Memorials to Robert E. Lee and the Confederate

How the democrat Party handles their past

Yes to Washington, no to MLK. Because reasons.

Should there be public memorials to ANY black people?

You misunderstand the point I was trying to make. At this rate, in 10 years or less Washington and all of the founding fathers will be scrubbed from the history books. MLK and Ghengis Khan will get a pass because they're not white...


My point to the OP was that there is no perfect human being. If we're going to remove memorials to human beings for their imperfections, then I think it could be argued that ALL memorials to human beings should be removed.

That's not the way they see it. Only white males can do wrong. If a woman or a "person of color"; a so-called minority does something bad... it's because whitey forced his hand. Even if they have to go back two centuries they will find some old white man to blame their behavior on. That's the world we live in. You better wake up.
Its time to get rid of that bad history ...

Or keep it and just explain what happened.

George Washington owned slaves. Should we take the "Washington" out of Washington D.C.? Should we rename the Washington Memorial? She we remove Washington from the dollar bill?

If Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. made derisive remarks about homosexuals, should he be expunged from history too?
Because those guys were traitors who killed 800,000 Americans?

I think not!
Confederates were Americans, Maher-on.
American traitors.
Confederate patriots.
The democrat party are now 1930’s Germany.
Censors and book-burners deluxe.
Except the Nazi's were an all white party.

Mmmm, an all white party.

Who could that be today?
The Nazis were all white because Germans are white. Duh.
Democrats are conjuring 1930’s German censorship and fascism.
And if all minorities segregate themselves and vote only democrat, the process of elimination leaves one result. You have the cart before the horse.
Democrats are too stupid to be allowed to vote.
All white. Just like Republicans.
Tax cuts for the rich.
Hatred of minorities.
Sounds awfully Republican to me.

Minorities aren't segregating themselves. They are a coalition.
And there are plenty of whites in the Democratic Party.
Whites Republicans don't want.
Everything you just said was established in segregationist terms.
You know what I really don't understand, why were white supremacists chanting "Jews will not replace us in Charlottesville , Virginia. "Blood and Soil"
Why Jews, do you not mean blacks and browns?

Its obvious you are the Nazis' and still adore your confederate states and your Hitler is General Lee.
You know what I really don't understand, why were white supremacists chanting "Jews will not replace us in Charlottesville , Virginia. "Blood and Soil"
Why Jews, do you not mean blacks and browns?

Its obvious you are the Nazis' and still adore your confederate states and your Hitler is General Lee.

Because the chant went "YOU will not replace us" and a few of them decided to be naughty and change it
You know what I really don't understand, why were white supremacists chanting "Jews will not replace us in Charlottesville , Virginia. "Blood and Soil"
Why Jews, do you not mean blacks and browns?

Its obvious you are the Nazis' and still adore your confederate states and your Hitler is General Lee.
There are things that someone without a perspective of history and the benefit of having class cannot possibly understand
You know what I really don't understand, why were white supremacists chanting "Jews will not replace us in Charlottesville , Virginia. "Blood and Soil"
Why Jews, do you not mean blacks and browns?

Its obvious you are the Nazis' and still adore your confederate states and your Hitler is General Lee.

Penny even if they said that what would be your problem with it, precisely? It would be very easy to dig up what you have said on this very message board about Jews
You know what I really don't understand, why were white supremacists chanting "Jews will not replace us in Charlottesville , Virginia. "Blood and Soil"
Why Jews, do you not mean blacks and browns?

Its obvious you are the Nazis' and still adore your confederate states and your Hitler is General Lee.

Penny even if they said that what would be your problem with it, precisely? It would be very easy to dig up what you have said on this very message board about Jews

Please answer the question, why were they chanting "Jews will not replace us".
You know what I really don't understand, why were white supremacists chanting "Jews will not replace us in Charlottesville , Virginia. "Blood and Soil"
Why Jews, do you not mean blacks and browns?

Its obvious you are the Nazis' and still adore your confederate states and your Hitler is General Lee.

You're astoundingly ignorant.
You know what I really don't understand, why were white supremacists chanting "Jews will not replace us in Charlottesville , Virginia. "Blood and Soil"
Why Jews, do you not mean blacks and browns?

Its obvious you are the Nazis' and still adore your confederate states and your Hitler is General Lee.
There are things that someone without a perspective of history and the benefit of having class cannot possibly understand

well then , please enlighten me. Why were they yelling "Jew will not replace us"??
You know what I really don't understand, why were white supremacists chanting "Jews will not replace us in Charlottesville , Virginia. "Blood and Soil"
Why Jews, do you not mean blacks and browns?

Its obvious you are the Nazis' and still adore your confederate states and your Hitler is General Lee.

You're astoundingly ignorant.

Then enlighten me, why were they chanting "jews will not replace us??"
You know what I really don't understand, why were white supremacists chanting "Jews will not replace us in Charlottesville , Virginia. "Blood and Soil"
Why Jews, do you not mean blacks and browns?

Its obvious you are the Nazis' and still adore your confederate states and your Hitler is General Lee.

Penny even if they said that what would be your problem with it, precisely? It would be very easy to dig up what you have said on this very message board about Jews

Please answer the question, why were they chanting "Jews will not replace us".

I don't know; I find that appalling. But then I don't have a problem with Jews, Penny. You do. So why does this even bother you? You're the one constantly posting this and that about the Jews, so what's this to you? Maybe you should have joined them.
You know what I really don't understand, why were white supremacists chanting "Jews will not replace us in Charlottesville , Virginia. "Blood and Soil"
Why Jews, do you not mean blacks and browns?

Its obvious you are the Nazis' and still adore your confederate states and your Hitler is General Lee.

Penny even if they said that what would be your problem with it, precisely? It would be very easy to dig up what you have said on this very message board about Jews

Please answer the question, why were they chanting "Jews will not replace us".

I don't know; I find that appalling. But then I don't have a problem with Jews, Penny. You do. So why does this even bother you? You're the one constantly posting this and that about the Jews, so what's this to you? Maybe you should have joined them.

This is not about WWII, so you don't know, I don't either.
This is a list of Confederate monuments and memorials. The monuments and memorials honor Confederate leaders, soldiers, or the Confederate States of America in general during the American Civil War.[1] A 2017 study reported that at least 1,503 symbols of the Confederacy can be found in public spaces across the United States. These memorials include monuments and statues; flags; holidays and other observances; and the names of schools, roads, parks, bridges, counties, cities, lakes, dams, military bases, and other public works

List of monuments and memorials of the Confederate States of America - Wikipedia

Its like you were once a country (which you never were) and Lee was your God (which he never was). Its time to get rid of that bad history , read all about it in history books or go to museums. That is where LOSERS history belong.
Lee and Grant, both holding the highest rank in their respective armies, had known each other slightly during the Mexican War and exchanged awkward personal inquiries. Characteristically, Grant arrived in his muddy field uniform while Lee had turned out in full dress attire, complete with sash and sword. Lee asked for the terms, and Grant hurriedly wrote them out. All officers and men were to be pardoned, and they would be sent home with their private property–most important, the horses, which could be used for a late spring planting. Officers would keep their side arms, and Lee’s starving men would be given Union rations.

Shushing a band that had begun to play in celebration, General Grant told his officers, “The war is over. The Rebels are our countrymen again.” Although scattered resistance continued for several weeks, for all practical purposes the Civil War had come to an end.

Forget something? On that day Lee again became you countryman.

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You know what I really don't understand, why were white supremacists chanting "Jews will not replace us in Charlottesville , Virginia. "Blood and Soil"
Why Jews, do you not mean blacks and browns?

Its obvious you are the Nazis' and still adore your confederate states and your Hitler is General Lee.

Penny even if they said that what would be your problem with it, precisely? It would be very easy to dig up what you have said on this very message board about Jews

Please answer the question, why were they chanting "Jews will not replace us".

I don't know; I find that appalling. But then I don't have a problem with Jews, Penny. You do. So why does this even bother you? You're the one constantly posting this and that about the Jews, so what's this to you? Maybe you should have joined them.

This is not about WWII, so you don't know, I don't either.

Penny you post about Jews all the time and you don't need WW2 to hate them. Do you need me to remind you AGAIN?

There is no evidence that I would be in Charlottetown chanting with these fools, and I VOTED FOR TRUMP. On the other hand, there is PLENTY of evidence right here that you WOULD be, because you run "the Jews" down all the time.

Now deal with that
You know what I really don't understand, why were white supremacists chanting "Jews will not replace us in Charlottesville , Virginia. "Blood and Soil"
Why Jews, do you not mean blacks and browns?

Its obvious you are the Nazis' and still adore your confederate states and your Hitler is General Lee.
There are things that someone without a perspective of history and the benefit of having class cannot possibly understand

well then , please enlighten me. Why were they yelling "Jew will not replace us"??
I'm pretty sure General Lee never said that. Neither he nor his legacy bears responsibility but again, you have neither the class nor the historical perspective to understand.
This is a list of Confederate monuments and memorials. The monuments and memorials honor Confederate leaders, soldiers, or the Confederate States of America in general during the American Civil War.[1] A 2017 study reported that at least 1,503 symbols of the Confederacy can be found in public spaces across the United States. These memorials include monuments and statues; flags; holidays and other observances; and the names of schools, roads, parks, bridges, counties, cities, lakes, dams, military bases, and other public works

List of monuments and memorials of the Confederate States of America - Wikipedia

Its like you were once a country (which you never were) and Lee was your God (which he never was). Its time to get rid of that bad history , read all about it in history books or go to museums. That is where LOSERS history belong.
Donald Trump just said Lee was the most popular general to generals currently in the White House.

Difficult to believe since Lee was a traitor and ran an extended war that cost 800,000 American lives.

Lee killed more Americans than any other general in American History.

Lee stands for slavery.

Lee was a traitor.

And to Republicans, he's a hero. Perhaps that's why they are so fond of despot Vladimir Putin and murderer Kim Jong Un?

Lee like grant were both great generals in their own right . both were americans and served trump was not defending him you dumb bastards but acknowledging him as a good general.
Its part of history and we should not hide history but remember it to avoid the mistakes of our forefathers
Confederate and Republican hero. And yet, at the time, Lincoln was a Republican. So why wasn't Lincoln a traitor, like Lee? What happened between then and now?
Lee was pardoned by Grant.
Lee and Grant, both holding the highest rank in their respective armies, had known each other slightly during the Mexican War and exchanged awkward personal inquiries. Characteristically, Grant arrived in his muddy field uniform while Lee had turned out in full dress attire, complete with sash and sword. Lee asked for the terms, and Grant hurriedly wrote them out. All officers and men were to be pardoned, and they would be sent home with their private property–most important, the horses, which could be used for a late spring planting. Officers would keep their side arms, and Lee’s starving men would be given Union rations.

Shushing a band that had begun to play in celebration, General Grant told his officers, “The war is over. The Rebels are our countrymen again.” Although scattered resistance continued for several weeks, for all practical purposes the Civil War had come to an end.

This is a list of Confederate monuments and memorials. The monuments and memorials honor Confederate leaders, soldiers, or the Confederate States of America in general during the American Civil War.[1] A 2017 study reported that at least 1,503 symbols of the Confederacy can be found in public spaces across the United States. These memorials include monuments and statues; flags; holidays and other observances; and the names of schools, roads, parks, bridges, counties, cities, lakes, dams, military bases, and other public works

List of monuments and memorials of the Confederate States of America - Wikipedia

Its like you were once a country (which you never were) and Lee was your God (which he never was). Its time to get rid of that bad history , read all about it in history books or go to museums. That is where LOSERS history belong.
Donald Trump just said Lee was the most popular general to generals currently in the White House.

Difficult to believe since Lee was a traitor and ran an extended war that cost 800,000 American lives.

Lee killed more Americans than any other general in American History.

Lee stands for slavery.

Lee was a traitor.

And to Republicans, he's a hero. Perhaps that's why they are so fond of despot Vladimir Putin and murderer Kim Jong Un?

Lee like grant were both great generals in their own right . both were americans and served trump was not defending him you dumb bastards but acknowledging him as a good general.
Its part of history and we should not hide history but remember it to avoid the mistakes of our forefathers

No doubt both good generals, but Lee was like Hitler, lost to the union, so he was not that great was he, only to the Confederate which does not exist anymore.

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