Second amendment sanctury led to Colorado massacre

And with the ones in blue states they make sure it takes years for a person to contest any court writ denying them their 2nd amendment rights.

anyone wrongly accused should be able to sue the government AND the accuser for damages.

No, looking to the courts to protect your rights is NOT how we protect rights. We just do. Your is the same argument others have argued when people are faced with the police violating their rights.

"Just let them violate them and hope the courts fix things".

You can kill with a hammer, are carpenters killers?

Well, an interesting statement, I say this in jest but I bet you there has been a carpenter by profession who has killed someone with a hammer before. Therefore, yes, carpenters are killers.

Your statement raises more of a critique of inductive reasoning we hear from so many much to my chagrin as it simplifies their argument for more restrictions:

carpenter uses a hammer
hammers are used in murders
therefore, all carpenters are murderers
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The red flag law was in place regardless of how the Sheriff felt about it. The problem was that the liberal judge dismissed several felonies and sealed the records so this nut case was able to purchase a firearm. What's the left wing solution? Confiscation? Interesting to note that Pennsylvania elected a nut case who also lived in his mothers basement and once chased an innocent black guy down the street with a shotgun, to the U.S. Senate and democrats thought it was fine as long as he was a democrat.. So it ain't about firearms, it's about political power.
The red flag law was in place regardless of how the Sheriff felt about it. The problem was that the liberal judge dismissed several felonies and sealed the records so this nut case was able to purchase a firearm. What's the left wing solution? Confiscation? Interesting to note that Pennsylvania elected a nut case who also lived in his mothers basement and once chased an innocent black guy down the street with a shotgun, to the U.S. Senate and democrats thought it was fine as long as he was a democrat.. So it ain't about firearms, it's about political power.

Here again is a huge example of the problem. We have many dead people and you default to your partisan politics.
No, looking to the courts to protect your rights is NOT how we protect rights. We just do. Your is the same argument others have argued when people are faced with the police violating their rights.

"Just let them violate them and hope the courts fix things".


That would eliminate the ability of police to arrest suspects. How do you propose that works?
Well, an interesting statement, I say this in jest but I bet you there has been a carpenter by profession who has killed someone with a hammer before. Therefore, yes, carpenters are killers.

Your statement raises more of a critique of inductive reasoning we hear from so many much to my chagrin as it simplifies their argument for more restrictions:

carpenter uses a hammer
hammers are used in a murders
therefore, all carpenters are murderers

I've had one throw a hammer at another worker on one of my sites. He was charged with assault.
by giving an inch when they respond by taking a mile,,

no one said freedom is easy or safe,, we allow idiots to drive cars while they are killing thousands of people a yr and driving is not even a right,
How is saying convicted felons can't have guns giving an inch?

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