Second amendment, should felons be allowed to own guns?

I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
if you've paid your debt to society then yes you should,,,

but if you choose to fuck up with that gun we will be there to handle it,,,
my Felonise had nothing to do with guns
Did it have something to do with violence?
He cracked a mirror when he looked at it. You have similar experiences I hear, Assfaceias.
I've cracked a couple of jaws on people that required them needing dental work but no....never had to crack a mirror Azzgosh
That joke went right over your empty head and save the tough guy routine, it is pathetic.
What did I say that intimidated you into thinking I was tough Azzgod?
I've cracked a couple of jaws on people that required them needing dental work

And I am your God.
You got intimadated over that? What a wussy.

Youre just an azzgod.
Your imagination is getting the better of you. Stop bragging about beating women on this site. It’s weak.
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
Could felons then vote as well?
voting not a protected right,,,
In that case neither is owning a gun.
yes it is,,,

"right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."
and where did you find that??? got a link,,,
constitution google it. 15th amendement
that is a granted riight not a protected right,,,
it can be taken away by the same people that gave it to them/you
Any right can be taken away. How do you think you got those protected rights? It was given to you by a human.
they can be abused not taken away,,,

they were given to me by my humanity,,,
You werent even born when they wrote your protected rights so your humanity has nothing to do with it. If they can write em up, then they can take them away.. Thats why you cant have gun in prison or after you get out.
being born doesnt matter,,, our laws are clear and youre still a dumbass,,,

you cant have guns in prison because its a prison and you are a ward of the state,,,dont be a dumbass,,,
So which is it? Are you saying you have no humanity when you're a ward of the state? Obviously it matters.
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
if you've paid your debt to society then yes you should,,,

but if you choose to fuck up with that gun we will be there to handle it,,,
my Felonise had nothing to do with guns
Did it have something to do with violence?
He cracked a mirror when he looked at it. You have similar experiences I hear, Assfaceias.
I've cracked a couple of jaws on people that required them needing dental work but no....never had to crack a mirror Azzgosh
That joke went right over your empty head and save the tough guy routine, it is pathetic.
What did I say that intimidated you into thinking I was tough Azzgod?
I've cracked a couple of jaws on people that required them needing dental work

And I am your God.
You got intimadated over that? What a wussy.

Youre just an azzgod.
Your imagination is getting the better of you. Stop bragging about beating women on this site. It’s weak.
I never put my hands on you ma'am. I resent the accusation.
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
Could felons then vote as well?
voting not a protected right,,,
In that case neither is owning a gun.
yes it is,,,

"right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."
and where did you find that??? got a link,,,
constitution google it. 15th amendement
that is a granted riight not a protected right,,,
it can be taken away by the same people that gave it to them/you
Any right can be taken away. How do you think you got those protected rights? It was given to you by a human.
they can be abused not taken away,,,

they were given to me by my humanity,,,
You werent even born when they wrote your protected rights so your humanity has nothing to do with it. If they can write em up, then they can take them away.. Thats why you cant have gun in prison or after you get out.
being born doesnt matter,,, our laws are clear and youre still a dumbass,,,

you cant have guns in prison because its a prison and you are a ward of the state,,,dont be a dumbass,,,
So which is it? Are you saying you have no humanity when you're a ward of the state? Obviously it matters.
youre combining two different subjects and its making you look like a dumbass,,,
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun.
Only inalienable rights (grants and privileges) can be taken or given or given up.
Unalineabe rights are inherent, therefore not tangible, therefore cannot be given, taken, passed on etc.
They can only be restricted or ignored. The 2nd amendment clearly states: shall not be infringed- there are no caveats in shall not.
So why cant you own a LAW or hell...a nuclear weapon?
do you think those that do own nukes should have them????
Nothing in history more murderous than government, and yet there are still people who think they should decide who is armed and empowered? :rolleyes:
You voted those people into power. You made that decision.
There's some truth to that, but it's also true that almost all of those people immediately begin ignoring the limits of the position they were elected to, and begin asserting power they were never given.

This is what the tar, feathers, ropes, and guns are for.
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun.
Only inalienable rights (grants and privileges) can be taken or given or given up.
Unalineabe rights are inherent, therefore not tangible, therefore cannot be given, taken, passed on etc.
They can only be restricted or ignored. The 2nd amendment clearly states: shall not be infringed- there are no caveats in shall not.
So why cant you own a LAW or hell...a nuclear weapon?
do you think those that do own nukes should have them????
Nothing in history more murderous than government, and yet there are still people who think they should decide who is armed and empowered? :rolleyes:
You voted those people into power. You made that decision.
There's some truth to that, but it's also true that almost all of those people immediately begin ignoring the limits of the position they were elected to, and begin asserting power they were never given.

This is what the tar, feathers, ropes, and guns are for.
See this is where you guys lose me. You claim you have all these rights and the ordinance to protect them and in the next breath you claim youre being abused. Why arent you attacking the government for taking away your rights?
You do realize the people that wrote the constitution wanted to rule over you too right?
Some did, some didn't. Hence the Bill of Rights, which were, BTW, agreed to- the 2nd amendment is number 2 on the list. There are no caveats in shall not be infringed-
Well actually only if youre part of a militia or now days the national guard.
No, that's not true.
Of course its true. Read the 2nd.
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
if you've paid your debt to society then yes you should,,,

but if you choose to fuck up with that gun we will be there to handle it,,,
my Felonise had nothing to do with guns
Did it have something to do with violence?
He cracked a mirror when he looked at it. You have similar experiences I hear, Assfaceias.
I've cracked a couple of jaws on people that required them needing dental work but no....never had to crack a mirror Azzgosh
That joke went right over your empty head and save the tough guy routine, it is pathetic.
What did I say that intimidated you into thinking I was tough Azzgod?
I've cracked a couple of jaws on people that required them needing dental work

And I am your God.
You got intimadated over that? What a wussy.

Youre just an azzgod.
Your imagination is getting the better of you. Stop bragging about beating women on this site. It’s weak.
I never put my hands on you ma'am. I resent the accusation.
You said a couple...nice try. You are all talk. Typical Leftist. Keep beating women...tough guy
You voted those people into power
You don't know that. He (and I) may have voted for a 1 eyed, 1 horned flying purple people eater- when one assumes a position based in lack of knowledge he is being arrogant which is not spelled confident.
Such is life when living in a democratic republic. You are subject to the whims of your community.
Mob rule.
If you want to describe your community as a mob then I agree.
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun.
Only inalienable rights (grants and privileges) can be taken or given or given up.
Unalineabe rights are inherent, therefore not tangible, therefore cannot be given, taken, passed on etc.
They can only be restricted or ignored. The 2nd amendment clearly states: shall not be infringed- there are no caveats in shall not.
So why cant you own a LAW or hell...a nuclear weapon?
do you think those that do own nukes should have them????
Nothing in history more murderous than government, and yet there are still people who think they should decide who is armed and empowered? :rolleyes:
You voted those people into power. You made that decision.
There's some truth to that, but it's also true that almost all of those people immediately begin ignoring the limits of the position they were elected to, and begin asserting power they were never given.

This is what the tar, feathers, ropes, and guns are for.
See this is where you guys lose me. You claim you have all these rights and the ordinance to protect them and in the next breath you claim youre being abused. Why arent you attacking the government for taking away your rights?
because they made laws that make them better armed than us,,,

but not enough that we will remain silent about it or stop fighting to get them back,,,
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?

If you are rehabilitated, provably so, then yes. But until then, no.

Do you honestly believe people are rehabilitated whilst in prison? I don't even believe the prisons believe that's what's happening.

Unless the thought of more rehabilitation scares em so bad, that's the rehabilitation.

I think prison is for kicking peoples asses and I'm ok with that.

Ya gotta remember there are felonies where no jail time is given.
Most are nonviolent crimes.
Louisiana restores all rights ten years after you've completed your debt to society as long as it wasn't a violent crime.
I think thats fair.
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
if you've paid your debt to society then yes you should,,,

but if you choose to fuck up with that gun we will be there to handle it,,,
my Felonise had nothing to do with guns
Did it have something to do with violence?
He cracked a mirror when he looked at it. You have similar experiences I hear, Assfaceias.
I've cracked a couple of jaws on people that required them needing dental work but no....never had to crack a mirror Azzgosh
That joke went right over your empty head and save the tough guy routine, it is pathetic.
What did I say that intimidated you into thinking I was tough Azzgod?
I've cracked a couple of jaws on people that required them needing dental work

And I am your God.
You got intimadated over that? What a wussy.

Youre just an azzgod.
Your imagination is getting the better of you. Stop bragging about beating women on this site. It’s weak.
I never put my hands on you ma'am. I resent the accusation.
You said a couple...nice try. You are all talk. Typical Leftist. Keep beating women...tough guy
I have never put my hands on you maam. I cant help it your boyfriend beats you up.
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun.
Only inalienable rights (grants and privileges) can be taken or given or given up.
Unalineabe rights are inherent, therefore not tangible, therefore cannot be given, taken, passed on etc.
They can only be restricted or ignored. The 2nd amendment clearly states: shall not be infringed- there are no caveats in shall not.
So why cant you own a LAW or hell...a nuclear weapon?
do you think those that do own nukes should have them????
Nothing in history more murderous than government, and yet there are still people who think they should decide who is armed and empowered? :rolleyes:
You voted those people into power. You made that decision.
There's some truth to that, but it's also true that almost all of those people immediately begin ignoring the limits of the position they were elected to, and begin asserting power they were never given.

This is what the tar, feathers, ropes, and guns are for.
See this is where you guys lose me. You claim you have all these rights and the ordinance to protect them and in the next breath you claim youre being abused. Why arent you attacking the government for taking away your rights?
because they made laws that make them better armed than us,,,

but not enough that we will remain silent about it or stop fighting to get them back,,,
You do realize when you vote people into power you give them the authority to make laws that may affect you right?
Because the Constitution says very clearly that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed there should never be a law against firearm possession. The crime should only be the crime that was committed with the firearm.

I disagree. A felon has shown they don't respect the Rights of others, so why should I respect theirs?
So has almost every governor in the country over the last few weeks.

Just saying...
Because the Constitution says very clearly that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed there should never be a law against firearm possession. The crime should only be the crime that was committed with the firearm.

I disagree. A felon has shown they don't respect the Rights of others, so why should I respect theirs?

It doesn't say "shall not infringe except for..."

The crime should never be a possession of a firearm.
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun.
Only inalienable rights (grants and privileges) can be taken or given or given up.
Unalineabe rights are inherent, therefore not tangible, therefore cannot be given, taken, passed on etc.
They can only be restricted or ignored. The 2nd amendment clearly states: shall not be infringed- there are no caveats in shall not.
So why cant you own a LAW or hell...a nuclear weapon?
do you think those that do own nukes should have them????
Nothing in history more murderous than government, and yet there are still people who think they should decide who is armed and empowered? :rolleyes:
You voted those people into power. You made that decision.
There's some truth to that, but it's also true that almost all of those people immediately begin ignoring the limits of the position they were elected to, and begin asserting power they were never given.

This is what the tar, feathers, ropes, and guns are for.
See this is where you guys lose me. You claim you have all these rights and the ordinance to protect them and in the next breath you claim youre being abused. Why arent you attacking the government for taking away your rights?
because they made laws that make them better armed than us,,,

but not enough that we will remain silent about it or stop fighting to get them back,,,
You do realize when you vote people into power you give them the authority to make laws that may affect you right?
I didnt vote for any of them,,,
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
Could felons then vote as well?
voting not a protected right,,,
In that case neither is owning a gun.
yes it is,,,

"right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."
and where did you find that??? got a link,,,
constitution google it. 15th amendement
that is a granted riight not a protected right,,,
it can be taken away by the same people that gave it to them/you
Any right can be taken away. How do you think you got those protected rights? It was given to you by a human.
No it wasn't.
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
if you've paid your debt to society then yes you should,,,

but if you choose to fuck up with that gun we will be there to handle it,,,
my Felonise had nothing to do with guns
Did it have something to do with violence?
He cracked a mirror when he looked at it. You have similar experiences I hear, Assfaceias.
I've cracked a couple of jaws on people that required them needing dental work but no....never had to crack a mirror Azzgosh
That joke went right over your empty head and save the tough guy routine, it is pathetic.
What did I say that intimidated you into thinking I was tough Azzgod?
I've cracked a couple of jaws on people that required them needing dental work

And I am your God.
You got intimadated over that? What a wussy.

Youre just an azzgod.
Your imagination is getting the better of you. Stop bragging about beating women on this site. It’s weak.
I never put my hands on you ma'am. I resent the accusation.
You said a couple...nice try. You are all talk. Typical Leftist. Keep beating women...tough guy
I have never put my hands on you maam. I cant help it your boyfriend beats you up.
Leftists not only identify as women now but identify others as women. LOL.

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