Secretary Clinton Looking More Presidential By The Minute

She repulses millennials and independents.

Only the few who are right wingnuts. Millennials are her base, and independents are in a mass stamped away from the GOP clowns.

Then they're not independents. They're Liberals.

ummm.... independent does not mean "conservative" it means unaffiliated with a party. I hope that helps.

If they call themselves independents but are mass stamped away from the GOP, as you say, what they are is Liberals that don't have the guts to admit it. You can't constantly vote a certain way and call yourself independent. At some point, you become what you regularly do.
The real question is have they uncovered another "sound bite" or two that they can use against her next fall?
She repulses millennials and independents.

Only the few who are right wingnuts. Millennials are her base, and independents are in a mass stamped away from the GOP clowns.

Then they're not independents. They're Liberals.

Call them what you like, but the GOP has many fewer supporters than they had before all the clowns announced.

And you have unbiased, verifiable proof?
She repulses millennials and independents.

Only the few who are right wingnuts. Millennials are her base, and independents are in a mass stamped away from the GOP clowns.

Then they're not independents. They're Liberals.

Call them what you like, but the GOP has many fewer supporters than they had before all the clowns announced.

And you have unbiased, verifiable proof?


Survey conducted July 14-20 2015
Pew Research Center
Does anyone with a smidgen of cognition doubt if Hillary wasn't running for president this ridiculous Benghazi charade would be going on right now?
Just wait, it's coming. She's going to lose her shit and fall back to the "what difference does it make" defense soon.

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Just wait, it's coming. She's going to lose her shit and fall back to the "what difference does it make" defense soon.

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that's probably wishful thinking on your part.

and if righties had any type of rational ability they'd have understood what she was saying in that little rightwingnut sound bite.
Well, after the expected response from the way out right wing we are left with this question; will the purpose of this hearing accomplish what it set out to do? And, of course, that is to drive Hillarys' poll numbers down as the number two Republican in the House Kevin McCarthy plainly said.

My prediction is that Hillarys' poll numbers will go up.
Just wait, it's coming. She's going to lose her shit and fall back to the "what difference does it make" defense soon.

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that's probably wishful thinking on your part.

and if righties had any type of rational ability they'd have understood what she was saying in that little rightwingnut sound bite.

They understood, but that is not the way the right works.
Just wait, it's coming. She's going to lose her shit and fall back to the "what difference does it make" defense soon.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

that's probably wishful thinking on your part.

and if righties had any type of rational ability they'd have understood what she was saying in that little rightwingnut sound bite.

They understood, but that is not the way the right works.

BOOM! Rep. Jim Jordan NAILS HILLARY CLINTON on BENGHAZI LIES with New Email Evidence! (VIDEO)

Jim Hoft Oct 22nd, 2015 11:56 am 11 Comments

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) just nailed Hillary Clinton on her Benghazi lies!
This was devastating.

Hillary Clinton told the American people the night of the Benghazi attack that it was a reaction to a Youtube video.

At 11:00 that night after she told the public it was a reaction to a YouTube video she wrote her family and told them it was an Al-Qaeda attack.
She knew it was a terror attack from the start.

Hillary Clinton lied to the American public.
And now there is proof.


BOOM! Rep. Jim Jordan NAILS HILLARY CLINTON on BENGHAZI LIES with New Email Evidence! (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit
I find it weird you assholes defend this bitch on here but no on my thread where I mentioned the scandals of her past BEFORE republicans gave a fuck.
Goddamn hacks.

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