Secret Societies - Hows, Whos and when's and how to get me banned.

For those who don't know, the beast is the place where we Morons say the Whoreshipful Masterbator shits in the Lodge. The Whorshipful Masterbator is basically a petty foot solider in the cabal .
:clap2: You cut me to the quick :clap2:

:cuckoo: Not really.

You are the real McCoy. I really would like to see you get to the top. Let me know when you get there, then we can really talk.
Alright, when I get up there you'll be the first to know

I did that so people will look. It is called marketing.
And it was well done

any kiss ass can be come a lowly mason,,a big kiss ass can become a whoreshipful masterbator of the lodge
I can't tell you about a whoreshipful masterbator, but to become a Worshipful Master you must study a lot and give lectures. It's actually all on the individual. No ass kissing involved.
The internet was the greatest fail for the ruling elite. It was meant to be a one way information distributor and to allow them easy access into your homes but has acted like a double edge sword. It has cut both ways and allowed many people to look outside the box.

If it wasn't for that we might already be in a worse off place.

So with that to be said, Internet 2....
The internet was the greatest fail for the ruling elite. It was meant to be a one way information distributor and to allow them easy access into your homes but has acted like a double edge sword. It has cut both ways and allowed many people to look outside the box.

If it wasn't for that we might already be in a worse off place.

So with that to be said, Internet 2....
whats your problem with internet 2.0?
I am not from connecticut or an edible seed and what ever I said has not been funny.

Why do we have to be nuts or conspiracy theoriest because you don't believe it?

What if we do not believe you and your way of life? What if we think you are the one's that are nuts? What if you are the funny one's, the one's that think they are safe and cozy?

Look how backwards you and this world is. This world has changed everything from black to white and white to black. Now most live in shades of gray because they are so confused.

What bad is good and what good is bad, that is the way society is going.

So with I knowing that they have turned everything around to make everything good bad and making everything right wrong, what makes you think it is not the same about the conspiracies?

Again you are caught in the box that they have created for you.
Are these your people too Unknown?

[ame=]YouTube - Illuminati & Masonic Symbols, Barcode and Number of Beast[/ame]
No I don't know them, and yes I am stuck in a rut with people that think they live on free planet and think this is the way life should be.

It makes me sad to see all the poor souls that have given up hope and themselves to the slave master.

Remember you are you, thats all you can be, but if you don't know who you are, then who are you?
You are the problem....
This place is infested with agenda oriented people....
Everyone has an agenda. Even you have one...that of spreading your 'truth'.

I am not from connecticut or an edible seed and what ever I said has not been funny.
CT he means conspiracy theorist, not Connecticut.

What if we do not believe you and your way of life? What if we think you are the one's that are nuts? What if you are the funny one's, the one's that think they are safe and cozy?
That is a lot of "what if's"

No I don't know them, and yes I am stuck in a rut with people that think they live on free planet and think this is the way life should be.[/I][/B]
I don't think this is the way life should be, but I do know who I am and I am no slave.
CT he means conspiracy theorist, not Connecticut.

Too funny!

I give Unknown credit for not backing down from his beliefs, no matter what- with all the heckling he gets on here from us.

He truly believes in what he's saying at least.
Too funny!

I give Unknown credit for not backing down from his beliefs, no matter what- with all the heckling he gets on here from us.

He truly believes in what he's saying at least.
yeah, but he loses points for lack of a sense of humor
I am not in it for the points. I am in it for the well being of my people.

You are all my people and we need to forget about the seperation, we need to unite.

Time is moving faster and the plans to exterminate is comming closer.
I am not in it for the points. I am in it for the well being of my people.

You are all my people and we need to forget about the seperation, we need to unite.

Time is moving faster and the plans to exterminate is comming closer.
again, you lack a sense of humor
What bad is good and what good is bad, that is the way society is going.

It was gravity which pulled us down and destiny which broke us apart
You tamed the lion in my cage but it just wasn't enough to change my heart.
Now everything's a little upside down, as a matter of fact the wheels have stopped,
What's good is bad, what's bad is good, you'll find out when you reach the top
You're on the bottom.

I noticed at the ceremony, your corrupt ways had finally made you blind
I can't remember your face anymore, your mouth has changed, your eyes
don't look into mine.
The priest wore black on the seventh day and sat stone-faced while the building
I waited for you on the running boards, near the cypress trees, while the springtime
turned Slowly into autumn.

Idiot wind, blowing like a circle around my skull,
From the Grand Coulee Dam to the Capitol.
Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your teeth,
You're an idiot, babe.
It's a wonder that you still know how to breathe.

-"Idiot Wind" by Bob Dylan
You threw so many groups into that post that to cover them individually would take years ! AMORC does have an association with Free Masons much like Catholic to Episcopalian, One group starts and some leaders have a dispute so an individual disengages witgh the original group to start his/her own group, and that is how things start connecting. Joseph Smith was a freemason and uses alot of freemason teaching in his Mormon Church. Mary Baker Eddy who founded Christian Science was married to a Free Mason and her brother taught her zen/buddhism and eastern philosophy. However, Mormons are hardly a secret society they send missionaries around the world trying to spread there beliefs around to anyone who is interested. Christian Science is practically extinct because they don't have ministers or missionaries plus most people have lost an interest in that kind of Metaphysics. AMORC & Freemasons are a "secret society" but part of that is to attract people willing to pay membership dues for the "secret". Once you read the Monograms it seems outdated and slightly disappointing for the money invested. There has always been some corruption in the world for sure and perhaps a One World Government is where this planet is headed. You can be sure if that did happen, soon following would be announcements of space travel and the ability humans have to live on other planets. One of the fundamental beliefs of Mormons is the belief in living on other planets & ruling them like a God. In fact Polygamy is believed to be a spiritual act because when men become rulers of there own planets they will need several wives to populate there own planet in the Celestial kingdom.
The day after the U.S. space agency unveiled a lunar exploration strategy calling for a Moon base, NASA Deputy Administrator Shana Dale stressed that Earth's nearest neighbor remains only a stepping stone to more distant destinations.

"The Moon in our vision is but part of a grander scheme that will eventually take humans to Mars and beyond," Dale said in a Dec. 5 speech opening the Second Space Exploration Conference here.

This would take World Politics to another level and a united earth really wouldnt be so bad. Think Star Trek !
I agree the next step of the united world and the oppertunity is space travel is going to happen, but right now the race is to whom is going to be the head of that power.

At the rate that we are going the plan is to capture the middle class as drones to do the elites bidding and making their kingdom for them and being just ok with that. They are doing things that do not give us a choice.

I am about rallying the people to get their authority back and become a player in the game and not a floater.

Once your in the game it is a different world out there.
You might find this book interesting

Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception,
Max Heindel
A Word to the Wise
The Four Kingdoms, diagram

CHAPTER I. The Visible and Invisible Worlds
Chemical Region of the Physical World
Etheric Region of the Physical World
The Desire World
The World of Thought
Diagram 1. The Material World a Reverse Reflection of the Spiritual Worlds
Diagram 2. The Seven Worlds

CHAPTER II. The Four Kingdoms
Diagram 3. The Vehicles of the Four Kingdoms
Diagram 4. The Consciousness of the Four Kingdoms

CHAPTER III. Man and the Method of Evolution.
Activities of Life; Memory and Soul-growth
The Constitution of the Seven-fold Man
Diagram 5. The Three-fold Spirit, the Three-fold Body and the Three-fold Soul
Death and Purgatory
Diagram 5 1/2. The Silver Cord
The Borderland
The First Heaven
The Second Heaven
The Third Heaven
Preparations for Rebirth
Birth of the Dense Body
Birth of the Vital Body and Growth
Birth of the Desire Body and Puberty
Birth of the Mind and Majority
The Blood; the Vehicle of the Ego
A Life Cycle (diagram)

CHAPTER IV. Rebirth and the Law of Consequence
Wine as a Factor in Evolution
A Remarkable Story

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