Secretary Clinton Looking More Presidential By The Minute

The liberal reaction to the disturbing, important revelations about what Hillary knew and when she knew it shows how blindly partisan the left has become. For days, Obama, Rice, and Hillary all claimed the attack was a spontaneous protest that turned violent and that the video was to blame. Yet, we now know that less than 24 hours after the attack, Hillary e-mailed Egypt's prime minister and said she "knew" that the attack was pre-planned and that it had nothing to do with the video. We also know that less than 24 hours after the attack, Hillary e-mailed Chelsea and said the violence was an Al Qaeda attack.

Seriously, how can any rational, ethical American not find these disclosures damning and disturbing?
Looking more presidential by the minute?

I'm quoting now

"Perhaps Clinton should end her campaign for president and finish her new book "From pantsuits to orange jumpsuits".

a bitch is a bitch is a bitch
Looking more presidential by the minute?

I'm quoting now

"Perhaps Clinton should end her campaign for president and finish her new book "From pantsuits to orange jumpsuits".

a bitch is a bitch is a bitch
In her own email to Blumenthal....she said "We know this was an al Qaeda attack...."

....yet she still said today that the video was the cause.

If she knows it was an al Qaeda attack, why wouldn't she allow Stevens any armed guards?

She said the place was why did she not only turn down or ignore 600 security requests....but reduce security against the wishes of the ambassador?
Yes.....she looks presidential.....if you want a president that lies without batting an eye and doesn't drool all over herself.

She's obviously been practicing. She still couldn't remember what that thingy that they fire from their shoulders is....that shoulder launched thingy to shoot down planes.
BOOM! Rep. Jim Jordan NAILS HILLARY CLINTON on BENGHAZI LIES with New Email Evidence! (VIDEO)

Jim Hoft Oct 22nd, 2015 11:56 am

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) just nailed Hillary Clinton on her Benghazi lies!
This was devastating.

Hillary Clinton told the American people the night of the Benghazi attack that it was a reaction to a Youtube video.

At 11:00 that night after she told the public it was a reaction to a YouTube video she wrote her family and told them it was an Al-Qaeda attack.
She knew it was a terror attack from the start.

Hillary Clinton lied to the American public.
And now there is proof.

all of it at:
BOOM! Rep. Jim Jordan NAILS HILLARY CLINTON on BENGHAZI LIES with New Email Evidence! (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit
Thank you GOP for giving Hillary the opportunity to demonstrate her command of the facts. Answering these politically motivated Republican inquisitors shows her depth of knowledge and her fitness for the office of President.
As usual, Clinton haters hear what they want.

So far it's been two big swings and two big whiffs. Strike three is coming up when this round of innuendo and accusation comes to a close.

After more than nine hours and they still haven't gotten their ah ha moment.

Again, I predict that Hillarys poll numbers will go up.
As usual, Clinton haters hear what they want.

So far it's been two big swings and two big whiffs. Strike three is coming up when this round of innuendo and accusation comes to a close.

After more than nine hours and they still haven't gotten their ah ha moment.

Again, I predict that Hillarys poll numbers will go up.
As usual, Clinton haters hear what they want.

So far it's been two big swings and two big whiffs. Strike three is coming up when this round of innuendo and accusation comes to a close.

After more than nine hours and they still haven't gotten their ah ha moment.

Again, I predict that Hillarys poll numbers will go up.

you should take a break. you are sounding like a whiny broken record. and from the sounds of it you might need a crying towel too
I'm not whining, as I said "Thanks GOP". This is only helping Hillary. Please by all means keep it up!
BOOM! Rep. Jim Jordan NAILS HILLARY CLINTON on BENGHAZI LIES with New Email Evidence! (VIDEO)

Jim Hoft Oct 22nd, 2015 11:56 am

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) just nailed Hillary Clinton on her Benghazi lies!
This was devastating.

Hillary Clinton told the American people the night of the Benghazi attack that it was a reaction to a Youtube video.

At 11:00 that night after she told the public it was a reaction to a YouTube video she wrote her family and told them it was an Al-Qaeda attack.
She knew it was a terror attack from the start.

Hillary Clinton lied to the American public.
And now there is proof.

all of it at:
BOOM! Rep. Jim Jordan NAILS HILLARY CLINTON on BENGHAZI LIES with New Email Evidence! (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit

I happen to be watching with that exchange. Jordan kicked her ass with that question and she tried every way to weasel out of it.

Yes she lied to the American people and to the families of the four victims and she is too much of a lying bitch to admit it. The proof is there. She emailed several people telling them it was a terrorist attack but told the American people that it was a spontaneous demonstration because of an internet video to cover up for Obama looking to be weak on terrorism shortly before the election. Blatant lie.

This is the piece of shit these uneducated low information Gruberidiots will vote for as President. Then they wonder why we ridicule them for being morons.
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As usual, Clinton haters hear what they want.

So far it's been two big swings and two big whiffs. Strike three is coming up when this round of innuendo and accusation comes to a close.

After more than nine hours and they still haven't gotten their ah ha moment.

Again, I predict that Hillarys poll numbers will go up.

I believe you'll be proven wrong about this whole post.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
BOOM! Rep. Jim Jordan NAILS HILLARY CLINTON on BENGHAZI LIES with New Email Evidence! (VIDEO)

Jim Hoft Oct 22nd, 2015 11:56 am

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) just nailed Hillary Clinton on her Benghazi lies!
This was devastating.

Hillary Clinton told the American people the night of the Benghazi attack that it was a reaction to a Youtube video.

At 11:00 that night after she told the public it was a reaction to a YouTube video she wrote her family and told them it was an Al-Qaeda attack.
She knew it was a terror attack from the start.

Hillary Clinton lied to the American public.
And now there is proof.

all of it at:
BOOM! Rep. Jim Jordan NAILS HILLARY CLINTON on BENGHAZI LIES with New Email Evidence! (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit

I happen to be watching with that exchange. Jordan kicked her ass with that question and she tried every way to weasel out of it.

Yes she lied to the American people and to the families of the four victims and she is too much of a lying bitch to admit it. The proof is there. She emailed several people telling them it was a terrorist attack but told the American people that it was a spontaneous demonstration because of an internet video to cover up for Obama looking to be weak on terrorism shortly before the election. Blatant lie.

This is the piece of shit these uneducated low information Gruberidiots will vote for as President. Then they wonder why we ridicule them for being morons.

I was watching it then too. Instead of standing up like she has any honor she still tried to lie her way out of that. that whole Democrat party only cares about themselves, they could care less about the rest of us.
Hillary believes the best way to make friends with foreign countries is to appear harmless. That means no guns and no protection.

She found out in 93' (Somalia) this belief was wrong......and she found out again in Benghazi that it was wrong.

I don't think she gives a flying-fuck.

She will repeat this mistake over and over as president.

I, for one, don't feel like giving her another chance. She's already had two. Is it worth risking anyone else's life to discover that the bitch can't change?

I was watching it then too. Instead of standing up like she has any honor she still tried to lie her way out of that. that whole Democrat party only cares about themselves, they could care less about the rest of us.

The Bitch of Benghazi learned from Slick Willy that she can lie and the Gruberidots that vote the Moon Bat ticket will not care at all.

She is probably right. The stupid uneducated low information Gruberidots don't care about her lying. However, the rest of America does.

She will never be President of the US.
Hillary seems to be that shiny object that Democrats notice.
It has no substance or useful purposes.....and it's not even their first choice......but it's shiny and sparkly....and makes them feel good.....while it's leading them over a cliff.....
She is better off as the skipper of the SS Minnow so are we!

In the future after we see how Hillarys poll number went up we will refer to it as the Benghazi Boomarang!

Poor righties, spitting out their vile hatred for Secretary Clinton in a display of their juvenile mysogeny and partisanship. They so wanted her to cry uncle.

Not gonna happen!

Actually, we'll just keep referring to it as "how stupid and gullible leftists are".

Poor leftists, stuck having to suck Hillary's wrinkled ass because she has a (D) after her name.
Hillary is doing a good job of looking bored. Then again, maybe she is.

I'm sure that, like most leftists, she considers things like people dying and being expected to actually protect Americans incredibly boring. If it's not spending taxpayer dollars to buy votes, they're just not interested.

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