Secret Societies - Hows, Whos and when's and how to get me banned.

You still didn't answer my question: Are you honoring Lucifer?

No I am not honoring Lucifer, what I did do is acknowledge him. I gave him credit for what he was and who he was, he is a far step out of that now. He is still God child and just like we are. He just has another agenda.

I am not on his side nor do I favor what he is doing. I am completely against him and his campaign to be a god in God's universe and oppress and destroy. He is on a pure evil streak and we are unawarely being put the ringer by him. We are living in interesting times and we will be the generation that will see the Spiritual and Galactic Battle take place. It will happen in this sector of the Universe in this Galaxy. It is time understand that we are not alone and have never been alone.

I am only preparing you for that by speaking about things that they involve. There is magic, there are demons, there are angels, there are aliens. Aliens will battle other aliens, angels and demons will battle. Jesus will return and we will know and feel Gods power.

This is happening sooner then you would know. It is time to wake up and act right. We have to unite the people by the people and for the people. We can not let a government continue to decide the flow and direction that we do things because that government is part of the evil and they are only toying with us trying to get us on their side.


On other subject an on looker that is monitoring the conversations did attempt to do some Black Magic on me yesterday after our long conversations. They did try to force tons of beams into myspace to cause my personal temple to collapse so I will be open for vodoo and psychic attacks. The people(there were a few) didn't really know what they were doing and are poor warlocks. You guys do it all wrong and will die early messing with things that you do not understand. Don't harm others.
Uknow_me72 said:
It is time to wake up and act right.
How shall we do this? Do we eat better? How do we act more right than we already are?

Uknow_me72 said:
On other subject an on looker that is monitoring the conversations did attempt to do some Black Magic on me yesterday after our long conversations. They did try to force tons of beams into myspace to cause my personal temple to collapse so I will be open for vodoo and psychic attacks. The people(there were a few) didn't really know what they were doing and are poor warlocks. You guys do it all wrong and will die early messing with things that you do not understand. Don't harm others.
Well, I'm glad you made it through.
Stop the war, stop the lies, stop the secrets, stop the division, stop the oppression.

Unite, Love, show compassion and understanding. Work as a huge family unit, live life as you want to not as you are told to. Be product and benefical. Treat each other as equals.

I mean is it really that hard to know how to act right?
You still didn't answer my question: Are you honoring Lucifer?

No I am not honoring Lucifer, what I did do is acknowledge him. I gave him credit for what he was and who he was, he is a far step out of that now. He is still God child and just like we are. He just has another agenda.

I am not on his side nor do I favor what he is doing. I am completely against him and his campaign to be a god in God's universe and oppress and destroy. He is on a pure evil streak and we are unawarely being put the ringer by him. We are living in interesting times and we will be the generation that will see the Spiritual and Galactic Battle take place. It will happen in this sector of the Universe in this Galaxy. It is time understand that we are not alone and have never been alone.

I am only preparing you for that by speaking about things that they involve. There is magic, there are demons, there are angels, there are aliens. Aliens will battle other aliens, angels and demons will battle. Jesus will return and we will know and feel Gods power.

This is happening sooner then you would know. It is time to wake up and act right. We have to unite the people by the people and for the people. We can not let a government continue to decide the flow and direction that we do things because that government is part of the evil and they are only toying with us trying to get us on their side.

:cuckoo: Are you for real or did you just forget to take your meds today?
This is all real. When you see more news coverage as the ship gets closer and closer late next year, you will remember this.
This is all real. When you see more news coverage as the ship gets closer and closer late next year, you will remember this.

Wouldn't we be able to see it by now? There isn't going to be another mass suicide, is there?
John F Kennedy - Secret society speech

[ame=]YouTube - John F Kennedy - Secret society speech[/ame]

Nixon Tape Discusses Homosexuals at Bohemian Grove

[ame=]YouTube - Nixon Tape Discusses Homosexuals at Bohemian Grove[/ame]

David Gergen about Bohemian Grove Rituals

[ame=]YouTube - Alex Jones asks David Gergen about Bohemian Grove Rituals[/ame]

Bush and Kerry in Skull and BonesBush and Kerry in Skull and Bones

[ame=]YouTube - Bush and Kerry in Skull and Bones[/ame]
"the answer if you were telekinetic"

telekinetic refers to moving things with the mind....

psychic refers to the ablity to read the minds of others...
kMason you most likely have figured out by now ex was a mason...and a shriner ...and york rites...i swear ...nothing secret about these escaping wives was mostly what i saw. ....You people have no idea the expense of belonging to this big bad secret *cough* society. Yearly dues, then if you hold office etc...

Now stop being total idiots...if the masons are in control..or the catholic church...(wtw ask a priest about being a freemason, the answer might shock you) or the illumaries etc....what does it matter? how will life change? any enity trys to keep itself going now doesn't it?

even with my doubious opinion of anything connecting to the ex...i will not go around simply listening to total bullshit. Matter of fact, I wished I knew enough to get him killed for revealing the "secrets" I assure you....i would have had it done by now
kMason you most likely have figured out by now ex was a mason...and a shriner ...and york rites...i swear ...nothing secret about these escaping wives was mostly what i saw. ....You people have no idea the expense of belonging to this big bad secret *cough* society. Yearly dues, then if you hold office etc...
Some wives (or ex's) really don't like it. The yearly dues are not bad in Idaho. I pay $100/year. I'm an officer so I spend a lot of time preparing for things.

even with my doubious opinion of anything connecting to the ex...i will not go around simply listening to total bullshit. Matter of fact, I wished I knew enough to get him killed for revealing the "secrets" I assure you....i would have had it done by now
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
Some wives (or ex's) really don't like it. The yearly dues are not bad in Idaho. I pay $100/year. I'm an officer so I spend a lot of time preparing for things.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
ROFL. . . :lol: Yep, women are tough, that's why most of my friends are guys!!!

Isn't it just a male bonding philantropic society? Yeah I know they have their rituals and there are all kinds of conspiracy stories about them, but I know the Shriners do some great work.
they do great work...esp for that group in winneapeg who got a wee bit carried away with strippers on do believe they were disbanded or whatever happens when you are banned.

all joking aside they do great work with burn kids.
how much did you spend being jr & sr decon and then how much for your master's party? *evil look* his was not huge compared to his father's.
o and the gift drive...i thought it was for poor kid's...when i found out it was for the kids of other mason's i hit the roof....what a bunch of b/s, why should I donate to people quite capable of buying their own kids/grandkids gifts.

o my fury is long over wouldnt run him over 3 or 4 times with my car or anything.....just give me one clear shot lol
how much did you spend being jr & sr decon and then how much for your master's party? *evil look* his was not huge compared to his father's.
I didn't spend anytime as Jr Deacon, but was thrown into the Sr Deacon. I plan on having a great Master's party. Lots of BBQ, lots of beer (out of the Lodge; not allowed in ID Lodges)

o and the gift drive...i thought it was for poor kid's...when i found out it was for the kids of other mason's i hit the roof....what a bunch of b/s, why should I donate to people quite capable of buying their own kids/grandkids gifts.
That is kind of crap.

My lodge gave a Job's Daughter a scholarship mostly due to her father dying some years back and her mother and her struggle with finances.
how much did you spend being jr & sr decon and then how much for your master's party? *evil look* his was not huge compared to his father's.
o and the gift drive...i thought it was for poor kid's...when i found out it was for the kids of other mason's i hit the roof....what a bunch of b/s, why should I donate to people quite capable of buying their own kids/grandkids gifts.

o my fury is long over wouldnt run him over 3 or 4 times with my car or anything.....just give me one clear shot lol

Srollingbones . . . sounds like you have a gritty kitty today. lol :beer:
Srollingbones . . . sounds like you have a gritty kitty today. lol :beer:

hisses: i dont drink beer lol....i work in a beer store....i do like liquor....just like i like my men....hard, clear and straight.

hey who knew metro was the new word for gay? i should have know when he knew the difference in willow green and seafoam.

totally over it....why do you not believe me...moved on blah blah blah....
You still didn't answer my question: Are you honoring Lucifer?

No I am not honoring Lucifer, what I did do is acknowledge him. I gave him credit for what he was and who he was, he is a far step out of that now. He is still God child and just like we are. He just has another agenda.

I hear he's a Yankees fan. Eternity is hell is too good for him.

I am not on his side nor do I favor what he is doing.

Well I'm sure that Lucifer is damned upset to hear that.

What if he threw in free health care and a set of steak knives?

I am completely against him and his campaign to be a god in God's universe and oppress and destroy.

Onward Christian soldier.

He is on a pure evil streak and we are unawarely being put the ringer by him.

Not me. I know perfectly well that the Dark Prince uses black magic to put typos into my otherwise pefect copy. Not only does he plague my dog with fleas, he's completely responsible for those annoying watermarks on my dishes.

We are living in interesting times and we will be the generation that will see the Spiritual and Galactic Battle take place.

Will that be on basic cable, or do I need a premium channel?

It will happen in this sector of the Universe in this Galaxy.

"Of all the gin joints in all the sectors in all the universe, why'd they have to have their spiritual and glactic battle in mine?"

Ric Blaine

It is time understand that we are not alone and have never been alone.

Until it's time for somebody else to pick up the bar tab, or course. Then everyone's gone to the head.

I am only preparing you for that by speaking about things that they involve. There is magic, there are demons, there are angels, there are aliens.

That explains why its so hard to find a parking space at the mall, unless you're handicapped, I imagine.

Aliens will battle other aliens, angels and demons will battle. Jesus will return and we will know and feel Gods power.

Let's get ready to rumble!

This is happening sooner then you would know.

Think you could make this happen before my upcoming court date? I mean it would truly suck if I gave these gangsters the satisfaction of paying their criminal fines, and THEN the world came to an end, know what I mean?

It is time to wake up and act right.

I'm right handed, and often awake, so that shouldn't be any problem.

We have to unite the people by the people and for the people.

I can't even get my kid to clean up his room and you expect me to unite the people?

We can not let a government continue to decide the flow and direction that we do things because that government is part of the evil and they are only toying with us trying to get us on their side.

If you think governments are evil, try living in a place without one...

On other subject an on looker that is monitoring the conversations did attempt to do some Black Magic on me yesterday after our long conversations.

Homeland Security is just like that, dude. Don't take it personally. Today they've giving me a bad hair day.

They did try to force tons of beams into myspace to cause my personal temple to collapse so I will be open for vodoo and psychic attacks.

Shit man, that's nothing. Wait till they send in the brain eating zombies to you house. Hell those Zombie bastards already dined on the prefrontal lobes of nearly all the Republicans in my town!

The people(there were a few) didn't really know what they were doing and are poor warlocks.You guys do it all wrong and will die early messing with things that you do not understand. Don't harm others.

Hey Rockey, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!

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let me toss this in...

religion with lowest retention rate...j.w's.

religion with the highest retention rate...satanist...

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