CDZ Second Amendment Rights Must be Complete and Uncondional!

There can be no restrictions on any person's right to buy or sell any guns or any number of guns they choose.
This could present risks to society in America but the risks need to be accepted as necessary for the upholding of the intent of the 2nd. amendment. If any American objects to the sacred rights as stated by the 2nd. amendment then they have the option of purchasing their own weapons with which to defend themselves from harm.

The extreme example: A person released from prison who has murdered with his gun has the right to walk straight across the street from the prison and purchase a gun or guns. The only thing stopping him would be a background check being required to purchase a gun.

On the surface it could seem to be counter-productive to a peaceful society. It might be but there is no legitimate means to stop him unless the 2nd. amendment's unconditional rights are infringed upon.

And so for those who are hesitant to accept the full and complete rights as spelled out by their 2nd. amendment, is there any possible law that could be enacted that could curtail the ex-criminal's rights?

I say there is none! The 2nd. amendment isn't open for compromise for any reason or for any socialist cause.

Are there any other rights that can't be restricted in any way?
  • Free speech/free press - should we be able to say anything about anyone, true or not?
  • Free assembly - any number of people should be able to gather anywhere at anytime, say a parade on main street at rush hour
  • Freedom of Religion - anyone should be able to start a religion and practice anything they want, pedeophilia, beastiality, etc.

The practice of Constitutional rights is unrestricted so long as you do not interfere with the Constitutional rights of others.
Do I have a Constitutional right not to get shot by your gun?

A criminal matter. Laws outline penalties for such behavior.

The misbehavior of one does not cancel the rights of others.
When you say 'any gun' do you mean every gun? Are there any guns that should be excluded? Like military grade weaponry?
If you have a permit to purchase a military grade weapon(dealers and collectors have that permit) then they can buy those weapons....Want to see more?
A 300 win mag is a military grade weapon and I dont need a permit to buy one,,
The Second Amendment also says well regulated, which mean reasonable restrictions are allowed, which even Justice Scalia acknowledged in the decision of Heller v D.C. The ongoing issue is what is considered to be reasonable.

No, it doesn't. "Well Regulated" at the time that the Amendment was written, meant, "IN GOOD WORKING ORDER". That's why you see clocks, made in that time, with the words "Well Regulated" engraved into them. Unless you are going to try and claim that clocks were somehow controlled by laws no one has ever heard of.

Learn the language properly before you make mistakes like this again.
There can be no restrictions on any person's right to buy or sell any guns or any number of guns they choose.
This could present risks to society in America but the risks need to be accepted as necessary for the upholding of the intent of the 2nd. amendment. If any American objects to the sacred rights as stated by the 2nd. amendment then they have the option of purchasing their own weapons with which to defend themselves from harm.

The extreme example: A person released from prison who has murdered with his gun has the right to walk straight across the street from the prison and purchase a gun or guns. The only thing stopping him would be a background check being required to purchase a gun.

On the surface it could seem to be counter-productive to a peaceful society. It might be but there is no legitimate means to stop him unless the 2nd. amendment's unconditional rights are infringed upon.

And so for those who are hesitant to accept the full and complete rights as spelled out by their 2nd. amendment, is there any possible law that could be enacted that could curtail the ex-criminal's rights?

I say there is none! The 2nd. amendment isn't open for compromise for any reason or for any socialist cause.

Are there any other rights that can't be restricted in any way?
  • Free speech/free press - should we be able to say anything about anyone, true or not?
  • Free assembly - any number of people should be able to gather anywhere at anytime, say a parade on main street at rush hour
  • Freedom of Religion - anyone should be able to start a religion and practice anything they want, pedeophilia, beastiality, etc.

The practice of Constitutional rights is unrestricted so long as you do not interfere with the Constitutional rights of others.
Do I have a Constitutional right not to get shot by your gun?

A criminal matter. Laws outline penalties for such behavior.

The misbehavior of one does not cancel the rights of others.
When you say 'any gun' do you mean every gun? Are there any guns that should be excluded? Like military grade weaponry?
If you have a permit to purchase a military grade weapon(dealers and collectors have that permit) then they can buy those weapons....Want to see more?
A 300 win mag is a military grade weapon and I dont need a permit to buy one,,
No, that is just a hunting weapon. Just like my 7.62mm x 51 is only a deer gun...
The extreme example: A person released from prison who has murdered with his gun has the right to walk straight across the street from the prison and purchase a gun or guns. The only thing stopping him would be a background check being required to purchase a gun.

On the surface it could seem to be counter-productive to a peaceful society. It might be but there is no legitimate means to stop him unless the 2nd. amendment's unconditional rights are infringed upon.

A murderer shouldn't be walking straight out of prison and into a gun shop.

A murderer should be put to death. At the very least, kept in prison for the rest of his life, with no possibility of parole or other release.

Now if he happens to own guns, and wants to keep them, he can have them buried in his grave with him, after he is executed.
There can be no restrictions on any person's right to buy or sell any guns or any number of guns they choose.
This could present risks to society in America but the risks need to be accepted as necessary for the upholding of the intent of the 2nd. amendment. If any American objects to the sacred rights as stated by the 2nd. amendment then they have the option of purchasing their own weapons with which to defend themselves from harm.

The extreme example: A person released from prison who has murdered with his gun has the right to walk straight across the street from the prison and purchase a gun or guns. The only thing stopping him would be a background check being required to purchase a gun.

On the surface it could seem to be counter-productive to a peaceful society. It might be but there is no legitimate means to stop him unless the 2nd. amendment's unconditional rights are infringed upon.

And so for those who are hesitant to accept the full and complete rights as spelled out by their 2nd. amendment, is there any possible law that could be enacted that could curtail the ex-criminal's rights?

I say there is none! The 2nd. amendment isn't open for compromise for any reason or for any socialist cause.

Are there any other rights that can't be restricted in any way?
  • Free speech/free press - should we be able to say anything about anyone, true or not?
  • Free assembly - any number of people should be able to gather anywhere at anytime, say a parade on main street at rush hour
  • Freedom of Religion - anyone should be able to start a religion and practice anything they want, pedeophilia, beastiality, etc.

The practice of Constitutional rights is unrestricted so long as you do not interfere with the Constitutional rights of others.
Do I have a Constitutional right not to get shot by your gun?

A criminal matter. Laws outline penalties for such behavior.

The misbehavior of one does not cancel the rights of others.
When you say 'any gun' do you mean every gun? Are there any guns that should be excluded? Like military grade weaponry?
If you have a permit to purchase a military grade weapon(dealers and collectors have that permit) then they can buy those weapons....Want to see more?
A 300 win mag is a military grade weapon and I dont need a permit to buy one,,
No, that is just a hunting weapon. Just like my 7.62mm x 51 is only a deer gun...
the military uses it for snipers along with many other guns used by civilians,,

doesnt really matter anyway since the 2nd was specifically for weapons of war,,,
The Second Amendment also says well regulated, which mean reasonable restrictions are allowed, which even Justice Scalia acknowledged in the decision of Heller v D.C. The ongoing issue is what is considered to be reasonable.

The Second Amendment says no such thing.

It speaks of a “well regulated” (which does not mean what you think it means) militia, as a reason why the right which it asserts must be protected, but it clearly states that this right belongs to the people, and forbids any infringement of it.
The extreme example: A person released from prison who has murdered with his gun has the right to walk straight across the street from the prison and purchase a gun or guns. The only thing stopping him would be a background check being required to purchase a gun.

On the surface it could seem to be counter-productive to a peaceful society. It might be but there is no legitimate means to stop him unless the 2nd. amendment's unconditional rights are infringed upon.

A murderer shouldn't be walking straight out of prison and into a gun shop.

A murderer should be put to death. At the very least, kept in prison for the rest of his life, with no possibility of parole or other release.

Now if he happens to own guns, and wants to keep them, he can have them buried in his grave with him, after he is executed.
As long as those weapons have been completely disabled beyond repair can they buried with him/her/it...
Well regulated means to be in good condition or to be well kept.

Which also means trained, so do you find it a violation of the Second Amendment to demand people have a permit to carry proving their shooting skills are "in good condition" and "well kept?"

Are you similarly OK with voters being required to pass a literacy test to prove that they are competent to vote?
There can be no restrictions on any person's right to buy or sell any guns or any number of guns they choose.
This could present risks to society in America but the risks need to be accepted as necessary for the upholding of the intent of the 2nd. amendment. If any American objects to the sacred rights as stated by the 2nd. amendment then they have the option of purchasing their own weapons with which to defend themselves from harm.

The extreme example: A person released from prison who has murdered with his gun has the right to walk straight across the street from the prison and purchase a gun or guns. The only thing stopping him would be a background check being required to purchase a gun.

On the surface it could seem to be counter-productive to a peaceful society. It might be but there is no legitimate means to stop him unless the 2nd. amendment's unconditional rights are infringed upon.

And so for those who are hesitant to accept the full and complete rights as spelled out by their 2nd. amendment, is there any possible law that could be enacted that could curtail the ex-criminal's rights?

I say there is none! The 2nd. amendment isn't open for compromise for any reason or for any socialist cause.

Are there any other rights that can't be restricted in any way?
  • Free speech/free press - should we be able to say anything about anyone, true or not?
  • Free assembly - any number of people should be able to gather anywhere at anytime, say a parade on main street at rush hour
  • Freedom of Religion - anyone should be able to start a religion and practice anything they want, pedeophilia, beastiality, etc.

The practice of Constitutional rights is unrestricted so long as you do not interfere with the Constitutional rights of others.
Do I have a Constitutional right not to get shot by your gun?

A criminal matter. Laws outline penalties for such behavior.

The misbehavior of one does not cancel the rights of others.
When you say 'any gun' do you mean every gun? Are there any guns that should be excluded? Like military grade weaponry?
If you have a permit to purchase a military grade weapon(dealers and collectors have that permit) then they can buy those weapons....Want to see more?
A 300 win mag is a military grade weapon and I dont need a permit to buy one,,
No, that is just a hunting weapon. Just like my 7.62mm x 51 is only a deer gun...
the military uses it for snipers along with many other guns used by civilians,,

doesnt really matter anyway since the 2nd was specifically for weapons of war,,,
Yes, to provide the citizens a defense against governments "foreign and domestic" when tyrants try to take the citizens rights away.
Well regulated means to be in good condition or to be well kept.

Which also means trained, so do you find it a violation of the Second Amendment to demand people have a permit to carry proving their shooting skills are "in good condition" and "well kept?"

Are you similarly OK with voters being required to pass a literacy test to prove that they are competent to vote?
technically voting isnt a human right, its a privilege granted by government with a vote and can be taken away with a vote,,,
There can be no restrictions on any person's right to buy or sell any guns or any number of guns they choose.
This could present risks to society in America but the risks need to be accepted as necessary for the upholding of the intent of the 2nd. amendment. If any American objects to the sacred rights as stated by the 2nd. amendment then they have the option of purchasing their own weapons with which to defend themselves from harm.

The extreme example: A person released from prison who has murdered with his gun has the right to walk straight across the street from the prison and purchase a gun or guns. The only thing stopping him would be a background check being required to purchase a gun.

On the surface it could seem to be counter-productive to a peaceful society. It might be but there is no legitimate means to stop him unless the 2nd. amendment's unconditional rights are infringed upon.

And so for those who are hesitant to accept the full and complete rights as spelled out by their 2nd. amendment, is there any possible law that could be enacted that could curtail the ex-criminal's rights?

I say there is none! The 2nd. amendment isn't open for compromise for any reason or for any socialist cause.

Are there any other rights that can't be restricted in any way?
  • Free speech/free press - should we be able to say anything about anyone, true or not?
  • Free assembly - any number of people should be able to gather anywhere at anytime, say a parade on main street at rush hour
  • Freedom of Religion - anyone should be able to start a religion and practice anything they want, pedeophilia, beastiality, etc.

The practice of Constitutional rights is unrestricted so long as you do not interfere with the Constitutional rights of others.
Do I have a Constitutional right not to get shot by your gun?

A criminal matter. Laws outline penalties for such behavior.

The misbehavior of one does not cancel the rights of others.
When you say 'any gun' do you mean every gun? Are there any guns that should be excluded? Like military grade weaponry?
If you have a permit to purchase a military grade weapon(dealers and collectors have that permit) then they can buy those weapons....Want to see more?
A 300 win mag is a military grade weapon and I dont need a permit to buy one,,
No, that is just a hunting weapon. Just like my 7.62mm x 51 is only a deer gun...
the military uses it for snipers along with many other guns used by civilians,,

doesnt really matter anyway since the 2nd was specifically for weapons of war,,,
Yes, to provide the citizens a defense against governments "foreign and domestic" when tyrants try to take the citizens rights away.
so this whole discussion about what is or isnt military grade is moot,, more so since anything at your disposal is a military weapon if thats all you have,,,
Yes, we know that, but the law can't be applied when there are no background checks in place. And so all the convicted gun murderer must do is keep a straight face when he buys his gun.

Again, the problem there is not the availability of arms. The problem is allowing a criminal to go free, that ought to have been put to death.

It is intellectually dishonest to support allowing such criminals ever to go free again, and then to use the possibility that such a criminal might obtain a gun as any kind of excuse to infringe in any way on the rights of law-abiding citizens beings to keep and bear arms. What it shows is that you take the side of subhuman criminal pieces of shit against that of human beings; and that you deserve to be known by the company that you choose to keep.
There can be no restrictions on any person's right to buy or sell any guns or any number of guns they choose.
This could present risks to society in America but the risks need to be accepted as necessary for the upholding of the intent of the 2nd. amendment. If any American objects to the sacred rights as stated by the 2nd. amendment then they have the option of purchasing their own weapons with which to defend themselves from harm.

The extreme example: A person released from prison who has murdered with his gun has the right to walk straight across the street from the prison and purchase a gun or guns. The only thing stopping him would be a background check being required to purchase a gun.

On the surface it could seem to be counter-productive to a peaceful society. It might be but there is no legitimate means to stop him unless the 2nd. amendment's unconditional rights are infringed upon.

And so for those who are hesitant to accept the full and complete rights as spelled out by their 2nd. amendment, is there any possible law that could be enacted that could curtail the ex-criminal's rights?

I say there is none! The 2nd. amendment isn't open for compromise for any reason or for any socialist cause.

Are there any other rights that can't be restricted in any way?
  • Free speech/free press - should we be able to say anything about anyone, true or not?
  • Free assembly - any number of people should be able to gather anywhere at anytime, say a parade on main street at rush hour
  • Freedom of Religion - anyone should be able to start a religion and practice anything they want, pedeophilia, beastiality, etc.

The practice of Constitutional rights is unrestricted so long as you do not interfere with the Constitutional rights of others.
Do I have a Constitutional right not to get shot by your gun?

A criminal matter. Laws outline penalties for such behavior.

The misbehavior of one does not cancel the rights of others.
When you say 'any gun' do you mean every gun? Are there any guns that should be excluded? Like military grade weaponry?
If you have a permit to purchase a military grade weapon(dealers and collectors have that permit) then they can buy those weapons....Want to see more?
A 300 win mag is a military grade weapon and I dont need a permit to buy one,,
No, that is just a hunting weapon. Just like my 7.62mm x 51 is only a deer gun...
the military uses it for snipers along with many other guns used by civilians,,

doesnt really matter anyway since the 2nd was specifically for weapons of war,,,
Yes, to provide the citizens a defense against governments "foreign and domestic" when tyrants try to take the citizens rights away.
so this whole discussion about what is or isnt military grade is moot,, more so since anything at your disposal is a military weapon if thats all you have,,,

US V Miller, which heard the 1934 National Firearms Act held that the sawed off shotgun in question could be regulated because it had "No foreseeable MILITARY PURPOSE". So it is pretty obvious that the 2nd is ALL ABOUT protecting MILITARY weapons. No matter what the progressive left would like to think.
The intent is for peaceable law abiding citizens to own and possess the technology of the day that any light infantry ought to possess. Today that would be semi-automatic weapons with high capacity magazines, @Donald H

Today, it would mean arms comparable to what we issue our soldiers, meaning true assault rifles, capable of both semi-automatic and either fully-automatic or burst-fire operation—Exactly the weapons which our government, in its degenerate corruption, most refuses to allow us to possess.
Wouldn't needing a permit to hold a rally, be a restriction of the 1st amendment akin to a carry permit being a restriction on the 2nd.

Perhaps if you are talking about holding a rally on private property.

All people equally have a right to the commons. If one group wants to use a public area to engage in an activity which interferes with the rights of others to make legitimate use of that area, then at some point, government needs to step in and set rules and perhaps even issue permits in such a manner as to protect everyone's right to use that area.
So protecting somebody from being shot dead, can be the basis for a restriction, until such time as we learn how to raise Lazarus from the dead.


The legitimate restriction is to enact a law that says you're not allowed to shoot and kill another person, except under certain extreme circumstances. And to impose serious penalties for anyone who violates that law.

Perhaps if you are talking about holding a rally on private property.

All people equally have a right to the commons. If one group wants to use a public area to engage in an activity which interferes with the rights of others to make legitimate use of that area, then at some point, government needs to step in and set rules and perhaps even issue permits in such a manner as to protect everyone's right to use that area.
Then you actually agree with my statement

Wouldn't needing a permit to hold a rally, be a restriction of the 1st amendment akin to a carry permit being a restriction on the 2nd.

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