hunting, or use at a gun range or for repair.

The only other purpose is as he said, self defense, where transport requires a permit.
I dontt see the word permit in his comment,,
I believe if you go back you'll see you said guns are not explicitly sold for killing people. Hence my "why would you need to carry one" comment.
maybe you should go back and read it,,, and then respond properly instead of spinning it,,
You mean where I said "Many guns are sold explicitly to affect other people, as in to stop them from living" and you said "wrong,,,". How would you spin it?
all guns are military grade,, and what the 2nd was specifically for,,
So you believe the 2nd covers fully automatic weapons like m-2s, gatling guns, artillery, m-1 tanks, A-10s, and rail guns?
are you saying its intent wasnt to defend the country from all threats foreign or domestic???

be kinda hard to defend it if you werent properly armed,,,
Guns are sold for self-defense. Otherwise why would you need to carry one if you're not going hunting or to a shooting range?
I will give you a minute to read your comment and edit it so it makes sense,,
I understood it. Why can't you?
A permit is not required to transport a firearm for hunting, or use at a gun range or for repair.

The only other purpose is as he said, self defense, where transport requires a permit.
I dontt see the word permit in his comment,,
I believe if you go back you'll see you said guns are not explicitly sold for killing people. Hence my "why would you need to carry one" comment.
maybe you should go back and read it,,, and then respond properly instead of spinning it,,
You mean where I said "Many guns are sold explicitly to affect other people, as in to stop them from living" and you said "wrong,,,". How would you spin it?
only criminals with criminal intent do that,

the majority of us dont want to ever kill anyone,,
There can be no restrictions on any person's right to buy or sell any guns or any number of guns they choose.
This could present risks to society in America but the risks need to be accepted as necessary for the upholding of the intent of the 2nd. amendment. If any American objects to the sacred rights as stated by the 2nd. amendment then they have the option of purchasing their own weapons with which to defend themselves from harm.

The extreme example: A person released from prison who has murdered with his gun has the right to walk straight across the street from the prison and purchase a gun or guns. The only thing stopping him would be a background check being required to purchase a gun.

On the surface it could seem to be counter-productive to a peaceful society. It might be but there is no legitimate means to stop him unless the 2nd. amendment's unconditional rights are infringed upon.

And so for those who are hesitant to accept the full and complete rights as spelled out by their 2nd. amendment, is there any possible law that could be enacted that could curtail the ex-criminal's rights?

I say there is none! The 2nd. amendment isn't open for compromise for any reason or for any socialist cause.

Are there any other rights that can't be restricted in any way?
  • Free speech/free press - should we be able to say anything about anyone, true or not?
  • Free assembly - any number of people should be able to gather anywhere at anytime, say a parade on main street at rush hour
  • Freedom of Religion - anyone should be able to start a religion and practice anything they want, pedeophilia, beastiality, etc.

The practice of Constitutional rights is unrestricted so long as you do not interfere with the Constitutional rights of others.
Do I have a Constitutional right not to get shot by your gun?

A criminal matter. Laws outline penalties for such behavior.

The misbehavior of one does not cancel the rights of others.
When you say 'any gun' do you mean every gun? Are there any guns that should be excluded? Like military grade weaponry?
Nope--second amendment says arms, that means ANY arms.
They're gonna get the guns eventually.
Only from those unwilling to fight to be free. There are far too many weapons and far too many Americans who are willing to fight to the DEATH. As the fight continues, the numbers who are killed and imprisoned will become known and the anger, the RAGE against such a government will also increase. If Americans become so passive and sheep-like that they are unwilling to fight then they'll deserve their chains.
They're gonna get the guns eventually.
Only from those unwilling to fight to be free. There are far too many weapons and far too many Americans who are willing to fight to the DEATH. As the fight continues, the numbers who are killed and imprisoned will become known and the anger, the RAGE against such a government will also increase. If Americans become so passive and sheep-like that they are unwilling to fight then they'll deserve their chains.
The anger is stirring after the past year of democrat/marxist/globalist bullshit. If they keep pushing, they will not be pleased with the outcome.
Well Regulated refers to the Militia, no effect on the Right of the People to keep and Bear arms.

In their day, the people were the militia. There was no standing army, and the states guards were made up of able bodied men, who were required to be equipped with gun, flask and 30 bullets.
In their day, the people were the militia.

Only males, 'firm of limb', between the ages of 16-45.
There can be no restrictions on any person's right to buy or sell any guns or any number of guns they choose.
This could present risks to society in America but the risks need to be accepted as necessary for the upholding of the intent of the 2nd. amendment. If any American objects to the sacred rights as stated by the 2nd. amendment then they have the option of purchasing their own weapons with which to defend themselves from harm.

The extreme example: A person released from prison who has murdered with his gun has the right to walk straight across the street from the prison and purchase a gun or guns. The only thing stopping him would be a background check being required to purchase a gun.

On the surface it could seem to be counter-productive to a peaceful society. It might be but there is no legitimate means to stop him unless the 2nd. amendment's unconditional rights are infringed upon.

And so for those who are hesitant to accept the full and complete rights as spelled out by their 2nd. amendment, is there any possible law that could be enacted that could curtail the ex-criminal's rights?

I say there is none! The 2nd. amendment isn't open for compromise for any reason or for any socialist cause.

Are there any other rights that can't be restricted in any way?
  • Free speech/free press - should we be able to say anything about anyone, true or not?
  • Free assembly - any number of people should be able to gather anywhere at anytime, say a parade on main street at rush hour
  • Freedom of Religion - anyone should be able to start a religion and practice anything they want, pedeophilia, beastiality, etc.

The practice of Constitutional rights is unrestricted so long as you do not interfere with the Constitutional rights of others.
Do I have a Constitutional right not to get shot by your gun?
No one has the right to discharge a weapon.

In fact there are many laws that restrict when and where firearms can be legally discharged. And you have a 99.9997% chance of not being murdered by a person using a gun so stop being so afraid.
There a lot of crazy people in this world, I would rather they weren't allowed to buy guns. There are a lot of people convicted of violent crimes, I would rather they weren't allowed to buy guns. There are a lot of people connected to radical groups, be they Left or Right, that espouse violence, I would rather they weren't allowed to buy guns.
Then dont by a gun, one less crazy not having a weapon is okay with me.
There can be no restrictions on any person's right to buy or sell any guns or any number of guns they choose.
This could present risks to society in America but the risks need to be accepted as necessary for the upholding of the intent of the 2nd. amendment. If any American objects to the sacred rights as stated by the 2nd. amendment then they have the option of purchasing their own weapons with which to defend themselves from harm.

The extreme example: A person released from prison who has murdered with his gun has the right to walk straight across the street from the prison and purchase a gun or guns. The only thing stopping him would be a background check being required to purchase a gun.

On the surface it could seem to be counter-productive to a peaceful society. It might be but there is no legitimate means to stop him unless the 2nd. amendment's unconditional rights are infringed upon.

And so for those who are hesitant to accept the full and complete rights as spelled out by their 2nd. amendment, is there any possible law that could be enacted that could curtail the ex-criminal's rights?

I say there is none! The 2nd. amendment isn't open for compromise for any reason or for any socialist cause.

Are there any other rights that can't be restricted in any way?
  • Free speech/free press - should we be able to say anything about anyone, true or not?
  • Free assembly - any number of people should be able to gather anywhere at anytime, say a parade on main street at rush hour
  • Freedom of Religion - anyone should be able to start a religion and practice anything they want, pedeophilia, beastiality, etc.

The practice of Constitutional rights is unrestricted so long as you do not interfere with the Constitutional rights of others.
Do I have a Constitutional right not to get shot by your gun?

A criminal matter. Laws outline penalties for such behavior.

The misbehavior of one does not cancel the rights of others.
When you say 'any gun' do you mean every gun? Are there any guns that should be excluded? Like military grade weaponry?
If you have a permit to purchase a military grade weapon(dealers and collectors have that permit) then they can buy those weapons....Want to see more?

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