Secret Societies - Hows, Whos and when's and how to get me banned.

KSigMason - there is a long read a head, read it a few times. I am egar for your response...

All this is to show the driving system behind the secret societies, you will have a different view afterwards....

Secular Humanists -

The secular humanists will make inroads by “re-defining” words and assigning new meanings to words used in order to vilify individuals or groups who may oppose their movement or ideals, or to assign new meanings to words which create a new mode of thinking. Sometimes a new label is placed on groups in order to put a new slant on the true meanings of words in order to temper the attitudes of society regarding that concept. For example - calling “terrorists” - “freedom fighters” or “socialist - communists” - “liberals” which means “free” in Latin, or calling Christians - “right wing extremists.”

Psychiatrists are the main tools of Satan. They become advisors to Presidents and politicians. They make inroads everywhere in business and people’s personal lives, under the label of mental health experts. The field of psychiatry uses unworkable techniques to “cure” mental illness, such as an ice pick in the brain through the eye socket. They are medical doctors with psychology degrees, so they can prescribe drugs.

Psychologists are placed in just about every school in America. They have a wide influence under the guise of “counselors.” Psychologists cannot prescribe drugs.

Psychoanalysis has been taught to so many people, including Christian counselors, and this belief system has infected the thinking processes of huge sectors of society. Psychology is required in most high schools. This educational process has been used to trap people into thinking a certain way and it leads society down the chute. These concepts of psychoanalysis effects the way people think. Just one course can disrupt a person’s thinking process. Psychoanalysis is based on false data and does not reflect Godly principles and graduates of these courses come out with distorted viewpoints and they become unwitting enforcement tools of oppressive political systems.

Psychiatrists assign mental illness labels to anything you can think of. This is very dangerous to a society because just about anyone can have a label slapped on them, in order to have them “evaluated” by mental health professionals. Anyone who has what could be considered subversive “ideas,” can be sent to a mental institution for therapy to “correct” their thinking, attitudes or behavior.

Many dictators have used psychiatrists to implement their programs and to eliminate any dissidents or objectors to their governmental system. The field of psychiatry has become the mechanism by which humanists can label any person who is viewed as a potential threat to the secular humanist movement with a new “illness.” Christians can be labeled as “delusional” or “mentally ill” if they believe in this “imaginary” God. They can eventually be incarcerated in a mental institution or put on drugs.

Citizens are kept “in line” and living and thinking within the parameters set up by the globalists. If you are an independent thinker, and you stand for ideals which are contrary to the “politically correct” mode of thinking and you try to live outside society’s “middle class” box, you will be “corrected” and put back in the box through one of the aspects of the Seven Realms Machine - by the government using the tools of psychiatry, the IRS or if you’re big enough, being discredited by a propaganda campaign in the media or being arrested and incarcerated by a false charge.

The globalists will take full advantage of this opportunity to use the belief systems of humanism and the field of psychiatry as an enforcement tool for their plan and they work hand in hand with politicians and drug companies. The globalists will use the horrendous inventions of psychiatry through the use of mental institutions in order to “cure” people of the new “mental illness” they have been labeled with, through lobotomies, electro-shock and psychiatric drugs, which destroy a person’s brain, as a means of silencing individuals who are considered “rebels.”

The globalist lieutenants of Satan do not believe in the principles of humanism or psychiatry, but they are used as convenient and imbedded tools to accomplish their goals of a one- world order and one-world government.

A few definitions

Agnostic -
* someone who is doubtful or noncommittal about something
of or pertaining to an agnostic or agnosticism

* a person who claims that they cannot have true knowledge about the existence of God (but does not deny that God might exist)

* uncertain of all claims to knowledge

Gnostic -
* From the Greek term Gnosis which means knowledge, Gnostic is a person who believes in higher spiritual knowledge. Gnostics believed there were higher or hidden truths behind traditional religious teachings and these hidden truths were the passages to enlightenment.

* education that results in understanding and the spread of knowledge

* having knowledge

Humanist -
* a person whose main interest is human ideals and needs, rather than God


So here is a little something just to make you think, I know you people considered your self "enlightened".

Many words have many meaning's and you must know in which sense the definition is being used.

So if it Lucifer for example is a Latin word meaning "light bearer" which you can easily translate in to enlighten.

I can then take enlightenment and translate that into Lucifer's religion which is Satanism. So when you say you are enlightened, you say that you are in Satanism and Lucifer is your god.

* the worship of Satan
* A modern religious tradition that requires adherents to seek only self-service - which also is humanism

This is who you are putting your faith in, you may or may not know that, and if you did then you are well aware on wait awaits the world and if you didn't are you going to continue supporting the end of this world as we know it and continue to run the world and help the Jesuist bring in the NWO. All you are doing is bringing on pain and suffering into a Global Plantation where everyone is a slave.

If you read the definition of Gnostic the word enlightenment is there as well which then is in desguse for Satanism.

If you know anything about the Bible and the story that explains Lucifer and why he was outted the heavenly realm and he had many other follow him, then you also know that he wants to be a god. Which there is only One God. So for Lucifer to be a god he manipulates and tricks others with power, so that he may be worshipped.

This is the game that is happening here. The Secret Societies have many members unknowningly supporting their demise and have no clue on what they are really doing.

This is why I did ask about Black Magic, which this is what Disney made popular with Fantasia to make magic a fantasy. It continues along with the stories in Harry Potter. Which magic is Satans power and as I said mentioned warlock about George Bush, but it can't possible be because those are fantasy right???

So if the Higher Ruling Elite know some form of Black Magic and you KSigMason do not know about it and wonder why I went back to the same ol' you are not high enough to know the real secrets. I am sure you do well and very happy to be with an organization that is exclusive. You may move on to higher enlightenment later.

Let's make the possiblity that you may be able to do some fantasy like things but make people call you crazy if you believe them, seems like a good way to hide some technology so only a few may use it to their advantage and hide it from the general population....

Humanism -
* The intellectual, scientific, and literary movement of the 14th to 16th centuries which exalted Greek and Roman culture and learning - The definition you can find on the web...

now if you dig futher in to the history...

Humanism was an intellectual movement which started in the Middle Ages as a result of the study of the Greek and Latin classic literature, written by the ancient Greek philosophers; Socrates and Plato around 470-347 B.C. Many people who influenced the formally Judeo - Christian culture of the US, studied the writings of these people through the already established prism of Humanism.

You may be a person who doesn’t like general history, but you may find this information very interesting. This is a synopsis of Earth’s philosophical history from the spectrum of only one belief system which is the basis for all of the destructive systems of thought, which has caused the devastation of many civilizations throughout history. I am going to show you what has happened since the 1800's, which has started the era of Revelation.

I will also show you in the following ancient time line, how JESUS was killed because of the principles of Humanism.

Once I give you this very brief overview, you will know the mechanism of how Satan has been able to make such progress with his plan to take over the world. You will know what the exact enemy of God and Jesus is, which will make it easier for you to identify the Satanically influenced people, who embrace and support this philosophical doctrine. There may be a few people who will debate me on the dates of some of these events, but all I want you to see is how this toxic belief system called HUMANISM got generally introduced and accepted as the main system of thought in the US.

So many things happened to bring in the philosophy and tenets of Humanism; certain actions of President Lincoln set up the country which would host the Seven Realms empire and the actions of Karl Marx, Horace Mann, Charles Darwin and Sigmund Freud, whose inventions were sparked by humanistic concepts, set up the tools of the Seven Realms Machine. The belief systems devised by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels became the basis of operation of the government of the Seven Realms Machine which could only be supported by the tools invented by Horace Mann and Sigmund Freud, funded by tax collection, which is the principle tenet of communism.

And the Seven Realms of Power could only have been built as a result of the principles of Humanism, which was the catalyst which spawned all of the destructive ideologies throughout history. It is the perfect tool of Satan. And he is using Humanism to create the one-world order by means of the political, social and economic systems which were compiled, based on the amoral, humanistic principles.


I am doing this so you can see where I come from,

Notice how all this come's out of the Roman's and Greeks, The Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church is still in the same place, if you go through the history books that are being taught at the school's in the USA, you can see that I am not making any of this up but I am giving you a different view.

So this has been going on for so long, and the central distribution center started in Rome and it is still comming out of there as we celebrare the Pope's B-day, and wait for him to give us a speech.

Now after all that read this again I posted earlier and see if the message is different for you....

The New One-World Order -

The humanist Gnostic Roman Catholic agents will unite. The Vatican, Illuminati (the Order), the Freemasons and secret global elitist families are working as one coalition (Latin-coalitionem, coalescere- co-together, alescere-grow; an alliance of statesmen, political parties, for some special purpose) to bring about the New One-World Order (Latin-group; a group of people united in a formal way, a fraternal society), with one purpose - world domination of all people and territories.

The globalist elitists who make up the members of the world order are not loyal to any country, government political party or Constitution. They are neither, socialists nor communists. They are the minions of Satan who are in human form, who will be the ruling elite. The disembodied spirit minions of Satan, who are not in human form, will continue to influence the agents of the world order. Satan and his assistants will come in many forms and will use anything to achieve his goal. They are from that evil galaxy and they are here on Earth. They are loyal only to Satan, the world order and the principles of humanism which endorses all manner of “behavioral anarchy,”(Latin-anarchia, an-without, archos-ruler; lawlessness) - which will accomplish the goal of a world take over.
I watched a special on the Freemasons which essentially pointed out it was a simple organization with no nefarious ambitions or purpose, other than a little male bonding.
I watched a special on the Freemasons which essentially pointed out it was a simple organization with no nefarious ambitions or purpose, other than a little male bonding.

ya--well you know who made that "special" don't you ??????????
The secular humanists will make inroads by “re-defining” words and assigning new meanings to words used in order to vilify individuals or groups who may oppose their movement or ideals, or to assign new meanings to words which create a new mode of thinking.
This sounds like conspiracy theorists.

Psychiatrists are the main tools of Satan. They become advisors to Presidents and politicians. They make inroads everywhere in business and people’s personal lives, under the label of mental health experts. The field of psychiatry uses unworkable techniques to “cure” mental illness, such as an ice pick in the brain through the eye socket. They are medical doctors with psychology degrees, so they can prescribe drugs.
I am not a fan of drugging children either, but at this point I don’t see what this has to do with secret societies, but I am reading on.

Again, I once worked at a college information desk and we had an occasion to be talked to by homeless. Many of them were crazy and I heard more coherent ramblings from them. I agree that the psych docs often over label every behavior in an attempt to push their ideology, but to tie it to secret societies?

Gnostic -
* From the Greek term Gnosis which means knowledge, Gnostic is a person who believes in higher spiritual knowledge. Gnostics believed there were higher or hidden truths behind traditional religious teachings and these hidden truths were the passages to enlightenment.

* education that results in understanding and the spread of knowledge

* having knowledge

Humanist -
* a person whose main interest is human ideals and needs, rather than God
Freemasons do believe in finding enlightenment, but it’s through God and a good moral life. With that said, Masons can’t be humanists.

So if it Lucifer for example is a Latin word meaning "light bearer" which you can easily translate in to enlighten.

I can then take enlightenment and translate that into Lucifer's religion which is Satanism. So when you say you are enlightened, you say that you are in Satanism and Lucifer is your god.

* the worship of Satan
* A modern religious tradition that requires adherents to seek only self-service - which also is humanism
You are stretching with that crossing of words. Yes, Lucifer means 'light bringer' and yes you can loosely construe enlighten from "light bringer", but other definitions are for spiritual/intellectual gaining of knowledge. I know many anti-Masons have often quoted Albert Pike to strengthen this "Satan" connectionk but they have misinterpreted Albert Pike. Lucifer is another name for the Morning Star (Venus) in Roman astrology. It means it is the star that brought the light of day (the Sun). People pull the meaning of Lucifer from the chapter of Isaiah, where that is the only reference in the Bible I know of to Lucifer and scholars battle over whether Lucifer is Satan or another fallen angel. Pike was only referring to the morning star.

Jesus refers to himself as the morning star in Revelation 22:16: "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star."

This is why I did ask about Black Magic, which this is what Disney made popular with Fantasia to make magic a fantasy. It continues along with the stories in Harry Potter. Which magic is Satans power and as I said mentioned warlock about George Bush, but it can't possible be because those are fantasy right???
So you believe magic is real? I thought Harry Potter was about a boy wizard defeating evil? There were a lot of Biblical references in it.

I read your article. You seem to put a lot of time and thought into it, but I saw no evidence of how any of those organizations were connected. The argument "everything stems from Rome" cannot apply to Freemasonry. Historically, we started in England/Scotland in the 1700s. Speculation, we descended from the Knights Templar who were headquartered in France and later lost favor with the Church. Their is no real evidence of this Crusades/Masonic connection.

ya--well you know who made that "special" don't you ??????????

I have actually watched some really put together anti-Mason documentaries, but they always lacked real fact. It was always "I've heard" or "I believe".

Sorry about it taking so long. I am at work and can only peruse on free time.
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Jesus refers to himself as the morning star in Revelation 22:16: "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
I should also have that David and his son Solomon have the biggest impact on Freemasonry.
There is a lot of history out there, and most only know what is taught mainstream, which we all know what that mainstream is the main flow of information, this world that has it's secrets is designed to put people back into that stream if they venture out because they do not what their secrets out. It is to late for that, we are speaking and it is only for the good of the people, nothing good is going to happen if we do not and we can not support 'official government" secrets that are for security purposed because they are the ones that have divided this place up and responsible for all the issue's you see today.

If you want freedom, if you want to live, if you want the future(which is very very near, you can blink and it will happen) to be free and not be a slave you need to consider that what you know about the world politics and who is running in the world politics is nothing. It is all false and the faces you see are the puppets but their words mean jack crap. It is the biggest lie and we allow it because you do not want to get off the couch.

Please read a little more,


Before the Protestant movement began in 1530, the Vatican wanted to take back full control of the world banks that they had started through the Knights Templar in A.D.1314. The Vatican needed to set up an organization whose sole purpose was to control the 7 Realms which include: international banking, world economy, business, governments; which include the control of the military, families, education, religions, food availability and sources of energy; clean water, sewage, etc, and controlling the whole body of witchcraft. These Church agents and practitioners of witchcraft would later, after 1890, infiltrate all forms of entertainment, media, the U.S. military and achieve full control of energy; natural gas and fuel (petroleum).

Satan helped Loyola (one of Satan’s minions) set up the Illuminati which would become the Vatican’s CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). Satan helped enlighten Loyola, who on his own never could have created such an effective group. This enlightenment (to give spiritual insight or illuminate - inform, instruct) experience is how the group got its name. In 1599, the term Illuminati was associated with any person claiming to be unusually enlightened and included any of the various groups claiming special religious enlightenment.

Illuminati, comes from the Latin word - illuminatum which means lit up or in- in + lumen - light or in- light. Satan is also referred to by the name “Lucifer” which means “light bearer” in Latin. And my name “Heller” means “light bearer” in Old German. My movement will be standing against the Satanic, humanist movement and thus the two light bearers will battle. This is just another “Jehovah coincidence.” He has a really funny sense of humor.

In the 1500's, as part of their world domination plan, they planned to make overt and forceful inroads into every European country. Loyola’s Illuminati team became well trained in the humanistic principles (getting power from Satan for man-centered objectives) of the occult and used every manner of witchcraft, brainwashing and mind control techniques. They were well trained in the practices of hypnosis as well, which proved to be useful later in controlling the thinking of, European leaders, and provided the coercive methods for social engineering (manage cleverly, guide skillfully) campaigns, which would manipulate and change the thinking of entire groups of people.


After Martin Luther founded the Protestant movement in 1530, it spread rapidly throughout Europe. The Vatican was not happy about the religious rebellion, which was bent (strongly determined) on usurping the power of Rome. In response to this serious situation, Pope Paul III ordered Ignatius de Loyola to establish another organization. In the meantime, Loyola put the Illuminati under the umbrella of the Vatican, so he could get this new organization going.

Loyola devised and founded the Order of the Jesuits (Latin Jesuita - Jesus) to be the intelligentsia (intellectuals who form a political, social or artistic group, claiming to be leaders who have superior intelligence and enlightened opinions, elite - a group of people regarded as the best and most powerful) and organized military forces or militia (Latin military service) of the Vatican and especially the Pope.

They are the whole body of the secret Order which by Vatican law, are subject to the call of service to the Pope, to handle any situation deemed an emergency. They were trained in practices of witchcraft, hypnosis and speaking in tongues (in the Bible - one common language that all nationalities can understand, practiced by some Christian sects).

The Jesuits are also trained and devoted to intrigue (Italian - entangle - secret scheming) and equivocation (use of expressions of double meaning in order to mislead.) Their “official job” to the outside world as members of the “Roman Catholic Church Society of Jesus” is “missionary and educational” work.

Over the years, the Jesuits have founded educational institutions around the world, including Loyola College in the United States. Loyola College is where most politicians and mainstream media talking heads, have graduated from. Loyola once said that if you give me a child until he is 7 years of age and I will teach him many things, then you can have him after that. Meaning that, all of the brainwashing can be done to a child in the early, formative years. Jesuit colleges were instrumental in educating Stalin, Hitler and Castro to name a few, who were training to be Jesuit priests. In 2006, the Jesuits were secretly instrumental in trying to instigate a law in California mandating mandatory pre-school, which would give the Jesuits even earlier than Kindergarten, access to the children of America.

The goal of the Vatican was to create an organization which would deliver severe blows to counter and infiltrate the Bible believing Protestant movement. After Loyola set up the Jesuit Order, the Pope wanted to put them to work on destroying the Protestants in France and then in England, where they unsuccessfully tried to encourage King James to use the Vulgate (including the Apocrypha and is based on the Gnostic Alexandrian version) as the book to use to create the English version. Loyola was gaining ground in destroying the new movement. They would eventually make their way to the New World, along with the Protestant settlers. Humanism was spread throughout France and an intellectual base of people would be established in the 1700's that created a movement called the “Enlightenment,” which would influence the thinking of all of the founding Fathers of the United States. The Jesuits would later in the 1970's play a secret role in the mass genocide of black and white Bible believing Christians, through various social engineering programs carried out in the United States, through abortion and the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, where the National Guard prevented poor black Bible believing Protestants, with high powered guns, from leaving the city. This caused many to perish of dehydration in the last days, because they were not allowed to walk down the freeway, to a nearby town to get clean water to drink. (I will describe those incidents later).

The Pope was very pleased with the progress and work of his new acting general. After Loyola became a very powerful member of the Vatican hierarchy, he was known as the “Superior General of the Jesuits,” and the man behind the Pope, with the ultimate power in the Vatican. The Vatican placed the Illuminati under the umbrella of the Jesuits and under the full control of the general. They became very effective in political and business world affairs. While the Jesuits were working more openly, the Illuminati, was working secretly behind the scenes. To this day, the Superior General of the Jesuits is, the secret advisor to the Pope, so he can maintain his position as spiritual head of the Church, while his secret organization carries out the plans for taking over the world.

The Illuminati has since become the force that controls the 7 Realms sectors including the world economy, international banking, military forces, all of the branches of witchcraft and the world religions, so everyone on Earth can one day serve the Pope. Many secret societies and cults were subsequently created by the Jesuits. The Freemasons, Mormons and Christian Science groups to name a few, in order to help the Vatican achieve a one-world government under a one-world religion - the Roman Catholic Church.

Jesuits Develop The Freemasons -

The Roman Catholic Church had a problem with the original secret society called the Masons, which was founded around 950 B.C. It was an organization that practiced magic and other secret rituals and the Vatican decided it couldn’t have a rogue group interfering with their plan to take over the world. They also wanted to control all of the occult groups on the planet. The plan was laid to eliminate and or take over the original Masons and this group would be called the Freemasons or the Catholic Church version of the Masons, with the same purpose of world domination.


Satan had to set up an organization, which would target the Jews, who had become very powerful throughout the region. Israel had become their established country when King Saul became Israel’s first king in 1050 B.C. But before this time the country was ruled by Hebrew judges.

After Moses led the Jews out of Egypt in 1446 B.C., they finally entered the promised land of Canaan in 1406 B.C. Judges started to rule Israel in 1375 B.C. and up until King Saul followed by King David and lastly King Solomon. Satan had to ensure that the country of Israel would split up and attempt to prevent it from becoming a state again, which would be the trigger for Jesus’ return.

900 B.C. - King Solomon becomes the king of Israel in 970 B.C. and he was the son of King David (who became king of Israel in 1010 B.C. and the one who fought Goliath the giant). Solomon was known for his wisdom and for the great temple which he had built in Jerusalem which was completed in 959 B.C.

During the time that Solomon built his temple, Hiram Abiff was the chief architect of the Temple. He was the son of a widow, who was a Tyrian architect, and the first grandmaster from the city of Tyre. According to legend, he was the only one on Earth who knew, the “secrets of a master mason,” who were the people whose work is building with stone or brick. He was supposed to have also known the most important secret of all, the “grand masonic word,” which was the name of God, the actual ineffable (not to be explained in words, too great to be described in words) name. Since in the occult lore, it is believed that just knowing the name of the spirit is a key to having its power.

In order to preserve these secrets of masonry, Hiram started one of the main secret societies (which were invented originally by the ancient Babylonian Queen Semiramis; Nimrod’s mother) and appropriately named this new group the “Masons.” Hiram also adopted all of the occult rituals of black and white witchcraft that, were invented by Nimrod, Noah’s great-grandson. The Masons call their Messiah - Hiram. The Masons became an occult group, and the new vehicle and host (Latin-hostis - stranger, enemy; host -the larger, stronger or dominant member of a symbiotic pair - (Greek- symbioun, to live together, symbiotic- the living together of two kinds of organisms to their mutual benefit)), for humanism in order to spread Satan’s belief system throughout this region.

Many were attracted to the secrecy of this new organization, because becoming a member meant that you could learn the secrets of masonry and the secrets of all the devised rituals. They became a secret privileged group that grew rapidly, within this region.

Over the years they attracted many mason bricklayers who wanted to keep the techniques of their industry a secret, known only to those who were part of the society. This secret society eventually had nothing to do with stones and bricks and became an organized society of people, who were well trained in the occult and intrigue. Hiram, who was one of Satan’s main minions, set up the organization, which would target the Jews.
I'll start worrying about secret societies after we clean up the society of the known enemies of the people.

Until then there's plenty of knowable targets for my contempt and derision.

If they are members of these secret societies, what of it?

It's what they do that I can already know without question, that I find so troubling.
I'll start worrying about secret societies after we clean up the society of the known enemies of the people.

Until then there's plenty of knowable targets for my contempt and derision.

If they are members of these secret societies, what of it?

It's what they do that I can already know without question, that I find so troubling.

ah----you must mean the federal reserve and the campfire girls !
I'll start worrying about secret societies after we clean up the society of the known enemies of the people.

Until then there's plenty of knowable targets for my contempt and derision.

If they are members of these secret societies, what of it?

It's what they do that I can already know without question, that I find so troubling.

Sure once you take awat the ones you know are out there others will emerge and chain of command will be revealled as you dig deeper. Just know that there is more behind them.
What about the Grand ol' Opry? Hee Haw? Andy Griffith Show? As you can tell I am from North Carolina haha but these are American classics...please don't ruin those for me too. If Minnie Pearl was part of a grander scheme I'm gonna be very disappointed.

Jr. Samples was the leader of the Illuminati. :bowdown:
The most annoying thing about secret conspiracies is how out in the open they seem to be.
I'm out for the weekend, but I'll be back Sunday night.

Uknow_me72, I promise I'll get back to you. I have a lot to do this weekend.
I had some free time.

What does the 'G' on some insignia's stand for?
It has a few meanings, but it's not Gnostic I'll tell you that. It's actually very obvious what it means.

Satan helped Loyola (one of Satan’s minions) set up the Illuminati which would become the Vatican’s CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). Satan helped enlighten Loyola, who on his own never could have created such an effective group.
I never read this in the Bible? Where would you find this information?

Satan is also referred to by the name “Lucifer” which means “light bearer” in Latin.
Like I said earlier, Lucifer and Satan may not be the same being; scholars still debate it since it's only mentioned once in the old Testament.

Plus Jesus says in Revelations that he is the "bright". Morning star (VENUS) was called Lucifer in Roman astronomy.

"I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star." - Revelations 22:16

After Martin Luther founded the Protestant movement in 1530, it spread rapidly throughout Europe. The Vatican was not happy about the religious rebellion, which was bent (strongly determined) on usurping the power of Rome. In response to this serious situation, Pope Paul III ordered Ignatius de Loyola to establish another organization. In the meantime, Loyola put the Illuminati under the umbrella of the Vatican, so he could get this new organization going.
So the Catholic Church works with demons and Satan?

Are you a religious, Uknow_me72?

They were trained in practices of witchcraft, hypnosis and speaking in tongues (in the Bible - one common language that all nationalities can understand, practiced by some Christian sects).
So you believe that magic really exists?

After Loyola set up the Jesuit Order, the Pope wanted to put them to work on destroying the Protestants in France and then in England, where they unsuccessfully tried to encourage King James to use the Vulgate (including the Apocrypha and is based on the Gnostic Alexandrian version) as the book to use to create the English version.
If I remember right, King James was a Freemason.

Humanism was spread throughout France and an intellectual base of people would be established in the 1700's that created a movement called the “Enlightenment,” which would influence the thinking of all of the founding Fathers of the United States.
Was this enlightenment a bad thing. We are one of the most free countries in the world. People all over the world, while not always liking the citizens, want to move to America to live their dreams.

The Jesuits would later in the 1970's play a secret role in the mass genocide of black and white Bible believing Christians, through various social engineering programs carried out in the United States, through abortion and the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, where the National Guard prevented poor black Bible believing Protestants, with high powered guns, from leaving the city.
Yeah, right. It was chaos and the National Guard established order. Now the local police have done some f***ed up things.

Were you a follower of Manson? Helter Skelter?

The Vatican placed the Illuminati under the umbrella of the Jesuits and under the full control of the general.
Many secret societies and cults were subsequently created by the Jesuits. The Freemasons, Mormons and Christian Science groups to name a few, in order to help the Vatican achieve a one-world government under a one-world religion - the Roman Catholic Church.
You said the Illuminati were a branch of the Freemasons?
Are you a Scientologist?
The Roman Catholic Church had a problem with the original secret society called the Masons, which was founded around 950 B.C. It was an organization that practiced magic and other secret rituals and the Vatican decided it couldn’t have a rogue group interfering with their plan to take over the world. They also wanted to control all of the occult groups on the planet. The plan was laid to eliminate and or take over the original Masons and this group would be called the Freemasons or the Catholic Church version of the Masons, with the same purpose of world domination.
I just have one question. Where are you getting all this information? To your account, the Freemasons were created before the Knights Templar? To every other account, even within the Craft, the Freemasons didn't start until the 1700s.

900 B.C. - King Solomon becomes the king of Israel in 970 B.C. and he was the son of King David (who became king of Israel in 1010 B.C. and the one who fought Goliath the giant). Solomon was known for his wisdom and for the great temple which he had built in Jerusalem which was completed in 959 B.C.
Your timeline is thousands of years off, even for Moses.

During the time that Solomon built his temple, Hiram Abiff was the chief architect of the Temple. He was the son of a widow, who was a Tyrian architect, and the first grandmaster from the city of Tyre. According to legend, he was the only one on Earth who knew, the “secrets of a master mason,” who were the people whose work is building with stone or brick. He was supposed to have also known the most important secret of all, the “grand masonic word,” which was the name of God, the actual ineffable (not to be explained in words, too great to be described in words) name. Since in the occult lore, it is believed that just knowing the name of the spirit is a key to having its power.
This is some well researched points, but they are wrong.:clap2:

In order to preserve these secrets of masonry, Hiram started one of the main secret societies (which were invented originally by the ancient Babylonian Queen Semiramis; Nimrod’s mother) and appropriately named this new group the “Masons.” Hiram also adopted all of the occult rituals of black and white witchcraft that, were invented by Nimrod, Noah’s great-grandson. The Masons call their Messiah - Hiram. The Masons became an occult group, and the new vehicle and host (Latin-hostis - stranger, enemy; host -the larger, stronger or dominant member of a symbiotic pair - (Greek- symbioun, to live together, symbiotic- the living together of two kinds of organisms to their mutual benefit)), for humanism in order to spread Satan’s belief system throughout this region.
Ah, but now you turned down the good road crazy.

PLEASE POST YOUR SOURCES. It doesn't have to be a hyperlink. If you read it in books, list the books. I am curious to know where you get this stuff.
ah----you must mean the federal reserve and the campfire girls !

Those campfire girls are a pyromaniacal paramilitary organization I have never trusted.

And don't even get me started on those shifty girlscouts selling their drug laced mint cookies.

You can't tell me they're not drug-laced confections either.

Because whenever I get a box of their mint cookies, it's just like me and cocaine...I can't stop until there's none left.
Those campfire girls are a pyromaniacal paramilitary organization I have never trusted.

And don't even get me started on those shifty girlscouts selling their drug laced mint cookies.

You can't tell me they're not drug-laced confections either.

Because whenever I get a box of their mint cookies, it's just like me and cocaine...I can't stop until there's none left.
I hear ya.

I did repost to you Uknow_me72. It's post #91, but for some reason it put it prior to other posts already on the site. Hmmmm. Weird. This says it's post #93, but it should be #98
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Sure once you take awat the ones you know are out there others will emerge and chain of command will be revealled as you dig deeper. Just know that there is more behind them.

Oh, I do NOT doubt that there are puppet-masters behind the puppets, Uknow_me.

But there doesn't appear to be any real reason for a scholar of history to come at the problem of who actually controls America by starting down the secret society trail.

Better, I think, to start from what we can know without doubt and then invesigate from that starting point.

If there are secret societies dominating our society they still have to do so though public officials one way or the other.

You see my point here?

Working with facts, rather than hypothesis, will take you to the truth no matter how well that truth is obscured by secret conspirators.


Because ultimately what secret societies do has consequences in the real world.

If it doesn't then those secret societies are irrelevant.

If it does, then those secret societies cannot remain secret for very long.
I was one of you until I found out the real Truth. Then I died. Now I am back.

No, I have someone that I have received books and information from. I can not and will not tell.

I am God's warrior. The only reason I would step out and risk my personal health is for the right reasons with guidance from God.

The fact that there is a society of secrets as you want to call it is enough to tell the world that something ain't right. For the people of the world that want to be nieve to fact and let others do something about it for you, then you will be doomed and will not be part of the Heavenly Kingdom. The responsibilitiy is ours/yours and that is the only way it is, so ask God why he let's starving people in Africa be infested with desease, he will tell you. why do you let them starve and be desease infested?

My point in all this is to bring the responisbility to the people of this world and give them there authority back. The people of this world are babies, cry over spilt milk and do not clean up their own mess or take care of their own people. We allow others to make decisions for us and allow them to continue with their propaganda and try to fit in their rules so we do not get noticed and disaplined. Enough is enough, how many times are you going to let them walk all over you and have it be fine? Is it going to take them rolling down your streets with tanks and guns rounding you up and putting you in concentration camps? It has happen before on this planet and they want to do it again, this time there will be no way out and you can not possible think about fighting them then, you have to do it now. You let them come and round up you and your family, try and stop them and you will be beaten and probably killed then.

Did anyone see the increase in gun advertisement in the past 8 months?

You think they are encouraging more guns on the street for the chance that when they are ready to round us up a few people will fight back with the guns and they will then say it was necessity to take out the vigilante's?

Is crazy that everyone against them are criminals and that you think so also? It is because you watch their news and you learn their education and you pay them to do it with your tax dollars, It is so one sided that their side seems like it is the right side, after all you were born into it an had no choice. Neither did your parents. They have war's and promote pride to make you stand behind them and since you help them pay for the victory you are one of them so you should be proud that we took over another country and made our establishments their.

Who is making the one-world order, what country do you see actively seeking out other wars and placing a democracy in other countries that have materials it needs?

It is the one that you live in, it is the real Axis of Evil and it's plan that you see is to make it's people suffer by not having enough money so they can begin new projects and make new rules so the people will agree to something better and understand that they are doing it for only them, I mean you.


Do I believe in God, yes and their is no way in the universe that someone should not. If you open your eyes and go wait a f'n minute how the f is a universe here and how do I exist. Why do I have all this food to eat? Why do things work the way they do....etc.

You want the real answers from science, not the ones that they give you, it is the NWO's propaganda to make you believe them and give them credibility because they can explain how somethings work. They are your God and you worship authority. Your religion is science and government. You give yourself to them because you do not know, but it sounds right because they have degrees and honor's that make them better then you and smarter, so you should just listen and go with the flow.

Sheep? Sounds about right? I only insult you because I love you and want you to wake up. You have been put in to a daze and brain washed by TV that gives you a skewed and false definition of life.

God is the reason you are here, every single invention in the universe was made out of the materials that God made. God has all the science and when you leave out his influence in the way things work you are not getting the entire science you are really only getting the outline.

People are facinated with the idea of becomeing some kind of cyberhuman that is super strong and partly metal with some wierd processing chip that makes us know everything.... I have a news flash for you, YOU ARE ALREADY THAT!!!!! You are the ultimate machine, one that can produce life and have free thoughts.

If God has already figured out how to make a universe with beings in it that can do all sorts of things, why are we not looking to him to help us with out understandings when we are trying to do the same thing?

Because they leave God out of the equation on purpose, the have made almost everyone Agnostics and Satanist over a thousand years. It comes all the way back to the Game of Satan and God, it goes back to Satan wants to be God. You have a manual from thousands of years ago that tells this to you. Right now you are a pawn. Once you get out of the matrix that Satan has created for you, you become a player in the game.

As for the Jesuits, that created the RCC they have made many additions to the Bible to help them with there propaganda. It has been changed with additions and subtractions several times. Most masons are proud to know this and proud to be part of the peoples that will survive the next holocost, they think that they are controlling the flow of society so that they may sit on the top of the world with many slaves and servants. The fact is they do not even know who their leader is.


Ksig -
I am not religous, I believe in God. God is not a religion.
I know magic is real and I know how it is used. I am not talking like anything that you think.
I am not a scientologist but I know about it.
I am well aware of metaphysic's and there is an exact technology that can be used to manipulate things. It is easy. Just not taught mainsteam, if it was then the government couldn't lie anymore.
There are other forms of life on the way to this planet, one bad, one good.
Many know of the bad, but not of the good. Time on this planet and propaganda on this planet has sped up.

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