Second amendment, should felons be allowed to own guns?

I’ll timestamp a picture where I am right now you come down here like a man and face the consequences of your words.
Jits, I have that idiot on IGNORE, but before you let him upset you too much, just keep in mind that he chose Japanese scat porn as his moniker and claims he educates little children. That is about all you really need to know about the guy.
I’ve always questioned why this high school teacher has a transsexual as his avatar.. I think it’s time I get in the brain of this sexual umm .. find out why he does what he does
Last edited:
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
That is for a judge to decide based on your crime and circumstances. If you are a felon, you lose that right, but if you served your time and paid society and are considered rehabilitated, then why should they continue to punish you? Committing bank fraud forging checks is one thing but murder and violent crime is another. One thing that bothers me today is the over-federalization of crimes. Anymore, everything is considered a felony. Now a REPEAT offender who abuses his freedom having gotten it back, once done, you've burned your bridges forever.
It doesn’t say that in the US Constitution

The US Constitution does say "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence."

You have defended lynching in the 20th century. Funny you think the US Constitution cannot be regulated for one amendment, and yet you favor occasionally throwing another amendment out.
I defend frontier justice

You defended the murder of Emmett Till in 1955 in Mississippi. That was not any frontier.

You defended the murder of Michael Donald in 1982 in Mobile Alabama. That was certainly not on any frontier.

What you are defending is the denial of these men's constitutional rights. And yet you whine about yours, while admitting to numerous felony convictions on your record.
Who cares! You weren’t there! They wrote a check there ass couldn’t cash

And it damn sure wasn't frontier justice, was it?
Let’s give them boys the benefit of the doubt that that 14-year-old put their life in danger

Let's give the victims of your felonies the benefit of the doubt.
Stupid fights I been in? Really? I’m oppressed by
Or democrat monarchy. It’s time we rise from the oppression and we fight back and take our city back! By the way I’ll be giving an update on the status of my movement in Boston around noon today.
Standby we’re going to have some really good breaking news

Anyone who blames Emmett Till for what happened to him is lower than whale shit. And anyone who blames Emmett Till for what happened to him does not get to whine about his own oppression. Period.
You don’t care about him until you just use them as a pawn to prove stupid points. Shame on you

You don't know me. I have marched and worked for equality from the time I was a teenager.

The difference between the situations is that your problems stem for your own actions. Till's stemmed from the color of his skin.

My points are valid. The hypocrisy of you whining about your rights, while defending and advocating the denial of the rights of others is astounding.
Guess what whites and blacks don’t like each other it’s gonna happen there’s nothing you can do to stop it. Blacks are attacking whites 90% of the time, 90% of the interracial homicides of blacks killing whites and it’s been this way for 30 40 years.. Emmett was probably talking shit about some white girl And he got fucking taken out

A 14 year old boy, murdered by 2 grown men, and you still want to blame the victim? Sick.
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
That is for a judge to decide based on your crime and circumstances. If you are a felon, you lose that right, but if you served your time and paid society and are considered rehabilitated, then why should they continue to punish you? Committing bank fraud forging checks is one thing but murder and violent crime is another. One thing that bothers me today is the over-federalization of crimes. Anymore, everything is considered a felony. Now a REPEAT offender who abuses his freedom having gotten it back, once done, you've burned your bridges forever.
It doesn’t say that in the US Constitution

The US Constitution does say "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence."

You have defended lynching in the 20th century. Funny you think the US Constitution cannot be regulated for one amendment, and yet you favor occasionally throwing another amendment out.
I defend frontier justice

You defended the murder of Emmett Till in 1955 in Mississippi. That was not any frontier.

You defended the murder of Michael Donald in 1982 in Mobile Alabama. That was certainly not on any frontier.

What you are defending is the denial of these men's constitutional rights. And yet you whine about yours, while admitting to numerous felony convictions on your record.
Who cares! You weren’t there! They wrote a check there ass couldn’t cash

And it damn sure wasn't frontier justice, was it?
Let’s give them boys the benefit of the doubt that that 14-year-old put their life in danger

Let's give the victims of your felonies the benefit of the doubt.
Stupid fights I been in? Really? I’m oppressed by
Or democrat monarchy. It’s time we rise from the oppression and we fight back and take our city back! By the way I’ll be giving an update on the status of my movement in Boston around noon today.
Standby we’re going to have some really good breaking news

Anyone who blames Emmett Till for what happened to him is lower than whale shit. And anyone who blames Emmett Till for what happened to him does not get to whine about his own oppression. Period.
You don’t care about him until you just use them as a pawn to prove stupid points. Shame on you

You don't know me. I have marched and worked for equality from the time I was a teenager.

The difference between the situations is that your problems stem for your own actions. Till's stemmed from the color of his skin.

My points are valid. The hypocrisy of you whining about your rights, while defending and advocating the denial of the rights of others is astounding.
Guess what whites and blacks don’t like each other it’s gonna happen there’s nothing you can do to stop it. Blacks are attacking whites 90% of the time, 90% of the interracial homicides of blacks killing whites and it’s been this way for 30 40 years.. Emmett was probably talking shit about some white girl And he got fucking taken out

A 14 year old boy, murdered by 2 grown men, and you still want to blame the victim? Sick.
The same thing that happened to that black kid has happened to white people before if you talk to somebody sister wife daughter.. Stop using race as a crutch
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
That is for a judge to decide based on your crime and circumstances. If you are a felon, you lose that right, but if you served your time and paid society and are considered rehabilitated, then why should they continue to punish you? Committing bank fraud forging checks is one thing but murder and violent crime is another. One thing that bothers me today is the over-federalization of crimes. Anymore, everything is considered a felony. Now a REPEAT offender who abuses his freedom having gotten it back, once done, you've burned your bridges forever.
It doesn’t say that in the US Constitution

The US Constitution does say "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence."

You have defended lynching in the 20th century. Funny you think the US Constitution cannot be regulated for one amendment, and yet you favor occasionally throwing another amendment out.
I defend frontier justice

You defended the murder of Emmett Till in 1955 in Mississippi. That was not any frontier.

You defended the murder of Michael Donald in 1982 in Mobile Alabama. That was certainly not on any frontier.

What you are defending is the denial of these men's constitutional rights. And yet you whine about yours, while admitting to numerous felony convictions on your record.
Who cares! You weren’t there! They wrote a check there ass couldn’t cash

And it damn sure wasn't frontier justice, was it?
Let’s give them boys the benefit of the doubt that that 14-year-old put their life in danger

Let's give the victims of your felonies the benefit of the doubt.
Stupid fights I been in? Really? I’m oppressed by
Or democrat monarchy. It’s time we rise from the oppression and we fight back and take our city back! By the way I’ll be giving an update on the status of my movement in Boston around noon today.
Standby we’re going to have some really good breaking news

Anyone who blames Emmett Till for what happened to him is lower than whale shit. And anyone who blames Emmett Till for what happened to him does not get to whine about his own oppression. Period.
You don’t care about him until you just use them as a pawn to prove stupid points. Shame on you

You don't know me. I have marched and worked for equality from the time I was a teenager.

The difference between the situations is that your problems stem for your own actions. Till's stemmed from the color of his skin.

My points are valid. The hypocrisy of you whining about your rights, while defending and advocating the denial of the rights of others is astounding.
Guess what whites and blacks don’t like each other it’s gonna happen there’s nothing you can do to stop it. Blacks are attacking whites 90% of the time, 90% of the interracial homicides of blacks killing whites and it’s been this way for 30 40 years.. Emmett was probably talking shit about some white girl And he got fucking taken out

A 14 year old boy, murdered by 2 grown men, and you still want to blame the victim? Sick.
The same thing that happened to that black kid has happened to white people before if you talk to somebody sister wife daughter.. Stop using race as a crutch

I am using the incident to highlight your disdain for the constitutional rights of others.
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
That is for a judge to decide based on your crime and circumstances. If you are a felon, you lose that right, but if you served your time and paid society and are considered rehabilitated, then why should they continue to punish you? Committing bank fraud forging checks is one thing but murder and violent crime is another. One thing that bothers me today is the over-federalization of crimes. Anymore, everything is considered a felony. Now a REPEAT offender who abuses his freedom having gotten it back, once done, you've burned your bridges forever.
It doesn’t say that in the US Constitution

The US Constitution does say "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence."

You have defended lynching in the 20th century. Funny you think the US Constitution cannot be regulated for one amendment, and yet you favor occasionally throwing another amendment out.
I defend frontier justice

You defended the murder of Emmett Till in 1955 in Mississippi. That was not any frontier.

You defended the murder of Michael Donald in 1982 in Mobile Alabama. That was certainly not on any frontier.

What you are defending is the denial of these men's constitutional rights. And yet you whine about yours, while admitting to numerous felony convictions on your record.
Who cares! You weren’t there! They wrote a check there ass couldn’t cash

And it damn sure wasn't frontier justice, was it?
Let’s give them boys the benefit of the doubt that that 14-year-old put their life in danger

Let's give the victims of your felonies the benefit of the doubt.
Stupid fights I been in? Really? I’m oppressed by
Or democrat monarchy. It’s time we rise from the oppression and we fight back and take our city back! By the way I’ll be giving an update on the status of my movement in Boston around noon today.
Standby we’re going to have some really good breaking news

Anyone who blames Emmett Till for what happened to him is lower than whale shit. And anyone who blames Emmett Till for what happened to him does not get to whine about his own oppression. Period.
You don’t care about him until you just use them as a pawn to prove stupid points. Shame on you

You don't know me. I have marched and worked for equality from the time I was a teenager.

The difference between the situations is that your problems stem for your own actions. Till's stemmed from the color of his skin.

My points are valid. The hypocrisy of you whining about your rights, while defending and advocating the denial of the rights of others is astounding.
Guess what whites and blacks don’t like each other it’s gonna happen there’s nothing you can do to stop it. Blacks are attacking whites 90% of the time, 90% of the interracial homicides of blacks killing whites and it’s been this way for 30 40 years.. Emmett was probably talking shit about some white girl And he got fucking taken out

A 14 year old boy, murdered by 2 grown men, and you still want to blame the victim? Sick.
The same thing that happened to that black kid has happened to white people before if you talk to somebody sister wife daughter.. Stop using race as a crutch

I am using the incident to highlight your disdain for the constitutional rights of others.
I don’t care about till I don’t care about lynching many Republicans were lynched at the height of lynching 166 blacks were lynched one year in the same year 164 white Republicans.. we all agree the left-wing Democrats are deranged when black people have any amount of success..
which is what we see going on today
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
That is for a judge to decide based on your crime and circumstances. If you are a felon, you lose that right, but if you served your time and paid society and are considered rehabilitated, then why should they continue to punish you? Committing bank fraud forging checks is one thing but murder and violent crime is another. One thing that bothers me today is the over-federalization of crimes. Anymore, everything is considered a felony. Now a REPEAT offender who abuses his freedom having gotten it back, once done, you've burned your bridges forever.
It doesn’t say that in the US Constitution

The US Constitution does say "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence."

You have defended lynching in the 20th century. Funny you think the US Constitution cannot be regulated for one amendment, and yet you favor occasionally throwing another amendment out.
I defend frontier justice

You defended the murder of Emmett Till in 1955 in Mississippi. That was not any frontier.

You defended the murder of Michael Donald in 1982 in Mobile Alabama. That was certainly not on any frontier.

What you are defending is the denial of these men's constitutional rights. And yet you whine about yours, while admitting to numerous felony convictions on your record.
Who cares! You weren’t there! They wrote a check there ass couldn’t cash

And it damn sure wasn't frontier justice, was it?
Let’s give them boys the benefit of the doubt that that 14-year-old put their life in danger

Let's give the victims of your felonies the benefit of the doubt.
Stupid fights I been in? Really? I’m oppressed by
Or democrat monarchy. It’s time we rise from the oppression and we fight back and take our city back! By the way I’ll be giving an update on the status of my movement in Boston around noon today.
Standby we’re going to have some really good breaking news

Anyone who blames Emmett Till for what happened to him is lower than whale shit. And anyone who blames Emmett Till for what happened to him does not get to whine about his own oppression. Period.
You don’t care about him until you just use them as a pawn to prove stupid points. Shame on you

You don't know me. I have marched and worked for equality from the time I was a teenager.

The difference between the situations is that your problems stem for your own actions. Till's stemmed from the color of his skin.

My points are valid. The hypocrisy of you whining about your rights, while defending and advocating the denial of the rights of others is astounding.
Guess what whites and blacks don’t like each other it’s gonna happen there’s nothing you can do to stop it. Blacks are attacking whites 90% of the time, 90% of the interracial homicides of blacks killing whites and it’s been this way for 30 40 years.. Emmett was probably talking shit about some white girl And he got fucking taken out

A 14 year old boy, murdered by 2 grown men, and you still want to blame the victim? Sick.
The same thing that happened to that black kid has happened to white people before if you talk to somebody sister wife daughter.. Stop using race as a crutch

I am using the incident to highlight your disdain for the constitutional rights of others.
I don’t care about till I don’t care about lynching many Republicans were lynched at the height of lynching 166 blacks were lynched one year in the same year 164 white Republicans.. we all agree the left-wing Democrats are deranged when black people have any amount of success..
which is what we see going on today

You don't care about a 14 year old boy being murdered for being black, but you expect people to care about your claims of oppression?

The hypocrisy just keeps coming.
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
That is for a judge to decide based on your crime and circumstances. If you are a felon, you lose that right, but if you served your time and paid society and are considered rehabilitated, then why should they continue to punish you? Committing bank fraud forging checks is one thing but murder and violent crime is another. One thing that bothers me today is the over-federalization of crimes. Anymore, everything is considered a felony. Now a REPEAT offender who abuses his freedom having gotten it back, once done, you've burned your bridges forever.
It doesn’t say that in the US Constitution

The US Constitution does say "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence."

You have defended lynching in the 20th century. Funny you think the US Constitution cannot be regulated for one amendment, and yet you favor occasionally throwing another amendment out.
I defend frontier justice

You defended the murder of Emmett Till in 1955 in Mississippi. That was not any frontier.

You defended the murder of Michael Donald in 1982 in Mobile Alabama. That was certainly not on any frontier.

What you are defending is the denial of these men's constitutional rights. And yet you whine about yours, while admitting to numerous felony convictions on your record.
Who cares! You weren’t there! They wrote a check there ass couldn’t cash

And it damn sure wasn't frontier justice, was it?
Let’s give them boys the benefit of the doubt that that 14-year-old put their life in danger

Let's give the victims of your felonies the benefit of the doubt.
Stupid fights I been in? Really? I’m oppressed by
Or democrat monarchy. It’s time we rise from the oppression and we fight back and take our city back! By the way I’ll be giving an update on the status of my movement in Boston around noon today.
Standby we’re going to have some really good breaking news

Anyone who blames Emmett Till for what happened to him is lower than whale shit. And anyone who blames Emmett Till for what happened to him does not get to whine about his own oppression. Period.
You don’t care about him until you just use them as a pawn to prove stupid points. Shame on you

You don't know me. I have marched and worked for equality from the time I was a teenager.

The difference between the situations is that your problems stem for your own actions. Till's stemmed from the color of his skin.

My points are valid. The hypocrisy of you whining about your rights, while defending and advocating the denial of the rights of others is astounding.
Guess what whites and blacks don’t like each other it’s gonna happen there’s nothing you can do to stop it. Blacks are attacking whites 90% of the time, 90% of the interracial homicides of blacks killing whites and it’s been this way for 30 40 years.. Emmett was probably talking shit about some white girl And he got fucking taken out

A 14 year old boy, murdered by 2 grown men, and you still want to blame the victim? Sick.
The same thing that happened to that black kid has happened to white people before if you talk to somebody sister wife daughter.. Stop using race as a crutch

I am using the incident to highlight your disdain for the constitutional rights of others.
I don’t care about till I don’t care about lynching many Republicans were lynched at the height of lynching 166 blacks were lynched one year in the same year 164 white Republicans.. we all agree the left-wing Democrats are deranged when black people have any amount of success..
which is what we see going on today

You don't care about a 14 year old boy being murdered for being black, but you expect people to care about your claims of oppression?

The hypocrisy just keeps coming.
You can’t stop race crimes it’s going to happen
I’ll timestamp a picture where I am right now you come down here like a man and face the consequences of your words.
Jits, I have that idiot on IGNORE, but before you let him upset you too much, just keep in mind that he chose Japanese scat porn as his moniker and claims he educates little children. That is about all you really need to know about the guy.
I’ve always questioned why this high school teacher has a transsexual as his avatar..
He doesn’t, but your obsession is obvious and disturbing.
I’ll timestamp a picture where I am right now you come down here like a man and face the consequences of your words.
Jits, I have that idiot on IGNORE, but before you let him upset you too much, just keep in mind that he chose Japanese scat porn as his moniker and claims he educates little children. That is about all you really need to know about the guy.
I’ve always questioned why this high school teacher has a transsexual as his avatar..
He doesn’t, but your obsession is obvious and disturbing.
Looks like quite a few people think you’re a fucking troll.. what’s the matter boy you can’t fight facts
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
That is for a judge to decide based on your crime and circumstances. If you are a felon, you lose that right, but if you served your time and paid society and are considered rehabilitated, then why should they continue to punish you? Committing bank fraud forging checks is one thing but murder and violent crime is another. One thing that bothers me today is the over-federalization of crimes. Anymore, everything is considered a felony. Now a REPEAT offender who abuses his freedom having gotten it back, once done, you've burned your bridges forever.
It doesn’t say that in the US Constitution

The US Constitution does say "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence."

You have defended lynching in the 20th century. Funny you think the US Constitution cannot be regulated for one amendment, and yet you favor occasionally throwing another amendment out.
I defend frontier justice

You defended the murder of Emmett Till in 1955 in Mississippi. That was not any frontier.

You defended the murder of Michael Donald in 1982 in Mobile Alabama. That was certainly not on any frontier.

What you are defending is the denial of these men's constitutional rights. And yet you whine about yours, while admitting to numerous felony convictions on your record.
Who cares! You weren’t there! They wrote a check there ass couldn’t cash

And it damn sure wasn't frontier justice, was it?
Let’s give them boys the benefit of the doubt that that 14-year-old put their life in danger

Let's give the victims of your felonies the benefit of the doubt.
Stupid fights I been in? Really? I’m oppressed by
Or democrat monarchy. It’s time we rise from the oppression and we fight back and take our city back! By the way I’ll be giving an update on the status of my movement in Boston around noon today.
Standby we’re going to have some really good breaking news

Anyone who blames Emmett Till for what happened to him is lower than whale shit. And anyone who blames Emmett Till for what happened to him does not get to whine about his own oppression. Period.
You don’t care about him until you just use them as a pawn to prove stupid points. Shame on you

You don't know me. I have marched and worked for equality from the time I was a teenager.

The difference between the situations is that your problems stem for your own actions. Till's stemmed from the color of his skin.

My points are valid. The hypocrisy of you whining about your rights, while defending and advocating the denial of the rights of others is astounding.
Guess what whites and blacks don’t like each other

Bullshit. Guess what? NOBODY likes YOU.
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
That is for a judge to decide based on your crime and circumstances. If you are a felon, you lose that right, but if you served your time and paid society and are considered rehabilitated, then why should they continue to punish you? Committing bank fraud forging checks is one thing but murder and violent crime is another. One thing that bothers me today is the over-federalization of crimes. Anymore, everything is considered a felony. Now a REPEAT offender who abuses his freedom having gotten it back, once done, you've burned your bridges forever.
It doesn’t say that in the US Constitution

The US Constitution does say "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence."

You have defended lynching in the 20th century. Funny you think the US Constitution cannot be regulated for one amendment, and yet you favor occasionally throwing another amendment out.
I defend frontier justice

You defended the murder of Emmett Till in 1955 in Mississippi. That was not any frontier.

You defended the murder of Michael Donald in 1982 in Mobile Alabama. That was certainly not on any frontier.

What you are defending is the denial of these men's constitutional rights. And yet you whine about yours, while admitting to numerous felony convictions on your record.
Who cares! You weren’t there! They wrote a check there ass couldn’t cash

And it damn sure wasn't frontier justice, was it?
Let’s give them boys the benefit of the doubt that that 14-year-old put their life in danger

Let's give the victims of your felonies the benefit of the doubt.
Stupid fights I been in? Really? I’m oppressed by
Or democrat monarchy. It’s time we rise from the oppression and we fight back and take our city back! By the way I’ll be giving an update on the status of my movement in Boston around noon today.
Standby we’re going to have some really good breaking news

Anyone who blames Emmett Till for what happened to him is lower than whale shit. And anyone who blames Emmett Till for what happened to him does not get to whine about his own oppression. Period.
You don’t care about him until you just use them as a pawn to prove stupid points. Shame on you

You don't know me. I have marched and worked for equality from the time I was a teenager.

The difference between the situations is that your problems stem for your own actions. Till's stemmed from the color of his skin.

My points are valid. The hypocrisy of you whining about your rights, while defending and advocating the denial of the rights of others is astounding.
Guess what whites and blacks don’t like each other it’s gonna happen there’s nothing you can do to stop it. Blacks are attacking whites 90% of the time, 90% of the interracial homicides of blacks killing whites and it’s been this way for 30 40 years.. Emmett was probably talking shit about some white girl And he got fucking taken out

A 14 year old boy, murdered by 2 grown men, and you still want to blame the victim? Sick.
The same thing that happened to that black kid has happened to white people before if you talk to somebody sister wife daughter.. Stop using race as a crutch

I am using the incident to highlight your disdain for the constitutional rights of others.
I don’t care about till I don’t care about lynching many Republicans were lynched at the height of lynching 166 blacks were lynched one year in the same year 164 white Republicans.. we all agree the left-wing Democrats are deranged when black people have any amount of success..
which is what we see going on today

You don't care about a 14 year old boy being murdered for being black, but you expect people to care about your claims of oppression?

The hypocrisy just keeps coming.
You can’t stop race crimes it’s going to happen

I disagree. But this is not about race crimes. It is about you defending and advocating the denial of the constitutional rights of others, while you whine about your constitutional rights being denied because of your own violent behavior. In other words, your hypocrisy.
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
That is for a judge to decide based on your crime and circumstances. If you are a felon, you lose that right, but if you served your time and paid society and are considered rehabilitated, then why should they continue to punish you? Committing bank fraud forging checks is one thing but murder and violent crime is another. One thing that bothers me today is the over-federalization of crimes. Anymore, everything is considered a felony. Now a REPEAT offender who abuses his freedom having gotten it back, once done, you've burned your bridges forever.
It doesn’t say that in the US Constitution

The US Constitution does say "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence."

You have defended lynching in the 20th century. Funny you think the US Constitution cannot be regulated for one amendment, and yet you favor occasionally throwing another amendment out.
I defend frontier justice

You defended the murder of Emmett Till in 1955 in Mississippi. That was not any frontier.

You defended the murder of Michael Donald in 1982 in Mobile Alabama. That was certainly not on any frontier.

What you are defending is the denial of these men's constitutional rights. And yet you whine about yours, while admitting to numerous felony convictions on your record.
Who cares! You weren’t there! They wrote a check there ass couldn’t cash

And it damn sure wasn't frontier justice, was it?
Let’s give them boys the benefit of the doubt that that 14-year-old put their life in danger

Let's give the victims of your felonies the benefit of the doubt.
Stupid fights I been in? Really? I’m oppressed by
Or democrat monarchy. It’s time we rise from the oppression and we fight back and take our city back! By the way I’ll be giving an update on the status of my movement in Boston around noon today.
Standby we’re going to have some really good breaking news

Anyone who blames Emmett Till for what happened to him is lower than whale shit. And anyone who blames Emmett Till for what happened to him does not get to whine about his own oppression. Period.
You don’t care about him until you just use them as a pawn to prove stupid points. Shame on you

You don't know me. I have marched and worked for equality from the time I was a teenager.

The difference between the situations is that your problems stem for your own actions. Till's stemmed from the color of his skin.

My points are valid. The hypocrisy of you whining about your rights, while defending and advocating the denial of the rights of others is astounding.
Guess what whites and blacks don’t like each other

Bullshit. Guess what? NOBODY likes YOU.
I’ll timestamp a picture where I am right now you come down here like a man and face the consequences of your words.
Jits, I have that idiot on IGNORE, but before you let him upset you too much, just keep in mind that he chose Japanese scat porn as his moniker and claims he educates little children. That is about all you really need to know about the guy.

Hitch your wagon to jitler’s star. Good luck with that, salty. :lol:
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
That is for a judge to decide based on your crime and circumstances. If you are a felon, you lose that right, but if you served your time and paid society and are considered rehabilitated, then why should they continue to punish you? Committing bank fraud forging checks is one thing but murder and violent crime is another. One thing that bothers me today is the over-federalization of crimes. Anymore, everything is considered a felony. Now a REPEAT offender who abuses his freedom having gotten it back, once done, you've burned your bridges forever.
It doesn’t say that in the US Constitution

The US Constitution does say "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence."

You have defended lynching in the 20th century. Funny you think the US Constitution cannot be regulated for one amendment, and yet you favor occasionally throwing another amendment out.
I defend frontier justice

You defended the murder of Emmett Till in 1955 in Mississippi. That was not any frontier.

You defended the murder of Michael Donald in 1982 in Mobile Alabama. That was certainly not on any frontier.

What you are defending is the denial of these men's constitutional rights. And yet you whine about yours, while admitting to numerous felony convictions on your record.
Who cares! You weren’t there! They wrote a check there ass couldn’t cash

And it damn sure wasn't frontier justice, was it?
Let’s give them boys the benefit of the doubt that that 14-year-old put their life in danger

Let's give the victims of your felonies the benefit of the doubt.
Stupid fights I been in? Really? I’m oppressed by
Or democrat monarchy. It’s time we rise from the oppression and we fight back and take our city back! By the way I’ll be giving an update on the status of my movement in Boston around noon today.
Standby we’re going to have some really good breaking news

Anyone who blames Emmett Till for what happened to him is lower than whale shit. And anyone who blames Emmett Till for what happened to him does not get to whine about his own oppression. Period.
You don’t care about him until you just use them as a pawn to prove stupid points. Shame on you

You don't know me. I have marched and worked for equality from the time I was a teenager.

The difference between the situations is that your problems stem for your own actions. Till's stemmed from the color of his skin.

My points are valid. The hypocrisy of you whining about your rights, while defending and advocating the denial of the rights of others is astounding.
Guess what whites and blacks don’t like each other it’s gonna happen there’s nothing you can do to stop it. Blacks are attacking whites 90% of the time, 90% of the interracial homicides of blacks killing whites and it’s been this way for 30 40 years.. Emmett was probably talking shit about some white girl And he got fucking taken out

A 14 year old boy, murdered by 2 grown men, and you still want to blame the victim? Sick.
The same thing that happened to that black kid has happened to white people before if you talk to somebody sister wife daughter.. Stop using race as a crutch

I am using the incident to highlight your disdain for the constitutional rights of others.
I don’t care about till I don’t care about lynching many Republicans were lynched at the height of lynching 166 blacks were lynched one year in the same year 164 white Republicans.. we all agree the left-wing Democrats are deranged when black people have any amount of success..
which is what we see going on today

You don't care about a 14 year old boy being murdered for being black, but you expect people to care about your claims of oppression?

The hypocrisy just keeps coming.
You can’t stop race crimes it’s going to happen

I disagree. But this is not about race crimes. It is about you defending and advocating the denial of the constitutional rights of others, while you whine about your constitutional rights being denied because of your own violent behavior. In other words, your hypocrisy.
Americans always didn’t have money to pay for a justice system.. they use the frontier justice as a way of life.. many of these towns have little to no crime so there was no need to invest in a justice system.. Your denial of American history is embarrassing
to the original question: there is not a lot of gray area here. If one believes in the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment, as strongly as is often proclaimed, , then, yes, felons should be able to acquire any firearm they so desire. as should the insane. As should those who profess support for Sharia law. And so on, and so on.
That’s America and I love it

Actually, it is not America. Those who have been diagnosed with serious mental illnesses cannot buy a gun from a dealer. And it has been that way for over 50 years.
Not sure what the point of your post is. pretty sure everybody understands the current situation. The question is, "Should it.....". And, as per the Constitution, the answer is clearly 'yes'.
I’ll timestamp a picture where I am right now you come down here like a man and face the consequences of your words.
Jits, I have that idiot on IGNORE, but before you let him upset you too much, just keep in mind that he chose Japanese scat porn as his moniker and claims he educates little children. That is about all you really need to know about the guy.

Hitch your wagon to jitler’s star. Good luck with that, salty. :lol:
He blocked you tranny
I’ll timestamp a picture where I am right now you come down here like a man and face the consequences of your words.
Jits, I have that idiot on IGNORE, but before you let him upset you too much, just keep in mind that he chose Japanese scat porn as his moniker and claims he educates little children. That is about all you really need to know about the guy.

Hitch your wagon to jitler’s star. Good luck with that, salty. :lol:
He blocked you ...
As nature has done to you.
I’ll timestamp a picture where I am right now you come down here like a man and face the consequences of your words.
Jits, I have that idiot on IGNORE, but before you let him upset you too much, just keep in mind that he chose Japanese scat porn as his moniker and claims he educates little children. That is about all you really need to know about the guy.
I’ve always questioned why this high school teacher has a transsexual as his avatar..
He doesn’t, but your obsession is obvious and disturbing.
Looks like quite a few people think you’re a fucking troll.. what’s the matter boy you can’t fight facts

Dude, there may be some who think he is a troll. But you are one of the most mocked posters on this board. And the number of people who insist you are a troll (especially those who claim to know you from other forums) far exceed those who claim Unkotare is a troll.
This is a tough one but I have to say yes if the felon is no longer on parole and has served his time.

It's analogous to the old saying

I might disagree with what you say but I'll fight to protect your right to say it
to the original question: there is not a lot of gray area here. If one believes in the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment, as strongly as is often proclaimed, , then, yes, felons should be able to acquire any firearm they so desire. as should the insane. As should those who profess support for Sharia law. And so on, and so on.
That’s America and I love it

Actually, it is not America. Those who have been diagnosed with serious mental illnesses cannot buy a gun from a dealer. And it has been that way for over 50 years.
Not sure what the point of your post is. pretty sure everybody understands the current situation. The question is, "Should it.....". And, as per the Constitution, the answer is clearly 'yes'.
I’ve expose Winterborn as a communist he hates the First Amendment he hates the Second Amendment and is anti-Trump

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