Secret Societies - Hows, Whos and when's and how to get me banned.

let me toss this in...

religion with lowest retention rate...j.w's. sex, no drugs, no rock and roll, and worst of all? No coffee.

religion with the highest retention rate...satanist...

Let's face it, Lucifer has a J.D. that just won't quit.

It's the fine print in his contracts that does it.

Nobody reads it until it's too late.
hisses: i dont drink beer lol....i work in a beer store....i do like liquor....just like i like my men....hard, clear and straight.

hey who knew metro was the new word for gay? i should have know when he knew the difference in willow green and seafoam.

totally over it....why do you not believe me...moved on blah blah blah....

I totally believe you . . . I'm divorced twice, so I know that eventually you get over it and move on. I was just teasing. I'd rather a vodka and tonic over a beer anytime. Or a cosmopolitan!! Glad you're over it but I can totally relate. There are times when I wish my daughters' dad had been run over by a bus, but that's history.
I can play this game what does 3 5 7 mean to me? I don't know, or maybe I do? Does this mean I can play?

Well I have pretty much decided to not reveal anymore information yet. It was important that I did.

The secret you will learn if you make it to the top.
There is no God, You are all alone, We are the same family that has been ruling the world for 2300 years and we made religions to gain control. When you die your dead.

Some secret....

You take all your time to get to the top and they tell you this. Then you have to pretend that you believe in God to the outsiders so they will continue to be in the control system.

Doesn't make any sense. Why?

It is funny though that they have lied to everyone and they think they have a secret. No one is willing to tell the secret except for me so this is how they keep their control and power and no one knows what is going on. YOur secret is a lie. I have outlined the real secret for you.

Next time you see me look into my eyes you can tell I am one of them, really you guys read this and don't know what it means.

So Masons, others what ever you want to call yourself.

If you know something, you must tell. It is the only way that you can have safety.

Oh, you have the same money for secrets system that sceintologist and the mormons have. Its a network and you aget in and afraid to be cut out because you lose everything. Maybe an accident.

Seems risky.

Tell your secrets when you see the world start to turn for the worst. Save yourself.
I can play this game what does 3 5 7 mean to me? I don't know, or maybe I do? Does this mean I can play?
The balls in your court dude.

There is no God, You are all alone, We are the same family that has been ruling the world for 2300 years and we made religions to gain control. When you die your dead.

Some secret....
That's not the secret. :clap2:

You take all your time to get to the top and they tell you this. Then you have to pretend that you believe in God to the outsiders so they will continue to be in the control system.

Doesn't make any sense. Why?
Because it's not true.

If you know something, you must tell.
See that's what I love about free will?

It is the only way that you can have safety.
Are you threatening me?

Tell your secrets when you see the world start to turn for the worst. Save yourself.
I don't compromise my integrity.
I threaten no one. It was just statement to let you know that if there is a secret and you die then who knows it? Who knows who might of made this accident happen? Playing a dangerous game of secrets and if they feel you have comprimised their integrity then you are no longer useful.

The universe is to big to keep a secret of slavery. Your secrets make this a prison planet. You would think that humanity would want to share knowledge and live peaceful and free so we can join the ranks of a real civilization in the universe and be commanding species that is useful for something.

Instead we rather be greedy, fight between ourselves and not help our civilization grow to a commanding force.

Your secrets again are the cause of failure on this planet, trying to make a society that only listens to authority so that you people who want to be elite but can only be by lies and decite.

It will not happen. It will only make it worst for you in the end.
I can play this game what does 3 5 7 mean to me? I don't know, or maybe I do? Does this mean I can play?

Well I have pretty much decided to not reveal anymore information yet. It was important that I did.

The secret you will learn if you make it to the top.
There is no God, You are all alone, We are the same family that has been ruling the world for 2300 years and we made religions to gain control. When you die your dead.

Some secret....

You take all your time to get to the top and they tell you this. Then you have to pretend that you believe in God to the outsiders so they will continue to be in the control system.

Doesn't make any sense. Why?

It is funny though that they have lied to everyone and they think they have a secret. No one is willing to tell the secret except for me so this is how they keep their control and power and no one knows what is going on. YOur secret is a lie. I have outlined the real secret for you.

Next time you see me look into my eyes you can tell I am one of them, really you guys read this and don't know what it means.

So Masons, others what ever you want to call yourself.

If you know something, you must tell. It is the only way that you can have safety.

Oh, you have the same money for secrets system that sceintologist and the mormons have. Its a network and you aget in and afraid to be cut out because you lose everything. Maybe an accident.

Seems risky.

Tell your secrets when you see the world start to turn for the worst. Save yourself.

:eek: damn----An alien just gave your ass the third degree---you got a lawyer present ? :lol:
I got one for you....

Funahe pele teni. Naetadohuskach nappo gara poha wanu hofl itito zenas roh lanifa rese jodebye pso ueeg du. Aeza veni se soomno mote haggy we uontirustaobi. Ronanuo byae toteo korela witef iute lee zhi pse bie jelo wene hereskoitapi turra teni. Quiflehoi nowh aelephy nao. Socleth uesie lezhe ywll jyeta ooraciso wiet.
I got one for you....

Funahe pele teni. Naetadohuskach nappo gara poha wanu hofl itito zenas roh lanifa rese jodebye pso ueeg du. Aeza veni se soomno mote haggy we uontirustaobi. Ronanuo byae toteo korela witef iute lee zhi pse bie jelo wene hereskoitapi turra teni. Quiflehoi nowh aelephy nao. Socleth uesie lezhe ywll jyeta ooraciso wiet.

Beo way o. Beo way o. Hohm vah ray. Beo way rah. Jaroom, Brunnen G.
So you know the story also?

Not many people speak the unspeakable. Not many know the right translate or definition.
I threaten no one. It was just statement to let you know that if there is a secret and you die then who knows it? Who knows who might of made this accident happen? Playing a dangerous game of secrets and if they feel you have comprimised their integrity then you are no longer useful.
I'd rather forfeit my life than my integrity. Being morally right is one thing I'll never waiver on.
I'd rather forfeit my life than my integrity. Being morally right is one thing I'll never waiver on.

Depends on what you call morals? Keeping the secrets for your Brothers is that the moral you speak on?

Does that save you so in your next life you don't have to learn a lesson or does it make your connection with God greater?

Sharing your knowledge with the Macrobes doesn't sound like fun.


I like arranging numbers also. So you can see your craft is the slow way and I know plenty about it enough to know that what I know your people want.

YOur allegience is to your occult brothers and not to God Children, your family and God. You die behind morality and in hopes that you do not have to answer to YHWH. You think that you will not be held accountable for your actions. That's what you get for thinking you are something you are not and aligning yourself with the wrong crowd.

It is not to late for you to change your mind. You can give it a few years but there is a deadline.
Depends on what you call morals? Keeping the secrets for your Brothers is that the moral you speak on?
Trustworthiness? Yes, I'd call that moral. What's so bad about keeping secrets? We hide nothing from the Almighty God.

Deuteronomy 29:29 - The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.
He knows all we do and our secrets, just because he hasn't kept you in on it doesn't mean you can try and extort them from me.

Sharing your knowledge with the Macrobes doesn't sound like fun.


I like arranging numbers also. So you can see your craft is the slow way and I know plenty about it enough to know that what I know your people want.
I don't get the arrangment of the numbers. You know enough to know what you know? How does that work? Maybe you should have spent a little bit more time in English class.

Your allegience is to your occult brothers and not to God Children, your family and God.
You know nothing of my allegiance. Like I told you before, my business is with God, not some mouth piece.

You die behind morality and in hopes that you do not have to answer to YHWH. You think that you will not be held accountable for your actions. That's what you get for thinking you are something you are not and aligning yourself with the wrong crowd.
I don't hope to not answer to God? I hope that I will be counted among his faithful and taken into His kingdom forever. I hope I am accountable for my actions. True men take the consequences of their actions - that's called responsibility. And yet, my heart has never felt so much bitterness or discontent from that "wrong crowd". I have walked among many and seen them and been dismayed, but I do not feel hate or lies when among my Brother Masons. At least they opened themselves to me when I joined, you speak of secrets being a bad thing, but you show no proof/evidence.
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What you know about this?

The Dark Nobility is a faction which operates on their own, they have different roots which have been described in texts written by my ancestors.

It is a much smaller group than most would claim, because the core is different to the "outer walls".

They are the ones which you all confuse with my kind and therefor direct the hate towards the wrong ones (as shown in this thread too by the lesser intelligent).
About the AntiChrist....

there are at this moment literally billions of AntiChrists.
I am not one.
You will find them among Christians, Muslims, Jews, Atheists, Satanists, Agnostics, Buddhists, Hindus, etc.
They don´t need a leader to be more AntiChrist.

I have to make clear that The Christ has nothing to do with Jesus of Nazareth, that part was later fabricated.
What you know about this?

The Dark Nobility is a faction which operates on their own, they have different roots which have been described in texts written by my ancestors.

It is a much smaller group than most would claim, because the core is different to the "outer walls".

They are the ones which you all confuse with my kind and therefor direct the hate towards the wrong ones (as shown in this thread too by the lesser intelligent).
About the AntiChrist....

there are at this moment literally billions of AntiChrists.
I am not one.
You will find them among Christians, Muslims, Jews, Atheists, Satanists, Agnostics, Buddhists, Hindus, etc.
They don´t need a leader to be more AntiChrist.

I have to make clear that The Christ has nothing to do with Jesus of Nazareth, that part was later fabricated.

Thanks for the update, Zoron !
tell ya need an anti ex is want to torture or do him in....i will give you the all he was (i guess still is) one of these wanton men....keeper of secrets...etc...

look buddy i dont know who you are...and at this point dont care...but your ramblings are just that...ramblings....

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