Secret Societies - Hows, Whos and when's and how to get me banned.

Congrees motives benefit the secret society. The whole government is. They are only there to put on a soap opera to you. That's why tv is bad. They have CNN and all the news stations.

They are only showing crap. Sure it is happening what they show, but they do not show the alterior motives. Watch the news. They tell you how they are screwing you. They say something is in danger of so and so and then it happens. They just set you up and you go yea that could happen. They give you a false reason for it to happen. They create a need for a new law. The thing happens and you go yea they said it was going to happen. Now you are screwed. All they did was tell the part responsible on causeing the collapse or the issue when to do it.
Congrees motives benefit the secret society. The whole government is. They are only there to put on a soap opera to you. That's why tv is bad. They have CNN and all the news stations.

They are only showing crap. Sure it is happening what they show, but they do not show the alterior motives. Watch the news. They tell you how they are screwing you. They say something is in danger of so and so and then it happens. They just set you up and you go yea that could happen. They give you a false reason for it to happen. They create a need for a new law. The thing happens and you go yea they said it was going to happen. Now you are screwed. All they did was tell the part responsible on causeing the collapse or the issue when to do it.

If we are all screwed why are you even bothering to inform us ? Are you a sadist ?
No I am attempting to make you look the crap they pull to benefit themselves and unite the people so we actually have a chance and a say.
Look here Uknow me72 I got some groundbreaking news for you. While it may be fun to sit and get all caught up in your daytime t.v. shows on history channel and lifetime, the rest of us on mother earth see the reality. You see I am a proud freemason myself and, yes while there are certain things I swore to never tell anyone, I can promise you I am not conspiring to take over anything. This is absurd that you think this. The secrets we as masons have are not even that big, its more less for traditions sake. And the iluminati? Give me a break dude it doesn't even exist. I have never been a name caller but you my friend are crazy if you honestly believe these things. And the fact that most of our founding fathers were masons does not mean its a conspiracy. It was a popular thing to be in during that period. Thomas Jefferson was never a mason either I can also tell you that. You know who I think is taking over the world? MORONS! That number is increasing exponentially every day. The masons as of now are declining in number which is sad.
oh I almost forgot dude....btw are you Dan brown?.....The Illuminati is not real for one and it is certainly not a high degree of Freemasonry....And the Roman Catholic Church has tried to outlaw freemasonry so explain to me how they are connected. Only a handful of presidents have been masons and Bush is certainly not one. Leonardo Dicaprio is though. Think Romeo is takin over the world do ya? Quite frankly Im flattered though that you think I along with my brothers are that powerful. Thats cute....lay of the peyote. I just wanna it hard to type in a straight jacket?
Look here Uknow me72 I got some groundbreaking news for you. While it may be fun to sit and get all caught up in your daytime t.v. shows on history channel and lifetime, the rest of us on mother earth see the reality. You see I am a proud freemason myself and, yes while there are certain things I swore to never tell anyone, I can promise you I am not conspiring to take over anything. This is absurd that you think this. The secrets we as masons have are not even that big, its more less for traditions sake. And the iluminati? Give me a break dude it doesn't even exist. I have never been a name caller but you my friend are crazy if you honestly believe these things. And the fact that most of our founding fathers were masons does not mean its a conspiracy. It was a popular thing to be in during that period. Thomas Jefferson was never a mason either I can also tell you that. You know who I think is taking over the world? MORONS! That number is increasing exponentially every day. The masons as of now are declining in number which is sad.

That's funny you said that. We are having a "youtube" fest on another thread. There are ALL SORTS of conspiracy theories on there of course, anybody can make one. Some people made 29 vids about what I THINK the person who started this thread is talking about-it starts out going way back in time...wild stuff.

Here is the first one if you're interested. (Something about a ring with a "G" on it....)

[ame=]YouTube - The Secret Rulers of the World - Present/Past [part 1 of 29][/ame]
That's funny you said that. We are having a "youtube" fest on another thread. There are ALL SORTS of conspiracy theories on there of course, anybody can make one. Some people made 29 vids about what I THINK the person who started this thread is talking about-it starts out going way back in time...wild stuff.

Here is the first one if you're interested. (Something about a ring with a "G" on it....)

YouTube - The Secret Rulers of the World - Present/Past [part 1 of 29]

Dang I missed the meeting where we planned all that. haha People are rediculous.
Oh yea? Thats cool. So I guess you are a fellow future holder of the grail like me! lmao Im getting it next week and then Im gonna put on my robe and conjur up some magic.

I think I'll take mine and go have intersteller sex with some aliens myself !!

Hey it happens to the best of us. Well not we masons. We have other, lesser people pee for us.
Have you checked out the thread started by 52ndStreet on white people mixing with aliens? Its a very good and informative read.

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