Secretary Clinton Looking More Presidential By The Minute

Just terrible, terrible optics for a presidential candidate............

What, you don't think answering questions in a Congressional inquiry is a great campaign strategy to really make you look in charge? :lmao:

Never seems to occur to leftists that you don't "look Presidential" by handling investigations under oath "calmly"; you look Presidential by not needing to be investigated under oath at all.

So the republicans holding a witch hunt means that Hilary is a witch lol. Riiiiiight

Yeah, this is all just made-up, nothing to see here, no reason why anyone should ask questions. The Republicans hung a map on the wall, threw a dart at it, and said, "Okay, we'll pretend something happened in . . . Benghazi and invent a bunch of questions about it."

FYI, shitbreath, "witch hunt" isn't usually the term one uses when one actually FINDS a witch.

There will be no convicted 'witches' coming out of this inquisition.

It is only an investigation, so no conviction. Why twist your panties over this?
Just terrible, terrible optics for a presidential candidate............

What, you don't think answering questions in a Congressional inquiry is a great campaign strategy to really make you look in charge? :lmao:

Never seems to occur to leftists that you don't "look Presidential" by handling investigations under oath "calmly"; you look Presidential by not needing to be investigated under oath at all.

So the republicans holding a witch hunt means that Hilary is a witch lol. Riiiiiight

Yeah, this is all just made-up, nothing to see here, no reason why anyone should ask questions. The Republicans hung a map on the wall, threw a dart at it, and said, "Okay, we'll pretend something happened in . . . Benghazi and invent a bunch of questions about it."

FYI, shitbreath, "witch hunt" isn't usually the term one uses when one actually FINDS a witch.

Awww, Its obvious you are using sarcasm and snark to cover the fact that you have nothing.

Did you eat that cookie Celilie?


Did you?

Celilie: ...yes...

What I just heard you say - what I ALWAYS hear you say - is "No matter what happens or what anyone says, what I hear is that I'm right and my leftists leaders are GODS!!!!" And then lots of mad laughter and frothing at the mouth.

At no time in our acquaintance have you ever said anything that gave the impression that you had functioning ears, let alone a functioning brain.

The sarcasm and snark are about expressing what a waste of urine it would be to piss on you if you were on fire.
Bush was warned by George Tenant, Secretary Rice and the intelligence communities in August 2001 about an impending attack using planes against skyscrapers. (Trump just mentioned this fact)

Bush did nothing. He failed to execute the most basic defense protocols of having scramble-ready plans to defend the Eastern Seaboard.

3000+ Americans died and Bush did not answer 1 question in front of an official committee.

241 marines died in Lebanon on Reagan's watch - and Reagan's team didn't have to answer one question about security protocols on the military bases.

Then Benghazi happens under Hillary Clinton, with 4 deaths - not unlike the small casualty numbers that have happened under each administration that got zero press.

Yet the Rightwing scandal machine set-up a revolution to destroy Clinton, using this tragedy. They haven't proved one thing. They just wanted a framework to create a subpoena factory in hopes of ensnaring Clinton on something, anything. They're looking for a perjury trap or dirty laundry - anything.

The Republican Party is simply trying to destroy the opposition's presidential candidate. They would never do this to their own president.

The Rightwing is at war with what they sincerely believe is an evil enemy - and they using the legal procedures of government as an instrument to fight that war.
Clinton is doing nothing but lying and smirking.

Somebody should take a 2 x 4 and knock the stupid smirk off her ugly face.

Only in Moon Bat Land is that "Presidential".
Trey Gowdy is one of the few people willing to ask The Bitch of Benghazi the hard questions.

The despicable filthy ass Democrats run interference for her and most of the other Republicans ask her milk toast questions.
In the future after we see how Hillarys poll number went up we will refer to it as the Benghazi Boomarang!

Poor righties, spitting out their vile hatred for Secretary Clinton in a display of their juvenile mysogeny and partisanship. They so wanted her to cry uncle.

Not gonna happen!
Getting plenty of meltdown action in this thread - a clear sign Clinton is kicking ass.

Hillary Clinton finishing up: "I don't know what this has to do with why we are here". This Roskam dickhead from IL pushing on the "Hillary Clinton Doctrine" just made himself look like a ......dickhead. She's right, that's just a political rant the guy made and has nothing to do with Benghazi.

It's getting pretty lame for the 'Pubes today.
In the future after we see how Hillarys poll number went up we will refer to it as the Benghazi Boomarang!

Poor righties, spitting out their vile hatred for Secretary Clinton in a display of their juvenile mysogeny and partisanship. They so wanted her to cry uncle.

Not gonna happen!
Have they started to climb yet? People calling their people and saying "We HAVE to have that woman as president!!! I wasn't sure before, but now I've seen her lying about Benghazi, it HAS to happen!"
In the future after we see how Hillarys poll number went up we will refer to it as the Benghazi Boomarang!

Poor righties, spitting out their vile hatred for Secretary Clinton in a display of their juvenile mysogeny and partisanship. They so wanted her to cry uncle.

Not gonna happen!
Have they started to climb yet? People calling their people and saying "We HAVE to have that woman as president!!! I wasn't sure before, but now I've seen her lying about Benghazi, it HAS to happen!"

Thats some confused thinking there
If the 'Pubes don't come in with a big, sweeping finish and an ah-ha! moment, Hillary's polls are going to look a lot better tomorrow. They should have just not done this. And I'm no Hillary fan. Not at all.
I'm predicting a post inquisition bump for Hillarys poll numbers.

Obviously we will have to wait for the polls to see if I'm right
If the 'Pubes don't come in with a big, sweeping finish and an ah-ha! moment, Hillary's polls are going to look a lot better tomorrow. They should have just not done this. And I'm no Hillary fan. Not at all.

Hahahaha right you get called before congress to explain your lies and incompetence and your polls go up? :laugh:
If the 'Pubes don't come in with a big, sweeping finish and an ah-ha! moment, Hillary's polls are going to look a lot better tomorrow. They should have just not done this. And I'm no Hillary fan. Not at all.

I'm a Bernie fan but like Bill Mahr pointed out if you can't get the fish be happy with the chicken.

Winning isn't the first thing, it's the only thing!
Trey Gowdy is one of the few people willing to ask The Bitch of Benghazi the hard questions.

The despicable filthy ass Democrats run interference for her and most of the other Republicans ask her milk toast questions.

So why is that, that the Republicans can't ask her hard questions? Is it because they are stupid, uniformed, paid off by Bill or all three? Just answer the question.

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