Second-quarter GDP jumps 4.1% for best pace in nearly four years

"GDP fails to reach 5 percent. Another Trump fail. Where are the good old days with Barack? Boo hoo!"

Second-quarter GDP jumps 4.1% for best pace in nearly four years

Gee, didn't some Dems claim that it would never go over 2%? Of course, they also claimed during Obama's years that the new norm for UE would be really high.

Now, the media is probably pissing on themselves trying to spin this. It's Trump that gets credit. He turned things around from the Obama and even Bush years. It's just another thing that has gone well but the left is still spewing venom and isn't about to give him any credit.

All the little useful idiots want to hear is how much will be given to them for free. Hearing that GDP is up or that each point means roughly 10 million new jobs and trillions in increased profits doesn't interest them. Only money they care about is what is automatically put on their EBT card each month.
Why would they claim it would never go over 2 percent when Obama had quarters over 4 percent?
Numbers just released. Last quarter was 2%.
During the Obama years, GDP passed 4.1% four times.
How is it different now?
What does that have anything to do with these numbers? Sounds like you’re upset gdp was high? Strange post.
All the times the Obama economy passed 4% the economy wasn't supercharged with unsustainable tax breaks. And massive quick orders of farm goods hoping to cash in before tariffs take effect.

Trump says job growth will continue when we have more open jobs than unemployed. Clearly, more unfilled jobs doesn't really qualify as job growth.

And people's wages haven't actually gone up. There have been bonuses which is NOT the same as increased salary.

So this quarter is actually the fifth highest if you include the Obama years.

Trump could actually give good news even if he didn't lie or mislead.

Ummm, did you mention that Trump doesn't have QE to bolster HIS economy like Obama did.
Trump borrowed $2 trillion to bolster his economy
"GDP fails to reach 5 percent. Another Trump fail. Where are the good old days with Barack? Boo hoo!"

Second-quarter GDP jumps 4.1% for best pace in nearly four years
There have been some dumb shits on this forum, maybe even you, who have claimed Obama never hit 4 percent. And then there was that bullshit claim that unemployement was really 42 percent. Christ, even Trump parroted that fucking lie.

If we were to believe you dumb shits, the Obama years were a period of sackcloth and ashes, instead of the actuality of a 300 percent growth in the Dow and several quarters of +4 percent growth and millions and millions of jobs created.

In fact, Trump has yet to match even Obama's best five years of job growth.

So I would suggest you stop projecting your own side's tactics onto others.

Good, then YOU won't mind telling all of these nice people what your messiahs average growth rate was throughout his Presidency. Don't be afraid, give them the splendid news-)
Try reading. " the fastest rate since 2014" . Do we need to send someone to explain it to you?

Well when you deregulate everything and give major cuts to Corps (socialism to Corps) and pass through income for non corps, this is what you get, and it will not last. On Obama's last year they still needed many skilled workers. Also Obama inherited the greatest recession since the depression of 1929. The US is headed for another and then we will have major pollution to take care of.
Tax breaks are not socialism you fucking loon.
Socialism to Corps and LLC and SP are. First they get tax cuts, then we subsidize them, while they are allowed to pollute at free now, how much more socialism do you want, or now there is at will employment as well.

That is the reason for an abnormal rate, and the sow products being stock piled, at best it will be hard to sustained 3% for the DON and probably lower than 3%. Must you use such language??

while they are allowed to pollute at free now,

What the hell are you mumbling about? Link?

Come on, all the deregulation he has done. Destroy the EPA and cut spending for alt power. I will be surprised if we even can find a non polluted drop of water by the time Trump is done, well we will probably all die from air pollution before that or a major flood. He is bringing on doomsday.

Penelope is delusional. No need to argue with her folks. She needs to start a thread about pollution/global warming, and stay away from economy, lol.
Obama’s average quarter was 1.8% growth.
Yea.....when you stick him with some of those quarters from Bush’s economy

Excuses, excuses, but ok, lets all play the Ring-ding-a-Wingers game. So tell us, what was the growth turned over to Trump by Obysmal? Tell everyone reading this so as you can prove you are an economic messiah, just like the community organizer-)
Numbers just released. Last quarter was 2%.
During the Obama years, GDP passed 4.1% four times.
How is it different now?
What does that have anything to do with these numbers? Sounds like you’re upset gdp was high? Strange post.
All the times the Obama economy passed 4% the economy wasn't supercharged with unsustainable tax breaks. And massive quick orders of farm goods hoping to cash in before tariffs take effect.

Trump says job growth will continue when we have more open jobs than unemployed. Clearly, more unfilled jobs doesn't really qualify as job growth.

And people's wages haven't actually gone up. There have been bonuses which is NOT the same as increased salary.

So this quarter is actually the fifth highest if you include the Obama years.

Trump could actually give good news even if he didn't lie or mislead.

Ummm, did you mention that Trump doesn't have QE to bolster HIS economy like Obama did.
Trump borrowed $2 trillion to bolster his economy

And how much QE money did Obama have poured into his economy? Not to mention, wasn't there a tarp 1, 2, and 14 somewhere in there for the community organizer too-)
BTW - anyone curious how the trade deficit is doing thanks to Trump's tariffs?

Well, in June, the trade deficit in Goods actually rose. By 5.5%.

So prices are going up for consumers, Trump has to bail out the farmers (to keep their votes) and now, the trade deficit in Goods is rising again.

70% of our GDP is consumer spending, so of course our trade deficit rose as we spent more. The better the economy does the greater the trade deficit. I can tell you that when I got my 12 grand raise this year, my trade deficit with Best Buy increased.

You are missing the point and besides, your point is not always true...especially this month.

In June, goods imports were up $1.3 billion while exports were down $2.2 billion.

So the main reason for the goods trade deficit increase was a drop in exports ....which is nothing to do with U.S. consumer spending.

The trade deficit was falling the last few months and the ENTIRE point of Trump's tariffs is to lower the trade deficit and bring jobs back to America.

If the trade deficit is rising - especially due to decreasing exports - than the ENTIRE point of Trump's tariffs is lost.
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Numbers just released. Last quarter was 2%.
During the Obama years, GDP passed 4.1% four times.
How is it different now?
What does that have anything to do with these numbers? Sounds like you’re upset gdp was high? Strange post.
All the times the Obama economy passed 4% the economy wasn't supercharged with unsustainable tax breaks. And massive quick orders of farm goods hoping to cash in before tariffs take effect.

Trump says job growth will continue when we have more open jobs than unemployed. Clearly, more unfilled jobs doesn't really qualify as job growth.

And people's wages haven't actually gone up. There have been bonuses which is NOT the same as increased salary.

So this quarter is actually the fifth highest if you include the Obama years.

Trump could actually give good news even if he didn't lie or mislead.

Ummm, did you mention that Trump doesn't have QE to bolster HIS economy like Obama did.
Trump borrowed $2 trillion to bolster his economy

And how much QE money did Obama have poured into his economy? Not to mention, wasn't there a tarp 1, 2, and 14 somewhere in there for the community organizer too-)
Either way......extra money is being dumped into the economy
Didn’t think’s unexplainable with any logic, isn’t it?

GDP is going to decelerate as the effects of the tax cuts wear off.

Any Trump haters want to explain who is to blame for 1.6% growth for the entire year of 2016?
Stop asking dumb questions We were recovering from one of the if not the worst recession ever. Obama was good but not a miracle worker especially with ah repub congress lined up against him

Hahaha, of course. At least you are consistent.

Everything Obama ever did was 100% perfect, Got it.

Obama’s 1.6% growth rate in 2016 was the fault of a Pub Congress?

Remind me who has the majority in both houses of Congress currently.

Your logic fails.
So why were more jobs produced in 2016 than in 2017? And why do economists think 1% of today's 4.1% is because China bought huge amounts of soybeans before the Tariff comes up?

Obama’s average quarter was 1.8% growth.
Yea.....when you stick him with some of those quarters from Bush’s economy

By the way folks, you notice that his majesty _oh-Wing-dinger, loves to tell you how much money Trump borrowed to produce the desired results when he gave tax breaks.

He doesn't tell you how much Obysmal raised the debt, talks about Tarp 1 through 14 or whatever, nor even acknowledges QE.

Now why do you think that is? Why was the Obysmal deficit somehow BETTER than Trumps?

ANSWER-----------> Because the Trump deficit went BACK TO THE PEOPLE, the Obysmal deficit money was INJECTED into government, where his hero, the Community Organizer and chief, could decide what to do with it, who to give it to, who NOT to give it to, and who to bribe-)

So in essence, Mr Hum-ding-a-ling-winger is telling you that----------> you are baaaaaaaaaad because you got some of your money back, but Obysmal was goooooooood, because he stole some of your money, then gave it away to whomever he decided to.

What did you buy with your tax break so far, or did you invest it instead?

HOW DARE YOU, how double DARE YOU! Keep your own money, when there is so much transfer of wealth to accomplish, so many illegals to take care of, and so many liberal states to bail out, what are you thinking COMRADES-) You MUST immediately turn over that extra cash to fancy-Nancy, Chucky Shmucky, and the Charming and delightful, Maxy Maxine! They know what to do with YOUR money, far better than you do!
Unfortunately wages have been going down.
The only thing keeping them as high as they are now are one time bonuses from the tax cuts for corporations and billionaires.
The speculation there is new workers are entering the market and people my age have been retiring.

So is GDP sustainable at 4.1% if wages are dropping?
How does it feel to be wrong every time you type? Wages grew 4.89% in may 0f 2018 over the same month in 2017. Hourly wages grew to a record high of $22.62 in June of 2018. If you want to do your homework, these numbers are from the and from tradeeconomics.

wow. That Liberal was just owned. Of course Liberals tend to ignore facts and stats so it may not matter. lol
Numbers just released. Last quarter was 2%.
During the Obama years, GDP passed 4.1% four times.
How is it different now?
What does that have anything to do with these numbers? Sounds like you’re upset gdp was high? Strange post.
All the times the Obama economy passed 4% the economy wasn't supercharged with unsustainable tax breaks. And massive quick orders of farm goods hoping to cash in before tariffs take effect.

Trump says job growth will continue when we have more open jobs than unemployed. Clearly, more unfilled jobs doesn't really qualify as job growth.

And people's wages haven't actually gone up. There have been bonuses which is NOT the same as increased salary.

So this quarter is actually the fifth highest if you include the Obama years.

Trump could actually give good news even if he didn't lie or mislead.

Ummm, did you mention that Trump doesn't have QE to bolster HIS economy like Obama did.

Ummm....wrong (partly).

QE is still going on. The Fed is still pumping money into is just doing so at a declining rate as it wants to - slowly - unwind QE.
But until it finishes that process....which will take years - QE is still ongoing.

The Fed’s QE-Unwind is Really Happening

So yes, Trump is getting less help from the Fed than Obama got. But he is still DEFINITELY getting help from the Fed.
Obama's average GDP over 8 years is 1.5%. Trump GDP over is time so far is 2.9%.

With the much improved economy, record low unemployment (especially for blacks and Hispanics), excellent Constitutional SCOTUS picks, demilitarization talks with North Korea, border security and overall focus on putting Americans first you would seriously need to be a fascist, commie bastard to vote against Trump in 2020.
BTW - including today's GDP growth number?

GDP growth under Trump so far has been 2.7%.

United States GDP Growth Rate | 1947-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar

Big deal.

Once again...I am neither Dem nor Rep.

Don't forget to post what Obamas average rate was-)

Why the hell would I care what Obama's average rate was?

I was against how Obama handled the recovery almost as much as how Trump is handling it.

But, to answer your question, GDP growth (before the latest BEA calculation changes) under Obama post-'Great Recession' was 2.17 per year.
And what was Trump's first full year of GDP growth? 2.2%.

The Strange Ups and Downs of the U.S. Economy Since 1929
Obama's average GDP over 8 years is 1.5%. Trump GDP over is time so far is 2.9%.

With the much improved economy, record low unemployment (especially for blacks and Hispanics), excellent Constitutional SCOTUS picks, demilitarization talks with North Korea, border security and overall focus on putting Americans first you would seriously need to be a fascist, commie bastard to vote against Trump in 2020.

Way to cherry pick AND get your stats wrong.

Obama inherited the Great is not his responsibility. So obviously you take his GDP numbers from the end of that Recession (which most economists do).
Obama's GDP (before BEA GDP calculation changes implemented this month) post-GR were 2.17%. Nothing to write home about.
But Trump's numbers during his first year (2017) were 2.2%...not much better.

The Strange Ups and Downs of the U.S. Economy Since 1929

And Trump's total GDP growth since he took office is not 2.9%... it's 2.7%.

United States GDP Growth Rate | 1947-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar

And that was before this latest 4.1% number is adjusted. And it WILL be adjusted...guaranteed.

Plus, many economists see the latest number as an aberration...brought on largely by Trump's trade war threats and a huge, one time purchase of Soybeans by China to try and get ahead of the tariffs.
BTW - including today's GDP growth number?

GDP growth under Trump so far has been 2.7%.

United States GDP Growth Rate | 1947-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar

Big deal.

Once again...I am neither Dem nor Rep.

Don't forget to post what Obamas average rate was-)

Why the hell would I care what Obama's average rate was?

I was against how Obama handled the recovery almost as much as how Trump is handling it.

But, to answer your question, GDP growth (before the latest BEA calculation changes) under Obama post-'Great Recession' was 2.17 per year.
And what was Trump's first full year of GDP growth? 2.2%.

The Strange Ups and Downs of the U.S. Economy Since 1929

Since I do not want to go through this whole thread, why don't you tell me which post YOU suggested your solutions, so we can see them.
Obama's average GDP over 8 years is 1.5%. Trump GDP over is time so far is 2.9%.

With the much improved economy, record low unemployment (especially for blacks and Hispanics), excellent Constitutional SCOTUS picks, demilitarization talks with North Korea, border security and overall focus on putting Americans first you would seriously need to be a fascist, commie bastard to vote against Trump in 2020.
You are cherry-picking. And Trump's GDP growth so far is 2.7%, not 2.9%.

Second-quarter GDP jumps 4.1% for best pace in nearly four years
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BTW - including today's GDP growth number?

GDP growth under Trump so far has been 2.7%.

United States GDP Growth Rate | 1947-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar

Big deal.

Once again...I am neither Dem nor Rep.

Don't forget to post what Obamas average rate was-)

Why the hell would I care what Obama's average rate was?

I was against how Obama handled the recovery almost as much as how Trump is handling it.

But, to answer your question, GDP growth (before the latest BEA calculation changes) under Obama post-'Great Recession' was 2.17 per year.
And what was Trump's first full year of GDP growth? 2.2%.

The Strange Ups and Downs of the U.S. Economy Since 1929

Since I do not want to go through this whole thread, why don't you tell me which post YOU suggested your solutions, so we can see them.

This thread is nothing about people posting their solutions...and you know it.

I am simply posting stats/ stop playing childish games. They bore me and will - in future - be ignored.

Try just saying what you mean...if you can.

If you want my 'solutions' than I suggest you start another thread and I will be happy to post my suggestions.

The last time I went off topic in a thread, it was deleted by a I am not wasting my time trying that again.
Didn’t think’s unexplainable with any logic, isn’t it?

GDP is going to decelerate as the effects of the tax cuts wear off.

Any Trump haters want to explain who is to blame for 1.6% growth for the entire year of 2016?
Stop asking dumb questions We were recovering from one of the if not the worst recession ever. Obama was good but not a miracle worker especially with ah repub congress lined up against him

Hahaha, of course. At least you are consistent.

Everything Obama ever did was 100% perfect, Got it.

Obama’s 1.6% growth rate in 2016 was the fault of a Pub Congress?

Remind me who has the majority in both houses of Congress currently.

Your logic fails.
So why were more jobs produced in 2016 than in 2017? And why do economists think 1% of today's 4.1% is because China bought huge amounts of soybeans before the Tariff comes up?

Obama’s average quarter was 1.8% growth.
Yea.....when you stick him with some of those quarters from Bush’s economy

By the way folks, you notice that his majesty _oh-Wing-dinger, loves to tell you how much money Trump borrowed to produce the desired results when he gave tax breaks.

He doesn't tell you how much Obysmal raised the debt, talks about Tarp 1 through 14 or whatever, nor even acknowledges QE.

Now why do you think that is? Why was the Obysmal deficit somehow BETTER than Trumps?

ANSWER-----------> Because the Trump deficit went BACK TO THE PEOPLE, the Obysmal deficit money was INJECTED into government, where his hero, the Community Organizer and chief, could decide what to do with it, who to give it to, who NOT to give it to, and who to bribe-)

So in essence, Mr Hum-ding-a-ling-winger is telling you that----------> you are baaaaaaaaaad because you got some of your money back, but Obysmal was goooooooood, because he stole some of your money, then gave it away to whomever he decided to.

What did you buy with your tax break so far, or did you invest it instead?

HOW DARE YOU, how double DARE YOU! Keep your own money, when there is so much transfer of wealth to accomplish, so many illegals to take care of, and so many liberal states to bail out, what are you thinking COMRADES-) You MUST immediately turn over that extra cash to fancy-Nancy, Chucky Shmucky, and the Charming and delightful, Maxy Maxine! They know what to do with YOUR money, far better than you do!
The difference between Crooked Donnie and the Great Obama is that Obama borrowed money to prop up an economy on the brink of depression

Crooked Donnie is borrowing money in a strong economy.

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