Secret Societies - Hows, Whos and when's and how to get me banned.

Of course there are conspiracies! There are six billion people on this planet.

Everytime two or more people make a plan that somebody somewhere doesn't like - it's a conspiracy! You fools!

Right now, at this very moment, I estimate there are at least six billion conspiracies taking place.

Catholic conspiring with Jews to go to the beach when their wife would rather stay at home and do the gardening!

Free Masons conspiring to get drunk and have a good time: without their wives approval!

Thousands of people right now are in St. Paul, Minnesota conspiring to take over the presidency of the United States!

In a fact that EVERY President of the United States was a member of EITHER the Democratic, Republican or some equally evil party!

I know this because they planted a device in my living room that sents light rays into my eyes and makes me see their evil plot as though it were right in front of me!

I know this because they planted a device in my living room that sents light rays into my eyes and makes me see their evil plot as though it were right in front of me!

I used to have one of those. Wouldn't you know, it broke the day after the warrenty ran out. :mad:
"my people perish for a lack of knolledge"

that seems to fit here
And yet, I am not without knowledge.


2:10 - When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul;

2:11 - Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee:

2:12 - To deliver thee from the way of the evil man, from the man that speaketh devious things;
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I wasn't joking. So let's keep it serious in here. If I am speaking on things you rather not know about then don't read them.

I am giving you another perspective. That is it. It is up to you to decide. If you are looking to debate I will give more information to answer your debate but not trying to convience you of anything. It is your choice on what to believe and up to you to make the decision.

KSig - I doubt it did, it was you using the knowledge that you learned while being alive on this planet and used that knowledge to come up with an answer that was rational to you with what you know. Its not to late to change yourside. You are oppressiing by opressing information and not treating other as equals. This is how I know that you have no relationship with God and just said what you said.

As I did say before if you try to rationalize with the information that you have learned on this earth by schools, books and various people then you will never see where I am comming from. All those schools books and various people know what is taught on this planet and what I am speaking about is not. That is the mainstream you are learning, it is the current of information, it places you on the same page with everyone else so that they will know what everyone knows.

As a Mason you do know that your organization does direct some flow of information and people. You know that your organization has set up free trade and various governments. You do know alot about that. This is your secret. The highest is what
32nd degree? Which I really doubt is the highest just the supposed highest. You get a few secrets for each level you get up. This is how they keep you going. The secrets are your power and they get you in the system and keep you comming back and want to search out the secrets. It is all to keep the brotherhood going so that they have a scapegoat when the sh!t starts going bad they can throw you under the bus.

The Gnostic Mason are Jesuits, the Free Mason's are 2nd generation and do not know what the originals know. In the late BC's are when the Gnostics were infiltrating the Jews and destroying God's people. Jesus interferred. Then they game plan had to change up. The Jesuits then created Catholics then took up and made a rewritten Christianity to keep the flow of information and control theirs. The Jesuits then created the religon of islam.

Illuminati is the FBI of the organization that keeps corruption out and make sure that all organizations are doing what they are suppost to.
Knights Templar - Was created to gather all the Gold in the Middle East, Africa, and Europe during the crusades. That way a money system and currency can be used as a control.
Free Mason - Was created to infitrate all the broken down and defeated territory to become the lords and kings of those lands. They were the ones that laid the veins and road work and waited instruction on which way to run the land around them.

Under the Freemasons are other secret societies called the Order of the Quest and the Knights Templar. To become an initiate of the Illuminati, members take an oath to pledge allegiance only to the New One World Order and to negate any allegiance to any government, king or constitution.

The names of other secret societies under the Jesuits and Freemasons are the original Masons, Russell Trust, the Rosicrucians, the Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, the Qabbalah, Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Bilderberg Group, the Brotherhood of the Dragon, Ancient and Mystical Order of Rosae Crucis, the Nazi Party, the Communist Party, The Group, the DeMolay Society (branch of Freemasons), Opus Dei (organization within the Roman Catholic Church located in New York City), and the Roshaniya.

All of these secret societies have secret information and practice degrees of initiation, which determine how much information each initiate is allowed to have. These organizations are really one society with one purpose. The Roman Catholic’s international banks will fund the new one-world order machine. Large global corporations will dash all competition and large conglomerate companies will be formed to squeeze out smaller companies.

They have split up the entire Earth into 10 sectors which will be run by regional heads of the New One-World Order under the world order Council - which is under the Pope. These regional heads will direct the world government.

All of these organizations are geared to confuse and obfuscate their true source, which is the Roman Catholic Church and the Jesuits and the Freemasons or Illuminati - which has organizations within organizations. Today the Illuminati, is a high degree of Freemasonry within the Knights Templar Order and they are a branch of the Order of the Quest.

So after your a master mason maybe you might be able to get up to the next level. Then you will get more SECRETS!!! yes!!!
Hey Unknown-what do you know about Rockefeller and his part in all this?

How about the pyramid on the dollar bill?

Fluoride in our water?

Flouride in the water to make people docile and to decay bones. The chemical also clouds the brain and damages it.

Chemtrails to introduce new bacteria and virus into the system. ex the common cold that wouldnt go away late last year and early this year until the trails stopped.

They also do a suitcase operation that they leave in mass transit places that leaks out a chemical, desease or bacteria.

I am not really worried about the dollar bill thing, it really does nothing important, all it does is show who made it.
The thing is, the main secret society that is exposed the most is the one to take the fall once the rabbit hole gets dug into with a tractor. They will take the fall so they can say that they have got the people responsible. Mean while the campaign for the NWO continues on. They will reveal some kind of story that shows they have caught people that have been influencing society for a long time and corrupted governments. They will blame those people and take them to jail. They will use this to allow the NWO to be a necessity and seem like a good idea now that the corruption is out of the system.

EZ watch your Pres and VP in you avatar give this speech in the future.
This is how I know that you have no relationship with God and just said what you said.
How dare you try to presume what is in my heart or head. Nor do you know my relationship with God. You have no authority to say it.

The highest is what 32nd degree? Which I really doubt is the highest just the supposed highest.
And you would be wrong. The highest is the 33rd, but that is invite only. You can also get some honorific titles such as "Knight Commander of the Court of Honour".

The Gnostic Mason are Jesuits, the Free Mason's are 2nd generation and do not know what the originals know. In the late BC's are when the Gnostics were infiltrating the Jews and destroying God's people. Jesus interferred.
O Flawed One, you should really rethink before posting such nonsense.

Free Mason - Was created to infitrate all the broken down and defeated territory to become the lords and kings of those lands. They were the ones that laid the veins and road work and waited instruction on which way to run the land around them.
It's not "Free Mason" it's "Freemason". If you are going to slander us at least have the respect to spell our name correctly.

Under the Freemasons are other secret societies called the Order of the Quest and the Knights Templar. To become an initiate of the Illuminati, members take an oath to pledge allegiance only to the New One World Order and to negate any allegiance to any government, king or constitution.
Well, I can't say for the Illuminati since it's a separate organization. Nor is there a Order of the Quest in any accordant body of the Freemasons. FACT. You can look up each degree of the various branches. I can say that the oaths of the Freemason encourage good citizenship. Plus the oaths of the Freemasons do not interfere with any duty God, country, or family. It's applies to only Freemasonry.

The names of other secret societies under the Jesuits and Freemasons are the original Masons, Russell Trust, the Rosicrucians, the Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, the Qabbalah, Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Bilderberg Group, the Brotherhood of the Dragon, Ancient and Mystical Order of Rosae Crucis, the Nazi Party, the Communist Party, The Group, the DeMolay Society (branch of Freemasons), Opus Dei (organization within the Roman Catholic Church located in New York City), and the Roshaniya.
Completely wrong and fabricated. Baseless lies from a madman.

Today the Illuminati, is a high degree of Freemasonry within the Knights Templar Order and they are a branch of the Order of the Quest.
The Illuminati is not in the Chivalric Order; it consists of 3-degrees: Order of the Red Cross, Order of Malta, and Knight Templar.

So after your a master mason maybe you might be able to get up to the next level. Then you will get more SECRETS!!! yes!!!
I'm already a Master Mason and I'm delving into the York Rite.
O False Prophet, why do you make yourself out to be a follower of the Father? You mock his image and delight in its villainy. Crawl away fowl creature!
K Sig, what i find so funny about all this is its the Freemasons that were the founding fathers of this country, yet they are supposed to be destroying what the founding fathers set up

thats one twisted conspiracy
K Sig, what i find so funny about all this is its the Freemasons that were the founding fathers of this country, yet they are supposed to be destroying what the founding fathers set up

thats one twisted conspiracy
In the false one's eyes what they did was wrong and all part of this original conspiracy that has been around for thousands of years.
In the false one's eyes what they did was wrong and all part of this original conspiracy that has been around for thousands of years.
yesh, risk your life to set up a grand country only to spend the next several hundred years to tear it apart

o big spooky secrets...but oddly enough there are web pages for the 32nd degree masons....i will be glad to answer any questions you have about their "secret" soc. are you traveling east? how old is your mother? what the 1st, 2nd and 3 rd degrees are.....all of this is known to me...i guess the free masons will have to kill me now....o yea and i know about shiners too...the public arm of the free masons....big conspiracy there to help burned kids and all.....there are little books that are given to new masons you think none of these books fall into the hands of the public? look on ebay....secret my ass...but the winnepeg shriners were a total bunch of asses a few years ago and got tossed from the shriners ...o wait i am telling all their little secrets....oopsie....they are so dangerous.
matter of fact look at the average of free masons....most are older men. the masons may end up drying up due to lack of interest by younger men. and lets not forget when a mason goes to another lodge the first thing he is ask for is...his due's card. lol.....
i will be glad to answer any questions you have about their "secret" soc. are you traveling east? how old is your mother? what the 1st, 2nd and 3 rd degrees are.....all of this is known to me.
All is vague to you. You really think those are the secrets? Hahahahaha

i guess the free masons will have to kill me now
Nah, we have bigger fish to fry. :D

big conspiracy there to help burned kids and all
Those horrible people. How dare they help the less fortunate.

there are little books that are given to new masons you think none of these books fall into the hands of the public?
I do believe all Masonic monitors are encoded.

matter of fact look at the average of free masons....most are older men. the masons may end up drying up due to lack of interest by younger men. and lets not forget when a mason goes to another lodge the first thing he is ask for is...his due's card. lol.....
Actually Masonry is going through another boom. It comes in waves.

Yeah, we have dues cards.
Slander: words falsely spoken that damage the reputation of another

I am not falsely speaking words, I am only teaching what I know. I can know things that you do not. That doesn't mean it is wrong, it means you do not know.

So can you tell me that you do not know, that you know only what you know, and that is all you know? The answer is yes.

Until you show me something else that aligns with your story and what you claim your organization does all the way to the top, then you will never have any place to say what I say is wrong.

What you guys are doing should be public information, you benefit noone without them knowing.

I did not judge you, I just pointed out that a person of God doesn't use humanistic idea's as Godly idea's. That just doesn't happen.

I am no prophet, I am a teacher. Anyone that has stumbled on my post have became that much more aware of what is going on. They should read it, so when in the comming years and the propaganda starts kicking off and that death star gets closer and closer, people will have the answers.

I ask you again FM, why do you divide the people and keep secrets from them, A person of God does not do this, we need to be united to finish the evil that is here. The groups that you work with are not good and have never been. You are being lied to and we all have little time to choose or side.

4 years. Everyone better decide by then, humanity to survive and live peaceful or population severly crippled and humanity is put into slavery.

Why is it so hard for people to get that?
This is serious business.
ksig....deep deeep sarcasm...all the info is public to anyone willing to do the research....hiram of this and that...hardly secrets....that being my point...the little books i have seen were not coded that i know of...and i have found most of the meetings to be rather humours....the one on ocracoke island where the time had been changed years ago but not on the secret so clandestine....and of course it is vague to me..being female i have never been to an actual meeting....

now those shriners are a wild bunch...partying with them....i will admit....doing the paper drive....i force one to cheek me with his fez on...for a donation....i get a wonderful cheek kiss...keep in mind i am a 55 yr old woman lol...when i was growing up they had "fish frys" and fund raisers.

the aprons....sorry....the aprons..that is all i can say lol

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