Secret Societies - Hows, Whos and when's and how to get me banned.

Almost everyone is an AntiChrist here. Not many follow the word of the Creator. There so makes an antichrist.

Some think that Jesus is the Creator. . .
Some think that there is no Creator. . .

My ramblings will wake you out of your slumber. If you wish to stay a sleep then do not read the Truth. You will just have to stay on this prison until you figure it out.

Everyone has a lesson to be learned and a duty to do. Everyone needs to find the Truth and it will take your own walk to get there. All I can do is lead you in the right direction. The direction this world is going is not the right direction. You have to break out of what you know. You must empty your glass. A box was created for you to be trapped in a prison. If you want to rationalize inside that box then you will never get out of it.

First you have to know who you are, where you are, and why you are. Once you can decipher that information in your mind and git rid of all the useless junk you have learned here you might start on the right path.

You are not who you think you are, and you are not where you think you are and you are not why you think.

Who am I...
I am Thorock Baeko
I am not of this planet
I am not an Angel from the heavenly realm
I am a spiritual being
I am made of the spirts love, compassion and power
I have been given a body to command
I am supernatural
I am in a sector of the milky way galaxy and trapped on a prision planet
I come from another sector of the milky way galaxy, the star you would know will be Arcturus.
I was originally 25 feet tall and as physically fit as Mr.Olympia. I am the ground commander on our exploration team. I am the first one on the ground in a new planet. I am a pilot, I am an engineer, I am a bioengineer and an all around scientist. I can create ozone on planets and make them habitable.

I have been trapped on Earth after being shot down by an evil force that controls this planet.

This started my life here.

I have been here since 1844. Many of my members have been some of the greatest achievers here on earth.

We learn how to remember some of what we know and create things and are some of the greatest individuals, we constantly go outside the box.

I will give you a name of one member that you know.

Bruce Lee - he was one of my people. He was a genius. He constantly studied. He was always working on getting physically fit and came out with a fitness and suppliment program that people use today even pro body builders. He understood internal energy and eternal life. He was a head of his time and alone. He is alive this day and I know who he is, he just doesn't know yet because he is still growing.

Daniel Boon - He was my brother from Arcturus. I know him today. He is almost sure of it.

I have many more but I can only give out so much.


My duty on Earth is to find my Arcturian Family
Set up a new society ran the way Arcturians ran it, none of this BS crap that we live in today. (on Arcturus eveyone had everything. We can then focus on survival and expantion instead of worring about American Idol or Big Brother or even worring how to feed ourselves. We hade it all taken care of.)
Lead the people of the new society in the right direction to find out who they are and to take away the lies.
My duty is the counterforce against the evil that is here and the society they have created.

People it is time to wake up. You do not know what you know. You know what they want you to know. If you do not accept that then you accept failure and a longer prision term. I can only stress that enough. You are on a prision planet that is design to keep you busy while the universe goes on with out you. The Creator has given you many ways out and it is up to you and only you to reconize it and grab the rope. It doesn't happen over night. It is a journey and alot of work. You must do it for yourself.
L Ron Hubbard was an Arcturian... He was not from here just like me. He came here with me.

This doesn't mean that I am a scientologist.

With all the information out there that seems wacko to you, do you give credit to any of it?
Not similar at all. You have been manipulated and untill you know it you never will get out. Don't let your ego get you in the way.

Find yourself, Find The Creator.

Lie to yourself, find nothing.

It is quite simple.

You have to do it yourself. My duty is to tell people to look the right direction. My story is different then yours and my duty is different then yours. You have to find yours so you can free yourself.
hey who knows could well be is a reasonable assumption..that there is plan and purpose to our existence..and may very well of come to this little blue planet from the "heavens" personally I don't know..I just know we need to love and try and expose evil to the light
You know what happens to your dead family members when they die?
Most of them stay with thier bodies in the grave and do nothing. They do not know what to do. Some wander aimlessly other go to the light and get put to sleep. A few will know how to find the creator. Their is no secret, it is just you are not taught what to do.

Then again if you believe that all you do is die and that's it and there is no reincarnation or God, you don't know what to do. You will be the one that never gets out. You will be reborn back into this prison. We must break the prision so we can not come back to it. We come back to what we want. A paradise a heavenly kingdom.

Now you can consider yourself in hell, it is a lot different then the Bible explains but you still are not free. You are given tools to use and free willl, it is up to us what we do with those tools. The tools are technology and information, we kill ourselves with technology and we disregard information that isn't produced by a scholar from Harvard, Yale what ever you consider the greatest.

Start thinking about life different and what we are doing here, does any of it actually make sense to you?

As I have said before the institutions that are here now are only to keep you here, we must make our own, our own way. Do not accept it because it is easy.
AN UPDATE: Well, after some time and much studying I have finished all the requirements to get the full Worshipful Master's ticket that my Grand Lodge requires to be elected to the East or any Grand Lodge office.

Also, Thursday night my York Rite petition was accepted and I will receive the degrees in November.

You know what happens to your dead family members when they die?
Most of them stay with thier bodies in the grave and do nothing. They do not know what to do. Some wander aimlessly other go to the light and get put to sleep. A few will know how to find the creator. Their is no secret, it is just you are not taught what to do.
So you're telling us not to go to the light?
Congrats at reaching yoru requirements. May you learn many secrets. One day you will tell them.

The whole light thing is a lie, you do not want to go there. They have slipped it in, in TV shows, Movies, Books as instruction on what to do after you pass. That is only part of the programming so they can keep you in the box cycle.

That is a secret that almost no one knows not even your secrets know it. It's not a secret anymore. See how we can share the secrets that help people out. We can make this world real and take away the illusions on what and who we are.

Have some compassion for your kind. You want survival as a whole and world that is compitent, you must not opress. Free flow works. Try it out.
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Congrats at reaching yoru requirements. May you learn many secrets. One day you will tell them.

The whole light thing is a lie, you do not want to go there. They have slipped it in, in TV shows, Movies, Books as instruction on what to do after you pass. That is only part of the programming so they can keep you in the box cycle.

There is a secret that almost no one knows not even your secrets know it. It's not a secret anymore. See how we can share the secrets that help people out. We can make this world real and take away the illusions on what and who we are.

Have some compassion for your kind. You want survival as a whole and world that is compitent, you must not opress. Free flow works. Try it out.

So what's the secret?

Is it an ancient Chinese secret?
So what's the secret?

Is it an ancient Chinese secret?

So what's the secret?

Is it an ancient Chinese secret?
Homer Simpson: Okay, epiphany, epiphany... oh I know! Bananas are an excellent source of potassium!
[gets slapped]
Homer Simpson: Ow! Uh, America will never embrace soccer.
[gets slapped]
Homer Simpson: More than two shakes and it's playing with yourself?
So everyone that thinks I am BS what are you going to do when you are waiting to get on a train to go to an encampment or to be killed? You know that switch to digital thing that they are making everyone get is so they have total control over the airwaves. They can easily just turn them off, blow something up near you, or turn on HAARP, Spray some chemtrails,spread some dirty suitcase around, the new thing that they like are those big street sweepers, Cuase an epidemic and isolate and quarantine everyone, give you a hot vaccine, turn the air waves back on for you to see a 'terrorist' attack and some epidemic where people are just dying and you have no idea what is going on, you just might be the next laid out.

So ouch. I pray for you to wake up. There is a lot of power in prayer.
So everyone that thinks I am BS what are you going to do when you are waiting to get on a train to go to an encampment or to be killed? You know that switch to digital thing that they are making everyone get is so they have total control over the airwaves. They can easily just turn them off, blow something up near you, or turn on HAARP, Spray some chemtrails,spread some dirty suitcase around, the new thing that they like are those big street sweepers, Cuase an epidemic and isolate and quarantine everyone, give you a hot vaccine, turn the air waves back on for you to see a 'terrorist' attack and some epidemic where people are just dying and you have no idea what is going on, you just might be the next laid out.

So ouch. I pray for you to wake up. There is a lot of power in prayer.

If that's what I have to look forward to, I'd rather be dead anyway.

I'm not worried about my afterlife, God's got that covered for me.
If that's what I have to look forward to, I'd rather be dead anyway.

I'm not worried about my afterlife, God's got that covered for me.

So you think. You have to focus on this life. Your lesson is now, you are being tested. Love, compassion and power. That is you. Keep that in the front of your thoughts when you do daily duties. See if those are reflected in your actions and work.

I can right now that establishing your personal authority and power is what you need to work on. You need to find yourself. I just got that out of your statement you just made.
Clean streets are bad. :eusa_naughty: We need to copy Europe during the height of the Black Plague and throw our garbage into the street. :woohoo:

You know nothing about the black plague. You know the history book verson.

The black plague was started by sugar getting people hooked on sugar. The intake of sugar was so high then and people have had none to little sugar at the time. The sugar intoxicated the bodies and caused them to get sick and basically a big diabetic shock around the region.

Sugar is known as black death, it makes your organs coat with a black residue and clogs them causing them to work harder and basically sufficate.

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