Secret Societies - Hows, Whos and when's and how to get me banned.

You just said what I said. So you do see that they try to make it entertaining because if it is considered entertainment it is not serious, and it was to make the conspiracies a joke.

They show you exactly what they are doing but you thought it was funny, so it can not be real.

It is called brainwashing and they have been planting the seeds and diseffecting people to the reality. Your mind is clouded with all the junk they put out.

So are all these shows part of the conspiracies, or made by aliens?

Celebrity Fit Club 3 Celebrity Fit Club 4
Celebrity Fit Club: Boot Camp Celebrity Fit Club: Men vs. Women
Celebrity Paranormal Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew
Driven Ego Trip's Miss Rap Supreme
Ego Trip's (White) Rapper Show Fabulous Life Presents
Flavor of Love Flavor of Love 2
Flavor of Love 3 Flavor of Love Girls: Charm School
Gene Simmons' Rock School The Greatest
Hogan Knows Best Hogan Knows Best 2
Hogan Knows Best 3 I Know My Kids A Star
I Love Money I Love New York
I Love New York 2 I Love The 70s
I Love The 70s Volume 2 I Love The 80s
I Love The 80s 3-D I Love the 80s Strikes Back
I Love The 90s I Love The 90s Part Deux
I Love the New Millennium Ice-T's Rap School
Maxim Hot 100 '06 Maxim Hot 100 '07
2008 Maxim Hot 100 My Fair Brady
My Fair Brady: Maybe Baby? My Fair Brady: We're Getting Married!
New York Goes To Hollywood
Well the genre was created by the secret societies, but the Aliens that are in human form put the show's ideas out there and had them created.

These type of show's are to make the "average" person feel like the are nothing and that they must act like what they see to feel like a celebrities and for them to idol them. It is the mainstream and people take part in acting like them in a way. They call it reality TV because they want it to be your reality of being cool or popular instead of smart, gifted, compassionate and being a general overall achiver.
Well the genre was created by the secret societies, but the Aliens that are in human form put the show's ideas out there and had them created.

These type of show's are to make the "average" person feel like the are nothing and that they must act like what they see to feel like a celebrities and for them to idol them. It is the mainstream and people take part in acting like them in a way. They call it reality TV because they want it to be your reality of being cool or popular instead of smart, gifted, compassionate and being a general overall achiver.

Ah, I see. So it's not just dumb people doing whoring themselves just to be on t.v.?

Now, are the aliens ALSO on the shows? How do you explain Brett Michaels and Flavor Flav?
They are the heads of the corporate media. Nothing gets on TV that is informative unless they allow it.

I do not have anything to say for those two you have mentioned.

There (are)has been severeal media reporters that are in the secret societies that make stories to support their propaganda and also to direct attention away from it.

They have a big network off people and have a lot of influence because they are the influence.

Many has said this before I have, Turn of the TV stop watching false life and go live one. That is meant for everyone.

That is something that Madision Avenue was created for, to portray the American Dream and the perfect life, you remember the TV commercials in the 80's.
What about the Grand ol' Opry? Hee Haw? Andy Griffith Show? As you can tell I am from North Carolina haha but these are American classics...please don't ruin those for me too. If Minnie Pearl was part of a grander scheme I'm gonna be very disappointed.
What about the Grand ol' Opry? Hee Haw? Andy Griffith Show? As you can tell I am from North Carolina haha but these are American classics...please don't ruin those for me too. If Minnie Pearl was part of a grander scheme I'm gonna be very disappointed.

That tag on Minnie Pearl's hat was really the secret code to the New World Order, geez didn't you know that Nemo?
You should look at the big picture instead of being trapped at looking at only one portion.

I am sure you all have seen the 9/11 counter evidence that is every where and various other evidence of things that are shady that people are calling out.

If you have why would you not give it a chance and only believe what the person in AUTHORITY says?

Spineless, Cowardly, Afraid and Scared all comes to mind.
editec: Talk to us when you're a Shriner, newbie.

What degree are you exactly?

32nd degree, but I talked 'em down to misdemeanor on a technicality

editec:Admit it. It's so you can ride in parades in those go-carts, isn' it?

You caught me.

I knew it wasn't those kid's hospitals.

They're just a front so some of you masons can waste your afternoons giving out free heium balloon to crippled kids, right?

editec:Actually I think such an organization did exist. It was German, and outlawed by Franz Joseph, if memory serves. Not a clue what their motives were, though.

Did = past tense
Does = present

Yes, even I, someone not enlightened by a Lodge, got the good word about verb tenses. That's why I used the past tense.

editec:Crazy is as crazy does. You wear an apron when you're not cooking, don't you?

May be true but im still not crazy enough to side with the guy that reads too many comic books

Side with? I refuse to take sides with any side that would have me.

editec:Yeah, but do bear in mind that our revolution took multiple conspiracies to have enough arms and men in place to get going in the first place. Remember the Boston Tea Party? The masons were, I am informed, well prepared to assist in planning that noble event.

So what? Because a group of men believe in standing up for their rights that makes them a secret society that plans to take over world control?

So huzzah! for the Masons of 18th century America, of course. Their contribution to the success of my nation's independence is appreciated.

But if they don't have plans to take over world order, why the hell not?

Clearly whoever is in charge now isn't doing so well.

editec:Ever see Monticello? SOMEBODY piled one stone on top of the other.

I'm guessing masons.

Thats not freemasonry. Thats just stone masonry, a job

Yeah right. nod nod, wink wink.
you are all still on this humans and aliens thread?

Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!
The Freemasons in the government needed to eliminate the Constitution and have been actively working to this end since the turn of last century.
Really? That’s funny since there were quite a few Masons that were Founding Fathers and signed the Constititution. In fact, when you are initiated you are told that your oaths don’t interfere with anything outside Freemasonry. In fact, you are encouraged to support your government not subvert it.

The Protestants have bought into this encroachment on our liberties and back Bush up because he purports to be a Protestant, just like them. But he is not. He is a warlock Humanist Gnostic Mason and a member of the Illuminati.
WRONG. The last president who was a member of the Freemason was Gerald Ford and President Bush is a member of the Skull&Bones (a non-Masonic organization).

It is important to understand and gain knowledge of your enemies. But you must first identify who they are and what forms and names they take. The Brotherhood is alive and active in Washington. Every President was a Humanist Gnostic Freemason, except for Jefferson.
We do sometimes call Freemasonry “Brotherhood”, but it’s not so different to hear “Order” or “Craft”. Only 14 Presidents have been Freemasons. In fact, to become a Mason you must have a belief in some kind of Supreme Being. Though it cannot be proven, it is thought that Jefferson was a Mason.

Under the Freemasons are other secret societies called the Order of the Quest and the Knights Templar. To become an initiate of the Illuminati, members take an oath to pledge allegiance only to the New One World Order and to negate any allegiance to any government, king or constitution.
It is true that under the York Rite branch of the Freemasons (a very Christian one at that) the last degree is called Knight Templar. This author is quite looney jumping from Freemasons to Illuminati like they are the same which they are not.

The names of other secret societies under the Jesuits and Freemasons are the original Masons, Russell Trust, the Rosicrucians, the Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, the Qabbalah, Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Bilderberg Group, the Brotherhood of the Dragon, Ancient and Mystical Order of Rosae Crucis, the Nazi Party, the Communist Party, The Group, the DeMolay Society (branch of Freemasons), Opus Dei (organization within the Roman Catholic Church located in New York City), and the Roshaniya.
All of these organizations are geared to confuse and obfuscate their true source, which is the Roman Catholic Church and the Jesuits and the Freemasons or Illuminati - which has organizations within organizations. Today the Illuminati, is a high degree of Freemasonry within the Knights Templar Order and they are a branch of the Order of the Quest.
Not all of those groups are connected. DeMolay is a young man’s group where you have to have a Freemason in your family to join. The Catholic Church generally looks down on Freemasons because of our tolerance of religions and not following the papal line. Nazi’s, communist, and many Islamic countries outlaw Freemasonry. Hamas has it in their charter to combat groups such as Freemasons. Like I said earlier, the Illuminati is not a Masonic degree nor is Order of the Quest.

Chart of
Rough Sketch Of Order Structure-©

Roman Catholic Church Secret Elitist Families

Vatican- Jesuits

Freemasons (The Free and Accepted Masons)
| |
Order of Quest DeMolay Society
| |
Knights Templar Hollywood
| Disney
Illuminati - World Banks
Here is a layout of the Freemasons

Go to the following site since I cannot post URLs yet:

Freemasons and Masons (which were absorbed by the Freemasons)
Mason and Freemason are the one and the same. It’s just a different way to refer to the organization.

To go on a rant for a sec. Freemasonry is not a secret society, we are a society with secrets. Secret societies hide their membership and their location. If you know anything Freemasons flash their membership (stickers, shirts, etc) and our meeting locations (Lodges) have all sorts of Masonic symbols on them.
I do NOT doubt for a MOMENT that there are conspiracies seeking power and control over the world.

History is replete with examples of groups of men conspiring to take over the world, their nations, specific markets and so forth.

Those aren't conspiracy theories, those are documented facts.

Powerful men meet in secret and make deals, they set out to change their world, and they do NOT announce their intentions to the Wall Street Week, either.

that is such a given that I scoff at those of you who imagine otherwise and whose kneejerk reaction to the mention of conspiracy think that makes you worldly wise and all conspiracy theorists fools.


What I doubt is that anyone can find a GRAND UNIFIED CONSPIRACY involving thousands of players all pulling their oars in the same direction.

Human nature simply precludes such a grand unified conspiracy staying secret for very long, or even if it could stay secret maintaining the cohesion that such a GRAND CONSPIRACY would take.

People are just too greedy to stay that course, folks.

Conspirators inevitably conspire against each other, too.

The kind of people who reach that level of power do NOT bind themselves to a single course of action, and they do not limit their own perogatives to some fidelity to some goofy secret organization, either.

They stay fluid to react to changing conditions, and hence their conspiracies are ad hoc arrangements that last only as long as those conspiracies are useful to them.
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History is replete with examples of groups of men conspiring to take over the world, their nations, specific markets and so forth.

Those aren't conspiracy theories, those are documented facts.

Powerful men meet in secret and make deals, they set out to change their world, and they do NOT announce their intentions to the Wall Street Week, either.
But what I love is that Freemasons do announce their intentions, but conspirators want to believe it's all deception.

What I doubt is that anyone can find a GRAND UNIFIED CONSPIRACY involving thousands of players all pulling their oars in the same direction.
lol...if it's such a powerful secret society, then why does the world know about it? :lol:
But what I love is that Freemasons do announce their intentions, but conspirators want to believe it's all deception.

I have no delusion that Freemasonry is the organization it once was.

There was a time when it was a secret society with a mission and royalists in Europe surely didn't like where Masons wanted to take the world.

The existence of the USA was part of that masonic mission, I suspect.

[qoute] lol...if it's such a powerful secret society, then why does the world know about it? :lol:[/quote]

I presume that was a rhetorical question and not specifically addressed to me, right?
I have no delusion that Freemasonry is the organization it once was.

There was a time when it was a secret society with a mission and royalists in Europe surely didn't like where Masons wanted to take the world.

The existence of the USA was part of that masonic mission, I suspect.

[qoute] lol...if it's such a powerful secret society, then why does the world know about it? :lol:

I presume that was a rhetorical question and not specifically addressed to me, right?
I watched a documentary on the History Channel who said America was the Freemasons's great experiment. Know one knows. I haven't seen in anything yet and I will be running my own Lodge next year. I don't know, have any of the other Brother's on this forum seen anything?
@KSigMason -

The discovery channel program was just to produce disinformation and the majority of the program was a lie.

You may be a part, but you are just going to be running your own lodge next year, how many of your secrets do you really know? Not many...

If you were to tell me that you were running your own state, small country, etc. then I might give you a higher posistion on the knowledge that you actually know. You are helping the boats sail in the right direction by participating and may get better secrets later but now you just know some of the history.

I also like how you didn't deny that George Bush was a warlock just that he was not a mason, what do you know about black magic? Your answer here will tell me if you know anything or not.

Check out this next part and if this was a possibility and you do not know this part of your orginization, would you support it if they told you this right when you got into the game?

The New One-World Order -

The humanist Gnostic Roman Catholic agents will unite. The Vatican, Illuminati (the Order), the Freemasons and secret global elitist families are working as one coalition (Latin-coalitionem, coalescere- co-together, alescere-grow; an alliance of statesmen, political parties, for some special purpose) to bring about the New One-World Order (Latin-group; a group of people united in a formal way, a fraternal society), with one purpose - world domination of all people and territories.

The globalist elitists who make up the members of the world order are not loyal to any country, government political party or Constitution. They are neither, socialists nor communists. They are the minions of Satan who are in human form, who will be the ruling elite. The disembodied spirit minions of Satan, who are not in human form, will continue to influence the agents of the world order. Satan and his assistants will come in many forms and will use anything to achieve his goal. They are from that evil galaxy and they are here on Earth. They are loyal only to Satan, the world order and the principles of humanism which endorses all manner of “behavioral anarchy,”(Latin-anarchia, an-without, archos-ruler; lawlessness) - which will accomplish the goal of a world take over.
@KSigMason -

The discovery channel program was just to produce disinformation and the majority of the program was a lie.
It was a good history on it and they come close to the rituals, but they always seem to veer off.

You may be a part, but you are just going to be running your own lodge next year, how many of your secrets do you really know? Not many...
LMAO. Ah, this old one. The "you're not high enough". You must realize that if the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Idaho goes down and a few others are unable that the Worshipful Masters of the Lodge take his place; it goes in sequential order of the Lodge (Idaho #1, Boise #2, Placerville #3, and so forth). Once you earn the Master Mason degreee you are given all knowledge of the Blue Lodge. How do you know that I don't knwo everything? Were you a Mason? If not, then you have no basis to state anything. It's all speculation.

If you were to tell me that you were running your own state, small country, etc. then I might give you a higher posistion on the knowledge that you actually know. You are helping the boats sail in the right direction by participating and may get better secrets later but now you just know some of the history.
Funny enough, I am trying to jump into the line up of the Grand Lodge of Idaho. Also, the governor of my State is a member of my Lodge. I am a senior ranking member to him. I am also great friends with the entire Grand Lodge.

I also like how you didn't deny that George Bush was a warlock just that he was not a mason, what do you know about black magic? Your answer here will tell me if you know anything or not.
What is this? Did I stumble into a D&D forum? Warlock? Are you serious? I don't know whether to laugh or cry. No offense.

The humanist Gnostic Roman Catholic agents will unite. The Vatican, Illuminati (the Order), the Freemasons and secret global elitist families are working as one coalition (Latin-coalitionem, coalescere- co-together, alescere-grow
You realize the Catholic Church is against the Craft, right?

"A number of Papal pronouncements have been issued against Freemasonry. The first was Pope Clement XII's In Eminenti, April 28, 1738; the most recent was Pope Leo XIII's Ab Apostolici, October 15, 1890. The 1917 Code of Canon Law explicitly declared that joining Freemasonry entailed automatic excommunication. The 1917 Code of Canon Law also forbade books friendly to Freemasonry."

Also I don't understand your phrase "Gnostic Humanist" when referring to Masons. We have to be men of faith to join. Many of us are faithful churchgoers. In fact, Freemasonry has strengthened by faith.

From the Idaho Masonic monitor: Monotheism is the sole dogma of Freemasonry.

I also don't understand why you say the Masons are for NWO. Every state in the US and every country in the world is autonomous/sovereign to themselves. That seems like more a confederate ideology than a unitary one.

I know I'll never convince you. Though I'd never do it, I could reveal our rituals to you and you wouldn't believe it. What have you against the Lodge. You seem to be just cutting and pasting crap off of conspiracy sites that would probably convict a little girl of a conspiracy while she tries to sell lemonade on the corner.
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