Secret Societies - Hows, Whos and when's and how to get me banned.

but if you ever get to philly go to the masonic building there. they have public tours. it will knock your socks off with the intense beauty and craftsman ship.
Slander: words falsely spoken that damage the reputation of another

I am not falsely speaking words, I am only teaching what I know. I can know things that you do not. That doesn't mean it is wrong, it means you do not know.
Except you're telling me things about Freemasons that you do not know about, but I do. Thus slander.

So can you tell me that you do not know, that you know only what you know, and that is all you know? The answer is yes.
So now you're answering your own questions?

Until you show me something else that aligns with your story and what you claim your organization does all the way to the top, then you will never have any place to say what I say is wrong.
But I can't tell you my secrets. That would be breaking my Oath. You would have me jeopardize my integrity for some self righteous ideas you have?

I did not judge you, I just pointed out that a person of God doesn't use humanistic idea's as Godly idea's. That just doesn't happen.
But the Masons don't teach humanistic ideas as Godly ones.

The groups that you work with are not good and have never been.
Their actions speak otherwise.

now those shriners are a wild bunch...partying with them
I do love going to the Shrine to have some drinks

but if you ever get to philly go to the masonic building there. they have public tours. it will knock your socks off with the intense beauty and craftsman ship.
I will eventually make it over the East coast and I'm going to tour the famous spots and see the sites. I love history.
someone really has a twisted view of the history of freemasons. you must ask to join they do not conceptions of freemasons is totally wrong.... there objective is very simple....

to take a good man and make him better..
low level poarch mason.....
Excuse me!?

someone really has a twisted view of the history of freemasons. you must ask to join they do not conceptions of freemasons is totally wrong.... there objective is very simple....

to take a good man and make him better..
I wish he'd digest it, but you've seen his posts haven't you?

Are we speaking in the Biblical sense?
Well, he thinks he's an Angel...who knows what he's speaking in.
No I am no Angel, I am a spiritual being. I am in a Human Body. Just like you.

The difference is I know what I am, where I was created and I know how I got here.

I know who I am.

Before you know what you can do you must know who you are.

I know how to listen to God and his Guidance.

I know the concepts and how of vodoo and witch craft / Trust me the Black Magic guys do not know what they are doing. They do not know what they are dealing with our how to use their own power only, others. They are weak.

I know how to send demons home and how to tell when I meet one in a human body.

I can see the spiritual realm.

I am telepathic, I can use telekinese.

I know how to use metaphysical technology.

I am far more advanced then almost everyone on this planet besides a very low low digit number or as you aethiest would call it "evolved".

So if any of you think that they know something, what do you really know?

2+2= 4 or maybe The Capital of New York? Wait you know that Dinosaurs existed Millions or Billions of years ago.... Oh wait no they didn't. That was a lie. You know who created philospophy and about some mongolians and Christopher Columbus.

I know real knowledge. I know how to do things. You guys are just being baited to learn crap to distract you from yourselfs and from what is really going on.

At this rate, there are only going to be a handful of us with God protection when the terror strikes, the rest will not. This is not my Judgement but it is his.

You have to decide what side you are on. You do not need to learn what I know you just need to make the decision to keep your side with the people and evil on this planet or you need to go with the people and God on this planet.

United world is going to happen 1 or 2 ways. We can all agree or they will take it. Right now they are taking it. They are taking it because we rather argue with me about information because you are only enforcing the puddle of mud that they put you in. You are accepting them. It is your choice. God or Satan. 4 years.
No I am no Angel, I am a spiritual being. I am in a Human Body. Just like you.

The difference is I know what I am, where I was created and I know how I got here.

I know who I am.

Before you know what you can do you must know who you are.

I know how to listen to God and his Guidance.

I know the concepts and how of vodoo and witch craft / Trust me the Black Magic guys do not know what they are doing. They do not know what they are dealing with our how to use their own power only, others. They are weak.

I know how to send demons home and how to tell when I meet one in a human body.

I can see the spiritual realm.

I am telepathic, I can use telekinese.

I know how to use metaphysical technology.

I am far more advanced then almost everyone on this planet besides a very low low digit number or as you aethiest would call it "evolved".

So if any of you think that they know something, what do you really know?

2+2= 4 or maybe The Capital of New York? Wait you know that Dinosaurs existed Millions or Billions of years ago.... Oh wait no they didn't. That was a lie. You know who created philospophy and about some mongolians and Christopher Columbus.

I know real knowledge. I know how to do things. You guys are just being baited to learn crap to distract you from yourselfs and from what is really going on.

At this rate, there are only going to be a handful of us with God protection when the terror strikes, the rest will not. This is not my Judgement but it is his.

You have to decide what side you are on. You do not need to learn what I know you just need to make the decision to keep your side with the people and evil on this planet or you need to go with the people and God on this planet.

United world is going to happen 1 or 2 ways. We can all agree or they will take it. Right now they are taking it. They are taking it because we rather argue with me about information because you are only enforcing the puddle of mud that they put you in. You are accepting them. It is your choice. God or Satan. 4 years.

So is this all about the 2012 Mayan Calendar thing Unknown?

No I am no Angel, I am a spiritual being. I am in a Human Body. Just like you.
Really, cause you said otherwise in a previous post:

I am a spiritual being, I have super natural powers I am in a human body... Do you think that one of God greatest Angels would be any less or have no power?
You refer to yourself as a great Angel.

I am telepathic, I can use telekinese.
Then tell me what I am thinking. Give a time - I have a photographic memory.
No I was talking about Lucifer as that Angel. Not I.

This is about God and his creations. The 2012 that you refer to has some information but it does not offer anything but tells you of a disaster and nothing you can do about it.

The people with the 2012 prophecy were in contact with the aliens and demons. They were told of such things to tell you and to confuse you, just like you are now. It was to give credibility that they are ancients and knew about this all along. It has little regard or bearing to what I am talking about exactly. It is only a small piece.

Draw the lines and make the picture.
I know the history of the last 17,000 years. It is different then in the school books.

Dive - professional help only locks you in and keeps you from what you really are. The reason that they are there is so that when a person can say that people that remember themselves, lifetimes, who they were and maybe see angels or talk with God that they can call it a disorder and give htem medication to supress it. They do not want you to know that you are immortal and have had multiple lives.

They want you to be afraid of death.

You have been lied to all along.

It takes God away from you. It makes you less powerful then you are.

Ladies and Gentleman we are on a prison planet, where spirits get dumped to stay. You are not from here. The more you deny it the more you lie to yourself and the more that evil wins.

There are more spirits on this planet then there are grains of sand on the beach. That is alot of dead people out there.

They have killed and dumped so many people on this planet and brained washed them to believe that there is no God and you are just here all by yourself and this is the way life is.

It is all a lie that they have created. We are living in a Targ world and our enemies are cloaked in human skin and in ships above the earth monitoring the progression of the system that they have made.

They are waiting for the citizens to be docile enough and further in the brain washing that they will be slaves that do not talk back and do what they say.

Right now we are just slaves that think we are free. We are the perfect slaves. GG
No I was talking about Lucifer as that Angel. Not I.
Then you should have worded it better? Plus, you are saying he's a great Angel? That sounds like you are honoring him?

I know the history of the last 17,000 years. It is different then in the school books.
And apparently the Biblical time-line of the Earth

They want you to be afraid of death.
I'm not afraid of Death. I plan on embracing him as a friend that I have not seen in a long time.

Again. I am no slave. I know there is a God and I have not been brainwashed.
Simple method for brain washing.


Did you partake in any of those? Do you get any of your knowledge are world views from them?
People can asnwer honestly but they will not. We all know they have.
So everyone brain washed yes.
Simple method for brain washing.


Did you partake in any of those? Do you get any of your knowledge are world views from them?
People can asnwer honestly but they will not. We all know they have.
So everyone brain washed yes.
I hardly watch TV, if I do it is documentaries. I went to school, but never did homework and barely scraped by. In college, I get A's, but usually piss off the professor in the process since I don't go along with their views. Books is where I get most of my information. Multiple ones with different views.

You still didn't answer my question: Are you honoring Lucifer?

Also, you should have known the answer if you were telekinetic? You should have been able to read my mind.
I hardly watch TV, if I do it is documentaries. I went to school, but never did homework and barely scraped by. In college, I get A's, but usually piss off the professor in the process since I don't go along with their views. Books is where I get most of my information. Multiple ones with different views.

You still didn't answer my question: Are you honoring Lucifer?

Also, you should have known the answer if you were telekinetic? You should have been able to read my mind.
you are thinking of telepathic, telekinetic is the ability to move things with your mind

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