Secret Societies - Hows, Whos and when's and how to get me banned.

I was one of you until I found out the real Truth. Then I died. Now I am back.
So you were a Freemason?

No, I have someone that I have received books and information from. I can not and will not tell.
So then I cannot and will not believe any statement you have said. You can't even tell us the name of the books.

I am God's warrior. The only reason I would step out and risk my personal health is for the right reasons with guidance from God.

then you will be doomed and will not be part of the Heavenly Kingdom.
That is between me, Jesus Christ, and our everliving God.

The responsibilitiy is ours/yours and that is the only way it is, so ask God why he let's starving people in Africa be infested with desease, he will tell you. why do you let them starve and be desease infested?
And the Freemasons along with it's concordant body are one of the most charitable organizations the world has ever seen.

My point in all this is to bring the responisbility to the people of this world and give them there authority back.
And yet the Freemasons have taken nothing, but contributed much to the world.

Enough is enough, how many times are you going to let them walk all over you and have it be fine? Is it going to take them rolling down your streets with tanks and guns rounding you up and putting you in concentration camps? It has happen before on this planet and they want to do it again, this time there will be no way out and you can not possible think about fighting them then, you have to do it now. You let them come and round up you and your family, try and stop them and you will be beaten and probably killed then.
And yet the Freemasons have never been a part of those fascists events. In fact, where Freemasons roam, freedom resides.

Did anyone see the increase in gun advertisement in the past 8 months?

You think they are encouraging more guns on the street for the chance that when they are ready to round us up a few people will fight back with the guns and they will then say it was necessity to take out the vigilante's?
Yeah, this has nothing to do with an anti-gun democrat running for President. [rolls eyes]

You want the real answers from science, not the ones that they give you, it is the NWO's propaganda to make you believe them and give them credibility because they can explain how somethings work. They are your God and you worship authority.
Speaking in regards to Freemasonry (still), this statement shows you know nothing of the Craft.

God is the reason you are here, every single invention in the universe was made out of the materials that God made. God has all the science and when you leave out his influence in the way things work you are not getting the entire science you are really only getting the outline.
I'll give you that.

Freemasons do not leave God out of the equation.
Plus Jesus says in Revelations that he is the "bright". Morning star (VENUS) was called Lucifer in Roman astronomy.

"I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star." - Revelations 22:16

Yes this will be considered the UFO's that you see observing this planet in the skies, like the one that scientist say we confuse venus as a ufo.


UFO or Venus? Lucifer is the morning star. . . Venus is the morning star? Scientist tell us this is Venus. . . .
Yes this will be considered the UFO's that you see observing this planet in the skies, like the one that scientist say we confuse venus as a ufo.


UFO or Venus? Lucifer is the morning star. . . Venus is the morning star? Scientist tell us this is Venus. . . .
Except you can observe Venus right before the Sun comes up. I used to be a big astrology dork.
Ever wonder why you look to the sky?
I am sure everyone can see that big bright "star" that has been hanging around in the southern skies. It is much closer to us then the moon.
...King David (who became king of Israel in 1010 B.C. and the one who fought Goliath the giant).

New evidence suggests that David was not the lone slinger. That, in fact, there was a second slinger throwing from the grassy knoll.
Goliath was just a big persian. Not really a giant.

But funny jokes.

KSig -
Is it pretty much a standard that 1/5 Police Officers are in the Brotherhood in every city or just the large ones?
Really? Higher then 20%? You can give me an idea...
I can tell you that most of the Masons in Idaho are not cops, it's less than 20% I would guess. I know some are; in fact, I did their ceremonies. Of the ones I do know of, I can only say that a couple are actual Master Masons, the rest are still either Fellow Crafts or Entered Apprentices.
Ok, I was not a mason this life. I did help expand to the western horizions of the US at onetime.

I have never been resurrected, but I have been reborn.

I have been in the military but not this life,

The reason I am here is because the beings that control this world trapped me here.

I have more then one reason to be here and to blow the cover of the societies with secrets.

It has to be done.
Ok, I was not a mason this life. I did help expand to the western horizions of the US at onetime.

I have never been resurrected, but I have been reborn.

I have been in the military but not this life,

The reason I am here is because the beings that control this world trapped me here.

I have more then one reason to be here and to blow the cover of the societies with secrets.

It has to be done.
Ah, the whole hate for psychiatrists/psychologists makes sense. I am guessing you hear voices and that someone (parents or government) tried to put you on meds. Your ramblings make sense too.
No it has never happened,
But you do understand that meds and psychiatrist/etc are only a tool to keep people in the box that your organization created and "blanket's with freedom".

The world will be a lot different right now if that box was never created.

All the problems in this world were propaganda created by the societies with secrets to keep people distracted, with that secret societies they have directed the flow of information and keep techonology and knowledge out of mass populations hands. This is not freedom it is oppression, nothing good has ever been done by a member in those secret societies, you can try to give me any examples you want to but non of them will be valid because without the problem that those societies started their solution never would have been needed.

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