Second warmest May behind 2016 according to Copernicus, just 0,03o behind 2016.


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Second warmest May behind 2016 according to Copernicus, just 0,03o behind 2016. Read more at:May 2017 | Copernicus Climate Change Service

Temp anomalies relative 1981-2010 for the globe and Europe:


Credit: ECMWF, Copernicus Climate Change Service

lol'ed at you
Yeah, your point is...

If you didn't consider God a fairy tale,
you might know that, global, climate change,
is necessary to create the circumstances,
which will fulfill Scripture and usher in the return of Christ!
An alarming trend here is the rising temperature in the Arctic and Antarctic.
Maybe we'll be building a wall to protect Florida, or our Glorious Leader might turn it into the Trump Water-Park.
Westchest County, June 6. The heat came on last night. I think we've only had 2 days over 70 degrees so far this spring.
An alarming trend here is the rising temperature in the Arctic and Antarctic.
Maybe we'll be building a wall to protect Florida, or our Glorious Leader might turn it into the Trump Water-Park.

Rising from -62F to -61F
Yeah, your point is...

If you didn't consider God a fairy tale,
you might know that, global, climate change,
is necessary to create the circumstances,
which will fulfill Scripture and usher in the return of Christ!

Seriously, is there any evidence for this outside of the bible? Of course not.
Of course there isn't any evidence
that the God and Father of Christ, exists outside of the Bible...
or, any god for that matter

I mean, who would look around in amazement
and contemplate the notion of such?
lol'ed at you
??? Over what?

The loserterians want me to stop posting data and I keep doing so...I am laughing at them.

Except.......nobody has their heads exploding over something like 1 billionth of a degree!! Except the k00ks.

Only mental cases laugh at people when they are losing. If the billionth of a degree mattered in the real world, US withdrawal from Paris never happens. It happened. Because nobody has been impressed at all with the incoherent and relentless bomb throwing by alarmists for the last 25 years. They've effectively taken themselves out of the game with the strategy of hysterics...........

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:

  1. The flea-step growth of renewable energy in America for the last 20 years.
  2. No climate legislation in America in over 10 years.
  3. "Climate change" being 2nd to last or last on every poll of voter concerns ( out of 20 )
  4. Climate change never a debate topic in any presidential debate.
  5. Massive political support for withdrawal from the Paris Treaty
  6. European countries increasing coal imports
  7. China building 2 new coal plants every single month

.......and the list goes on........but bozo here is laughing at skeptics!!!:oops-28::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

Who's not winning?:spinner:
An alarming trend here is the rising temperature in the Arctic and Antarctic.
Maybe we'll be building a wall to protect Florida, or our Glorious Leader might turn it into the Trump Water-Park.

All the cold moved south......:bye1:.........dummy. The k00ks never tell you that. It is a regularly occurring phenomenon........well documented in this forum. It is why in New York this week, high temperatures are in the 50's.( should be 80's ). Don't be a sucker.......go do some checking.

Heres a start.......its called The Wobble Effect due to earth axis shift.............

Wild Weather, the Wobble Effect
Last edited:
lol'ed at you
??? Over what?

The loserterians want me to stop posting data and I keep doing so...I am laughing at them.

Except.......nobody has their heads exploding over something like 1 billionth of a degree!! Except the k00ks.

Only mental cases laugh at people when they are losing. If the billionth of a degree mattered in the real world, US withdrawal from Paris never happens. It happened. Because nobody has been impressed at all with the incoherent and relentless bomb throwing by alarmists for the last 25 years. They've effectively taken themselves out of the game with the strategy of hysterics...........

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:

  1. The flea-step growth of renewable energy in America for the last 20 years.
  2. No climate legislation in America in over 10 years.
  3. "Climate change" being 2nd to last or last on every poll of voter concerns ( out of 20 )
  4. Climate change never a debate topic in any presidential debate.
  5. Massive political support for withdrawal from the Paris Treaty
  6. European countries increasing coal imports
  7. China building 2 new coal plants every single month

.......and the list goes on........but bozo here is laughing at skeptics!!!:oops-28::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

Who's not winning?:spinner:
Dude, you really need to cease and desist with thinking things be so and in turn publicly issuing attestations in accordance with your presumptions to that effect.

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:

  1. The flea-step growth of renewable energy in America for the last 20 years.
Notwithstanding that the rate of growth of an industry isn't germanely indicative of what the general public thinks but rather of (1) the nature innovation pertinent to the industry in question and (2) the profit potential in return for their investment that would-be developers and investors accept as meriting their making any investment of their resources in that industry. While there is undeniably a speculative element to what venture capitalists do, the motive factors to their decisions to invest (or not) in nascent businesses and industries is overwhelmingly empirical information, not gut feelings. That's especially so for venture capital firms (typically formed as partnerships), as opposed to individuals who unilaterally venture their capital on new businesses and industries. [1]

That said, growth in renewable energy is not advancing at a "flea-step" pace.​
  1. It's worth noting that the typical pattern of of investment in an industry is heavy and rapid growth in investment by venture capitalists, followed by a lull as less risky investors observe what happens. The "lull" period is followed by a "rush to get in the game" by investors who are more risk averse than are venture capitalists, or the "lull" period is followed by the effective demise of the industry.

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:
  1. "Climate change" being 2nd to last or last on every poll of voter concerns ( out of 20 )
I guess Gallup's poll, which puts it right in the middle of the pack doesn't count as a "poll of voter concerns."
  • Monthly poll results (Nov. 2016 to May 2017) to the question, "What do you think is the most important problem facing the country today?" Responses to that question, even as they leave them sitting in the middle of the pack, environmental issues ranked higher than all of the following:
    • Situation with North Korea
    • Drugs
    • Lack of military defense
    • Welfare
    • Abortion
    • The media
    • Situation in Iraq/ISIS
    • Situation with Russia
    • Guns/Gun control
    • War/conflict between Middle East nations
    • Foreign policy/Foreign aid/Focus overseas
    • Social Security
    • Energy/Lack of energy sources
    • Situation in Syria
    • Children's behavior/Way they are raised
    • Care for the elderly/Medicare
    • Overpopulation
    • Elections/Election reform
    • Gay rights issues
    • Natural disaster response/Relief efforts
Is there a credible poll that's more comprehensive and more specific than is the Gallup one to which I've linked? I don't know, but if you do know of one, by all means, do share.

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:
  1. Massive political support for withdrawal from the Paris Treaty
Really? I think not.

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:
  1. European countries increasing coal imports
Um....European countries are not increasing coal imports.

Extra-EU imports of energy products, 2010-2016, trade in value (EUR billion)


Extra-EU imports of energy products, 2010-2016, trade in net mass (million tonnes)


The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:
  1. China building 2 new coal plants every single month
I'm not expressly refuting the veracity of your (as yet unsubstantiated) attestation about the rate of coal plant construction by the Chinese government. I am aware that China is putting a lot of money into coal-energy production and that their doing so is bizarre. I also know that China has established for itself a record of not backing up at least one of their statements with little to no decisive and unequivocal action that might indicate a strong commitment to the statement. The topic I have in mind has to do with their desire to have North Korea "chill out" on the nuclear weapons front. I'm thus not surprised that China, though being a signatory to the Paris Accord, is nonetheless building more coal plants.
lol'ed at you
??? Over what?

The loserterians want me to stop posting data and I keep doing so...I am laughing at them.

Except.......nobody has their heads exploding over something like 1 billionth of a degree!! Except the k00ks.

Only mental cases laugh at people when they are losing. If the billionth of a degree mattered in the real world, US withdrawal from Paris never happens. It happened. Because nobody has been impressed at all with the incoherent and relentless bomb throwing by alarmists for the last 25 years. They've effectively taken themselves out of the game with the strategy of hysterics...........

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:

  1. The flea-step growth of renewable energy in America for the last 20 years.
  2. No climate legislation in America in over 10 years.
  3. "Climate change" being 2nd to last or last on every poll of voter concerns ( out of 20 )
  4. Climate change never a debate topic in any presidential debate.
  5. Massive political support for withdrawal from the Paris Treaty
  6. European countries increasing coal imports
  7. China building 2 new coal plants every single month

.......and the list goes on........but bozo here is laughing at skeptics!!!:oops-28::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

Who's not winning?:spinner:
Dude, you really need to cease and desist with thinking things be so and in turn publicly issuing attestations in accordance with your presumptions to that effect.

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:

  1. The flea-step growth of renewable energy in America for the last 20 years.
Notwithstanding that the rate of growth of an industry isn't germanely indicative of what the general public thinks but rather of (1) the nature innovation pertinent to the industry in question and (2) the profit potential in return for their investment that would-be developers and investors accept as meriting their making any investment of their resources in that industry. While there is undeniably a speculative element to what venture capitalists do, the motive factors to their decisions to invest (or not) in nascent businesses and industries is overwhelmingly empirical information, not gut feelings. That's especially so for venture capital firms (typically formed as partnerships), as opposed to individuals who unilaterally venture their capital on new businesses and industries. [1]

That said, growth in renewable energy is not advancing at a "flea-step" pace.​
  1. It's worth noting that the typical pattern of of investment in an industry is heavy and rapid growth in investment by venture capitalists, followed by a lull as less risky investors observe what happens. The "lull" period is followed by a "rush to get in the game" by investors who are more risk averse than are venture capitalists, or the "lull" period is followed by the effective demise of the industry.

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:
  1. "Climate change" being 2nd to last or last on every poll of voter concerns ( out of 20 )
I guess Gallup's poll, which puts it right in the middle of the pack doesn't count as a "poll of voter concerns."
  • Monthly poll results (Nov. 2016 to May 2017) to the question, "What do you think is the most important problem facing the country today?" Responses to that question, even as they leave them sitting in the middle of the pack, environmental issues ranked higher than all of the following:
    • Situation with North Korea
    • Drugs
    • Lack of military defense
    • Welfare
    • Abortion
    • The media
    • Situation in Iraq/ISIS
    • Situation with Russia
    • Guns/Gun control
    • War/conflict between Middle East nations
    • Foreign policy/Foreign aid/Focus overseas
    • Social Security
    • Energy/Lack of energy sources
    • Situation in Syria
    • Children's behavior/Way they are raised
    • Care for the elderly/Medicare
    • Overpopulation
    • Elections/Election reform
    • Gay rights issues
    • Natural disaster response/Relief efforts
Is there a credible poll that's more comprehensive and more specific than is the Gallup one to which I've linked? I don't know, but if you do know of one, by all means, do share.

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:
  1. Massive political support for withdrawal from the Paris Treaty
Really? I think not.

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:
  1. European countries increasing coal imports
Um....European countries are not increasing coal imports.

Extra-EU imports of energy products, 2010-2016, trade in value (EUR billion)


Extra-EU imports of energy products, 2010-2016, trade in net mass (million tonnes)


The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:
  1. China building 2 new coal plants every single month
I'm not expressly refuting the veracity of your (as yet unsubstantiated) attestation about the rate of coal plant construction by the Chinese government. I am aware that China is putting a lot of money into coal-energy production and that their doing so is bizarre. I also know that China has established for itself a record of not backing up at least one of their statements with little to no decisive and unequivocal action that might indicate a strong commitment to the statement. The topic I have in mind has to do with their desire to have North Korea "chill out" on the nuclear weapons front. I'm thus not surprised that China, though being a signatory to the Paris Accord, is nonetheless building more coal plants.
Democrats should run on pushing more climate change regulations.

Oh wait, they did. And lost 1500 seats.
lol'ed at you
??? Over what?

The loserterians want me to stop posting data and I keep doing so...I am laughing at them.

Except.......nobody has their heads exploding over something like 1 billionth of a degree!! Except the k00ks.

Only mental cases laugh at people when they are losing. If the billionth of a degree mattered in the real world, US withdrawal from Paris never happens. It happened. Because nobody has been impressed at all with the incoherent and relentless bomb throwing by alarmists for the last 25 years. They've effectively taken themselves out of the game with the strategy of hysterics...........

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:

  1. The flea-step growth of renewable energy in America for the last 20 years.
  2. No climate legislation in America in over 10 years.
  3. "Climate change" being 2nd to last or last on every poll of voter concerns ( out of 20 )
  4. Climate change never a debate topic in any presidential debate.
  5. Massive political support for withdrawal from the Paris Treaty
  6. European countries increasing coal imports
  7. China building 2 new coal plants every single month

.......and the list goes on........but bozo here is laughing at skeptics!!!:oops-28::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

Who's not winning?:spinner:
Dude, you really need to cease and desist with thinking things be so and in turn publicly issuing attestations in accordance with your presumptions to that effect.

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:

  1. The flea-step growth of renewable energy in America for the last 20 years.
Notwithstanding that the rate of growth of an industry isn't germanely indicative of what the general public thinks but rather of (1) the nature innovation pertinent to the industry in question and (2) the profit potential in return for their investment that would-be developers and investors accept as meriting their making any investment of their resources in that industry. While there is undeniably a speculative element to what venture capitalists do, the motive factors to their decisions to invest (or not) in nascent businesses and industries is overwhelmingly empirical information, not gut feelings. That's especially so for venture capital firms (typically formed as partnerships), as opposed to individuals who unilaterally venture their capital on new businesses and industries. [1]

That said, growth in renewable energy is not advancing at a "flea-step" pace.​
  1. It's worth noting that the typical pattern of of investment in an industry is heavy and rapid growth in investment by venture capitalists, followed by a lull as less risky investors observe what happens. The "lull" period is followed by a "rush to get in the game" by investors who are more risk averse than are venture capitalists, or the "lull" period is followed by the effective demise of the industry.

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:
  1. "Climate change" being 2nd to last or last on every poll of voter concerns ( out of 20 )
I guess Gallup's poll, which puts it right in the middle of the pack doesn't count as a "poll of voter concerns."
  • Monthly poll results (Nov. 2016 to May 2017) to the question, "What do you think is the most important problem facing the country today?" Responses to that question, even as they leave them sitting in the middle of the pack, environmental issues ranked higher than all of the following:
    • Situation with North Korea
    • Drugs
    • Lack of military defense
    • Welfare
    • Abortion
    • The media
    • Situation in Iraq/ISIS
    • Situation with Russia
    • Guns/Gun control
    • War/conflict between Middle East nations
    • Foreign policy/Foreign aid/Focus overseas
    • Social Security
    • Energy/Lack of energy sources
    • Situation in Syria
    • Children's behavior/Way they are raised
    • Care for the elderly/Medicare
    • Overpopulation
    • Elections/Election reform
    • Gay rights issues
    • Natural disaster response/Relief efforts
Is there a credible poll that's more comprehensive and more specific than is the Gallup one to which I've linked? I don't know, but if you do know of one, by all means, do share.

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:
  1. Massive political support for withdrawal from the Paris Treaty
Really? I think not.

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:
  1. European countries increasing coal imports
Um....European countries are not increasing coal imports.

Extra-EU imports of energy products, 2010-2016, trade in value (EUR billion)


Extra-EU imports of energy products, 2010-2016, trade in net mass (million tonnes)


The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:
  1. China building 2 new coal plants every single month
I'm not expressly refuting the veracity of your (as yet unsubstantiated) attestation about the rate of coal plant construction by the Chinese government. I am aware that China is putting a lot of money into coal-energy production and that their doing so is bizarre. I also know that China has established for itself a record of not backing up at least one of their statements with little to no decisive and unequivocal action that might indicate a strong commitment to the statement. The topic I have in mind has to do with their desire to have North Korea "chill out" on the nuclear weapons front. I'm thus not surprised that China, though being a signatory to the Paris Accord, is nonetheless building more coal plants.

Renewables growth always impressive..........until it is compared to something else. Like I said........flea step growth when you look at the energy picture in its entirety.

Paris withdrawal happened..........nobody cares there are some hard feelings.......but we know who's not winning!!

50,000 new coal jobs added recently under Trump........somebody posted up a thread in here recently!! But the k00ks told us coal was dead.

Many Americans are skeptical about scientific research on climate and GM foods

Forbes Welcome

China’s New Coal Boom: ‘Growing Panic’ About Green Energy Policies

Europe consuming more coal

The burning issue of German coal

IEA: Coal Will Continue to Dominate World Electricity | RealClearEnergy

Greens spent millions on midterm elections and lost. Or did they?





A green world is still a fairy tale..........and the reason why is simple: costs. In advanced economies, the choice will always be fossil fuels. The German people got duped and found that out the hard way when they started getting their renewable generated electric 20 new coal plants going up there between now and 2020. ( see links ). If you're a skeptic in 2017, its all good!!
lol'ed at you
??? Over what?

The loserterians want me to stop posting data and I keep doing so...I am laughing at them.

Except.......nobody has their heads exploding over something like 1 billionth of a degree!! Except the k00ks.

Only mental cases laugh at people when they are losing. If the billionth of a degree mattered in the real world, US withdrawal from Paris never happens. It happened. Because nobody has been impressed at all with the incoherent and relentless bomb throwing by alarmists for the last 25 years. They've effectively taken themselves out of the game with the strategy of hysterics...........

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:

  1. The flea-step growth of renewable energy in America for the last 20 years.
  2. No climate legislation in America in over 10 years.
  3. "Climate change" being 2nd to last or last on every poll of voter concerns ( out of 20 )
  4. Climate change never a debate topic in any presidential debate.
  5. Massive political support for withdrawal from the Paris Treaty
  6. European countries increasing coal imports
  7. China building 2 new coal plants every single month

.......and the list goes on........but bozo here is laughing at skeptics!!!:oops-28::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

Who's not winning?:spinner:
Dude, you really need to cease and desist with thinking things be so and in turn publicly issuing attestations in accordance with your presumptions to that effect.

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:

  1. The flea-step growth of renewable energy in America for the last 20 years.
Notwithstanding that the rate of growth of an industry isn't germanely indicative of what the general public thinks but rather of (1) the nature innovation pertinent to the industry in question and (2) the profit potential in return for their investment that would-be developers and investors accept as meriting their making any investment of their resources in that industry. While there is undeniably a speculative element to what venture capitalists do, the motive factors to their decisions to invest (or not) in nascent businesses and industries is overwhelmingly empirical information, not gut feelings. That's especially so for venture capital firms (typically formed as partnerships), as opposed to individuals who unilaterally venture their capital on new businesses and industries. [1]

That said, growth in renewable energy is not advancing at a "flea-step" pace.​
  1. It's worth noting that the typical pattern of of investment in an industry is heavy and rapid growth in investment by venture capitalists, followed by a lull as less risky investors observe what happens. The "lull" period is followed by a "rush to get in the game" by investors who are more risk averse than are venture capitalists, or the "lull" period is followed by the effective demise of the industry.

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:
  1. "Climate change" being 2nd to last or last on every poll of voter concerns ( out of 20 )
I guess Gallup's poll, which puts it right in the middle of the pack doesn't count as a "poll of voter concerns."
  • Monthly poll results (Nov. 2016 to May 2017) to the question, "What do you think is the most important problem facing the country today?" Responses to that question, even as they leave them sitting in the middle of the pack, environmental issues ranked higher than all of the following:
    • Situation with North Korea
    • Drugs
    • Lack of military defense
    • Welfare
    • Abortion
    • The media
    • Situation in Iraq/ISIS
    • Situation with Russia
    • Guns/Gun control
    • War/conflict between Middle East nations
    • Foreign policy/Foreign aid/Focus overseas
    • Social Security
    • Energy/Lack of energy sources
    • Situation in Syria
    • Children's behavior/Way they are raised
    • Care for the elderly/Medicare
    • Overpopulation
    • Elections/Election reform
    • Gay rights issues
    • Natural disaster response/Relief efforts
Is there a credible poll that's more comprehensive and more specific than is the Gallup one to which I've linked? I don't know, but if you do know of one, by all means, do share.

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:
  1. Massive political support for withdrawal from the Paris Treaty
Really? I think not.

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:
  1. European countries increasing coal imports
Um....European countries are not increasing coal imports.

Extra-EU imports of energy products, 2010-2016, trade in value (EUR billion)


Extra-EU imports of energy products, 2010-2016, trade in net mass (million tonnes)


The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:
  1. China building 2 new coal plants every single month
I'm not expressly refuting the veracity of your (as yet unsubstantiated) attestation about the rate of coal plant construction by the Chinese government. I am aware that China is putting a lot of money into coal-energy production and that their doing so is bizarre. I also know that China has established for itself a record of not backing up at least one of their statements with little to no decisive and unequivocal action that might indicate a strong commitment to the statement. The topic I have in mind has to do with their desire to have North Korea "chill out" on the nuclear weapons front. I'm thus not surprised that China, though being a signatory to the Paris Accord, is nonetheless building more coal plants.

Renewables growth always impressive..........until it is compared to something else. Like I said........flea step growth when you look at the energy picture in its entirety.

Paris withdrawal happened..........nobody cares there are some hard feelings.......but we know who's not winning!!

50,000 new coal jobs added recently under Trump........somebody posted up a thread in here recently!! But the k00ks told us coal was dead.

Many Americans are skeptical about scientific research on climate and GM foods

Forbes Welcome

China’s New Coal Boom: ‘Growing Panic’ About Green Energy Policies

Europe consuming more coal

The burning issue of German coal

IEA: Coal Will Continue to Dominate World Electricity | RealClearEnergy

Greens spent millions on midterm elections and lost. Or did they?

Articles: The Real Cost of Solar Energy

10 predictions for the world's energy future

A green world is still a fairy tale..........and the reason why is simple: costs. In advanced economies, the choice will always be fossil fuels. The German people got duped and found that out the hard way when they started getting their renewable generated electric 20 new coal plants going up there between now and 2020. ( see links ). If you're a skeptic in 2017, its all good!!
Not one of your charts is visible. In each of their places appears the "broken link" image/symbol.

Like I said........flea step growth when you look at the energy picture in its entirety.

Well, provide a chart that shows the aggregate growth rate of the non-renewable sectors and there'll be good reason to believe you, or to at least see as potentially debatable the content I've provided. Nothing I've seen suggests that that the fossil fuel industry's growth rates outpace renewable energy's. In addition to the content I earlier shared (expand the quote to see it) to corroborate my assertion to that effect, there is the following:
Last edited:
??? Over what?

The loserterians want me to stop posting data and I keep doing so...I am laughing at them.

Except.......nobody has their heads exploding over something like 1 billionth of a degree!! Except the k00ks.

Only mental cases laugh at people when they are losing. If the billionth of a degree mattered in the real world, US withdrawal from Paris never happens. It happened. Because nobody has been impressed at all with the incoherent and relentless bomb throwing by alarmists for the last 25 years. They've effectively taken themselves out of the game with the strategy of hysterics...........

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:

  1. The flea-step growth of renewable energy in America for the last 20 years.
  2. No climate legislation in America in over 10 years.
  3. "Climate change" being 2nd to last or last on every poll of voter concerns ( out of 20 )
  4. Climate change never a debate topic in any presidential debate.
  5. Massive political support for withdrawal from the Paris Treaty
  6. European countries increasing coal imports
  7. China building 2 new coal plants every single month

.......and the list goes on........but bozo here is laughing at skeptics!!!:oops-28::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

Who's not winning?:spinner:
Dude, you really need to cease and desist with thinking things be so and in turn publicly issuing attestations in accordance with your presumptions to that effect.

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:

  1. The flea-step growth of renewable energy in America for the last 20 years.
Notwithstanding that the rate of growth of an industry isn't germanely indicative of what the general public thinks but rather of (1) the nature innovation pertinent to the industry in question and (2) the profit potential in return for their investment that would-be developers and investors accept as meriting their making any investment of their resources in that industry. While there is undeniably a speculative element to what venture capitalists do, the motive factors to their decisions to invest (or not) in nascent businesses and industries is overwhelmingly empirical information, not gut feelings. That's especially so for venture capital firms (typically formed as partnerships), as opposed to individuals who unilaterally venture their capital on new businesses and industries. [1]

That said, growth in renewable energy is not advancing at a "flea-step" pace.​
  1. It's worth noting that the typical pattern of of investment in an industry is heavy and rapid growth in investment by venture capitalists, followed by a lull as less risky investors observe what happens. The "lull" period is followed by a "rush to get in the game" by investors who are more risk averse than are venture capitalists, or the "lull" period is followed by the effective demise of the industry.

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:
  1. "Climate change" being 2nd to last or last on every poll of voter concerns ( out of 20 )
I guess Gallup's poll, which puts it right in the middle of the pack doesn't count as a "poll of voter concerns."
  • Monthly poll results (Nov. 2016 to May 2017) to the question, "What do you think is the most important problem facing the country today?" Responses to that question, even as they leave them sitting in the middle of the pack, environmental issues ranked higher than all of the following:
    • Situation with North Korea
    • Drugs
    • Lack of military defense
    • Welfare
    • Abortion
    • The media
    • Situation in Iraq/ISIS
    • Situation with Russia
    • Guns/Gun control
    • War/conflict between Middle East nations
    • Foreign policy/Foreign aid/Focus overseas
    • Social Security
    • Energy/Lack of energy sources
    • Situation in Syria
    • Children's behavior/Way they are raised
    • Care for the elderly/Medicare
    • Overpopulation
    • Elections/Election reform
    • Gay rights issues
    • Natural disaster response/Relief efforts
Is there a credible poll that's more comprehensive and more specific than is the Gallup one to which I've linked? I don't know, but if you do know of one, by all means, do share.

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:
  1. Massive political support for withdrawal from the Paris Treaty
Really? I think not.

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:
  1. European countries increasing coal imports
Um....European countries are not increasing coal imports.

Extra-EU imports of energy products, 2010-2016, trade in value (EUR billion)


Extra-EU imports of energy products, 2010-2016, trade in net mass (million tonnes)


The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:
  1. China building 2 new coal plants every single month
I'm not expressly refuting the veracity of your (as yet unsubstantiated) attestation about the rate of coal plant construction by the Chinese government. I am aware that China is putting a lot of money into coal-energy production and that their doing so is bizarre. I also know that China has established for itself a record of not backing up at least one of their statements with little to no decisive and unequivocal action that might indicate a strong commitment to the statement. The topic I have in mind has to do with their desire to have North Korea "chill out" on the nuclear weapons front. I'm thus not surprised that China, though being a signatory to the Paris Accord, is nonetheless building more coal plants.

Renewables growth always impressive..........until it is compared to something else. Like I said........flea step growth when you look at the energy picture in its entirety.

Paris withdrawal happened..........nobody cares there are some hard feelings.......but we know who's not winning!!

50,000 new coal jobs added recently under Trump........somebody posted up a thread in here recently!! But the k00ks told us coal was dead.

Many Americans are skeptical about scientific research on climate and GM foods

Forbes Welcome

China’s New Coal Boom: ‘Growing Panic’ About Green Energy Policies

Europe consuming more coal

The burning issue of German coal

IEA: Coal Will Continue to Dominate World Electricity | RealClearEnergy

Greens spent millions on midterm elections and lost. Or did they?

Articles: The Real Cost of Solar Energy

10 predictions for the world's energy future

A green world is still a fairy tale..........and the reason why is simple: costs. In advanced economies, the choice will always be fossil fuels. The German people got duped and found that out the hard way when they started getting their renewable generated electric 20 new coal plants going up there between now and 2020. ( see links ). If you're a skeptic in 2017, its all good!!
Not one of your charts is visible. In each of their places appears with the "broken link" image/symbol.

Like I said........flea step growth when you look at the energy picture in its entirety.

Well, provide a chart that shows the aggregate growth rate of the non-renewable sectors and there'll be good reason to believe you. Nothing I've seen suggests that that the fossil fuel industry's growth rates outpace renewable energy's. In addition to the content I earlier shared (expand the quote to see it) to corroborate my assertion to that effect, there is the following:
I look forward to watching the left drown in the flood about to hit the coasts any second.
Rising oceans.jpg
lol'ed at you
??? Over what?
The loserterians want me to stop posting data and I keep doing so...I am laughing at them.

Except.......nobody has their heads exploding over something like 1 billionth of a degree!! Except the k00ks.

Only mental cases laugh at people when they are losing. If the billionth of a degree mattered in the real world, US withdrawal from Paris never happens. It happened. Because nobody has been impressed at all with the incoherent and relentless bomb throwing by alarmists for the last 25 years. They've effectively taken themselves out of the game with the strategy of hysterics...........

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:

  1. The flea-step growth of renewable energy in America for the last 20 years.
  2. No climate legislation in America in over 10 years.
  3. "Climate change" being 2nd to last or last on every poll of voter concerns ( out of 20 )
  4. Climate change never a debate topic in any presidential debate.
  5. Massive political support for withdrawal from the Paris Treaty
  6. European countries increasing coal imports
  7. China building 2 new coal plants every single month

.......and the list goes on........but bozo here is laughing at skeptics!!!:oops-28::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

Who's not winning?:spinner:
Dude, you really need to cease and desist with thinking things be so and in turn publicly issuing attestations in accordance with your presumptions to that effect.

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:

  1. The flea-step growth of renewable energy in America for the last 20 years.
Notwithstanding that the rate of growth of an industry isn't germanely indicative of what the general public thinks but rather of (1) the nature innovation pertinent to the industry in question and (2) the profit potential in return for their investment that would-be developers and investors accept as meriting their making any investment of their resources in that industry. While there is undeniably a speculative element to what venture capitalists do, the motive factors to their decisions to invest (or not) in nascent businesses and industries is overwhelmingly empirical information, not gut feelings. That's especially so for venture capital firms (typically formed as partnerships), as opposed to individuals who unilaterally venture their capital on new businesses and industries. [1]

That said, growth in renewable energy is not advancing at a "flea-step" pace.​
  1. It's worth noting that the typical pattern of of investment in an industry is heavy and rapid growth in investment by venture capitalists, followed by a lull as less risky investors observe what happens. The "lull" period is followed by a "rush to get in the game" by investors who are more risk averse than are venture capitalists, or the "lull" period is followed by the effective demise of the industry.

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:
  1. "Climate change" being 2nd to last or last on every poll of voter concerns ( out of 20 )
I guess Gallup's poll, which puts it right in the middle of the pack doesn't count as a "poll of voter concerns."
  • Monthly poll results (Nov. 2016 to May 2017) to the question, "What do you think is the most important problem facing the country today?" Responses to that question, even as they leave them sitting in the middle of the pack, environmental issues ranked higher than all of the following:
    • Situation with North Korea
    • Drugs
    • Lack of military defense
    • Welfare
    • Abortion
    • The media
    • Situation in Iraq/ISIS
    • Situation with Russia
    • Guns/Gun control
    • War/conflict between Middle East nations
    • Foreign policy/Foreign aid/Focus overseas
    • Social Security
    • Energy/Lack of energy sources
    • Situation in Syria
    • Children's behavior/Way they are raised
    • Care for the elderly/Medicare
    • Overpopulation
    • Elections/Election reform
    • Gay rights issues
    • Natural disaster response/Relief efforts
Is there a credible poll that's more comprehensive and more specific than is the Gallup one to which I've linked? I don't know, but if you do know of one, by all means, do share.

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:
  1. Massive political support for withdrawal from the Paris Treaty
Really? I think not.

The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:
  1. European countries increasing coal imports
Um....European countries are not increasing coal imports.

Extra-EU imports of energy products, 2010-2016, trade in value (EUR billion)


Extra-EU imports of energy products, 2010-2016, trade in net mass (million tonnes)


The public has tuned out this nonsense as evidenced by:
  1. China building 2 new coal plants every single month
I'm not expressly refuting the veracity of your (as yet unsubstantiated) attestation about the rate of coal plant construction by the Chinese government. I am aware that China is putting a lot of money into coal-energy production and that their doing so is bizarre. I also know that China has established for itself a record of not backing up at least one of their statements with little to no decisive and unequivocal action that might indicate a strong commitment to the statement. The topic I have in mind has to do with their desire to have North Korea "chill out" on the nuclear weapons front. I'm thus not surprised that China, though being a signatory to the Paris Accord, is nonetheless building more coal plants.

Renewables growth always impressive..........until it is compared to something else. Like I said........flea step growth when you look at the energy picture in its entirety.

Paris withdrawal happened..........nobody cares there are some hard feelings.......but we know who's not winning!!

50,000 new coal jobs added recently under Trump........somebody posted up a thread in here recently!! But the k00ks told us coal was dead.

Many Americans are skeptical about scientific research on climate and GM foods

Forbes Welcome

China’s New Coal Boom: ‘Growing Panic’ About Green Energy Policies

Europe consuming more coal

The burning issue of German coal

IEA: Coal Will Continue to Dominate World Electricity | RealClearEnergy

Greens spent millions on midterm elections and lost. Or did they?

Articles: The Real Cost of Solar Energy

10 predictions for the world's energy future

A green world is still a fairy tale..........and the reason why is simple: costs. In advanced economies, the choice will always be fossil fuels. The German people got duped and found that out the hard way when they started getting their renewable generated electric 20 new coal plants going up there between now and 2020. ( see links ). If you're a skeptic in 2017, its all good!!
Paris withdrawal happened..........nobody cares there are some hard feelings.......but we know who's not winning!!
Knowing what legitimately to make of the emboldened statement depends on several things:
  • Who "we" are
  • Who "we" think are "winning"
  • What "we" think constitutes "winning"
That you cast a matter as relevant and potentially costly as managing the impacts of global warming using glib language more suited to discussions about sport and game contests indicates a lack of comprehension of the substance on either side of the matter, thus making what you have thus had to say no boon to anti-AGW advocates. No matter one's stance on the matter, it's not a game and inane remarks, such as that "winning" foolishness, about a matter are just that, and no credible persons will support them regardless of one's or their position on it.

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