Secretary Clinton Looking More Presidential By The Minute

Thank you GOP for giving Hillary the opportunity to demonstrate her command of the facts. Answering these politically motivated Republican inquisitors shows her depth of knowledge and her fitness for the office of President.


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More hours of free TV time for Secretary Clinton to calmly and authoratativley demonstrate her suitability for the office of President which also has the effect of exposing the naked political nature of this "hearing".

Again, a big thanks to the GOP
She repulses millennials and independents.

millennials are going to vote for her if she's the nominee... they're not going to vote for a misogynist bigoted anti-choice wacko proffered by the right.

Hillary let her hubby rape other women and fuck a young intern right in the office, is that a role model?
Both of your allegations are proven lies. If you have a link to a legal criminal charge of rape against our former President please provide the link. Same with your allegation of sexual intercourse in the Oval Office or any other time between the President and an intern. Don't bother with some unsubstantiated rw blog list of accusations. Provide links to specific charges.
What is proven a lie?

Please provide the link.

he has never been found to have "raped" anyone... as for him cheating on his wife...i'd say that was their business and not yours and certainly should not have been the basis of an impeachment hearing.

poor little wackadoodles.
Thank you GOP for giving Hillary the opportunity to demonstrate her command of the facts. Answering these politically motivated Republican inquisitors shows her depth of knowledge and her fitness for the office of President.

Whatever you're on, I'm pretty sure it's illegal.
More hours of free TV time for Secretary Clinton to calmly and authoratativley demonstrate her suitability for the office of President which also has the effect of exposing the naked political nature of this "hearing".

Again, a big thanks to the GOP
"Clinton Testified That The State Department Did Not Have “The Amount Of Money That We Thought Would Be Necessary To Do What Was Required To Protect Everyone.” CLINTON: “The State Department has historically and certainly before this terrible incident not had the amount of money that we thought would be necessary to do what was required to protect everyone. So, of course, there had to be priorities.” (Hillary Clinton, Select Committee On Benghazi, U.S. House Of Representatives, Hearing, 10/22/15)
"Claims Of Budget Shortfalls Influencing Security Decisions Are False
"State Department Official Charlene Lamb Testified Before The House Oversight Committee That Budget Cuts Had Nothing To Do With Security Decisions In Benghazi.
REP. DANA ROHRABACHER (R-CA): “It has been suggested the budget cuts are responsible for lack of security in Benghazi, and I’d like to ask Ms. Lamb, you made this decision personally, was there any budget consideration and lack of budget that led you not to increase the number of people in the security force there?” CHARLENE LAMB: “No, sir.” (U.S. House Of Representatives, Oversight And Government Reform Committee, Hearing, 10/10/12)"

Yup. Look how presidential she looks.

Open thread: Democrat frontrunner spends fun filled day with Trey Gowdy
She repulses millennials and independents.

millennials are going to vote for her if she's the nominee... they're not going to vote for a misogynist bigoted anti-choice wacko proffered by the right.

Hillary let her hubby rape other women and fuck a young intern right in the office, is that a role model?
Both of your allegations are proven lies. If you have a link to a legal criminal charge of rape against our former President please provide the link. Same with your allegation of sexual intercourse in the Oval Office or any other time between the President and an intern. Don't bother with some unsubstantiated rw blog list of accusations. Provide links to specific charges.
What is proven a lie?

Please provide the link.

he has never been found to have "raped" anyone... as for him cheating on his wife...i'd say that was their business and not yours and certainly should not have been the basis of an impeachment hearing.

poor little wackadoodles.

And OJ has never been found to have murdered anyone.
Thank you GOP for giving Hillary the opportunity to demonstrate her command of the facts. Answering these politically motivated Republican inquisitors shows her depth of knowledge and her fitness for the office of President.

yeah, the wingers look pretty embarrassing....

if they wanted information, the teatards wouldn't be doing the testifying themselves.

since when do teatards care about americans getting the truth.
The fact that the bitch had to be questioned for a second time is what is embarrassing. ..
That's the thing you dems can't seem to grasp...this committees purpose is to find out what was behind this attack and who knew what and when. 1. She told the American people a video caused this and told the families of the slain it was terrorist. She lied to someone. It can't be both.

the "point" of the committee is to soften Hillary's numbers....

don't you even listen to your own wingers when they tell the truth?
Wow Gowdy is really working up a sweat! Hard work trying to make something out of nothing.
millennials are going to vote for her if she's the nominee... they're not going to vote for a misogynist bigoted anti-choice wacko proffered by the right.

Hillary let her hubby rape other women and fuck a young intern right in the office, is that a role model?
Both of your allegations are proven lies. If you have a link to a legal criminal charge of rape against our former President please provide the link. Same with your allegation of sexual intercourse in the Oval Office or any other time between the President and an intern. Don't bother with some unsubstantiated rw blog list of accusations. Provide links to specific charges.
What is proven a lie?

Please provide the link.

he has never been found to have "raped" anyone... as for him cheating on his wife...i'd say that was their business and not yours and certainly should not have been the basis of an impeachment hearing.

poor little wackadoodles.

And OJ has never been found to have murdered anyone.

that's true.

and if the prosecutors hadn't done a horrible job, maybe the jury verdict would have been different.

but that's irrelevant to the thread.

thanks for playing.
Thank you GOP for giving Hillary the opportunity to demonstrate her command of the facts. Answering these politically motivated Republican inquisitors shows her depth of knowledge and her fitness for the office of President.

yeah, the wingers look pretty embarrassing....

if they wanted information, the teatards wouldn't be doing the testifying themselves.

since when do teatards care about americans getting the truth.
The fact that the bitch had to be questioned for a second time is what is embarrassing. ..

you really shouldn't call your future president a bitch, nutty muddy.....
what? is it her sitting in front a panel of her peers lying, I mean testifying about her lying and then covering up for our Innocent Ambassador getting killed? or is it because they blamed it all on some video and had the person who made it, an American citizen FALSLY arrested for it?

Mark Basseley Youssef was arrested for probation violations to which he plead guilty to doing so in a court of law. But hey please try and make a martyr out of a man that has committed numerous frauds/felonies including stealing the Social Security numbers of child in one of his check kiting schemes and attempting to manufacture methamphetamine.
Sounds like a right fit RW hero.

Having read thru this thread.....all the Clinton bashing is by people who have been bashing her for quite a while. Sorry if I don't take what they say as any true revelation of how Clinton presented herself today.
Hillary let her hubby rape other women and fuck a young intern right in the office, is that a role model?
Both of your allegations are proven lies. If you have a link to a legal criminal charge of rape against our former President please provide the link. Same with your allegation of sexual intercourse in the Oval Office or any other time between the President and an intern. Don't bother with some unsubstantiated rw blog list of accusations. Provide links to specific charges.
What is proven a lie?

Please provide the link.

he has never been found to have "raped" anyone... as for him cheating on his wife...i'd say that was their business and not yours and certainly should not have been the basis of an impeachment hearing.

poor little wackadoodles.

And OJ has never been found to have murdered anyone.

that's true.

and if the prosecutors hadn't done a horrible job, maybe the jury verdict would have been different.

but that's irrelevant to the thread.

thanks for playing.
Bush has never been convicted of lying, Koch brothers never have been found bribing, Big Oil, Big Pharma never found to threaten a former Secretary of State.

Two can play your stupid game.
These visuals are absolutely great for Hillary, she is calm and informative. Gowdy, sweaty and angry.

Thanks GOP
If by presidential you mean "typical lying Clinton" I agree 100%

That stupid woman is STILL trying to defend the video narrative despite being outed for telling everyone BUT the American public it was a terrorist attack.

She is a disgrace

I agree.

I watched part of it and all I heard was a woman backing and filling.

She kept trying to deflect the questions to what she wanted to talk about. Which was what a hard job her State Department has and how she couldn't possibly have know everything going on.

She's a Disgrace?? You be your ass she is.

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