Secret Service Take Chicago Restaurant Employee into Custody After She Spits on Eric Trump

Stupid bitch should have just spit in Eric Trumps food like everyone else does
When are they going to realize that TDS is real and people who are afflicted need to be referred to counseling. In the mean time their names need to be entered into the instant check psychiatric data base that prevents them from purchasing a firearm for their own safety and the safety of others.

You are full of shit. Unfortunately, we have gone past the point that there are merely two political parties vying for places in our government. This is no longer a matter of the two major political parties each with competing policies to offer to the American public, but each offering something and each dedicated to following our American traditions of respect, friendship, and reaching across the aisle to find common ground. Before Reagan, we reached for common ground. This extreme partisanship is ridiculous. I've worked to a Republican candidate. He asked me to, and we campaigned across our state together. We shared a lot of pizzas and long car rides.

That was then, this is now. The republicans have gone off the deep end.Hard right-wing, love affairs with fundamentalist cults and militia gangs, racists, woman-haters, sexual weirdos, people with automatic weapons as an implied threat to the rest of us Americans. When Gerry Ford died, I remember feeling sad for his passing as his funeral cortege went through town. This current republican bunch: there is absolutely NO WAY. I was always an independent voter, but the republicans have driven me to support the Democratic Party only, and you folks have to take responsibility for what you did and the disgusting decisions that you, and only you, have made. trump, pigpence, graham, jeffress, focus on the family: WTF?
This is not an isolated incident towards members of the Trump ....Anyone remember this shit happening to the member of the Surrender Monkeys regime?

U.S. Secret Service took an employee of a Chicago restaurant into custody Tuesday evening after she spit on President Donald Trump’s son Eric Trump, the president’s son told Breitbart News.

“It was purely a disgusting act by somebody who clearly has emotional problems,” Eric Trump told Breitbart News when reached by phone late Tuesday evening. “For a party that preaches tolerance, this once again demonstrates they have very little civility. When somebody is sick enough to resort to spitting on someone, it just emphasizes a sickness and desperation and the fact that we’re winning.”

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So, Eric Trump decides to visit Chitcago; BAD MISTAKE dude.

You couldn't pay me to visit that third world, shit hole city.

I put the blame on dumb ass Eric for this one.

As far as the spitting: I'm not aware of Illinois statutes for this but I am aware of the statutes in Minnesota.
If Eric would have been a LEO in Minnesota & was spit on, the person spitting could be charged with a felony.
Hey Eric; become a cop & you can act as a spit catch.
The Secret Service should have fired a few hundred shots into her
This is not an isolated incident towards members of the Trump ....Anyone remember this shit happening to the member of the Surrender Monkeys regime?

U.S. Secret Service took an employee of a Chicago restaurant into custody Tuesday evening after she spit on President Donald Trump’s son Eric Trump, the president’s son told Breitbart News.

“It was purely a disgusting act by somebody who clearly has emotional problems,” Eric Trump told Breitbart News when reached by phone late Tuesday evening. “For a party that preaches tolerance, this once again demonstrates they have very little civility. When somebody is sick enough to resort to spitting on someone, it just emphasizes a sickness and desperation and the fact that we’re winning.”

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I'll bet they took her into custody to tie her up for ten days and observe for rabies.
Most of this is caused by the media/entertainers/politicians. To do things because of real issues is one thing. And because everything is an issue with Proglodytes, it is a reality show. Real issues of fiefdom power against other Americans must be established and not bull. You are trying to cut off the head of something that is dying by its own inertia with the help of its own already. Trump to many is the last gasp which you do not believe in. We have at least three decades of doubling the men and women collecting social security and using medicare in the offing. Those costs are massive. And you are hop,skipping and jumping in your rainbow outfits thinking there is nothing wrong as a majority of Americans live off of checks sent to them every month. And that is just the start. The next stock market collapse stands a good chance of tearing down the house of cards.
Pretty good odds a liberal pantywaist is HIV positive. If so, charge should be attempted murder.

Of course if that happens Democrats will simply bitch that what was attempted is nothing more than a perfectly acceptable ultra-late abortion attempt.
I guess I'm old fashioned. Keep opinions limited to talking and debating, and maybe leave opponents alone when they're dining out, with their family, etc. In other words, keep it civil or you make your own side look like bad. Spitting on someone is almost the worst I don't care what that person did, and I don't think trump's son in law has done anything bad whether of not you like trump or his policies.
This is not an isolated incident towards members of the Trump ....Anyone remember this shit happening to the member of the Surrender Monkeys regime?

U.S. Secret Service took an employee of a Chicago restaurant into custody Tuesday evening after she spit on President Donald Trump’s son Eric Trump, the president’s son told Breitbart News.

“It was purely a disgusting act by somebody who clearly has emotional problems,” Eric Trump told Breitbart News when reached by phone late Tuesday evening. “For a party that preaches tolerance, this once again demonstrates they have very little civility. When somebody is sick enough to resort to spitting on someone, it just emphasizes a sickness and desperation and the fact that we’re winning.”

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So, Eric Trump decides to visit Chitcago; BAD MISTAKE dude.

You couldn't pay me to visit that third world, shit hole city.

I put the blame on dumb ass Eric for this one.

As far as the spitting: I'm not aware of Illinois statutes for this but I am aware of the statutes in Minnesota.
If Eric would have been a LEO in Minnesota & was spit on, the person spitting could be charged with a felony.
Hey Eric; become a cop & you can act as a spit catch.
The Secret Service should have fired a few hundred shots into her
Bet the creature was tested for AIDS
I don't condone spitting on anyone. BUT, here's a guy who lives in five-star accommodations and eats five-star meals, who has been spoiled and mollycoddled all of his life, and there is all this fuss made over this incident while people are living in tent cities who do not have basic amenities, plus who can forget the 1,000 troops his monkey-daddy just sent overseas to rough it. This moron thinks he's roughing it if room-service is ten minutes late.

My sympathy for him is underwhelming.
So go do something for those poor Democrats living in tents. Has NOTHING to do with Trump's son.
This is not an isolated incident towards members of the Trump ....Anyone remember this shit happening to the member of the Surrender Monkeys regime?

U.S. Secret Service took an employee of a Chicago restaurant into custody Tuesday evening after she spit on President Donald Trump’s son Eric Trump, the president’s son told Breitbart News.

“It was purely a disgusting act by somebody who clearly has emotional problems,” Eric Trump told Breitbart News when reached by phone late Tuesday evening. “For a party that preaches tolerance, this once again demonstrates they have very little civility. When somebody is sick enough to resort to spitting on someone, it just emphasizes a sickness and desperation and the fact that we’re winning.”

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I thought the Trump sons denied Secret Service protection and instead hired a private security service firm at the start of their dad's presidency.

They can't legally.

Your right. They can't. Hell Trump would take his own jet to Florida and every where is but the SS won't let him. He would pay all costs for those flights.

I'm sure that bitch has no idea what spitting on Eric means for her stupid ass. Hope she enjoys jail.

Spit on a cop-= aggravated assault on a police officer, ever since Aids was found to be spread by bodily fluid. Assault is assault equal justice should be applied here.
This is not an isolated incident towards members of the Trump ....Anyone remember this shit happening to the member of the Surrender Monkeys regime?

U.S. Secret Service took an employee of a Chicago restaurant into custody Tuesday evening after she spit on President Donald Trump’s son Eric Trump, the president’s son told Breitbart News.

“It was purely a disgusting act by somebody who clearly has emotional problems,” Eric Trump told Breitbart News when reached by phone late Tuesday evening. “For a party that preaches tolerance, this once again demonstrates they have very little civility. When somebody is sick enough to resort to spitting on someone, it just emphasizes a sickness and desperation and the fact that we’re winning.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

So, Eric Trump decides to visit Chitcago; BAD MISTAKE dude.

You couldn't pay me to visit that third world, shit hole city.

I put the blame on dumb ass Eric for this one.

As far as the spitting: I'm not aware of Illinois statutes for this but I am aware of the statutes in Minnesota.
If Eric would have been a LEO in Minnesota & was spit on, the person spitting could be charged with a felony.
Hey Eric; become a cop & you can act as a spit catch.

It is considered battery in Illinois and you can get up to a year in jail time.
Good . I hope she gets the max sentence .
The woman should not have spit on him

She should have kicked him in the balls
Any woman who kicks a man in the balls out of spite should be bitch slapped. Infact I would have no sympathy for their beat down.

Hollywood loves to show women slapping men in the face and kicking men in the balls just because...

It’s not okay...unless you are defending yourselves women need to keep their hands,feet etc to themselves.

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