Second-quarter GDP jumps 4.1% for best pace in nearly four years

It’s nice, but the reality is the president, Trump in this instance, has little influence on the economy/gdp. Economies go thru natural cycles beyond the control of a president. Ironically, the economy is the one thing most people use to judge or re-elect a president, unless of course they are black. Then the economy doesn’t matter apparently.

True, although eliminating many of the Obama regulations should help immensely.

Of course, since companies now know they can pollute at will. There may have been some regulations that were unnecessary, but how can we be sure?

No kidding, and which regulation was dropped that allows companied to pollute at will?

Remember Thinker?
Remember the Days When We didn't have a Humiliating Moron for a President, Who wasn't a Pathological Liar, or a Sociopath who had Morals and Values and spoke above a 4th Grade Level?

I remember a President that used government agencies against opponents.
You have alzheimers??
Trump failed to deliver on his economic growth promise, a new report shows

Think Newsweek ran an article that Trump kept his promise?

Haha, they must be so mad.

The economy grew at a 2.6 percent annual rate for 2017, the Department of Commerce announced on Friday—a strong showing but well below President Donald Trump's promise of 4 percent growth or the 2.9 percent federal economists had predicted.

For perspective, one percentage point of gross domestic product growth could generate 1 million new jobs, according to Business Insider.

Trump pledged a 4 percent growth repeatedly during the presidential campaign and into his presidency. He was so sanguine that he predicted it may rise even higher at the presidential debate in October 2016. "We're bringing [the Gross Domestic Product] from 1 percent up to 4 percent," he said. "And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent."
The soybean BS was worth 1% point What will be the ah's next trick?

How is Minority unemployment these days? Your asshole sure didn’t do much for his own tribe.

Donald Trump Calls Unemployment Rate One of the “Biggest Hoaxes in Politics”

And he was DEAD right.

And the minority unemployment rate is tabulated using the exact same, basic method as the U-3 (official unemployment rate) that Trump rightly knocked.
There are 172 million Americans unemployed under Trump
Maybe when ivanka and donald bring their businesses back home some of those will be employed?
....with the MSM FKing over the POTUS AND the country with all the negativism, Trump is doing great
True, although eliminating many of the Obama regulations should help immensely.

Of course, since companies now know they can pollute at will. There may have been some regulations that were unnecessary, but how can we be sure?

No kidding, and which regulation was dropped that allows companied to pollute at will?

Remember Thinker?
Remember the Days When We didn't have a Humiliating Moron for a President, Who wasn't a Pathological Liar, or a Sociopath who had Morals and Values and spoke above a 4th Grade Level?

I remember a President that used government agencies against opponents.
You have alzheimers??

Don't know about the Alzheimer's, but someone definitely has dementia.
7 Times The Obama Administration Used Government To Target Its Political Opponents
IRS admits targeting conservatives for tax scrutiny in 2012 election
Of course, since companies now know they can pollute at will. There may have been some regulations that were unnecessary, but how can we be sure?

No kidding, and which regulation was dropped that allows companied to pollute at will?

Remember Thinker?
Remember the Days When We didn't have a Humiliating Moron for a President, Who wasn't a Pathological Liar, or a Sociopath who had Morals and Values and spoke above a 4th Grade Level?

I remember a President that used government agencies against opponents.
You have alzheimers??

Don't know about the Alzheimer's, but someone definitely has dementia.
7 Times The Obama Administration Used Government To Target Its Political Opponents
IRS admits targeting conservatives for tax scrutiny in 2012 election
They were the ones who didn't want to pay, why shouldn't IRS look into that?
If you don’t think tax cuts and less regulations and more people working isn’t helping the economy, you are really stupid or just a fucking liar.
No kidding, and which regulation was dropped that allows companied to pollute at will?

Remember Thinker?
Remember the Days When We didn't have a Humiliating Moron for a President, Who wasn't a Pathological Liar, or a Sociopath who had Morals and Values and spoke above a 4th Grade Level?

I remember a President that used government agencies against opponents.
You have alzheimers??

Don't know about the Alzheimer's, but someone definitely has dementia.
7 Times The Obama Administration Used Government To Target Its Political Opponents
IRS admits targeting conservatives for tax scrutiny in 2012 election
They were the ones who didn't want to pay, why shouldn't IRS look into that?

Kinda missed the point there sparky. Of course they didn't want to pay, which is why there is a 501(c). Conservative groups were targeted while liberal groups were not...dumbass.
Obama’s average quarter was 1.8% growth.
8 quarters of better than 3%

Out of 32.
Yes Col but what did GWB leave Obama with ? A bed of roses like Obama left Trump?Just remember, just in GWB's last month 800,000 went on unemployment

So Obama blamed Bush but Trump can’t blame Obama....understood.

I know there was a recession, but Obama had 8years to work on the economy. He did no one favors on taxes or regulations. The economy should have flourished.He chose ideology
If you don’t think tax cuts and less regulations and more people working isn’t helping the economy, you are really stupid or just a fucking liar.
You do remember the 75 straight months of 6 digit job gains under obama or do you have thinkers disease too?
and yes all those help the IMMEDIATE economy What about years to come ,,what about our debt??
Remember Thinker?
Remember the Days When We didn't have a Humiliating Moron for a President, Who wasn't a Pathological Liar, or a Sociopath who had Morals and Values and spoke above a 4th Grade Level?

I remember a President that used government agencies against opponents.
You have alzheimers??

Don't know about the Alzheimer's, but someone definitely has dementia.
7 Times The Obama Administration Used Government To Target Its Political Opponents
IRS admits targeting conservatives for tax scrutiny in 2012 election
They were the ones who didn't want to pay, why shouldn't IRS look into that?

Kinda missed the point there sparky. Of course they didn't want to pay, which is why there is a 501(c). Conservative groups were targeted while liberal groups were not...dumbass.
Oh we werent??? got proof of that ah?
I remember a President that used government agencies against opponents.
You have alzheimers??

Don't know about the Alzheimer's, but someone definitely has dementia.
7 Times The Obama Administration Used Government To Target Its Political Opponents
IRS admits targeting conservatives for tax scrutiny in 2012 election
They were the ones who didn't want to pay, why shouldn't IRS look into that?

Kinda missed the point there sparky. Of course they didn't want to pay, which is why there is a 501(c). Conservative groups were targeted while liberal groups were not...dumbass.
Oh we werent??? got proof of that ah?

Really?! Lois Lerner ring any bells?
If you don’t think tax cuts and less regulations and more people working isn’t helping the economy, you are really stupid or just a fucking liar.
You do remember the 75 straight months of 6 digit job gains under obama or do you have thinkers disease too?
and yes all those help the IMMEDIATE economy What about years to come ,,what about our debt??

2016, is that possible? Bush’s fault still.
True, although eliminating many of the Obama regulations should help immensely.

Of course, since companies now know they can pollute at will. There may have been some regulations that were unnecessary, but how can we be sure?

No kidding, and which regulation was dropped that allows companied to pollute at will?

Remember Thinker?
Remember the Days When We didn't have a Humiliating Moron for a President, Who wasn't a Pathological Liar, or a Sociopath who had Morals and Values and spoke above a 4th Grade Level?

I remember a President that used government agencies against opponents.
You have alzheimers??
Uh no. You seem to have the typical liberals amnesia when it comes to your leaders though.
IRS apologizes for targeting conservative groups
"GDP fails to reach 5 percent. Another Trump fail. Where are the good old days with Barack? Boo hoo!"

Second-quarter GDP jumps 4.1% for best pace in nearly four years

Gee, didn't some Dems claim that it would never go over 2%? Of course, they also claimed during Obama's years that the new norm for UE would be really high.

Now, the media is probably pissing on themselves trying to spin this. It's Trump that gets credit. He turned things around from the Obama and even Bush years. It's just another thing that has gone well but the left is still spewing venom and isn't about to give him any credit.

All the little useful idiots want to hear is how much will be given to them for free. Hearing that GDP is up or that each point means roughly 10 million new jobs and trillions in increased profits doesn't interest them. Only money they care about is what is automatically put on their EBT card each month.

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