Secretary Geithner To Comment on Economy & New Polls Finds Americans Blame Obama


College Conservative
Jun 1, 2012
READ THE FULL STORY at Cameron Harris: Geithner To Give Remarks On Economy & Poll Finds Americans Blame Obama

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is expected to speak to the House Financial Services Committee on Wednesday. With the U.S. financial system still teetering on the edge of a financial cliff, Geithner’s remarks and recommendations will show what the Obama administration and those in the Treasury Department feel will stabilize the system.

Accompanied by instability in Europe and uncertainty over taxes and spending in Washington, the United States financial system is showing that it is not entirely recovering after all.

Geithner’s prepared remarks indicate that he will highlight falling debt among companies as well as individual citizens. He will also challenge Congress to make policy choices sooner rather than later. He believes that this will go further in stabilizing the financial world.

READ THE FULL STORY AT Cameron Harris: Geithner To Give Remarks On Economy & Poll Finds Americans Blame Obama

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