Secret Societies - Hows, Whos and when's and how to get me banned.

Nah, Sorry I am not done I just had somethings to take care of over the last few days.

So at the same time, I am the only one that needs to show some type of proof that what I am say is correct, but someone that is open about being in some sort of society with secrets doesn't need any...

I do not know how that makes sense at all, I guess the only thing to do is to copy all my journal's and books and post them online so everyone can read them? Then I am going have to give you all the names of people I have had contact with to back up where I got those books and some information that I have written out in my journals.

Not likely going to happen, why would I show my rabbit hole and risk all the people involved? I am working with a team and we are getting things done, giving up our sources to early will not benefit the world for freedom.


I am going direct this statement at everyone that is content with the freedom we have now....

Your defenition of freedom is poor, you are a slave that is tracked from the day you are born. You are not ment to be free and you are not ment to question authority, you are only suppost to do as told, then die. Your social security number is your first mark and the most essential for you to be tracked. They want to track you so they can find you at any given moment and know exactly what you are doing and have the records of what you have been doing.

Things that you register with your SSN:
ID / Driver's License / Passport
Marrage Certificate
Bank Account / Credit Cards
Tax ID
Business / Work

There are a ton of other things, but these are the most important pieces for them to track you with. Once they have you registered all these items to the number you are given at birth you have given them a complete list of everything you own and do. If they have something in question and need to find you, they have a whole data base of information to find you with. You can not hide.

So ask yourself, if you are free why did they give you a tag and make you register everything that you own, where you live, and what you do to them? They are truely afraid and want to be able to find someone at the click of a button.

Slave to society, that is you. I do not care if you have your feelings hurt about it.

The good news if you never get free this life time, if you are lucky enough to come back next life time you will see real freedom.


I have too much information and I feel bad for the people that are afraid to look at the big picture of what I am giving you. The same thing happens over and over of me being ridiculed and is only because of fear and what you have been programmed to do. You are programmed to stay in your bucket.

I did say programmed right?
Yes you are programmed after death...
Don't go to the light...
That programming puts you to sleep and allows for you to be taught and molded after you are born...

I'll leave that till someone ask about it, because if you can not see the pieces of the picture I have given you from before then you can not move on to another piece of the picture.


Why does there need to be secrets and only free flow between brothers? Why can other poeple not openly know about what you do and the information know?

So these great men you speak of, you take them from being sheeps and you turn them into shepards? To lead the sheep?

Life should be given to you on a silver platter, life should be easy and not hard. If everyone was on the same level and did not have the hardships this world gives you today then our advances will be greater and further then we are now. This planet keeps people distracted with the bare necessaties of life and makes people focus on surviving and keeping what they own. It is not designed for everyone to prosper and the one's that are in control already and a few select people that they choose.

Comparing our freedom to other nations is not good enough, are we just to settle because I can watch TV and play some sports? Should we just settle because our minimum wage is $2 more then a gallon of gas and just say well it could be worse? I have to settle and down grade my life? F*#@ that why do I have to make myself and why does the lower and middle class have to be hit the hardest in these times? This is not fair and this is why I am here, I am here from God for the people.


Can Lucifer be a Demon and an Alien at the same time? lets look at definitions...
Demon - an evil supernatural being
Alien - extraterrestrial being: a form of life assumed to exist outside the Earth or its atmosphere

I am a spiritual being, I have super natural powers I am in a human body... Do you think that one of God greatest Angels would be any less or have no power? When cast out of heaven do you think that as a spirit you just float around in nothing or do you become life, something physical?

So my story is straight, you are just caught in your box that you have been programmed into and you are only thinking what they have taught you.

In order for you to wake up, you must know who you are. Until you know who you are, you will never be free. You are asleep and trainable. I have been given the wake up call, and I am waking you up with making you think outside the box. The more information that you get from me the more you become aware.

I can not help you with your walk you must take to find who you are all I can do is give you the wake up call.


The technology of curing disease is only a front to make it look like new discoveries are being made. Yes, they have been around for thousands of years and they were designed.

Look at the picture again, an alien life form is here and it is controlling the planet. Who much clearer do I need to make that picture. All the things that you see wrong is because of them. They have agents that were born in human bodies that are the highest ranking in the secret societies and they are the ones puttting the propaganda to work and making the agenda's. They are recruiting humans that do not know better to do their dirty work and they do it because they feel powerful. KSIG is that you? You really do not know what goes on? Or you do, you just want to know what I know.

The wake up call is for everyone to get out of the box that they have put you in. They have closed your mind. They have trained you to think one way, isn't a little embarrasing at all? I know it is but you got to pick up your gear and do something about it.

So KSIG what is the secret, maybe you are not the one to know it? I do know it. I have just told everyone what the real secret is, maybe you should tell yours so we can decide what is the Truth.

KSIG - is your job to keep me distracted and to get more information from me?
Hey Unknown-I have a few questions for you:

A)So are you saying you DON'T have a SS#-because if you do then you are being tracked, just like us.

B) What is your obsession with the Mansons? Why should KSig or anyone that is a Mason tell you their secrets? Do you think they hold the mystery to life?

C) Is Aurora your "leader?" (the Earthquake girl, remember her? It never happened, did it? :eusa_whistle:)
I love Uknowme.

He's like me, if I were paranoid schizo. And I mean that in a nice way.

And who knows how much of what he comes up with is true? There's so much we really just aren't aware of in our little worlds.

I know I hate having a landline phone and prefer to live as far off the radar as I possibly can. Obviously, that isn't very far these days. So I sympathize with the little nut...
A. I have a SSN for now, it is the only way to operate.

B. I have no obsession with Mason's, Just one stepped out to play tennis with me. Why should we not know the secrets? We can everyone not be in the "in". Why do we have to be on the outside? Why do we let others make choices and decide the direction for us.

C. I do know Aurora, we are working togother. I do know that the earthquake didn't happen but that does not mean it won't.
HOORAY, you're back!!!!!!!!!! :D Now, answer my question.

Maybe I missed it, or forgot, if it's been asked before but, if all this is such a closely guarded secret, how is it they allow you to spout it to the world online?
Parnoid and schizo are not even close.

I call it awake and aware.

Others are asleep and confused.

Allie I know you do mean good and you always have good comments and arguements. I am taking it the next step and really putting it out there. I have to tell what I know. It is my duty to the people on this planet.

I can not feel bad, I can not feel wrong, I can not hold punches, I am not able to keep the secret, I am only able to tell the Truth. I will not stop because others opinions about me are low and hateful, once I am afraid of not being accepted I have given up I am no longer working for YHWH. I have given myself to man.

Jesus did not care what people said about him, he forgave till his death, he stood up against the empire for the good of mankind, he saved you all I can do is lead by example and follow his footsteps to freedom.

I am not comparing myself Yeshua or YHWH.
jla -

Maybe they are not looking, or enough people are denying it and considering it not true that they do not need to stop me from saying it?

Maybe they have put someone on the case KSig? Is he assigned to be here and counter my efforts?

Only time will tell...
So at the same time, I am the only one that needs to show some type of proof that what I am say is correct, but someone that is open about being in some sort of society with secrets doesn't need any...
I can only give you my first hand experience coupled with history.

I do not know how that makes sense at all, I guess the only thing to do is to copy all my journal's and books and post them online so everyone can read them? Then I am going have to give you all the names of people I have had contact with to back up where I got those books and some information that I have written out in my journals.

Not likely going to happen, why would I show my rabbit hole and risk all the people involved? I am working with a team and we are getting things done, giving up our sources to early will not benefit the world for freedom.
Then nothing you say can be taken seriously. You're trying to give us this waffle and expect us to swallow it without hesitation. Not likely.

Slave to society, that is you. I do not care if you have your feelings hurt about it.
I've never been a slave to anything. You sound like an anarchist with all this anti-government rhetoric.

I did say programmed right?
Yes you are programmed after death...
Don't go to the light...
That programming puts you to sleep and allows for you to be taught and molded after you are born...
So now we're talking about the Matrix here?

Why does there need to be secrets and only free flow between brothers? Why can other poeple not openly know about what you do and the information know?
Why can't you tell me your sources?

The secrets of this earth are not for all men to see, but only for those who will seek them...

So these great men you speak of, you take them from being sheeps and you turn them into shepards? To lead the sheep?
Why do you have to degrade us?

Life should be given to you on a silver platter, life should be easy and not hard.
You sound like the spoiled rich kids I grew up with.

If everyone was on the same level and did not have the hardships this world gives you today then our advances will be greater and further then we are now.
Man can only learn from his failings.

I am a spiritual being, I have super natural powers I am in a human body... Do you think that one of God greatest Angels would be any less or have no power?
You are no servant of God.

Yes, they have been around for thousands of years and they were designed.
So who designed them?

So KSIG what is the secret, maybe you are not the one to know it? I do know it. I have just told everyone what the real secret is, maybe you should tell yours so we can decide what is the Truth.
I know the secret and this isn't it. This is the ramblings of some mental state.
It's ok. I am only giving out information. It is up to anyone that reads this to decide.

The programming make's you go against the truth.

It is sort of like the matrix but not.

It is apparent that I have knowledge of things that you do not, that is why it is strange to you about what I am speaking on. It is out of the ordinary and this world that we live in now is designed for that.

It is that box that I keep telling you that you are in. There is a great technology out there that changes the views evolution, God and who you really are. If that information is spread freely and accepted around the world we would not be in this same place we are now. This is that box, you are not supporst to know. I am telling it. You have been taught to think one way and know nothing. All you know is what someone has taught you either, school, tv or a book.

I am working with God not as a servant but as a Son.

I have authority over myself and know who I am.

Quick question before I go in to more...
It's ok. I am only giving out information. It is up to anyone that reads this to decide.

The programming make's you go against the truth.

It is sort of like the matrix but not.

It is apparent that I have knowledge of things that you do not, that is why it is strange to you about what I am speaking on. It is out of the ordinary and this world that we live in now is designed for that.

It is that box that I keep telling you that you are in. There is a great technology out there that changes the views evolution, God and who you really are. If that information is spread freely and accepted around the world we would not be in this same place we are now. This is that box, you are not supporst to know. I am telling it. You have been taught to think one way and know nothing. All you know is what someone has taught you either, school, tv or a book.

I am working with God not as a servant but as a Son.

I have authority over myself and know who I am.

Quick question before I go in to more...
ah, so you took the red pill

Well, duh.

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
- Matthew 7:15

You'll give your words, I'll give mine, and let the people decide. Is that okay with you, Skoll...I mean Uknow_me72?
You have commited then that anything is possible with God. So why is it not possible that I am here telling what he has said? He has lead us from Pharoh and slavery. He is going to do it again.

I am not a prophet I am a child of God that is awake to the light.

What if all the information that I am giving about Lucifer, about the aliens being here and controlling the planet. The designed desease, the demons in human form who are the elite controlling the planet.

Is it possible that it is true and that all the information that I am giving has came from him?
DiveCon -
I have taken no pill. It is not like the matrix the way your thinking.

The programming is done when you are a disembodied spirit being. Here they tell you to go to the light when you die. You do not want to go to that light. That light is the programming station. When you are dead, if you do not have your relationship with God you do not know what to do. So here they tell you to go to the light and you think that is the right thing to do. There they put you asleep(not literally sleeping) but minimize your energy by torcher tactics. When it is your turn to be reborn you have all of that horror that they have done to you in your memory and basically blank out the past because of the trama. Then you are a baby with someone that cares for you and giving you attention which, you are happy to nuture that idea because of all the horrendous things that just happened to you at the processing station and just want to leave that behind.

So now you are a blank pallet with a past that you forced yourself not to remember.
DiveCon -
I have taken no pill. It is not like the matrix the way your thinking.

The programming is done when you are a disembodied spirit being. Here they tell you to go to the light when you die. You do not want to go to that light. That light is the programming station. When you are dead, if you do not have your relationship with God you do not know what to do. So here they tell you to go to the light and you think that is the right thing to do. There they put you asleep(not literally sleeping) but minimize your energy by torcher tactics. When it is your turn to be reborn you have all of that horror that they have done to you in your memory and basically blank out the past because of the trama. Then you are a baby with someone that cares for you and giving you attention which, you are happy to nuture that idea because of all the horrendous things that just happened to you at the processing station and just want to leave that behind.

So now you are a blank pallet with a past that you forced yourself not to remember.
dude, it was a JOKE

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