Second amendment, should felons be allowed to own guns?

For instance in Boston almost all our businesses went from being Boston on 299% outside Boston

View attachment 328392
Lol 99% owned *** sorry using voice to type ha

And what was the unemployment rate in Boston before the Covid-19 pandemic? As I recall it was lower than the national average and lower that the rest of Massachusetts.

Do you have any evidence that 99% of businesses are from outside Boston? Are they owned by Bostonians who then moved to the suburbs outside the city?
We have many job opportunities in Boston but for kids that went to a public school in the city the majority of them will only be qualified to work for a low wage job no gratifying jobs that we used to work 40 years ago.. when Boston was a lot un regulated.. I have proved it I showed you pictures of every business on Boston urban Greenway not one of them was from Boston.
Do you think me complaining about 99% of businesses open and Boston are my people from outside of Boston is a is stupid?

Sorry, but no one who belches up that bullshit you did, about "99% of businesses open", has any business calling anyone a dumb ass.

You're barely speaking English...

Manufacturing I’m talking about contractors I’m talking about Boston police not one Boston police officer went to Boston Public school. I was just 17 different fire houses around Boston not one went to Boston Public school.. I can go on and on.. but to you this is ok lol

I just sent a message to the Boston PD through their Facebook page asking how many Boston cops are born and bred. I find it hard to believe there's not a single one.

So, we'll find out if you're correct or if you're lying...
yes ask them what school they went to

You've failed to explain why it matters. You're looking for justification, it seems, to commit crimes.

And why would it matter what school the cops go to? You said none were from Boston. ALl I need is one to say they are Boston born and bred and you're a liar...
You think being born and Boston abs going to school out side of Boston is the same as being from here and going to school to the public schools here?? Your city is supposed to be represented by people in the public school systems and being born here.. If your city is not then you have major problems would you agree
Do you think me complaining about 99% of businesses open and Boston are my people from outside of Boston is a is stupid?

Sorry, but no one who belches up that bullshit you did, about "99% of businesses open", has any business calling anyone a dumb ass.

You're barely speaking English...

Manufacturing I’m talking about contractors I’m talking about Boston police not one Boston police officer went to Boston Public school. I was just 17 different fire houses around Boston not one went to Boston Public school.. I can go on and on.. but to you this is ok lol

I just sent a message to the Boston PD through their Facebook page asking how many Boston cops are born and bred. I find it hard to believe there's not a single one.

So, we'll find out if you're correct or if you're lying...
yes ask them what school they went to

You've failed to explain why it matters. You're looking for justification, it seems, to commit crimes.

And why would it matter what school the cops go to? You said none were from Boston. ALl I need is one to say they are Boston born and bred and you're a liar...
He never asked anyone. It’s just his little troll act.
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun.
Only inalienable rights (grants and privileges) can be taken or given or given up.
Unalineabe rights are inherent, therefore not tangible, therefore cannot be given, taken, passed on etc.
They can only be restricted or ignored. The 2nd amendment clearly states: shall not be infringed- there are no caveats in shall not.
So why cant you own a LAW or hell...a nuclear weapon?
do you think those that do own nukes should have them????
Nothing in history more murderous than government, and yet there are still people who think they should decide who is armed and empowered? :rolleyes:
You voted those people into power. You made that decision.
There's some truth to that, but it's also true that almost all of those people immediately begin ignoring the limits of the position they were elected to, and begin asserting power they were never given.

This is what the tar, feathers, ropes, and guns are for.
See this is where you guys lose me. You claim you have all these rights and the ordinance to protect them and in the next breath you claim youre being abused. Why arent you attacking the government for taking away your rights?
because they made laws that make them better armed than us,,,

but not enough that we will remain silent about it or stop fighting to get them back,,,
You do realize when you vote people into power you give them the authority to make laws that may affect you right?

...and quite often they do the wrong thing. That is why the right to keep and bear arms is included in the list of inalieable rights. To correct the wrong if needed.
But no one has ever successfully defended those rights to date. The get Waco'd
No, there have been a couple cases where guys won in court after shooting cops for kicking in their doors, but those cases don't get much press..... for reasons that should be obvious.
True but thats not the same thing. Someone kicks in my door they will get shot but not because I'm protecting my rights?
What are you protecting then?
My life and the lives of those I love.
Do you and your loved ones have the right to live in peace?
No. Who told you that you had a right to peace? The essence of life is noisy. Its reacting and acting within your environment to stay alive. The only absolute is that you survive and even thats not a right.
Okay, do you have a right to defend your life and that of your loved ones?
Do you have the right to try?

Or are you just livestock?
Nope you dont have the right to do anything except die and if medical staff is available not even that if they can keep you alive. Correct me if I am wrong but isnt a right something that can be forcibly taken from you? If so, what is it that cannot be forcibly taken from you? A right is simply something someone bestowed on you.

Its not an either or question. I may not have a right but I am damn sure going to do what I need to until I am unable to do it.
I disagree.
Thats only because you believe in smoky, wispy, hard to hold things like rights as if someone cant come and take them away from you instantly by putting 2 in your dome. So lets say I said yes I have the right to defend my life. What is that even worth? I can believe that with all my heart and soul but someone could catch me with my guard down and kill me. I'm pretty sure the last thing I would be thinking is that I have a right to defend myself.
Yeah, I don't think I'm going to be able to explain these concepts to you, but that's okay.
You should be able to explain something you so vigorously believe in. It kind of takes away your mystique.
the problem is you not him,,,
I'm sorry I am a problem to you. I tend to have that affect on weak people like yourself.
Tell us another lies, kangs.
Ok. I will tell you a lie. Youre smart and not recessive.
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun.
Only inalienable rights (grants and privileges) can be taken or given or given up.
Unalineabe rights are inherent, therefore not tangible, therefore cannot be given, taken, passed on etc.
They can only be restricted or ignored. The 2nd amendment clearly states: shall not be infringed- there are no caveats in shall not.
So why cant you own a LAW or hell...a nuclear weapon?
do you think those that do own nukes should have them????
Nothing in history more murderous than government, and yet there are still people who think they should decide who is armed and empowered? :rolleyes:
You voted those people into power. You made that decision.
There's some truth to that, but it's also true that almost all of those people immediately begin ignoring the limits of the position they were elected to, and begin asserting power they were never given.

This is what the tar, feathers, ropes, and guns are for.
See this is where you guys lose me. You claim you have all these rights and the ordinance to protect them and in the next breath you claim youre being abused. Why arent you attacking the government for taking away your rights?
because they made laws that make them better armed than us,,,

but not enough that we will remain silent about it or stop fighting to get them back,,,
You do realize when you vote people into power you give them the authority to make laws that may affect you right?

...and quite often they do the wrong thing. That is why the right to keep and bear arms is included in the list of inalieable rights. To correct the wrong if needed.
But no one has ever successfully defended those rights to date. The get Waco'd
No, there have been a couple cases where guys won in court after shooting cops for kicking in their doors, but those cases don't get much press..... for reasons that should be obvious.
True but thats not the same thing. Someone kicks in my door they will get shot but not because I'm protecting my rights?
What are you protecting then?
My life and the lives of those I love.
Do you and your loved ones have the right to live in peace?
No. Who told you that you had a right to peace? The essence of life is noisy. Its reacting and acting within your environment to stay alive. The only absolute is that you survive and even thats not a right.
Okay, do you have a right to defend your life and that of your loved ones?
Do you have the right to try?

Or are you just livestock?
Nope you dont have the right to do anything except die and if medical staff is available not even that if they can keep you alive. Correct me if I am wrong but isnt a right something that can be forcibly taken from you? If so, what is it that cannot be forcibly taken from you? A right is simply something someone bestowed on you.

Its not an either or question. I may not have a right but I am damn sure going to do what I need to until I am unable to do it.
I disagree.
Thats only because you believe in smoky, wispy, hard to hold things like rights as if someone cant come and take them away from you instantly by putting 2 in your dome. So lets say I said yes I have the right to defend my life. What is that even worth? I can believe that with all my heart and soul but someone could catch me with my guard down and kill me. I'm pretty sure the last thing I would be thinking is that I have a right to defend myself.
That brings up a very good point. So you have this big black guy taking your head and pounding it on the concrete thinking you are gay and he is going to kill you, should you draw your weapon and kill him point blank, or think about "do you have the right to defend yourself?"
Thats kind of a stupid question. I just posed a similar scenario.
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun.
Only inalienable rights (grants and privileges) can be taken or given or given up.
Unalineabe rights are inherent, therefore not tangible, therefore cannot be given, taken, passed on etc.
They can only be restricted or ignored. The 2nd amendment clearly states: shall not be infringed- there are no caveats in shall not.
So why cant you own a LAW or hell...a nuclear weapon?
do you think those that do own nukes should have them????
Nothing in history more murderous than government, and yet there are still people who think they should decide who is armed and empowered? :rolleyes:
You voted those people into power. You made that decision.
There's some truth to that, but it's also true that almost all of those people immediately begin ignoring the limits of the position they were elected to, and begin asserting power they were never given.

This is what the tar, feathers, ropes, and guns are for.
See this is where you guys lose me. You claim you have all these rights and the ordinance to protect them and in the next breath you claim youre being abused. Why arent you attacking the government for taking away your rights?
because they made laws that make them better armed than us,,,

but not enough that we will remain silent about it or stop fighting to get them back,,,
You do realize when you vote people into power you give them the authority to make laws that may affect you right?

...and quite often they do the wrong thing. That is why the right to keep and bear arms is included in the list of inalieable rights. To correct the wrong if needed.
But no one has ever successfully defended those rights to date. The get Waco'd
No, there have been a couple cases where guys won in court after shooting cops for kicking in their doors, but those cases don't get much press..... for reasons that should be obvious.
True but thats not the same thing. Someone kicks in my door they will get shot but not because I'm protecting my rights?
What are you protecting then?
My life and the lives of those I love.
Do you and your loved ones have the right to live in peace?
No. Who told you that you had a right to peace? The essence of life is noisy. Its reacting and acting within your environment to stay alive. The only absolute is that you survive and even thats not a right.
Okay, do you have a right to defend your life and that of your loved ones?
Do you have the right to try?

Or are you just livestock?
Nope you dont have the right to do anything except die and if medical staff is available not even that if they can keep you alive. Correct me if I am wrong but isnt a right something that can be forcibly taken from you? If so, what is it that cannot be forcibly taken from you? A right is simply something someone bestowed on you.

Its not an either or question. I may not have a right but I am damn sure going to do what I need to until I am unable to do it.
I disagree.
Thats only because you believe in smoky, wispy, hard to hold things like rights as if someone cant come and take them away from you instantly by putting 2 in your dome. So lets say I said yes I have the right to defend my life. What is that even worth? I can believe that with all my heart and soul but someone could catch me with my guard down and kill me. I'm pretty sure the last thing I would be thinking is that I have a right to defend myself.
Yeah, I don't think I'm going to be able to explain these concepts to you, but that's okay.
You should be able to explain something you so vigorously believe in. It kind of takes away your mystique.
You should be able to understand something so simple, and yet, here we are.
I do understand it. I even explained to you that you believe in smoke and mirrors but you have alluded to something I may have missed. Are you saying you cant verbalize it?
For instance in Boston almost all our businesses went from being Boston on 299% outside Boston

View attachment 328392
Lol 99% owned *** sorry using voice to type ha

And what was the unemployment rate in Boston before the Covid-19 pandemic? As I recall it was lower than the national average and lower that the rest of Massachusetts.

Do you have any evidence that 99% of businesses are from outside Boston? Are they owned by Bostonians who then moved to the suburbs outside the city?
We have many job opportunities in Boston but for kids that went to a public school in the city the majority of them will only be qualified to work for a low wage job no gratifying jobs that we used to work 40 years ago.. when Boston was a lot un regulated.. I have proved it I showed you pictures of every business on Boston urban Greenway not one of them was from Boston.
Lol the troll is here
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun.
Only inalienable rights (grants and privileges) can be taken or given or given up.
Unalineabe rights are inherent, therefore not tangible, therefore cannot be given, taken, passed on etc.
They can only be restricted or ignored. The 2nd amendment clearly states: shall not be infringed- there are no caveats in shall not.
So why cant you own a LAW or hell...a nuclear weapon?
do you think those that do own nukes should have them????
Nothing in history more murderous than government, and yet there are still people who think they should decide who is armed and empowered? :rolleyes:
You voted those people into power. You made that decision.
There's some truth to that, but it's also true that almost all of those people immediately begin ignoring the limits of the position they were elected to, and begin asserting power they were never given.

This is what the tar, feathers, ropes, and guns are for.
See this is where you guys lose me. You claim you have all these rights and the ordinance to protect them and in the next breath you claim youre being abused. Why arent you attacking the government for taking away your rights?
because they made laws that make them better armed than us,,,

but not enough that we will remain silent about it or stop fighting to get them back,,,
You do realize when you vote people into power you give them the authority to make laws that may affect you right?

...and quite often they do the wrong thing. That is why the right to keep and bear arms is included in the list of inalieable rights. To correct the wrong if needed.
But no one has ever successfully defended those rights to date. The get Waco'd
No, there have been a couple cases where guys won in court after shooting cops for kicking in their doors, but those cases don't get much press..... for reasons that should be obvious.
True but thats not the same thing. Someone kicks in my door they will get shot but not because I'm protecting my rights?
What are you protecting then?
My life and the lives of those I love.
Do you and your loved ones have the right to live in peace?
No. Who told you that you had a right to peace? The essence of life is noisy. Its reacting and acting within your environment to stay alive. The only absolute is that you survive and even thats not a right.
Okay, do you have a right to defend your life and that of your loved ones?
Do you have the right to try?

Or are you just livestock?
Nope you dont have the right to do anything except die and if medical staff is available not even that if they can keep you alive. Correct me if I am wrong but isnt a right something that can be forcibly taken from you? If so, what is it that cannot be forcibly taken from you? A right is simply something someone bestowed on you.

Its not an either or question. I may not have a right but I am damn sure going to do what I need to until I am unable to do it.
I disagree.
Thats only because you believe in smoky, wispy, hard to hold things like rights as if someone cant come and take them away from you instantly by putting 2 in your dome. So lets say I said yes I have the right to defend my life. What is that even worth? I can believe that with all my heart and soul but someone could catch me with my guard down and kill me. I'm pretty sure the last thing I would be thinking is that I have a right to defend myself.
Yeah, I don't think I'm going to be able to explain these concepts to you, but that's okay.
You should be able to explain something you so vigorously believe in. It kind of takes away your mystique.
the problem is you not him,,,
I'm sorry I am a problem to you. I tend to have that affect on weak people like yourself.
you are no more a problem to me than your average bowel movement,,,
gross and sticky while doing it but relieved and lighter after youre done and gone,,,
Obviously I am a serious problem to you. You even admitted I cause you problems.
For instance in Boston almost all our businesses went from being Boston on 299% outside Boston

View attachment 328392
Lol 99% owned *** sorry using voice to type ha

And what was the unemployment rate in Boston before the Covid-19 pandemic? As I recall it was lower than the national average and lower that the rest of Massachusetts.

Do you have any evidence that 99% of businesses are from outside Boston? Are they owned by Bostonians who then moved to the suburbs outside the city?
We have many job opportunities in Boston but for kids that went to a public school in the city the majority of them will only be qualified to work for a low wage job no gratifying jobs that we used to work 40 years ago.. when Boston was a lot un regulated.. I have proved it I showed you pictures of every business on Boston urban Greenway not one of them was from Boston.
Lol the troll is here
Yes you are.
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun.
Only inalienable rights (grants and privileges) can be taken or given or given up.
Unalineabe rights are inherent, therefore not tangible, therefore cannot be given, taken, passed on etc.
They can only be restricted or ignored. The 2nd amendment clearly states: shall not be infringed- there are no caveats in shall not.
So why cant you own a LAW or hell...a nuclear weapon?
do you think those that do own nukes should have them????
Nothing in history more murderous than government, and yet there are still people who think they should decide who is armed and empowered? :rolleyes:
You voted those people into power. You made that decision.
There's some truth to that, but it's also true that almost all of those people immediately begin ignoring the limits of the position they were elected to, and begin asserting power they were never given.

This is what the tar, feathers, ropes, and guns are for.
See this is where you guys lose me. You claim you have all these rights and the ordinance to protect them and in the next breath you claim youre being abused. Why arent you attacking the government for taking away your rights?
because they made laws that make them better armed than us,,,

but not enough that we will remain silent about it or stop fighting to get them back,,,
You do realize when you vote people into power you give them the authority to make laws that may affect you right?

...and quite often they do the wrong thing. That is why the right to keep and bear arms is included in the list of inalieable rights. To correct the wrong if needed.
But no one has ever successfully defended those rights to date. The get Waco'd
No, there have been a couple cases where guys won in court after shooting cops for kicking in their doors, but those cases don't get much press..... for reasons that should be obvious.
True but thats not the same thing. Someone kicks in my door they will get shot but not because I'm protecting my rights?
What are you protecting then?
My life and the lives of those I love.
Do you and your loved ones have the right to live in peace?
No. Who told you that you had a right to peace? The essence of life is noisy. Its reacting and acting within your environment to stay alive. The only absolute is that you survive and even thats not a right.
Okay, do you have a right to defend your life and that of your loved ones?
Do you have the right to try?

Or are you just livestock?
Nope you dont have the right to do anything except die and if medical staff is available not even that if they can keep you alive. Correct me if I am wrong but isnt a right something that can be forcibly taken from you? If so, what is it that cannot be forcibly taken from you? A right is simply something someone bestowed on you.

Its not an either or question. I may not have a right but I am damn sure going to do what I need to until I am unable to do it.
I disagree.
Thats only because you believe in smoky, wispy, hard to hold things like rights as if someone cant come and take them away from you instantly by putting 2 in your dome. So lets say I said yes I have the right to defend my life. What is that even worth? I can believe that with all my heart and soul but someone could catch me with my guard down and kill me. I'm pretty sure the last thing I would be thinking is that I have a right to defend myself.
That brings up a very good point. So you have this big black guy taking your head and pounding it on the concrete thinking you are gay and he is going to kill you, should you draw your weapon and kill him point blank, or think about "do you have the right to defend yourself?"
Thats kind of a stupid question. I just posed a similar scenario.
No you didnt, this isnt a scenario but an actual event that took place. You said "the last thing i would be thinking is that i have a right to defend myself", which was exactly what George Zimmerman(Demoncrap voter) was thinking when the thug Travon Martin was bashing head head into the concrete. Look what that got him. So you better think do you have a right to defend yourself, because the Lame Stream Media will cut you down and put you as the criminal...
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun.
Only inalienable rights (grants and privileges) can be taken or given or given up.
Unalineabe rights are inherent, therefore not tangible, therefore cannot be given, taken, passed on etc.
They can only be restricted or ignored. The 2nd amendment clearly states: shall not be infringed- there are no caveats in shall not.
So why cant you own a LAW or hell...a nuclear weapon?
do you think those that do own nukes should have them????
Nothing in history more murderous than government, and yet there are still people who think they should decide who is armed and empowered? :rolleyes:
You voted those people into power. You made that decision.
There's some truth to that, but it's also true that almost all of those people immediately begin ignoring the limits of the position they were elected to, and begin asserting power they were never given.

This is what the tar, feathers, ropes, and guns are for.
See this is where you guys lose me. You claim you have all these rights and the ordinance to protect them and in the next breath you claim youre being abused. Why arent you attacking the government for taking away your rights?
because they made laws that make them better armed than us,,,

but not enough that we will remain silent about it or stop fighting to get them back,,,
You do realize when you vote people into power you give them the authority to make laws that may affect you right?

...and quite often they do the wrong thing. That is why the right to keep and bear arms is included in the list of inalieable rights. To correct the wrong if needed.
But no one has ever successfully defended those rights to date. The get Waco'd
No, there have been a couple cases where guys won in court after shooting cops for kicking in their doors, but those cases don't get much press..... for reasons that should be obvious.
True but thats not the same thing. Someone kicks in my door they will get shot but not because I'm protecting my rights?
What are you protecting then?
My life and the lives of those I love.
Do you and your loved ones have the right to live in peace?
No. Who told you that you had a right to peace? The essence of life is noisy. Its reacting and acting within your environment to stay alive. The only absolute is that you survive and even thats not a right.
Okay, do you have a right to defend your life and that of your loved ones?
Do you have the right to try?

Or are you just livestock?
Nope you dont have the right to do anything except die and if medical staff is available not even that if they can keep you alive. Correct me if I am wrong but isnt a right something that can be forcibly taken from you? If so, what is it that cannot be forcibly taken from you? A right is simply something someone bestowed on you.

Its not an either or question. I may not have a right but I am damn sure going to do what I need to until I am unable to do it.
I disagree.
Thats only because you believe in smoky, wispy, hard to hold things like rights as if someone cant come and take them away from you instantly by putting 2 in your dome. So lets say I said yes I have the right to defend my life. What is that even worth? I can believe that with all my heart and soul but someone could catch me with my guard down and kill me. I'm pretty sure the last thing I would be thinking is that I have a right to defend myself.
That brings up a very good point. So you have this big black guy taking your head and pounding it on the concrete thinking you are gay and he is going to kill you, should you draw your weapon and kill him point blank, or think about "do you have the right to defend yourself?"
Thats kind of a stupid question. I just posed a similar scenario.
No you didnt, this isnt a scenario but an actual event that took place. You said "the last thing i would be thinking is that i have a right to defend myself", which was exactly what George Zimmerman(Demoncrap voter) was thinking when the thug Travon Martin was bashing head head into the concrete. Look what that got him. So you better think do you have a right to defend yourself, because the Lame Stream Media will cut you down and put you as the criminal...
The problem with your dumbass scenario is that I wouldnt stalk a kid and then shoot him because he started beating my ass.
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun.
Only inalienable rights (grants and privileges) can be taken or given or given up.
Unalineabe rights are inherent, therefore not tangible, therefore cannot be given, taken, passed on etc.
They can only be restricted or ignored. The 2nd amendment clearly states: shall not be infringed- there are no caveats in shall not.
So why cant you own a LAW or hell...a nuclear weapon?
do you think those that do own nukes should have them????
Nothing in history more murderous than government, and yet there are still people who think they should decide who is armed and empowered? :rolleyes:
You voted those people into power. You made that decision.
There's some truth to that, but it's also true that almost all of those people immediately begin ignoring the limits of the position they were elected to, and begin asserting power they were never given.

This is what the tar, feathers, ropes, and guns are for.
See this is where you guys lose me. You claim you have all these rights and the ordinance to protect them and in the next breath you claim youre being abused. Why arent you attacking the government for taking away your rights?
because they made laws that make them better armed than us,,,

but not enough that we will remain silent about it or stop fighting to get them back,,,
You do realize when you vote people into power you give them the authority to make laws that may affect you right?

...and quite often they do the wrong thing. That is why the right to keep and bear arms is included in the list of inalieable rights. To correct the wrong if needed.
But no one has ever successfully defended those rights to date. The get Waco'd
No, there have been a couple cases where guys won in court after shooting cops for kicking in their doors, but those cases don't get much press..... for reasons that should be obvious.
True but thats not the same thing. Someone kicks in my door they will get shot but not because I'm protecting my rights?
What are you protecting then?
My life and the lives of those I love.
Do you and your loved ones have the right to live in peace?
No. Who told you that you had a right to peace? The essence of life is noisy. Its reacting and acting within your environment to stay alive. The only absolute is that you survive and even thats not a right.
Okay, do you have a right to defend your life and that of your loved ones?
Do you have the right to try?

Or are you just livestock?
Nope you dont have the right to do anything except die and if medical staff is available not even that if they can keep you alive. Correct me if I am wrong but isnt a right something that can be forcibly taken from you? If so, what is it that cannot be forcibly taken from you? A right is simply something someone bestowed on you.

Its not an either or question. I may not have a right but I am damn sure going to do what I need to until I am unable to do it.
I disagree.
Thats only because you believe in smoky, wispy, hard to hold things like rights as if someone cant come and take them away from you instantly by putting 2 in your dome. So lets say I said yes I have the right to defend my life. What is that even worth? I can believe that with all my heart and soul but someone could catch me with my guard down and kill me. I'm pretty sure the last thing I would be thinking is that I have a right to defend myself.
That brings up a very good point. So you have this big black guy taking your head and pounding it on the concrete thinking you are gay and he is going to kill you, should you draw your weapon and kill him point blank, or think about "do you have the right to defend yourself?"
Thats kind of a stupid question. I just posed a similar scenario.
No you didnt, this isnt a scenario but an actual event that took place. You said "the last thing i would be thinking is that i have a right to defend myself", which was exactly what George Zimmerman(Demoncrap voter) was thinking when the thug Travon Martin was bashing head head into the concrete. Look what that got him. So you better think do you have a right to defend yourself, because the Lame Stream Media will cut you down and put you as the criminal...
The problem with your dumbass scenario is that I wouldnt stalk a kid and then shoot him because he started beating my ass.
So you are the community watch guy, who is the person who is supposed to check out suspicious looking people in your neighborhood. So you approach the THUG(not a kid) who is on the phone and the thug says he is going to beat the shit out this faggot...You really are one stupid mother fucker...
Some kid huh? Keep proving your IQ is 70...
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun.
Only inalienable rights (grants and privileges) can be taken or given or given up.
Unalineabe rights are inherent, therefore not tangible, therefore cannot be given, taken, passed on etc.
They can only be restricted or ignored. The 2nd amendment clearly states: shall not be infringed- there are no caveats in shall not.
So why cant you own a LAW or hell...a nuclear weapon?
do you think those that do own nukes should have them????
Nothing in history more murderous than government, and yet there are still people who think they should decide who is armed and empowered? :rolleyes:
You voted those people into power. You made that decision.
There's some truth to that, but it's also true that almost all of those people immediately begin ignoring the limits of the position they were elected to, and begin asserting power they were never given.

This is what the tar, feathers, ropes, and guns are for.
See this is where you guys lose me. You claim you have all these rights and the ordinance to protect them and in the next breath you claim youre being abused. Why arent you attacking the government for taking away your rights?
because they made laws that make them better armed than us,,,

but not enough that we will remain silent about it or stop fighting to get them back,,,
You do realize when you vote people into power you give them the authority to make laws that may affect you right?

...and quite often they do the wrong thing. That is why the right to keep and bear arms is included in the list of inalieable rights. To correct the wrong if needed.
But no one has ever successfully defended those rights to date. The get Waco'd
No, there have been a couple cases where guys won in court after shooting cops for kicking in their doors, but those cases don't get much press..... for reasons that should be obvious.
True but thats not the same thing. Someone kicks in my door they will get shot but not because I'm protecting my rights?
What are you protecting then?
My life and the lives of those I love.
Do you and your loved ones have the right to live in peace?
No. Who told you that you had a right to peace? The essence of life is noisy. Its reacting and acting within your environment to stay alive. The only absolute is that you survive and even thats not a right.
Okay, do you have a right to defend your life and that of your loved ones?
Do you have the right to try?

Or are you just livestock?
Nope you dont have the right to do anything except die and if medical staff is available not even that if they can keep you alive. Correct me if I am wrong but isnt a right something that can be forcibly taken from you? If so, what is it that cannot be forcibly taken from you? A right is simply something someone bestowed on you.

Its not an either or question. I may not have a right but I am damn sure going to do what I need to until I am unable to do it.
I disagree.
Thats only because you believe in smoky, wispy, hard to hold things like rights as if someone cant come and take them away from you instantly by putting 2 in your dome. So lets say I said yes I have the right to defend my life. What is that even worth? I can believe that with all my heart and soul but someone could catch me with my guard down and kill me. I'm pretty sure the last thing I would be thinking is that I have a right to defend myself.
Yeah, I don't think I'm going to be able to explain these concepts to you, but that's okay.
You should be able to explain something you so vigorously believe in. It kind of takes away your mystique.
You should be able to understand something so simple, and yet, here we are.
I do understand it. I even explained to you that you believe in smoke and mirrors but you have alluded to something I may have missed. Are you saying you cant verbalize it?
Are you saying you don't believe people have inherent rights?
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
That is for a judge to decide based on your crime and circumstances. If you are a felon, you lose that right, but if you served your time and paid society and are considered rehabilitated, then why should they continue to punish you? Committing bank fraud forging checks is one thing but murder and violent crime is another. One thing that bothers me today is the over-federalization of crimes. Anymore, everything is considered a felony. Now a REPEAT offender who abuses his freedom having gotten it back, once done, you've burned your bridges forever.
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
That is for a judge to decide based on your crime and circumstances. If you are a felon, you lose that right, but if you served your time and paid society and are considered rehabilitated, then why should they continue to punish you? Committing bank fraud forging checks is one thing but murder and violent crime is another. One thing that bothers me today is the over-federalization of crimes. Anymore, everything is considered a felony. Now a REPEAT offender who abuses his freedom having gotten it back, once done, you've burned your bridges forever.
It doesn’t say that in the US Constitution
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
That is for a judge to decide based on your crime and circumstances. If you are a felon, you lose that right, but if you served your time and paid society and are considered rehabilitated, then why should they continue to punish you? Committing bank fraud forging checks is one thing but murder and violent crime is another. One thing that bothers me today is the over-federalization of crimes. Anymore, everything is considered a felony. Now a REPEAT offender who abuses his freedom having gotten it back, once done, you've burned your bridges forever.
It doesn’t say that in the US Constitution

The US Constitution does say "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence."

You have defended lynching in the 20th century. Funny you think the US Constitution cannot be regulated for one amendment, and yet you favor occasionally throwing another amendment out.
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
That is for a judge to decide based on your crime and circumstances. If you are a felon, you lose that right, but if you served your time and paid society and are considered rehabilitated, then why should they continue to punish you? Committing bank fraud forging checks is one thing but murder and violent crime is another. One thing that bothers me today is the over-federalization of crimes. Anymore, everything is considered a felony. Now a REPEAT offender who abuses his freedom having gotten it back, once done, you've burned your bridges forever.
It doesn’t say that in the US Constitution

The US Constitution does say "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence."

You have defended lynching in the 20th century. Funny you think the US Constitution cannot be regulated for one amendment, and yet you favor occasionally throwing another amendment out.
I defend frontier justice
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
That is for a judge to decide based on your crime and circumstances. If you are a felon, you lose that right, but if you served your time and paid society and are considered rehabilitated, then why should they continue to punish you? Committing bank fraud forging checks is one thing but murder and violent crime is another. One thing that bothers me today is the over-federalization of crimes. Anymore, everything is considered a felony. Now a REPEAT offender who abuses his freedom having gotten it back, once done, you've burned your bridges forever.
It doesn’t say that in the US Constitution

The US Constitution does say "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence."

You have defended lynching in the 20th century. Funny you think the US Constitution cannot be regulated for one amendment, and yet you favor occasionally throwing another amendment out.
I defend frontier justice
No, you don’t
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
That is for a judge to decide based on your crime and circumstances. If you are a felon, you lose that right, but if you served your time and paid society and are considered rehabilitated, then why should they continue to punish you? Committing bank fraud forging checks is one thing but murder and violent crime is another. One thing that bothers me today is the over-federalization of crimes. Anymore, everything is considered a felony. Now a REPEAT offender who abuses his freedom having gotten it back, once done, you've burned your bridges forever.
It doesn’t say that in the US Constitution

The US Constitution does say "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence."

You have defended lynching in the 20th century. Funny you think the US Constitution cannot be regulated for one amendment, and yet you favor occasionally throwing another amendment out.
I defend frontier justice

You defended the murder of Emmett Till in 1955 in Mississippi. That was not any frontier.

You defended the murder of Michael Donald in 1982 in Mobile Alabama. That was certainly not on any frontier.

What you are defending is the denial of these men's constitutional rights. And yet you whine about yours, while admitting to numerous felony convictions on your record.
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
That is for a judge to decide based on your crime and circumstances. If you are a felon, you lose that right, but if you served your time and paid society and are considered rehabilitated, then why should they continue to punish you? Committing bank fraud forging checks is one thing but murder and violent crime is another. One thing that bothers me today is the over-federalization of crimes. Anymore, everything is considered a felony. Now a REPEAT offender who abuses his freedom having gotten it back, once done, you've burned your bridges forever.
It doesn’t say that in the US Constitution

The US Constitution does say "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence."

You have defended lynching in the 20th century. Funny you think the US Constitution cannot be regulated for one amendment, and yet you favor occasionally throwing another amendment out.
I defend frontier justice

You defended the murder of Emmett Till in 1955 in Mississippi. That was not any frontier.

You defended the murder of Michael Donald in 1982 in Mobile Alabama. That was certainly not on any frontier.

What you are defending is the denial of these men's constitutional rights. And yet you whine about yours, while admitting to numerous felony convictions on your record.
Who cares! You weren’t there! They wrote a check there ass couldn’t cash

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