Secretary of Defense orders nine military bases honoring Confederate officers be renamed

Another win for the good guys.

Yes.......renaming Forts is a good was always foolish to name U.S. military installations after democrat party soldiers who fought to keep black humans as slaves....good thing the Republican party defeated the democrats and freed the slaves.....they had to use guns to do it too.....the democrats really wanted to keep blacks as their slaves.....
I served at Fort Lee, VA, for a little over a year during Vietnam. Fort Lee was named after Confederate General Robert E. Lee, in 1917(!).

I seriously don't get it.

The Confederates were given amnesty after the Civil War, but honoring them in this way is totally inappropriate. It would be like a Roman Catholic university being named after Martin Luther.

While Biden is a Jag-Off, this is a right move.

He isn't doing it to be right....he is doing it to hide the history of the democrat party....before people realize that the democrat party started the Civil War to keep blacks as their slaves.......
It was the 1920s – the height of Jim Crow, black codes, and segregation.

As was the case with statues and monuments named for treasonous war criminals from the South, so too were military installations – to reaffirm and establish the institution of racism.

Yep....after the Republican party defeated the democrat party slave owners in the Civil War, the democrat party enacted Jim Crow, the black codes and segregation......and they used the KKK as their brown shirts to do it.....

Today, the democrat party still wants segregation, as they show with their attempt to keep blacks and whites and hispanics separated in every aspect of life, and the democrat party is still the party of racism......
I served at Fort Lee, VA, for a little over a year during Vietnam. Fort Lee was named after Confederate General Robert E. Lee, in 1917(!).

I seriously don't get it.

The Confederates were given amnesty after the Civil War, but honoring them in this way is totally inappropriate. It would be like a Roman Catholic university being named after Martin Luther.

While Biden is a Jag-Off, this is a right move.
You mean that he's going against what other Democrats have perpetrated against this nation?
Hmm..., I thought all Dems march to the same drummer?
Johnson was one of the biggest racists in the country.......and reportedly a member of the kkk....

I don't know about him being one of the "biggest" racists, but he was probably typically racist for an 1860's Democrat.

But as far member of the Trip K's? I really doubt it. After all, in his day, the KKK was founded by Confederate veterans and Johnson supported the Union.
I don't know about him being one of the "biggest" racists, but he was probably typically racist for an 1860's Democrat.

But as far member of the Trip K's? I really doubt it. After all, in his day, the KKK was founded by Confederate veterans and Johnson supported the Union.

Are we talking Lyndon Johnson or Andrew Johnson....both were democrats, both were racists, and likely Lyndon was the actual klan member....
“The Commission's thorough and historically informed work has put the Department on a path to meet Congressional intent – and to remove from U.S. military facilities all names, symbols, displays, monuments, and paraphernalia that honor or commemorate the Confederacy. The Commission has chosen names that echo with honor, patriotism, and history - names that will inspire generations of Service members to defend our democracy and our Constitution.”

Very good.

on the verge of WWIII....but those names of bases!!!
Are we talking Lyndon Johnson or Andrew Johnson....both were democrats, both were racists, and likely Lyndon was the actual klan member....

I was talking about Andrew Johnson, who did a lot of pardoning of Confederate veterans during his administration.
I was talking about Andrew Johnson, who did a lot of pardoning of Confederate veterans during his administration.

I was talking about Lyndon Johnson...funny how the racist Presidents are all democrats....
“The Commission's thorough and historically informed work has put the Department on a path to meet Congressional intent – and to remove from U.S. military facilities all names, symbols, displays, monuments, and paraphernalia that honor or commemorate the Confederacy. The Commission has chosen names that echo with honor, patriotism, and history - names that will inspire generations of Service members to defend our democracy and our Constitution.”

Very good.
This doesn't go far enough.

All seditious slaveholders must be wiped from our history.

That includes Washington and Jefferson among others.

It's what the Taliban would do after all.

It was the 1920s – the height of Jim Crow, black codes, and segregation.

As was the case with statues and monuments named for treasonous war criminals from the South, so too were military installations – to reaffirm and establish the institution of racism.
Wrong Camp (Fort) Bragg was closed and abandoned in 1921 due to post WWI cutbacks.
I don't know about him being one of the "biggest" racists, but he was probably typically racist for an 1860's Democrat.

But as far member of the Trip K's? I really doubt it. After all, in his day, the KKK was founded by Confederate veterans and Johnson supported the Union.
Remember what that famous Democrat Governor George Wallace said, "“Segregation today! Segregation tomorrow! Segregation forever!”
Obviously, today's Maoist Democrats have taken that literally. Now they are trying to segregate "Whites".
I served at Fort Lee, VA, for a little over a year during Vietnam. Fort Lee was named after Confederate General Robert E. Lee, in 1917(!).

I seriously don't get it.

The Confederates were given amnesty after the Civil War, but honoring them in this way is totally inappropriate. It would be like a Roman Catholic university being named after Martin Luther.

While Biden is a Jag-Off, this is a right move.
Catholic Universities went woke decades ago. It just did not have that name.
I was talking about Lyndon Johnson...funny how the racist Presidents are all democrats....

Lyndon Johnson was most definitely a Racist- in spite of his signing of the Civil Rights Act.

He explained himself to the NAACP convention "I'll have you N-Words voting Democrat for a hundred generations"
Yep....after the Republican party defeated the democrat party slave owners in the Civil War, the democrat party enacted Jim Crow, the black codes and segregation......and they used the KKK as their brown shirts to do it.....

Today, the democrat party still wants segregation, as they show with their attempt to keep blacks and whites and hispanics separated in every aspect of life, and the democrat party is still the party of racism......
See that Billy_Bob, even your fellow cuck whites will throw your piece of shit ancestors under the bus. Look how quickly they will shift to celebrating putting their boots on the necks of cuck white Southern dixiecrats when they smell political advantage. 😄 Your heritage is worth jack shit to them.
See that Billy_Bob, even your fellow cuck whites will throw your piece of shit ancestors under the bus. Look how quickly they will shift to celebrating putting their boots on the necks of cuck white Southern dixiecrats when they smell political advantage. 😄 Your heritage is worth jack shit to them.
Burying history, because it is painful is a fool's errand. DEMOCRATS were the southern states leaders. They formed the KKK and other racist hate groups. Your name calling is total bull shit to make you worthless pieces of shit feel better. Its called learning from your mistakes. But you leftists lie and claim it was someone else when it was YOU that were the problem. DO the world a favor and go fuck yourself..
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This thread shows the problem with democrats who want to hide their own sins. They blame others when it was their own ancestors that sold their brothers into slavery. Sad when the log in their own eye makes it im-possible to see themselves in the mirror. Renaming our military installations is trying to bury their own sins of bigotry.

Its best to leave history for all to see. Then we are far less likely to commit the same mistakes once again. The left is trying to hide their own failures so they cannot be blamed for their behaviors. Segregation, Isolation have always been the dream of the left-wing bigots.

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